Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary, Current Events 2: May - October 2004

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"We will be expecting quite a few visits from the Danish royal family in the years to come," a DFAT spokeswoman said. (DFAT - The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade) - Presumptuous Statement !

"Of course Mary Donaldson is Australian" - I guess they did not hear the news, she is now a Danish Citizen :eek:
Originally posted by kate14@Jul 21st, 2004 - 1:06 pm
"We will be expecting quite a few visits from the Danish royal family in the years to come," a DFAT spokeswoman said. (DFAT - The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade) - Presumptuous Statement !

"Of course Mary Donaldson is Australian" - I guess they did not hear the news, she is now a Danish Citizen :eek:
Pfftt.. PM Howard is very pro-Windsor/ British RF, so I don't think the Danish RF even rate in his book! And now we have public servants trying to cash in on F & M.
Mary is an attractive young women. she looks even more prttier when she has jewles on her.But dont know why, sometimes she looks that she could look 10 times better.
I can think of many princesses who could look 10 times better than they do now!! :lol:

But if Mary were to look 10 times better, that would be very unfair to the other princesses ;)
The pictures of Mary and Frederik at a summer cottage in Skagen is this week printed by the tabloid-weekly 'Se og hør'.

On their webpage the present the story this way:

Ophøjet kan man ikke kalde det, men sjovt så det ud, da kronprins Frederik gjorde sit for at underholde vennerne i Gl. Skagen.

Hvem han parodierede på terrassen i godsejerfamilien Skeels sommerhus, skal vi lade være usagt, men tilhørerne morede sig kongeligt. I det hele taget var der dømt fest og farver under kronprinsesse Marys og kronprins Frederiks knap ugelange ophold på toppen af Danmark. Vennerne var så mange i sommerlandet, at parret ikke behøvede at kaste sig ud i byens etablerede natteliv, men derimod kunne vælge og vrage
mellem privatfesterne. Det må have skuffet de mange bar- og restaurationsejere fælt, da Frederik og Mary sidste sommer flere gange blev set slukke tørsten på kendte in-steder som Hyttefadet, Pakhuset og Jacobs Café.

My translation:
You can’t say, it is elevated, but it looked funny, when Crownprince Frederik did his part to entertain the friends in Gl. Skagen.

Who he parodied at the terrace of the landowner-family Skeel’s summer cottage, we can’t say (will remain unsaid), but the audience was amused “royal” (Chatleen: in danish slang for enjoying oneself immensely). All in all there were a festive atmosphere during Crown Princess Mary and Crown Prince Frederik’s nearly one week long stay at the top of Denmark. They had so many friends in the area, that the couple didn’t need to participate in the established night life, on the contrary they could choose among the private parties. It must have been a disappointment for the many owners of bars and restaurants, because last summer Frederik and Mary very seen several times quenching their thirst at in-hang-outs like Hyttefadet, Pakhuset and Jacobs Café.
BT today comments on the pictures:

Distancen til kongehuset er forkortet. Se og Hør har flyttet grænserne, og nu er der ikke længere end en paparazzi-linse til de mest private stunder.
I hvert fald ikke, hvis man bladrer denne uges Se og Hør igennem. Her vises billeder fra kronprinsparrets ferie i Skagen. Billeder, hvor Kronprinsen bl.a. står...

...og tisser. Billeder, som ikke engang en af de værste sladderaviser i Europa ville bringe.
»Den slags billeder, du nævner, ville jeg da gerne se, men vi ville aldrig bringe dem,« lyder det fra engelske The Mirrors billedredaktør Glenn Bennett.

De omdiskuterede billeder i Se og Hør viser Kronprinsen i nogle meget private stunder. Kronprins Frederik, der står og tisser op ad en hæk. Kronprinsen med en bajer i hånden, Kronprinsen som imiterer noget, der ligner en abe foran sine venner. Sjove? Måske. Charmerende? Ikke specielt. Sjældne? Ja, meget.

Det er tydeligt, parret ikke vidste, de blev fotograferet. Det har de prøvet før. Men de situationer, vi ser Kronprinsen i, er aldrig set på billeder, og de får en til at stille spørgsmålet: Hvor går grænsen?

Glad chefredaktør

»Selvfølgelig har vi en grænse. Men jeg vurderer fra gang til gang, hvor den grænse går. Det, vi har i bladet i denne uge, står vi selvfølgelig inde for. Men det er også vigtigt i den sammenhæng at sige, at vi på ingen måde er forargede over, at Kronprinsen nyder ferielivet i Skagen. Tværtimod så synes vi, det er vidunderligt, at han har den side og tør vise den,« siger Henrik Qvortrup, chefredaktør på Se og Hør, der glæder sig meget over billederne.

»Jeg har ikke problemer med det, og hvis Kronprinsen har problemer med det - hvad jeg ikke tror, han har - så er det måske lidt uklogt af ham at feste igennem på den måde i et sommerhus, som ligger i det åbne landskab,« mener Henrik Qvortrup.

Hos Billed Bladet er sagen klar. Den slags billeder ville man aldrig bringe.

Klar melding

»Jeg kan slet ikke lide dem. Det er en stil, som ligger fjernt fra Billed Bladets. Jeg tror ikke, der er læsere til det. Og jeg tror ikke, Se og Hør sælger mange blade på de billeder. Så vi er ikke misundelige. Vi ville da meget gerne have fotograferet Kronprinsen i Skagen, men ikke på den måde,« lyder den klare melding fra chefredaktør Anders Thisted.

Han mener dog ikke, at Se og Hørs kontroversielle billedvalg flytter grænser i forhold til den uskrevne lov om brug af paparazzibilleder af den danske kongefamilie.

»Så var det gået amok for længe siden. Men Danmark er for lille til den slags, og folk holder for meget af kongehuset. De kan godt lide, at der er en distance,« mener Anders Thisted.

Selv i England, som normalt er et af de lande, hvor paparazzi-fotograferne virkelig kan score kassen, er der trukket en grænse.

Grænser i England

Selvom det store avis- og magasinmarked hver uge bringer bunker af paparazzi-billeder, og det engelske folks lyst til et kig ind i de kendtes privatliv tilsynladende er umættelig, går grænsen ved Englands to unge prinser. Efter prinsesse Dianas død i 1997, hvor hun blev forfulgt af paparazzi-fotografer, har både folkets og branchens holdning til nærgående billeder af familien nemlig ændret sig.

»På The Mirror har vi den politik, at vi lader William og Harry være i fred efter det, der skete med deres mor. Og især billeder taget på en privat ferie ville vi slet ikke bringe,« forklarer Mirrors billedredaktør Greg Bennett.

My translation:
Crown Prince Frederik on display in weekly magazine

The distance at the royal family is shortened. Se og Hør has moved the limits, and knows the distance at private moments is not longer than a paparazzi-lens.

That is if you look through this week’s Se og Hør. It brings pictures from the holiday of the Crown Prince couple in Skagen. Pictures, with the Crown Prince among other things are peeing. Pictures, which not even one of the worse tabloids in Europe would print.
“The kind of pictures, you mention, I would sure like to see, but we would never bring them”, tells the picture-editor of the English The Mirror, Glenn Bennett.

The controversial pictures in Se og Hør displays the Crown Prince in some very private moments. Crown Prince Frederik peeing in front of a hedge. The Crown Prince with a beer in his hand, the Crown Prince imitating something, which looks like a monkey, in front of his friends. Funny? Maybe. Charming? Not really. Rare? Yes, very.

It is obvious, that the couple didn’t know, they were photographed. They have tried that before. But the situations, in which we see the Crown Prince, are never seen on pictures, and they make you answer the question: Where is the limit?

Happy editor-in-chief

“Of course we got a limit. But I assess in each situation, where this limit is. What we bring this week, we of course abide. But in this context it is also important to say, that we in no way are outraged by the Crown Prince enjoying the holiday-life in Skagen. On the contrary we think, that it is wonderful, that he got this aspect in his personality, and that he is not afraid to show it” says Henrik Qvortrup, editor-in-chief at Se og Hør, who is very pleased with the pictures.

“I don’t have any problems with it, and if the Crown Prince has any problems with it – which I don’t think, he has – than maybe it was a bit unwise of him to party this way in a summer cottage situated in the open landscape” Henrik Qvortrup states.

At Billed Bladet it is a clear case. They would never print that sort of pictures.

“I don’t like them. This is a style far from the one of Billed Bladet. I don’t think, there are any readers for this. And I don’t think, that Se og Hør will sell a lot of magazines due to these pictures. We aren’t envious. Sure, we would have liked to take pictures of the Crown Prince in Skagen, but not in this way” is the clear statement from editor-in-chief Anders Thisted.

He doesn’t think though, that the controversial choice of pictures by Se og Hør, will move any limits regarding the unwritten law of use of paparazzi-pictures showing the Danish royal family.

“Then it would have gone berserk a long time ago. But Denmark is to small for this kind of things, and people care too much for the royal family. They like, that there is a distance”, Anders Thisted thinks.

Even in England, which usually is one of the countries in which, the paparazzos really are able to get big bucks, the limit has been drawn.

Even if the big market of newspapers and magazines each week brings tons of paparazzi-pictures, and the lust of the English people to get a peep into the private lifes of the famous apparently is insatiable, the two young English princes are beyond the limit. Following the death of Princess Diana in 1997, with her being chased by paparazzos, both the people and the business has changed attitude towards intimate pictures of the royal family.

“At The Mirror it is our policy to leave William and Harry alone, due to what happened with their mother. And especially pictures taken at a private holiday, we would never print”, the picture-editor of The Mirror Greg Bennett explains.
Geez. They should have left them alone.
Hehe..nice pictures and great, funny captions King Christian.. :flower:
hey guys, im from australia and i love mary... her brtother and his wife are friends with my aunty... do u know if she is pregnant :rolleyes:
you would be in the best position o know ... are you saying you heard from your aunty, who heard from her friend "his wife", who heard from her hushand, who heard from his sister that she missed a period ?
Found this link on the GRMB:


Crown Princess Mary and her beautiful new sister-in-law, Princess Alexandra, have been unwittingly thrust into a bizarre popularity contest by their Danish subjects. And alarmingly for palace spin-doctors, some Danes are openly questioning the level of friendship between the two princesses.

Hong Kong-born Princess Alexandra, 40, was Denmark's darling for almost a decade, ever since she became the wife of Crown Prince Frederik's younger brother, Prince Joachim, in 1995. According to a Danish royal commentator: "Until now, she's enjoyed the status of being Denmark's favourite royal - apart from, perhaps, the Queen. But now it is Mary who is getting the attention, the cheers, the compliments. What a rival!"

It is really, really crap. The danish royal house does not have any spindoctors. In fact, the first person employed only to deal with the media started just a couple of months before the wedding.

And than I wonder, why the "Danish royal commentator" doesn't have a name... Hey, I'm danish, and I make comments on the Danish royal family :p
Originally posted by Chatleen@Jul 26th, 2004 - 11:27 am
And than I wonder, why the "Danish royal commentator" doesn't have a name... Hey, I'm danish, and I make comments on the Danish royal family :p
:lol: :lol: :lol:


We've all been Danish Royal Commentators at some point!
Maybe they talked to a Royal commentator who is an American but who follows the Danes like, I don´t know, me. Doh. Revealed my identity. :p
Fredrik and Mary is on a "city tour". They are sailing along the danish coast and visit some various cities. Today they will visit Odense
The article is clearly not based on anything substantial. As pointed out before, it is an article which relies solely on internet postings.

Which is my whole point for posting the article here in the first place ... that the Mary attacks on the internet reflects badly on Alex's fans and (in the Women's Day's journalist's mind), those comments reflect badly on Alex herself. You know what I mean? The "outrage" shown by some pro-Alexandra posters that Mary is doing this/ not doing this and the constant putting down of Mary opens the possibility for the journalist to say "Alexandra is a jealous rival", because those posters make it sound like Alex and Mary are rivals!!

Posts like "Mary is trying too hard, Alex is "real" and warm"... blah blah blah... everyone who has read the article can attest that these are the types of posts that were quoted ad infinitum in the article! And hence allow the journalist to make the argument that Alexandra is a jealous rival.

They're not! I blame this negative piece on the journalist AND also on those posters for putting the idea in the journalist's head in the first place!!!
Originally posted by Jasl@Jul 28th, 2004 - 2:38 pm
The article is clearly not based on anything substantial. As pointed out before, it is an article which relies solely on internet postings.
Maybe I'm being slow here, but just to make sure:

Does the article mention, that it is based on internet-comments?
:flower: ..She certainly has good taste in men.. :p ..And I hear his personality is also quite nice.
have you seen photos of today appearence?
mary, fred, margarethe, henri, anne marie and benedikte were today in grasten palace.

she was really beautiful today... a really young and refreshing look, very different from these days costumes...
Thanks Samiture for the link. The video is nice and She looks pretty. The couple looks cute...Still, I am not into the public kissing even if the people asked them to do so...they are exposing their private life easily to the media. they should not regret it later as the people as the media will ask more and more (IMO)
You're welcome.

I wouldn't think it appropriate if they had a long overdone french kiss or something in public, but this was only a quick peck on the mouth. I was surprised at the way everyone on other boards went on and on about it as being not appropriate. In this case I think it was fine. It didn't bother me a bit.
I think it is sweet. It's not like they are slobbering all over each other. It's nice to be able to show affection.
Just found this article and not sure if it has been posted before... but go Fred & Mary!!! :) :) :

Link: Official Website of the Australian Olympic Committee (AOC)


Crown Prince Fredrik of Denmark and future Princess Mary Donaldson of Tasmania give support to Olympic Movement
Monday, May 03, 2004

A unique opportunity for you to share in the Olympic spirit and help raise funds for the Australian Team.

In a gesture of goodwill, Crown Prince Fredrik of Denmark and, his soon-to-be-bride, Mary Donaldson of Tasmania has given their support to the Olympic movement.

In response to a request from the Tasmanian Olympic Council the fairytale couple have graciously signed the Australian Olympic flag, which is mounted in a gilt frame producing an artistic composition that reflects the true spirit of Olympism.

This unique presentation features a silk Australian Olympic flag with the five Olympic rings in full colour, personally signed by the couple whilst in Hobart in January 2004, and a photograph marking their engagement. Beautifully mounted Danish and Australian lapel pins compliment this exquisite piece.

As a classic example of contemporary design, the piece will be auctioned in Tasmania at the Premiers 2004 Olympic Fund Raising Dinner on 21st May.

Expressions of interest prior to the dinner can be directed to the Tasmanian Olympic Council on 0011 613 6230 8260 or by Emailing:

P.S. The orange section reads: "Signed in Hobart, January 2004, By Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark & Mary Donaldson of Tasmania, Avid Supporters of the Olympic Movement Athens 2004. :)

Darn it...if only I knew... (haha! jus kidding of course!)
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