Caricatures & Cartoons of the Swedish Royals

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Heir Apparent
Mar 28, 2004
Here are two really good satire or perhaps comic drawings (depends on how you wish to see it) that I found in Expressen's sports columnist Mats Olsson's weekly Sunday column today. They are both made by Helen Rasmusen. Enoy! :D


  • Rasmusen_Silvia.JPG
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  • Rasmusen_Kungen.jpg
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GrandDuchess said:
Here are two really good satire or perhaps comic drawings (depends on how you wish to see it) that I found in Expressen's sports columnist Mats Olsson's weekly Sunday column today. They are both made by Helen Rasmusen. Enoy! :D
Nice pics, unfortunatley just the queen can be enlarged.:confused:
Since the Swedish royal family is very popular and often portrayed / impersonated by actors in various tv-shows, articles and radio programmes I thought I would start a thread about these appearances.

I'll start with this evening:

The Hey Baberiba humour show on TV4 has started for the season.

Among other things they started out with the following story about the royals:

Skurt is a popular green frog who introduces children's programmes on the Swedish tv-channel TV3. Skurt is as an arm doll which opens the mouth when he talks. He sounds somewhat like Donald Duck when he talks.

the doll skurt: so, when is there gonna be a wedding ?
crown princess victoria impersonator (with her sulking face): i'm not sure i can answer that question, since it belongs to the private sphere.
skurt: do you think i can come to your wedding ?
cp: no, i don't think that would be appropriate.
skurt: (upset) so, you think dolls have less value than ordinary people ?
cp: (defensive) no, no of course not.
skurt: so, can i come to your wedding ?
cp: yes, you can.
skurt: AHA !!!! so there IS gonna be a wedding .....

And everyone around them lose their breath - FINALLY the confirmation we've all waited for.

Later on in the programme we see what happens after the camera is turned off, the crown princess grabs the arm doll, strangles it and throws it on the floor. The lady who operates the doll of course gets very upset.

I just wish a real life journalist would ''trap'' Victoria into something like this, it's really hilarious.

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In a new interview, tha King says he and his family are upset about this show. "We are upset about how we are portrayed. It is not at all accurate

- Vi har diskuterat dem (programmen) inom familjen. Självklart måste man tåla att bli skämtad med och om. Men om man gör det till en följetong då är det inte skämt längre, utan då är det en medveten, nej, förföljelse är ett för starkt ord, men en medveten... nej, jag hittar inte ordet.
- Till sist blir det lyteskomik och det blir väldigt svårt att vara seriös efteråt, att agera officiellt, säger han till Sydsvenskan.
Kungen säger att han - och övriga familjen - tagit illa vid sig av programmen:
- Jag har ju inte sett alla, men ja, vi blir ledsna över hur vi blir framställda. Jag kanske klarar det bra själv, men jag är inte ensam och familjen uppfattar det kanske på ett lite annat sätt, att det verkligen inte stämmer överens med verkligheten.

And Elisabeth Tarras Whalberg says:
Certain parts are funny, others not at all.
I agree with the King and Elisabeth Tarras-Wahlberg.

I think the Hey Baberiba show should consider they are on the edge of malicious slaundering. They are making up stories just for the fun of it.

This Friday we could see Carl Philip being kidnapped, the other royal members took out their automatic guns, the King was in a nightshirt only, and they fought a war inside the castle against the kidnappers. Victoria ended the kidnappers in a scene where she wheeled over the floor on a skateboard.

It's really funny to watch, but since they are making everything up I don't know what to think of it. I watch it but I don't really like it.
But thats the whole point. Its all made up and nothing to take serious at all...
Sure, the actors has many similarities to the rf, but its all so "much" and so not real... I mean, Carl Philip doesnt act like a three year old in real life :)
I agree.

Really, I've been thinking, the most malicious portrait they make is the one of Carl Philip's girlfriend for seven years, Emma Pernald, because she's not in the show AT ALL. It means they think she's boring and insignificant.

Apart from the scenes with the Royal Family Hey Barberiba isn't all that fun, so they kind of depend on it.

I think they should portrait the government instead. Like they do in the ''Chinese News'' in Faktum when they always mention how ''successful'' the department heads are. That's really hilarious.
I have never seen the show but it sounds like a bit of harmless fun. You know what the say- the best form of flattery is imitation.
Caricatures/Cartoons/Fun/Humour about the Royal Family

Are there any?! :confused:
I've never seen any... any artisits around here who'd like to draw some?
cool cartoon Yennie! I just wish I could read Swedish!! Haha!
Believe me, you don't wanna read this! I hate this satire of the royal family!
Furienna said:
Believe me, you don't wanna read this! I hate this satire of the royal family!
satire in general or just this one? What do you think of the "Hey Barberiba" show? I think its funny, they have captured small bits of the rf personalities... ofcourse they are exaggerateing, but still :D
I don't like satire at all, when it's targeted at certain individuals like that. And I hate "Hey Baberiba".

Men varför talar jag engelska med dig? Jag haaaaaatar "Hej Baberiba"!
Yennie said:
On this site there´s a cartoon about the royal family :)

Thanks for the link, Yennie! The King, Queen, Victoria, and even Madeleine look a bit like their cartoons but Carl Philip looks nothing like his! :cool: :p
I like them, too bad they are not translated to english.
Maybe someone could translate some of them for Toledo?
Yes, please..just one..the funniest..:D
I would like so much read one...
I usually find these Point de Vue cartoons rather weird. I don´t understand for example why they have Camilla al Fayed and Victoria in one cartoon, apart from that both feature in that weeks magazine.
The last is the best I think but why so small???
i don't understand swedish so can somebody briefly tell me how victoria is percieved in this satire? i've carl philip is like a 3 years old but i see victoria talking with Jesus Christ and that confuses me!
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