Princess Benedikte and Family, Current Events 1: March 2003 - September 2005

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It's fairly easy. I had a pre-canceous spot removed at the age of 13. So for 27 years, I have wore alot of sunscreen and hats whenever I plan on staying out in the sun. A man that worked for me, had a more serious case, was cancer-free for about 5 years and it returned this time terminal. He passed away in 6 months.

Plus I think they mentioned he had prostrate cancer also, which I had a friend die of at the age of 45.

Just wanted to see if the Prince was okay and include him in my prayers..

Geez, I sound very morbid today. Sorry about that.
I wish you the best of health Starr, and also that the Prince has it as easy as you.
I gather Prince Richard is almost through with his chemo-therapy treatment.

I hear one loses his hair though such treatment .... and I wonder how come I haven't seen pictures in those little events he has participated in during this treatment ?
Would you pose for pictures for all the world to see if you were losing your hair due to chemotherapy treatments, King Christian? I suppose that you could wear a cute little hat if you were self-conscious about it...

Hopefully, Prince Richard will soon recover and live a long, healthy life. Best wishes to him and his family. :heart:
Well .. seeing you put it that way ... I wouldn't either.

Its just that I gathered he went hunting during his treatments ... so given that the royals are always photographed (whether its arranged or not), how come we haven't seen any pictures of him then ?
Princess Benedikte was born on April 29, 1944, in Copenhagen.

Prince Richard was born on October 29, 1934, in Giessen.

Hereditary Prince Gustav was born on January 12, 1969, in Frankfurt-am-Main.

Princess Alexandra was born on November 20, 1970, in Copenhagen.

Count Jefferson was born on July 12, 1967, in Mainz.

Count Richard was born on September 14, 1999, in Copenhagen.

Countess Ingrid was born on August 16, 2003, in Copenhagen.

Princess Nathalie was born on May 2, 1975, in Copenhagen.

Debut med guldsaksen


Smuk og rank og med trafikminister Flemming Hansen ved sin side ankom prinsesse Nathalie i hestetrukken karet, da hun lørdag formiddag åbnede Danmarks nyeste stykke motorvej - den 17 kilometer lange strækning fra Århus til Låsby.

Det var prinsesse Nathalies debut med guldsaksen, for selv om hun er datter af prinsesse Benedicte og prins Richard, og af trafikministeren blev tiltalt som »Deres højhed«, så har hun aldrig tidligere på royal vis måtte klippe rød-hvide snore over for at indvie veje og broer eller andet, hvor en royal indvielse er ønsket.
Det var den i høj grad i Låsby. Marketingskoordinator og billedkunster Peter Lundberg forklarer:

»En gruppe erhvervsfolk i Låsby ville gerne have sat fokus på byen og dens udvikling, og da erhvervsfolkene samtidig er trænings-sponsor for prinsesse Nathalie, når hun arbejder med sin hest på ridecenteret Vilhelmsborg ved Århus, spurgte vi, om hun ville hjælpe os. Hun var meget imødekommende over for vores ide og ville gerne gøre gengæld for den støtte og opbakning til sin sport, som hun har fået af erhvervsfolkene,« fortæller Lundberg.

Næste etape af motorvejs-strækningen mellem Århus og Herning indledes i 2006.

Lagt på den 8. november 2003 kl. 22:30


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Polfoto 08-11-2003 Herningmotorvejens anden del mellem Låsby og Århus bliver åbnet for bilisterne lørdag. Den 17 kilometer lange strækning belv indviet af Hendes Højhed Prinsesse Nathalie og trafikminister Flemming Hansen lørdag den 8. november 2003.


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www.billedbladet - For those who have been inquiring about Prince Richard and his health, hopefully someone can translate this article. And it looks like little Ingrid has gotten quite big!

Prins Richard i bedring: Kæmper sig rask til barnedåb - 13.11.03
Prins Richard er i bedring, og kort før jul bliver den kongelige familie samlet i Berleburg til Ingrids barnedåb.

Der er optimisme i den kongelige familie. Prins Richard er færdig med de planlagte fire kemokure, som han har været igennem, siden prinsen først på sommeren fik konstateret kræft i lysken. Nu ser alle frem til den forestående barnedåb, hvor prins Richards andet barnebarn, prinsesse Alexandras datter, Ingrid, skal døbes.
– Vi regner bestemt med, at prins Richard skal med til barnedåb, og det bliver inden jul, siger prinsesse Benediktes privatsekretær, Peter Lauritzen. Han kan endnu ikke oplyse den præcise dato for barnedåben, fordi usikkerheden om prins Richards helbred hidtil har overskygget alt.


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Polfoto 22-11-2003 Princess Benedikte of Denmark came and did annual christmas shopping at Swedish christmas bazar in Swedish Gustav church in Copenhagen Denmark Nov. 22, 2003.


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IBL - Princess Benedikte of Denmark came and did annual christmas shopping at Swedish christmas bazar in Swedish Gustav church in Copenhagen Denmark - Nov. 22, 2003.


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Prins Richard i Danmark: Jeg er ikke rask endnu - 27.11.03

Det var en overraskelse for mange, men en glæde for alle, at prins Richard magtede at deltage i kongejagten i Gribskov.

– Jeg har det relativt godt, som De kan se. Men alligevel ikke særlig godt.
Prins Richard har ikke noget mod at fortælle om sin situation lige nu, hvor han netop er blevet færdig med sine fire kemobehandlinger og forhåbentlig på vej til at blive rask. »Relativt går det godt«, som prins Richard fortæller, for de skrappe kemokure har efter alt at dømme slået kræftcellerne i hans krop ihjel. Men samtidig er prins Richard stadig så svækket, at han åbent indrømmer, at det altså ikke går særlig godt.

Utålmodigheden lurer, og prins Richard bliver indimellem modløs, fordi han han synes, det går for langsomt med at blive helt rask.

Alligevel magtede Richard i sidste uge at deltage i den store kongejagt i Gribskov i
Nordsjælland. Prins Henrik havde inviteret 18 venner og bekendte med på jagten, og til glæde for alle deltog også prins Richard.

Læs meget mere om prins Richard i BILLED-BLADET.


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Princess Alexandra, eldest daughter of Prince Richard and Princess Benedikte lives in Paris with her husband Count Jefferson von pfeil and son and daughter. Alexandra works for the United Nations.

Princess Nathalie, youngest daughter, is training for the summer Olympics, hoping to compete in the equestrian events for Denmark. I read a stroy some months back about how she was trying to drum up (financial) support and sponsorships.

And I think Prince Gustav works in finace, possibly in London, but I am very iffy on the location.
7 June 1988 - Princess Benedikte with Nancy Regan.


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From the Scandinavian Royals Message Board: A few days ago at Amalienborg Princess Benedikte received a badge to mark her 40th anniversary as a member of the Danish Home Guard (see picture).

In 1999 she received the Home Guard's badge of honour.

And for those who can read Danish, the full story:

Nyhed fra Hjemmeværnet
Hjemmeværnets 40-årstegn til prinsesse Benedikte
Af Hjemmeværnsbladet, 17/12 03 12:19

Hendes Kongelige Højhed, Prinsesse Benedikte, modtog i formiddags Hjemmeværnets 40-års tegn.

Det skete ved en lille ceremoni på Amalienborg med deltagelse af Chefen for Hjemmeværnet, generalmajor Ulf Scheibye, og Chefen for Tjenestestedskorpset, oberstløjtnant Hans-E. Østergaard, og korpsets næstkommanderende, major Steen Schütz.

Prinsesse Benedikte søgte allerede som 18-årig optagelse i hjemmeværnet, og valgte efter grundskoleuddannelsen at gøre tjeneste i Kvindeligt Marinekorps. Korpset blev i 1989 sammenlagt i Tjenestestedskorpset, og prinsessen ønskede at blive overført til det nye korps.

I alle årene har Prinsesse Benedikte fulgt hjemmeværnet og været deltager i forskellige arrangementer. Hun modtog i 1999 Hjemmeværnets Fortjensttegn.


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Originally posted by Fireweaver@Feb 20th, 2004 - 12:57 pm
Has anyone heard how Prince Richard is doing healthwise?
HRH Prince Richard are doing fine with his helth and after his last kemo he has been wery fine. The doctors has said that if he wans to stop with his kemo thens is alrigth with them,but he still has to go to a chek at the hospital.
I think that the Berleburg family are looking forward to the spring wedding her in Denmark becaus then can Richard get som air and spend som time with his big family :flower: :flower: :flower:
HRH Prince Richard are doing fine with his helth and after his last kemo he has been wery fine. The doctors has said that if he wans to stop with his kemo thens is alrigth with them,but he still has to go to a chek at the hospital.
I think that the Berleburg family are looking forward to the spring wedding her in Denmark becaus then can Richard get som air and spend som time with his big family :flower: :flower: :flower: [/b]
That's what I heard too. I'm very glad, as I felt so sorry for Princess Benedikte at Frederick's engagement. On a side note, has anyone been to Schloss Berleburg?
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That's what I heard too. I'm very glad, as I felt so sorry for Princess Benedikte at Frederick's engagement. On a side note, has anyone been to Schloss Berleburg?
No i haf never been to Berleburg Carstel but when i was a littel girl i went with my parrents and bigbroter to Glúckburg Castel.
It was in that Carstel King Christian 9. was born Chr.9. was Europs farther-inlaw
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Originally posted by H.M. Margrethe@Feb 20th, 2004 - 4:54 pm
No i haf never been to Berleburg Carstel but when i was a littel girl i went with my parrents and bigbroter to Glúckburg Castel.
It was in that Carstel King Christian 9. was born Chr.9. was Europs farther-inlaw
Oh, how wonderful! I'm not sure if you remember, but what were your impressions? Perhaps you can tell us, but maybe in the thread titled royal palaces, as it is off topic here? I would be really interested.
How is Prince Richard's health? Is Prince Gustav still in Germany or has he returned to England? What is the relationship between the two? There was an article recently but it was in Danish? Is it possible someone can translate into English?

Many thanks.
Princess Benedikte is my favorite royal. She seems so pleasant and approachable and her children also seem to have her personality and demeanor. How is her husband? Also is her son Prinz Gustav seeing anyone since the annulment of his engagement? Is he located in Germany still or London?
Originally posted by michelleq@Apr 29th, 2004 - 8:58 pm
Princess Benedikte is my favorite royal. She seems so pleasant and approachable and her children also seem to have her personality and demeanor.
I agree; Princess Benedikte seems so down to earth and very approachable. She seems like such an elegant and classy individual to a T.

How is her husband?

The last time I heard or read anything about Prince Richard, he was doing a lot better. His cancer seems to be in remission now after the chemo and treatment he underwent. Not quite back to his old self, but fighting back, despite the real "whollup" that the chemo treatment put him through.

Also is her son Prinz Gustav seeing anyone since the annulment of his engagement? Is he located in Germany still or London?

I have not heard of Prince Gustav dating anyone since the end of his relationship with Elvire de Rochefort. But Prince Gustav, as are all of Princess Benedikte's children, relatively private individuals and many details of their private lives are not as publicly discussed or chronicled as their cousins, Frederik and Joachim and their partners and families.

From the same article I read about Prince Richard's health at the beginning of this year, I believe that Gustav is in London working presently. (I wonder if he is spending some time with his maternal aunt Anne Marie and her children who are also in London, Pavlos and Nikolaos?)
Good close up of Benedikte's necklace, very nice. Did you notice Gustav and Natalie expressions in some of the pictures, they don't look like they are enjoying themselves.
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