State Visit from the USA to Denmark: September 2-3, 2019 {Cancelled}

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Serene Highness
Feb 8, 2012
H.E. President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump will pay a state visit to Denmark, upon invitation from H.M. The Queen. The state visit will take place 2-3 September 2019. A detailed program will be published later.

This is the fourth visit from an American President to Denmark. President Clinton's state visit to Denmark in 1997, was followed by a visit by President Bush in 2005 and President Obama in 2009, in connection with COP15.

The Queen, together with Prince Henrik, made a state visit to USA and President George H.W. Bush in 1991.
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It’ll be nice to see the jewels and dresses.
Yes, there were some discussions as to whether this would be a working (and short) political visit. I.e. a government head to government head encounter, with a short cutesy visit to QMII or a state visit.
It is now a full blown state visit - and at very short notice!

It seems there were no plans for a visit at all only a short time ago, but that the Danish government received a hint that the US President would like to be invited to DK.
As USA is a crucial ally to DK such hint will automatically lead to an official invitation on whatever level is desired. In this case a state visit.
The previous three US presidents have all visited DK.
President Clinton got a full state visit treatment at Fredensborg.
President Bush was on an official visit level IIRC and celebrated his birthday here. - He and the then Danish PM were personal friends so that was something the government very much wished for.
President Obama visited DK twice, on both cases on an audience level. Because he was here for other purposes, but a head of state always pays his or her respect to the head of state of the country they are visiting. (Except in very specific circumstances.)

It is no secret that the the politics of the current US administration is not in line with the views of the majority of Danish politicians, and certainly not with the current government. - It will be some baptism of fire our new PM will go through!
Now, why would President Trump like to visit DK of all places?

There are according to political commentators two main security political reasons:
A) DK has been one of the most steadfast allies with USA in regards to sending our military in the front line when requested. The latets request being to send DK soldiers to Syria to advise and support the Kurds there. - In reality they and other European troops going there will be human shields, preventing the Turks from attacking the Kurds. And at the same time President Trump can fulfill a promise of pulling US troops home from Syria.
Apart from that DK still has troops in Irag and Afghanistan.
This visit will be a nod of acknowledgment of that fact.
B) The Arctic.
DK is on behalf of Greenland laying claim to the North Pole. There is a good chance that the international courts will rule in favor of Greenland/Denmark. That will also be (officially) more palatable to Russia than USA or even Canada winning control over the North Pole.
Since DK is a member of NATO and a close ally to USA as well as USA having a large base in Greenland, that means that USA will control the North Pole by proxy.
Why is that important you ask.
Because as the arctic ice is melting rapidly these years, the arctic sea-routes become not only practical for commercial shipping but profitable. That means ships sailing from the Atlantic to the Pacific can sail through Greenlandic and Canadian waters rather than through the Panama canal, which despite being enlarged is pretty congested.
It is also important for Russia, because an alternative route is north of Russia and Russian has an economic interest in shipping going that way.
Shipping means money and security political implication, which necessitate protection. And that means a military build up in the Arctic.
Canada and DK has a co-operation and increased military presence in the Arctic, with USA holding back, in order not to antagonize the Russians (and Chinese) too much.
USA has expressed a wish to enlarge it's military contingent on the base in Greenland. - And that must be seen in the light of the increasing economic interests and possibilities the Arctic now presents.

So President Trump is not coming to DK to enjoy the scenery...

I guess we will not see our Marie and Joachim at the gala dinner. Joachim will after all just have started his course in France.

QMII is a seasoned host and she will no doubt take very good care of the Presidential couple, but as this is a state visit, there will be more than the odd audience. M&F will have an important role to play, not least in regards to accompanying the US First Lady.
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That is some very short notice for a state visit for sure. When I saw the title I was expecting at the very end of the year or early next year.

Since DRF is low on manpower these days, sorry Fred & Maz:sad:
I wonder if the US presidential couple is coming to Denmark to check out if you are really the happiest people in the world or perhaps as a reaction to this video
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That is some very short notice for a state visit for sure. When I saw the title I was expecting at the very end of the year or early next year.

Since DRF is low on manpower these days, sorry Fred & Maz:sad:

It will be interesting to see the upcoming agenda. As we have seen previously, Frederik with Mary play a huge role during the state visits.

the Queen will be visiting the state of Schleswig-Holstein starting on Sept. 3
H.M. Dronningen aflægger officielt besøg i delstaten Slesvig-Holsten og besøger det danske mindretal | Kongehuset

Very short notice indeed!

I cannot recall anything like this before. an incoming state visit followed by an outgoing official visit the very next day!
Fortunately QMII is in fine shape, but her summer holiday has just ended!
And so I'm afraid has M&F's, because they will shoulder most of the burden.
They may still be away, but they will have to do a lot of reading now!
There will be briefings, meetings with the government, background info to be digested, suggestions on what to do, laying out the details and for Mary in particular in what to wear. All that not least in the light of the well known spontaneity of the current US President.

I wonder if it is the DK government who (no doubt with full backing of the Foreign Political Council (*)) that has suggested this to be a full blown state visit?
Because our new Prime Minister, the Social Democrat, Mette Frederiksen is new on the job, and so are her ministers. This is the first incoming state visit. They will need all the help and support they can get and here the DRF comes in handy.

(*) Foreign Political Council (Udenrigspolitisk Nævn) is a Parlimentary advisory panel, that together with the government, lay out the foreign and security policy for Denmark and offer advise.
That means the government can quickly consult and sound out the opposition and the supporting parties as well. - I.e. what overall line can be agreed on - fast! Without having to go through the formalities of debating in the Parliament, answering questions in the Parliament and inviting spokespersons over for consultations.
And usually the council can work together and agree on an overall line in times of emergencies, after all the opposition may find themselves in a similar situation later on. So party political interests tend to be outweighed by national interests.
Because this is an emergency! Having the US President, who is well known for his frank approach in regards to diplomatic relations, de facto inviting himself over is a considerable challenge to any government!
Not extremely short notice. The recent Korean state visits to Norway and Sweden were announced about two weeks in advance. That is really short notice!

I guess this will be business as usual in the DRF and how the tasks are divided. The custom nowadays is that F&M take care of the program and QMII only attends welcome ceremony, state banquet and return reception.
The Court has published more details of QM's official visit to Schleswig-Holstein on 3-6 September 2019. It says that QM will arrive at Flensburg Harbour with Dannebrog on 3 September and upon arrival there will be a reception at the port of Flensburg.

So I guess we can assume that QM will not participate in the return dinner of the state visit?
So I guess we can assume that QM will not participate in the return dinner of the state visit?

If there is a return dinner at all. Could be that the Visit already ends in the afternoon of the second day.
:previous: I too doubt there will be a return dinner. The visit s too short for that - and there are logistic (read: security problems) as well, which will take too long to organize.
An advisor to a former DK Prime Minister has told a little about how such an improvised state visit is handled.
Basically plans for a visit by the US President are being made from around the time he is elected.
That means there are rough blue prints for handling such a visit.

This visit might be different, because President Trump is known to be impulsive.
It is already a slight breach of protocol to announce a visit before the hosting country is informed. - When the news broke, the DK government replied to the press that they didn't know about an upcoming visit, but that the US President is of course always welcome. The DRF didn't know about any visit either.

A state visit is at the highest level and between countries on very friendly terms, especially allies, that means you don't criticize your hosts. In other words: Were President Trump to express his annoyance with DK not spending 2 % (or more) of it's GNP on defense, that's a breach of protocol and can be compared to being invited to a lavish dinner, only to criticize the food...
- So a state visit may be very deliberate... ?

What happens right now is that the Danish Foreign Ministry is contacting other countries that President Trump has visited, to learn about how to handle him. The dos and don'ts. That information is passed back to the PM's office. (And no doubt passed on to the court.)

- That's what friendly countries and allies are for. The same thing would apply had it been a visit by say the Chinese President.
The reason for the state visit is a little more obvious. Trump is addicted to selfpromotion and the pomp of the British state visit honoured his whole extended family like a medieval monarch - with retinue. The grandeur of a Cristiansborg reception will meet his needs of grandiosity. He has to be honoured in the manner of any average egotistical dictator and the sparkle and dignity of the Danish court on the global stage is a means to that end.
Do American Presidents normally address the Danish Parliament during a state visit?
Do American Presidents normally address the Danish Parliament during a state visit?

Nor do any other foreign heads of states.
It is however customary that a visiting head of state at least meet with the leader with the opposition, in this case former PM, Lars Løkke, whom he has actually met before and seemingly got on with fairly well.
It is also customary to meet the Chairman of the Parliament.
It will be interesting to see the length of this state visit, considering QMII visit to Germany from the 3rd and that she is scheduled for Public Audiences at Christiansborg on the 2nd (from 10am). I'm not sure, but have understood that the audiences last for a few hours at least.
Well I’m looking forward to this visit. It’s important NATO allies keep a close relationship. Denmark is a valued member of the alliance.
Yes, there were some discussions as to whether this would be a working (and short) political visit. I.e. a government head to government head encounter, with a short cutesy visit to QMII or a state visit.
It is now a full blown state visit - and at very short notice!

It seems there were no plans for a visit at all only a short time ago, but that the Danish government received a hint that the US President would like to be invited to DK.
As USA is a crucial ally to DK such hint will automatically lead to an official invitation on whatever level is desired. In this case a state visit.
The previous three US presidents have all visited DK.
President Clinton got a full state visit treatment at Fredensborg.
President Bush was on an official visit level IIRC and celebrated his birthday here. - He and the then Danish PM were personal friends so that was something the government very much wished for.
President Obama visited DK twice, on both cases on an audience level. Because he was here for other purposes, but a head of state always pays his or her respect to the head of state of the country they are visiting. (Except in very specific circumstances.)

It is no secret that the the politics of the current US administration is not in line with the views of the majority of Danish politicians, and certainly not with the current government. - It will be some baptism of fire our new PM will go through!
Now, why would President Trump like to visit DK of all places?

There are according to political commentators two main security political reasons:
A) DK has been one of the most steadfast allies with USA in regards to sending our military in the front line when requested. The latets request being to send DK soldiers to Syria to advise and support the Kurds there. - In reality they and other European troops going there will be human shields, preventing the Turks from attacking the Kurds. And at the same time President Trump can fulfill a promise of pulling US troops home from Syria.
Apart from that DK still has troops in Irag and Afghanistan.
This visit will be a nod of acknowledgment of that fact.
B) The Arctic.
DK is on behalf of Greenland laying claim to the North Pole. There is a good chance that the international courts will rule in favor of Greenland/Denmark. That will also be (officially) more palatable to Russia than USA or even Canada winning control over the North Pole.
Since DK is a member of NATO and a close ally to USA as well as USA having a large base in Greenland, that means that USA will control the North Pole by proxy.
Why is that important you ask.
Because as the arctic ice is melting rapidly these years, the arctic sea-routes become not only practical for commercial shipping but profitable. That means ships sailing from the Atlantic to the Pacific can sail through Greenlandic and Canadian waters rather than through the Panama canal, which despite being enlarged is pretty congested.
It is also important for Russia, because an alternative route is north of Russia and Russian has an economic interest in shipping going that way.
Shipping means money and security political implication, which necessitate protection. And that means a military build up in the Arctic.
Canada and DK has a co-operation and increased military presence in the Arctic, with USA holding back, in order not to antagonize the Russians (and Chinese) too much.
USA has expressed a wish to enlarge it's military contingent on the base in Greenland. - And that must be seen in the light of the increasing economic interests and possibilities the Arctic now presents.
... [snipped].
It is strange to read about " USA holding back, in order not to antagonize the Russians (and Chinese) too much" and "USA has expressed a wish to enlarge it's military contingent on the base in Greenland". Hopefully Russia and China will reciprocate in the Central and South Americas.
It is strange to read about " USA holding back, in order not to antagonize the Russians (and Chinese) too much" and "USA has expressed a wish to enlarge it's military contingent on the base in Greenland". Hopefully Russia and China will reciprocate in the Central and South Americas.

Well, I won't comment on that personally.

The whole purpose of this visit is politics and there will be a lot of politics in the translations, summaries and background info I will end up posting in this thread. Certainly in regards to the overall political lines.
All that will be conveyed as unbiased as possible by me and I will keep my personal political opinion to myself while the visit lasts. I have no wish to see this thread closed. This visit is too interesting in every possible way.

The international protocol for state visits is that the host nation will foot the bill for accommodating and feeding the foreign head of state and an entourage of max twenty persons.
The visiting nation will pay for accommodating additional members of the entourage.
The reason is to prevent a head of state from bringing an entourage of ten thousand, who must all be accommodated and fed, lavishly, by the host nation. At a tremendous cost! - An insidious way of annoying another country! :D
Needless to say a US president brings with him an entourage of considerably more than twenty persons! But they will be paid for by the US taxpayers.

Will be massive!
According to Danish legislation no foreign police officers or security agents have authority on Danish soil, unless under direct command by Danish police officers. Nor are they allowed to be armed. - An exception is foreign police officers giving chase across the border, until Danish police can take over.
The US Secret Service is armed to the teeth!
A simple way to get around that is to issue the Secret Service agents with diplomatic passports. And diplomatically close the eyes... In that way they are not searched nor questioned and their... peculiar... baggage is not searched nor questioned either. And should the worst thing happen, that there will be an incident, the Secret Service agent enjoy immunity from prosecution.
Pretty routine. Danish police officers and security agents also have diplomatic passports when operating in more high risk places abroad. We have seen that many times with the DRF.

Where will President Trump stay?
Is not known yet.

President Bush and his wife stayed at Fredensborg when he came visiting. That is a plausible. Fredensborg is larger and easier to secure than the guest mansion at Amalienborg. There has to be room for communications, staff, advisors, an office and so. There is room for that at Fredensborg but not Amalienborg.
An alternative if the US embassy. But it's really not that big and it's more difficult to secure.
Other alternatives is to commandeer a hotel or borrow a private manor near Copenhagen.
But so far I believe that Fredensborg is the most likely place. Also because the President can be flown in and out by helicopter.

Where will the gala-dinner take place?
Well, there are only two options:
Christiansborg, which is designed for large events like this. But there is no room for accommodation afterwards. But surrounded by a moat it's easy to secure, even though it's located in the middle of Copenhagen.
Fredensborg is of course the most convenient solution, should the President be accommodated there. It is smaller, but also more intimate and much more beautiful than Christiansborg with a lot of history. And I imagine President Trump will appreciate the tradition with visiting heads of state scribbling their name on a pane of glass which will be placed in one of the windows. Perhaps near the signatures of Winston Churchill and Eisenhower.
Certainly Presidents Bush and Clinton seemed to enjoy the more intimate atmosphere at Fredensborg, but we shall see.

Day one, I'm sure, will be welcoming with the President and QMII in the lead.
Day two however will be more political and here M&F will step in taking care of the First Lady. I imagine there will be a couple of events in the forenoon hosted by M&F perhaps culminating in a lunch at M&F's mansion at Amalienborg, while the President has a business lunch with Danish politicians.

Now, the planners at the Foreign Ministry are very good at making guests feel at ease. So if you can imagine something Donald Trump, not President Trump, but Donald Trump would like to see or experience while in DK, they will do their best to arrange it.
Well, I won't comment on that personally.

The whole purpose of this visit is politics and there will be a lot of politics in the translations, summaries and background info I will end up posting in this thread. Certainly in regards to the overall political lines.
All that will be conveyed as unbiased as possible by me and I will keep my personal political opinion to myself while the visit lasts. I have no wish to see this thread closed. This visit is too interesting in every possible way. ... [snipped]
Thanks for your brilliantly diplomatic answer!:flowers::flowers::flowers::flowers:
I am looking forward to seeing Queen Margrethe's grand entrance for the state gala and blue-and-red attired hussars.
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Additional political background info.

Every single political commentator I have heard and read agree that this visit is not about Denmark. Denmark is at best secondary.
It's about Greenland and the Arctic.

And indirectly China. Greenland has autonomy, except for law enforcement, the courts, foreign policy and defense - that is still under Danish control.
However, there is a considerable movement in Greenland, not least among the political and opinion elite there, for independence. Preferably still with the Danish monarch as head of state, but otherwise independent.
The problem is of course that Greenland has a population of around 60.000 of which around 10 % are Danes, primarily specialists in various fields. (Plus 6-10.000 Greenlanders in DK.)
That is the population of a medium sized Danish municipality and as such way below the critical mass of running a fully independent country. There are simply too few to fill out all the needed functions for a country to work. They will have to import foreign specialists. And Greenland isn't wealthy enough to do that.
In comes China.
China has offered to pay for an extension of the Greenlandic infrastructure. Has offered to pay for drilling and probing for resources, mainly oil and gold. That is something Greenlandic politicians very much hope will form the economic basis for independence. I.e. in the hope that Greenland will become a kind of Arctic Kuwait.
There is already a Chinese presence there in jobs that the Greenlanders are not that keen to take themselves. I.e. in the fishing industry and mines on the isolated east coast of Greenland.
It is obvious that China does not invest in Greenland without a reason.
That is blatantly obvious in Copenhagen and Washington as well.

In case of a Greenlandic independence, which DK will not and cannot prevent if they really want to, the Greenlanders may soon realize that they have exchanged (out of sheer necessity) one "colonial power" for another. Despite being warned repeatedly.
By having economic control over Greenland, China will also have physical and political control over the country. And as such also control over parts of the arctic shipping lane going through Canadian waters. And should China be "invited" by a Greenlandic government to set up a Chinese base in Greenland to help "protect" Greenlandic territory and fishing the situation becomes even more interesting. Also for Russia. Threatening the alternative shipping lane north of Siberia. It become even more interesting should a Greenlandic government decide to cancel the agreement of having as US base there.

That base, the Thule Base, has always been critical as an early warning post in the defense of North America. It is even more critical now that the ice is retreating as a consequence of the climate (at least until the Gulf Stream stops) changing.
There is no way in this world USA, no matter who sits in the White House, will tolerate a Chinese dominance over Greenland, let alone that China has a significant presence there. Greenland must remain under Western control - preferably through Denmark.
That the Greenlanders will have a say in this matter is naive.
If USA don't go in, China will. If China won't another country will go in.

That is the hard political facts and the Greenlanders have been warned.
Should the Greenlanders opt for independence there is no public will in Denmark to assist them more than absolutely necessary. They are on their own!

The head of the Greenland Parliament, Kim Kielsen, will also be invited to both the gala dinner (they always are) and to meet the US President.ønland-har-lang-fælles-historie
He looks forward to meeting the President. But he can at best expect a few polite words, the fate of Greenland is not decided in its capital Nuuk.
And despite the fact that USA has requested setting up a diplomatic presence in Greenland. Obviously to influence the Greenlandic politicians.

The climate is politically fashionable here in DK these days. In fact the new government here was elected on doing something for the climate.
The Danish PM has today announced that this issue won't even come up in the discussions with the US President. Which is somewhat ironic, since it's the climate that is part of the reason why things are changing politically in the Arctic these years.

There is a considerable huffing and puffing among a number of Danish politicians who urge the government to bring a number of matters to the attention of President Trump. But that's mainly for domestic political consumption. They know it, the political commentators know it, most of the Danish public know it - and the Americans don't care.

And for those of you who have managed to stay awake so far, I will end this post with these three delightful photos. You have probably seen them before, but here in better quality:
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It sounds as if this state visit is rather 'forced' on Denmark. Of course, after it was made known that the president of the US wanted to bring a state visit on certain dates an invitation was issued, but the fact that it's short and very inconveniently planned for the Danish royal family suggests that it wasn't something the Danish came up with nor a truly joined effort.
I am looking forward to following this state visit and I'm sure Denmark will be the perfect host to the US entourage. Always love seeing Queen "Daisy" Margrethe dressed to the nines.

I do have one big hope out of everything that will happen with this state visit. I sincerely hope President Trump doesn't lay eyes on what seems to be a trend these days with ugly, brown shoes and rubber galoshes. Perhaps we should email Melania and warn her about those so she can get Donald some blinders. :D
Just as much as I love following an official event, the background for such an event and the work behind the scenes is just as interesting, if not more, than the actual event itself.

It is emerging that this visit was far from being such a big surprise. The specific timing may have been at a short notice but not this state visit. On the contrary.

Okay, USA is a vital ally for DK, so various governments are always trying to cultivate good relations to whatever president is sitting in the White House.
That also applies to the previous DK government.
President Trump took office on 20. January 2017. On the 30. March that year the then DK Prime Minister, Lars Løkke, met with President Trump in the White House as one of the first government leaders to do so. Something the DK Foreign Ministry, according to a source was very proud of. On top of that the personal meeting went well. (So did meetings with President Obama with the same PM BTW. Lars Løkke is very good at person to person relations, when he wants to. While being utterly ruthless as a politician when it suits him.) During that meeting an ever standing invitation to the US President to visit DK was extended.

Denmark has for many years now been a hawk among the US allies in Europe. What Denmark is saying matters in itself very little, but it being said out loud is noticed in Washington. Especially in regards to Iran and Russia. Not least when DK, after a foiled assassination plot was attempted in 2018 by an Iranian intelligence branch against Iranian exiles in DK, led to DK persuading EU to put that intelligence branch on the terror-list.
(I remember that clearly. Copenhagen and half the country was in shut-down for 24 hours and the political outrage was genuine across the political spectrum.)
That was something the Foreign Office in USA noticed. And according to a source it was easy for DK to set up meetings with US officials afterwards and the phone was answered when DK called.
Also when Russia detained a number of Ukrainian sailors. (The article says Russian sailors, but they must mean Ukrainian.) DK called for EU to impose further sanctions against Russia. - Something that delighted President Trump's Security Advisor, John Bolton.
That led to a meeting between John Bolton and the then DK Foreign Minister, where talks about expanding the Thule Base in Greenland was initiated.
And political commentators have all (I haven't noticed anyone who didn't) pointed to this being the main purpose of this visit.

There is as yet no official schedule for what will happen politically during this visit, but the new PM, Mette Frederiksen, has stated that topics for discussion will be international security issues, the Arctic and promoting trade and investments. (USA is the second largest market for DK trade.) - That is very much in line with the interests of the previous DK government and in general line with the overall Danish interests, regardless of the government.

So to sum up: This state visit is the culmination of a long standing Danish policy of being on as good footing as possible with the US President at any time.
The former DK PM, Lars Løkke (Liberal), while at times being openly critical, even angry, of President Trump did nevertheless manage to foster a good relationship with him.
His predecessor, Helle Thorning (Social Democrat), cultivated a good personal relationship with President Obama. (Remember the selfies anyone?)
Her predecessor, Anders Fogh (Liberal), developed a personal friendship with President Bush.
And his predecessor, Poul Nyrup (Social Democrat), started the whole process with President Clinton.
And now the current PM, Mette Frederiksen (Social Democrat), has been handed the torch.
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I well remember George Bush's visit with his daughter. And Fred showing the Obama's the reception room with the fabulous Gobelin tapestries. I wonder how many of Trump's children will arrive with him this time?
That is a nice visit to look forward to. The Danish hosts wil do it -as always- with great style and grace.
Thanks you.
I simply love this stuff! :D

The political and commercial and well as PR analyses are pouring in.

Let me start with Melania Trump.
As we all know the First Lady of any country can be just as important in various ways as the actual head of state. Certainly get more attention. That is however unlikely during this visit, which is so much about politics. But nevertheless a visiting First Lady is cultivated just as much as her husband. (We are, I fear, not yet at the stage where a First Husband get a similar coverage.)
And as mentioned before this is where M&F comes in.
Now what do Mary have in common with Melania Trump?
Mary has started the very successful Free from bullying concept here in DK. (Which is now being exported BTW. Thank you for the great idea, Australians. ;) )
Melania Trump has involved herself in net-bullying of children. So this is a field where she and Mary can have serious discussions and perhaps visit a kindergarten where the Free from bullying concept has been implemented.
Fashion is also something the two women have in common. Fashion happens to be one the largest export sectors for Danish commerce. We are talking serious money here! And Danish commerce would be delighted if this was included somehow.
All that based on what Trine Larsen from Billed Bladet has told in the news.
Melania Trump vil også være på arbejde under statsbesøg i Danmark - TV 2

As mentioned before, this visit is very much about Greenland, the Arctic and the North Pole. Politically it is truly a can of worms!
But what about the Danish relationship with Russia in that respect?
A number of nations lay claim to the North Pole. Greenland (aka Denmark) has a good chance of winning the rights to the North Pole. Both geologically as Greenland lies on same underwater plateau as the North Pole but also because Greenland (Denmark) is small enough to be politically palatable for Russia, China and USA who also lay claim on the North Pole.
Now, should Greenland (DK) win the North Pole, that means that Danish territory will extend as far as the shipping lane north of Siberia. - And Denmark is a close ally of USA...
At present Russia is expanding militarily north of Siberia and they actually have a base only a 1.000 km from the east coast of Greenland. That is relatively shorter than the distance between the American base of Thule and the east coast of Greenland.
As you know USA has requested to expand the Thule Base. They have also requested permission for US ships (warships and Coast Guard no doubt) to sail into Greenlandic ports and for US planes to land in Greenlandic airports and airstrips.
The Russians won't like that!
So far USA is still dependent on the Danish navy, because USA, surprisingly, only has one icebreaker. Denmark has several, that can all be deployed to Greenland. Not to mention what is already there.
So far so good, but there is still the little problem with Russia...
It is not in Danish interest to annoy the Russians too much. That can cause problems elsewhere, which we would very much like to avoid. And despite the EU sanctions it's also bad for business.
But the most important thing is that DK is the fifth largest merchant shipping nation, controlling some 12 % of the merchant shipping in the world. Larger than USA and Russia.
It is very much in Danish interests to keep the route north of Siberia open for Danish shipping as well.
So our new PM, Mette Frederiksen, face some very delicate challenges when negotiating with USA. It is unlikely that all US requests can come true. An enlargement of the Thule Base, yes. But US warships and warplanes in Greenlandic ports and airports? Only in "emergencies" I think.
DK simply cannot give USA too much, that would antagonize the Russians too much.
Danmark i klemme mellem stormagter - Trump kan have to ønsker med til Frederiksen - TV 2

President Trump will visit DK on Labor Day, which is US national holiday. It is also a slow news day there, which means that his state visit here, with all the pomp and circumstances there is in visiting a monarchy, may get more coverage than it would otherwise have received...
It is very much speculated that such footage will suit the President well.
News-wise the visit to Poland prior to going to DK is bigger in USA. But as the US press is in the general area anyway, they might just as well cover this visit as well.
Trump besøger Danmark på særlig dag, og det kan give maksimal omtale - TV 2

The climate may after all end up on the agenda, but in a round about way, it is speculated. Climate friendly solutions, know how and technology may be presented in a way that appeals to the businessman Trump.

Now to a more amusing side of this visit. It is no secret that President Trump is very fond of fast food.
As some you may remember setting up a hotdog stand to provide a night snack at DRF parties has virtually become a tradition. I wonder if the gala dinner won't end in a similar manner? That might be a little touch he might appreciate. We shall see.
DK hotdogs are very addictive! And once you have tasted one... you are hooked. The first one is free... :D
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It's funny isn't it how all of a sudden Denmark is thrust onto the world stage, all because the US is interested in Greenland and POTUS is making a State visit. Careful diplomacy must be observed.
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