Prince Amedeo - News & Pictures part 2

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elisabetteke said:
I found some pictures I had never seen op Amedeo, while he was at the RMA. He was doing an exam at that moment. (I don't know if they have been posted here before.) He is such a handsome prince. :wub:

Pictures Gallery - Royal Military Academy

Pictures Gallery - Royal Military Academy

Pictures Gallery - Royal Military Academy

these are all pictures from the official site of RMA.

OMG :wub: , I havn't seen these photos before. Thank you, so much elisabetteke :flowers:; your the best. I know it seems kind of extreme but this has really made my week and next week [damn, written and oral exam, that I'm not ready for and I'm not looking forward to]. I think Amedeo looks really smart in his get-up.
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indian princess said:
OMG!!! thank u so much 4 da pics. he is such an adonis.
i agree with elisabetteke i don't think its the same girl either.
hey ;) , you can't blame a girl [that went on a long, and i repeat long and hard biology or should i say ecology camp] for trying :rolleyes: ;) . the pics are really great :cool:.
does anyone know what amedeo was doing the exam for? was it for school or was it just a 16 page exam about military stuff?
flctylu said:
hey ;) , you can't blame a girl [that went on a long, and i repeat long and hard biology or should i say ecology camp] for trying :rolleyes: ;) . the pics are really great :cool:.
does anyone know what amedeo was doing the exam for? was it for school or was it just a 16 page exam about military stuff?

sorry, didn't mean 2 offend u or anything. i was just saying that the 2 girls aren't the same. then again it's just my opinion. i really wouldn't like the fact that he's taken. i like my prince charming single.
n i know how stressing biology can be, that's why i didn't take it.
Amedeo doens't have a girlfriend at the moment and the girl from the Ball is a different girls then on the video, neither of them were his girlfriends
the girl at the video was just looking at him and you don't see him smiling and looking at her, you just see him smiling at 'something'
i was really hoping for some new pictures of him. i seriously don't think he likes the spotlight all that much. typical piscean characteristics.
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Someone brought this up in another forum which I found intresting, whether Amedeo will be pressured to marry someone of equal/noble status because all three of the granddaughters of King Leopold III [great-grand dad of Prince Amedeo]and Queen Astrid married into royalty [Princess Astrid and Lorenz, Princess Margaretha and Nickolaus of Lichestein and Archduchess Marie-Astrid and Carl-Christian]. They brought up an intresting point...
...if Amedeo wants to marry a commoner, since Amedeo is a Belgian prince and would remain so if he married a commoner [refer to King Albert's half brother, Alexander. Alex's wife is a belgian princess and so is Princess Claire], he wouldn't really care that much about a defunct Austrian title, if it mean't he could marry his love. Do you think he's the type of guy to give up his place in the Hasburg and Belgium royal house if (a) they disapproved of the girl in question (b) which would mean he couldn't be with his love [OMG I've been studying :lol: Shakespeare for a long time now].
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how romantic...forbidden love. i think if he is so totally in love with this girl in question and if it is his true love then i think he wud give up his place in the Hasburg and Belgium royal house. how romeo and juliet.:wub:
I don t think he will have to give up any title if he marries a commoner. Prince Laurent married a commoner, and she was accepted. The standards of the Habsburg family have also been relaxed. Apart from that I doubt that Archduke Otto or Karl will disapprove of a marriage that was good enough for the reigning King of Belgium.
for all the members of orkut, i have created a new community entitledprince amedeo of belgium. those who wish to join may do so freely. since prince william has so many i thought amedeo deserved one too.

hi! i just want to mention that there's a 3-4 page spread about amadeo in "Royals" magazine. i don't know where it's from. i'll check tomorrow when im at work and come back with more info. I'd love to buy it for you but i don't have a scanner. sorry! but like i said, I'll come back tomorrow with more info about the magazine!
By the way it's about the fact that he turned 21 and that there were no photoshoot or something like that! i have a bad memory!!!
i think it says he likes kids and they love him back. and that he went to london to study economics obviously because of his dad. i mean, that he'll take over his company (or position!) after his dad. and that he hangs out with royal kids alot but he has some commoner friends.

well, thats all i remember, ill copy the text tomorrow!!! we won't have pics, but at least we'll have the text!
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can you please translate the article! want to know every detail!!

what is the magazine called? is it in english? are their photos with it? Are the photos new ones? can you scan the photos pls?

im soooooo sorry guys! i don't have the magazine with me right now, and tomorrow i won't be home all day. so i'll do it on thursday!!! again i'm so sorry about that!
According to article 2 [babel fish translator]:
-Amedeo, Joachim, Laura, Laeticia, Luisa speak french at home to Lorenz and Astrid.
-Astrid was the person behind the decision to send Amedeo to Sint-Jan Berchman, so Amedeo could learn dutch.
and well most of the translation didn't make much sense, but Amedeo apprantly
-got rid of tennis shoes at Sint-Jan Berchman before he left and the kids attending there today thank/praise Amedeo for doing so.
flctylu said:
According to article 2 [babel fish translator]:
-Amedeo, Joachim, Laura, Laeticia, Luisa speak french at home to Lorenz and Astrid.
-Astrid was the person behind the decision to send Amedeo to Sint-Jan Berchman, so Amedeo could learn dutch.
and well most of the translation didn't make much sense, but Amedeo apprantly
-got rid of tennis shoes at Sint-Jan Berchman before he left and the kids attending there today thank/praise Amedeo for doing so.

thanks so much. i didn't understand the tennis shoe bit at first after my online translator translated it for me. but now it makes sense.
Hi, im sorry for not answering before today! God i need my life back! Right now, my life consists of school, work and gym! nothing else!

I didn't translate the article myself, I went on one of those tools you can use. So there are some mistakes, but i think you can get the general idea of the article.

Il est jeune, beau, riche et intelligent. Et en plus, il possède l’arbre généalogique quasiment le plus noble de toute l’Europe. Quelle jeune fille ne serait donc pas intéressée par Amadeo de Belgique? S’il n’est actuellement pas encore question de fiançailles officielles, il n’en reste pas moins que les jeunes dames se bousculent au portillon.

He’s young, beautiful, rich hand smart. Moreover, he possibly has the noblest family tree of all Europe. Which girl would thus not be interested by Amadeo of Belgium? If it is currently not yet question of official engagement, young ladies are hustling in the doorway anyway.

Le bonheur est à son comble le 21 février 1986, lorsque la Princesse Astrid de Belgique et le Prince Lorenz d’Autriche-Este deviennent les fiers parents d’un beau petit garçon, Amadeo. Sans compter la joie d’Albert et Paola, qui sont princes à l’époque, suite à la naissance de leur premier petit-enfant…Quel événement! Grand-papa Albert a voulu avoir voix au chapitre pour les vêtements de grossesse de la Princesse Astrid, et grand-maman Paola a assisté à l’accouchement. Quant au Roi Baudoin et à la Reine Fabiola, ils ont offert aux jeunes parents une petite caméra vidéo qui leur permettrait d’immortaliser tous les futurs progrès du petit prince.

Grand-papa Albert wanted to have a say for the maternity garments of the Princess Astrid, and Paola grandmamma attended the childbirth. As for King Baudoin and Queen Fabiola, they offered the young parents a small video camera which would allow them to immortalise all future progress of the small prince

Au sein de leur génération la Princesse Astrid et le Prince Lorenz font partie des dernières personnalités de haut rang à avoir convoité en justes noces avec une personnalité du même rang social. Résultat : à sa naissance, leur premier enfant a reçu des deux familles de ses parents toute une kyrielle de titres précédant et suivant son prénom. Du côté maternel, Amadeo est un descendant direct du Roi Léopold 1er de Belgique; actuellement, il occupe la 6e place dans l’ordre de succession au trône. Du côté paternel, le Prince Amadeo est un membre de la Maison de Habsbourg; il fait donc partie de la noblesse la plus haute et la plus ancienne d’Europe. Un jour, il succèdera d’ailleurs à son père au rang de chef de la branche d’Autriche-Este de la Maison de Habsbourg.

Within their generation the Princess Astrid and Prince Lorenz belong to the last personalities of high row to have coveted in right weddings with a personality of the same social status. Result: with his birth, their first child received from the two families of his parents a whole string of titles preceding and following his first name. Maternal side, Amadeo is downward direct of King Léopold 1st of Belgium; currently, it occupies the 6th place in the order of succession to the throne. Paternal side, Prince Amadeo is a member of the House of Habsbourg; it thus forms part of the highest nobility and oldest of Europe. One day, it will succèdera besides with his father with the rank of chief of the branch of Austria-Este of the House of Habsbourg.


Et pourtant, le jeune prince ne se soucie guère de tous ces titres. Il passera les premières années de sa vie en Suisse, avec ses parents. Une nurse flamande habitera avec eux car Astrid souhaite que son fils connaisse le néerlandais. Suivant la tradition habsbourgeoise, Astrid et Lorenz voudront aussi fonder une famille nombreuse. Et au bout du compte, Amadeo aura encore un petit frère, prénommé Joachim, ainsi que trois sœurs : Maria Laura, Luisa Maria et Laetitia Maria.

And yet, the young prince is hardly concerned with all these titles. He will spend the first years of his life to Switzerland, with his parents. A Flemish children's nurse will live with them bus Astrid wishes that his/her son know Dutch. According to the tradition habsbourgeoise, Astrid and Lorenz will want to also found a large family. And at the end of the day, Amadeo will still have a little brother, fore-mentioned Joachim, like three sisters: Maria Laura, Luisa Maria and Laetitia Maria.
Comme on le sait, la loi salique a été supprimée en Belgique en 1991. Conclusion : les femmes peuvent désormais également accéder au trône, et la Princesse Astrid se retrouve sur la liste des successeurs au trône. Pour renforcer le lien de la Princesse avec la population, le gouvernement Belge estimera préférable que la famille revienne au plat pays. Les princes s’établiront avec leurs enfants dans la rue Brederode à Bruxelles, non loin du palais royal. Grâce à son statut de petit-fils du Roi, Amadeo est régulièrement autorisé à jouer avec ses amis dans le jardin du palais royal. Il effrayera d’ailleurs plus d’une fois tout le palais… comme par exemple cette fois où il grimpera le long de la façade jusqu’au toit de l’édifice pour s’asseoir fièrement dans la gouttière et observer avec malice la panique qu’il occasionnera en dessous de ses pieds! Étant donné qu’ils parlent le français à la maison, Astride et Lorenz décideront d’envoyer leurs enfants au Collège néerlandophone Sint-Jan Berchmans de Bruxelles dès la première classe. Ajoutons pour la petite histoire qu’aujourd’hui encore, les élèves du collège remercient Amadeo pour le fait qu’à l’époque, le prince ait contribué à la suppression du port… des baskets! À quinze ans, Amadeo choisit une école où personne ne le connaît en tant que prince de Belgique. C’est à ce moment qu’il quitte pour la première fois le cocon familial pour partir en Angleterre et étudier pendant deux ans au très illustre et élitiste établissement scolaire et pensionnat de Sevenoaks. Parfois, cependant, le jeune adolescent aura un petit peu de vague à l’âme, loin de chez lui. Surtout à la naissance de sa sœur benjamine, Laetitia Maria, qu’il devra attendre plusieurs jours avant de pouvoir voir! Il faut savoir qu’Amadeo adore les marmots, et ceux-ci le savent bien! Ils recherchent d’ailleurs toujours son soutien lorsqu’ils se sentent un peu intimidés lors d’activités officielles. Pas étonnant, dès lors, que Philippe et Mathilde aient choisi Amadeo comme parrain de leur fille aînée, Elisabeth.
Petites fêtes

La maison de maître de la rue Brederode étant devenue trop exiguë, la famille d’Astrid déménage dans la villa Schoonenberg, une ferme restaurée située dans le domaine du Stuyvenberg, là où réside la Reine Fabiola. Et celle-ci d’être régulièrement effrayée par les allées et venues pétaradantes d’Amadeo et de son frère Joachim sillonnant le jardin du domaine à moto! Mais lorsque des activités royales sont prévues, les jeunes princes revêtent sans chigner leur costume et se comportent en parfaits gentlemen, à la grande fièrté de leur grand-père, le Roi Albert. On s’en souvient, lors de la fête nationale de 2005, Amadeo avait défilé dans les rangs de l’École Royale Militaire (ERM) devant le souverain. Conformément à une ancienne tradition, Amadeo a dû suivre, en sa qualité de Prince de Belgique, une formation militaire accélérée d’un an à l’École Royale Militaire, où il s’est distingué et par ailleurs diverti par ses amis. Mais il s’est rapidement avéré que derrière le calme et sensible Amadeo ne se cachait pas un soldat intrépide et résolu. Le Prince Amadeo a hérité du caractère de ses parents : il sait relativiser les choses et il a les deux pieds bien ancrés dans le sol. Il fait donc ce que font la plupart des jeunes de son âge : préparer son avenir et profiter autant que possible de sa jeunesse. Quand vous naissez dans une famille de banquier et que votre père occupe un poste de haute responsabilité au sein de la banque «E. Gutzwiller &Cie» à Bâle (Suisse), vous savez que vous avez tout intérêt à approfondir vos connaissances en économie! C’est la raison pour laquelle cela fait un an et demi déjà qu’Amadeo suit les cours de la «London School of Economics», brillante université où ont notamment étudié président américain John F. Kennedy, la Reine Margrethe du Danemark et le Prince héritier Haakon de Norvège. Là-bas, le jeune homme s’appelle «Amadeo de Bar», le pseudonyme des Habsbourg, et profite de la vie estudiantine londonienne.

The house of Master of the street Brederode having become too exiguous, the family of Astrid moves in the villa Schoonenberg, a restored farm located in the field of Stuyvenberg, where resides the Fabiola Queen. And this one to be regularly frightened by the comings and goings pétaradantes of Amadeo and his/her Joachim brother furrowing the garden of the field with motor bike! But when royal activities are envisaged, the young princes cover without chigner their costume and behave as perfect gentlemen, with large fièrté of their grandfather, King Albert. One remembers it, at the time of the national festival of 2005, Amadeo had ravelled in the rows of the Military Royal School (ERM) in front of the sovereign. In accordance with an old tradition, Amadeo had to follow, in its capacity as Prince de Belgique, one year an accelerated military formation at the Military Royal School, where it was distinguished and in addition diverted by his friends. But it quickly proved that behind calms and sensitive Amadeo did not hide an intrepid and solved soldier. Prince Amadeo inherited the character of his parents: he can relativize the things and he has the two feet anchored well in the ground. He thus does what do the majority of the young people of its age: to prepare its future and to profit as much as possible from its youth. When you are born in a family from banker and that your father occupies a station of high responsibility within the bank “E. Gutzwiller &Cie” in Basle (Swiss), you know that you may find it very beneficial to look further into your knowledge in economy! This is why that makes one year and half already that Amadeo follows the courses of “London School of Economics”, brilliant university where in particular studied American president John F. Kennedy, the Margrethe Queen of Denmark and the Crown prince Haakon to Norway. Over there, the young man is called “Amadeo de Bar”, the pseudonym of Habsbourg, and benefits from the London student's life.
Jeune homme des plus hautes sphères, Amadeo participe régulièrement à des petites fêtes réunissant toute la noblesse belge et européenne. Et comme cela fait très longtemps qu’il fréquent les écoles élitistes, la plupart de ses amis sont donc forcément aussi de bonne famille. C’est pourquoi il est ravi d’être également en contact avec des jeunes gens «ordinaires». Comme il y a un moment encore, lors d’une rencontre de jeunes d’origines diverses à Laeken. Amadeo dévoilera aux jeunes qui voulaient immortaliser ce moment fort sur pellicule qu’il était en réalité aussi nerveux qu’eux! Et le jeune homme d’être aussi embarrassé lorsqu’il remarque que des jeunes filles veulent lui faire la cour. D’ailleurs, les candidates ne manquent pas, car il est vraiment l’exemple même d’un prince de conte de fées.
Young man of the higher realms, Amadeo takes part regularly in small festivals joining together all the Belgian and European nobility. And like that made very a long time that it frequent the élitistes schools, the majority of his/her friends are thus inevitably also of good family. This is why it is charmed to be also in liaison with young “ordinary” people. Like one moment ago still, at the time of a meeting of young people of various origins in Laeken. Amadeo will reveal with the young people who wanted immortaliser this moment strong on film which it was actually as nervous as them! And to be the also embarrassed young man when it notices that girls want to make him the court. Moreover, the candidates do not miss, because it is really the example even of a prince of fairy tale
Et même si ses parents ont toujours voulu lui donner une éducation «la plus normale possible», avec tous ses titres ronflants, Amadeo ne sera jamais vraiment un garçon comme les autres.
La prochaine étape de sa vie sera donc probablement l’une des plus difficiles : trouver l’âme sœur qui le choisira pour ses qualités humaines et pas uniquement pour son origine noble.

And even if his/her parents always wanted to give him “the most normal” possible education, with all its whirring titles, Amadeo will be never really a boy like the others. The next stage of its life will be thus probably one of most difficult: to find the soul mate which will choose it for its human qualities and not only for its noble origin

can someone tell me what's his eye colour. i read earlier that they were brown. but in certain pics they look hazel or green.
I saw this video once on Jim TV in Belgium it was an American show called: Young, hot and royal and prince Amedeo was on it to. They said that he was becoming hotter than prince Harry and William. I taped it on video, but I don't know if I can find it on the internet, I'll do my best to find it, maybe someone else has it?

Ciao, from Belgium
Hey, I said a while a go that I saw this programm of VH1: Young, sexy and Royal and I'va watched it again and this is what they said:
They said that Prince Amedeo will be the next hot prince and that he is the next Prince Harry, but even better looking
and that he is very timide and mysterious and that he is not a wild boy
And that he is serieus competition for Harry and William
I wish I could show you the show, but I can't find it on the internet, I taped it from TV, so it's on a video
Oh, I've posted a video on royal residence of belgium of the greenhouse, maybe you guys haven't seen it, just telling ya ;)

I guess he must be a wild boy too..Its just that he's not that frequently reported on, as Prince William and Prince Harry are..So we cant say or comment much..Does anybody know what he is planning to do now,now that he is graduating this year? Maybe our Belgium or UK members could help?:)
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In Australia here, SBS has just started a 6 part documentary on A Royal Family: The Father-in-law of Europe. I've just seen part 2 which traces the line of decent of the Belgian royal family from King Christian IX of Denmark. When they were talking about King Albert's II decendents they showed a clip of Lorenz, Astrid, Amedeo [a long, close up of him :wub: that lush red/blonde hair], Albert, Poala the same one from one of the VTM doco's online. It had J-C on it and never before seen [well, I havn't seen any of them] footages of Leopold III and Astrid. Apparantly J-C went to Leo III and sat on his lap and told him that she was ingaged and with a shocked/scared face, Leo apprantly went, "to who?" and as soon as J-C said Prince Jean of Luxembourg his face was relaxed. They explored the BRF during WWII and how J-C was so happy to see the American forces and ate a whole jar of peanut butter because all she had been having was dandelions.
The thing was...the footage of Leo meeting Astrid when she was coming from Sweden...and the footage of Amedeo as a young boy...Amedeo looks a lot like King Leo III even when he was doing his military training.
i see the resemblance too. amedeo does look like his great grandfather quite a bit but i think he's better lookin than Leo III
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flctylu said:
In Australia here, SBS has just started a 6 part documentary on A Royal Family: The Father-in-law of Europe. I've just seen part 2 which traces the line of decent of the Belgian royal family from King Christian IX of Denmark. When they were talking about King Albert's II decendents they showed a clip of Lorenz, Astrid, Amedeo [a long, close up of him :wub: that lush red/blonde hair], Albert, Poala the same one from one of the VTM doco's online. It had J-C on it and never before seen [well, I havn't seen any of them] footages of Leopold III and Astrid. Apparantly J-C went to Leo III and sat on his lap and told him that she was ingaged and with a shocked/scared face, Leo apprantly went, "to who?" and as soon as J-C said Prince Jean of Luxembourg his face was relaxed. They explored the BRF during WWII and how J-C was so happy to see the American forces and ate a whole jar of peanut butter because all she had been having was dandelions.

flctylu, is it possible for you to put that documentary here, in a link maybe? thanks in advance! :flowers:
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thepentacle said:
flctylu, is it possible for you to put that documentary here, in a link maybe? thanks in advance! :flowers:
Sorry, I don't have a link. It was a danish doco [spoken in English]. I'm really certain that there is a DVD avaliable on the series.
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thepentacle said:
actually, that is a good idea ...I found certain relevant websites of it.

about the programme :
the episode guide : Royal Family, A (Kongelig familie, En) (2003)

and this is where we can enquire about it : DR TV International Sales

but I dont know if they will deliver it other than for professional use...

I dont think that would make any difference. I mean, why sell it if it is only to be sold to other stations and such? Someone with extra cash to spend should order it and see if it works.
indian princess said:
i'd pick amedeo over harry and william any day though

well said... :ROFLMAO:

I was just wondering thought, but does anyone know if he has a girlfriend yet?
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