Stepford Royals

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Heir Presumptive
Aug 10, 2003
United Kingdom
I'm sure that you have seen the Stepford Wives or Stepford Children. So which royals spend way too much on their PR campaigns that you might suspect that they are running for office. Too much money on sylists, fashion gurus and cometic surgeons to keep the boys at the press office happy. Who's PR greatly exaggerates their virtues and greatness. In short - which royals have became robots to what is popular and expected by the public.

Pity I couldn't make this a poll. My nominees are Camilla,The Duchess of Cornwall, Prince Willam, Prince Charles, Princess Mary of Denmark and Diana, Princess of Wales.
I don´t think Camilla is a robot of public. She just wants to do all perfect for her husband. Nobody should say he has a frumpy country-wife, that would badly reflect on him. IMO Mary and Leticia are robots for public. They are looking like dolls with bulimia.
Diana, Princess of Wales; Crown Princess Mary of Denmark; Crown Princess Mette-Marit at the beginning of her marriage; The Duchess of Cornwall; the Prince of Wales; the Princess of Asturias at the beginning of her marriage; Princess Maxima at the beginning of her marriage; The Duchess of York:cool:

People like Princess Mabel of the Netherlands have used a lot of PR but the intent backfired with all her bad connections:rolleyes:
Diana, Princess of Wales
Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall
Prince William
Crown Princess Mary of Denmark
Queen Rania
Letizia definitely. She seems to have been a very independant and outspoken lady but since she become princess she hasn't uttered one word and only walks behind her husband like the perfect wife... I guess the press scared her to silence after the "let me finish"-incident.
I don't mind royals ladies who are "done". It's ok if they have stylists, or make-up artists etc. CP Mary looks like someone who has a stylist, the result : she looks perfect. Princess Diana probably also used a stylist and she was a lady with a class and elegance, that very few could have been compared to her. Matte Marit used to have a sylists on the beginning, she should come back to this b/c she looks too casual. I think it's nothing wrong if a royal lady looks styled, I would rather expect it from them. Isn't it why we still tolerate royals? ;) We love fairy tales. :rolleyes: And we don't want sloppy princesses. Also stylish look doesn't necessary mean 'a lack of substance'.:)
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There are a number of royals who obviously don't have stylists because of their lack of dress, make up and hair sense.. Those poor ladies are quickly picked on for not being an appropriate royal. Now, certain Princesses are being pointed out for taking care of themselves and looking well groomed at public events. Vying for the front page, the best photshoot, etc. I prefer to see the royal Princesses dressing appropriately to suit the occasion and if that makes them so called 'Stepford Royals' ???
Let's stay on topic please. This thread is not to bash royals or to say which royal is better than another.
If you reread the 1st post the topic of this thread is about which royals use PR to their advantage.

If this thread does not stay on topic- it will be closed.

The Royal Chit Chat Moderating Team
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