Former Monarchies of Aden, Yemen and the Southern Arabian Sultanates

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Jan 22, 2005
Former Monarchies of Aden, Yemen

and the Southern Arabian Sultanates

Arabia 1905-1923
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Federation of Arab Emirates of the South
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Sheffield’s Weston Park Museum featured on Wednesday an art festival and archaeological exhibition on the Queen Arwa and Belqis of Yemen. - University of Liverpool
Do any Forum members want to start new thread sections on non-Reigning Royals of Yemen (Imanate/Kingdom), and Sultanates, Sheikhdoms & Emirates of South Yemen and former Aden Protectorate & Federation of Southern Arabia - Lahej, Shihr & Mukalla, Fadhli, Yafa'i, Beihan, Dhala, Sha'ib, Hadhrami, Kathiri, Mahri Quishn & Socotra, Birati, etc.?
These are very interesting Royal Houses, and some have excellent websites like the Quait'i Sultanate of Hadhramaut (Shihr &Mukalla).
I hope others may be interested too.
Who is the Pretender to the Throne of Yemen now?
Kingdom of Yemen

Who is the Pretender to the Throne of Yemen now?

The last King of Yemen at the time of the Royalist/Republican War in 1962 was King Muhammad al-Badr, who was the son of King Ahmed Hamidaddin (1948-62).
HM King Muhammad al-Badr Hamidaddin (Hameed al-Deen) led the Royalist forces from North Yemen and Saudi Arabia.
He went into exile in Saudi Arabia, and then Britain with his family. He died in 1996.
His son and Heir is HRH Crown Prince Ageel bin Muhammad Al-Badr Hamidaddin (born 1974). Crown Prince Ageel's son & Heir is HRH Prince Muhammad Al-Hassan bin Ageel.
I hope this is helpful to start Yemen Kingdom forum.
The Sultanates, Sheikhdoms, & Emirates of Southern Arabia (Aden Protectorate & South Yemen) are equally interesting!
Is there any change for the Royal Family of Yemen to have back the Throne?
Kingdom of Yemen

Is there any change for the Royal Family of Yemen to have back the Throne?

I'm not an expert in this subject or up-to-date on situation re Monarchy restoration in Yemen, but from much that ive read on the history of North Yemens Royalist/Republican civil war from 1962, and the many tribal clan rivalries in the now united North &South Yemen, post-Sallah Presidency &Republics unrest, plus new Islamic extremist eliments & security situation ongoing, i think any National movement or unified feeling for the return of the Monarchy most unlikely myself.
If the situation in Yemen settles and stabilizes with some sort of democratic or coalition Government of National unity, then maybe a return of the Royal family as private citizens is as possible as has happened in Afghanistan and some East European Balkan Republics.
It is worth pointing out too that unlike the original North Yemen Imanate & Kingdom, the Republic of Yemen now includes the former North & South Yemens. South Yemen was a Marxist State that took over the former Sultanates,Sheikhdoms,Emirates of Aden Protectorate & Federation of South Arabia,in 1967. Therefore these regions (Aden,Hadhramaut,etc) have there own tribal loyalties and divisions, and Royal Houses and histories.
The Royal Family of Yemen had any recent statement regarding the situation of the country?
Yemen Royal Family

The Royal Family of Yemen had any recent statement regarding the situation of the country?

The last i read through The Monarchist League and other Royalty websites was that HRH Crown Prince Ageel bin Muhammad Al-Badr Hamidaddin of Yemen was active as a spokesman for the Royal Family and on Yemens situation since the death of his father HM King Muhammad Al-Badr in 1996.
Ive not yet found anything up to date since the recent civil unrest and anti-Salih protests. I think the Royal family are still in Britain, but previously they were in exile in Saudi Arabia. Al Jazeera News archives website may possibly be worth a try as a source of information or any recent quotes or interviews.
Al Jazeera News covered the Libyan Sanussi Royal Heir during the Libyan recent uprising, and BBC News covered the Iraqi Hashemite Royal claimants during Iraqi elections etc.
Other smaller Yemeni Sultanates of former Aden Protectorate & South Arabia are living in Yemen (South Yemen regions) and many are active within their own Tribal communities and former capitals & ancestoral homelands of old Sultanates,Sheikhdoms,Emirates.
Some Royal websites cover the North Yemeni Hamidaddin Royal Family.
So it is not easy to know the real situation of the Royals of this region.
Yemen Royal Family

Not easy to find up to date news or info on Yemen Royal Family or other Sultanates and Sheikhdoms of South Yemeni Region.
Im starting to up-date Royalty Forum information on some of the larger old Sultanates & Sheikhdoms of former South Yemen - Aden and Hadhramaut Regions.
Sultanate of Lahej

Sultanate of Lahej -
Established independent control and rule 1728 by Abdali Dynasty.
Capital of Lahej Sultanate - Lahij.
Largest or most important independent Sultanate in Aden Region, came under British influence and protection 1918.
In 1919 Lahej expanded control of Subeihi area.
In 1958 British control deposed Sultan HH Ali bin Abd al-Karim al-Abdali (1952-58) as Sultan resisted joining British imposed new Federation of Arab Emirates.
His Heir and British approved successor was Sultan HH Fadl VI bin Ali bin Ahmad al-Abdali (1958-67).
He was the last reigning Sultan of Lahej, being deposed in 1967 when Britain pulled out of Aden and South Arabia, and the Marxist forces of the new Peoples Republic of South Yemen deposed the ruling Sultans and abolished the Sultanates and their independence in 1967.
Some Royal Family websites may cover the dynasties of Lahej and other former South Arabian & Aden Sultanates.
Any further up to date information on Lahej Royal Family would be very welcome!
Aqrabi Sheikhdom

Aqrabi Sheikhdom -
Split from long established Lahej Sultanate in 18th Cen.
In 1839 British influence and control spread to Aqrabi from Port of Aden and Lahej Sultanate.
In 1888 Aqrabi became a British Protectorate.
In 1960 Aqrabi joined Federation of Arab Emirates.
In 1963 Aqrabi joined Federation of South Arabia.
The last reigning Sheikh, H.E.Sheikh Mahmud bin Muhammad Al-Aqrabi (1957-1967) was deposed in August 1967 (when Britain pulled out of Aden Region), and the Aqrabi Sheikhdom abolished in November 1967 by the new Marxist South Yemen Republic.
Any new up-to-date information on the Aqrabi Sheikhdom Family Dynasty situation today would be helpful!
Upper Aulaqi Sultanate of Nisab

Upper Aulaqi Sultanate of Nisab -

Sultanate of Aulaqi (Awlaqi) split 18th Cent in to Upper & Lower Aulaqi Sultanates.
In 19th Cent came under British control.
In 1964 joined Federation South Arabia.
The last reigning Sultan, HH Sultan Awad bin Salih Al-Awlaqi (1935-1967), was deposed and Sultanate abolished in 1967 (when the British left Aden) by the new Marxist South Yemen Republic.
Any new information on Upper Aulaqi Sultanate Dynasty and family situation would be helpful.
Lower Aulaqi Sultanate.

Lower Aulaqi Sultanate -

Sultanate of Lower Aulaqi split from Upper Aulaqi in 18th Cent.
In 19th Cent came under British control.
In 1960 joined Federation Arab Emirates.
In 1963 joined Federation South Arabia.
The last reigning Sultan was HH Sultan Nasir bin Aydarus Al-Awlaqi (1947-1967). He was deposed after the British pulled out of South Arabia in 1967, by the new Marxist South Yemeni regime, and imprisoned for some time with his relative and Governor of Lower Aulaqi Sultanate, Prince Ali Abdullah Al-Awlaqi.
The Sultanate was abolished in 1967 with all the other Sultanates in South Arabia by the new Marxist S.Yemen Republic.
Up-to-date information on the Dynasty and families situation would be helpful, and also any further information on the Sultan and Governors imprisonment would be most welcome.
Sheikhdom of Upper Aulaqi.

Upper Aulaqi Sheikhdom -

The Sheikhdom was a smaller related State and neighbour of Upper Aulaqi Sultanate. The Aulaqi Sheikhs of Said split from the Sultanate in 18th Cent.
In 1890 became a British Protectorate.
In 1959 was a founding member State of Federation Arab Emirates.
In 1963 joined Federation South Arabia.
The last reigning Sheikh was H.E.Sheikh Amir Abd Allah bin Muhsin al Yaslami Al-Aulaqi (1959-1967).
He was deposed and the Sheikhdom abolished (after British left South Arabia) in 1967 by the Marxist new South Yemen Republic.
New information would be helpful.
Alawi Sheikhdom.

Alawi Sheikhdom -

The Sheikhdom of Alawi was established and independent by 1839 when the British began to have influence there.
In 1895 became part of British Aden Protectorate.
The Alawi Sheikhdoms Capital was the town of Al-Qasha.
The last reigning Sheikh was H.E.Sheikh Salih bin Sayil Al-Alawi (1940-1967).
He was deposed in 1967 (after the British left Aden) by the new Marxist South Yemeni regime, and the Sheikhdom then abolished.
Any new and up-to-date information on Alawi Sheikhdom and Dynasty would be helpful.
Sultanate of Fadhli.

Sultanate of Fadhli -

The Fadhli Sultanate is on the Aden Gulf coast, and after The Sultanate of Lahej, The Fadhli Sultanate is probably the other better known and established Sultanate in the western region of Southern Arabia in the Aden Gulf coast area.
The original & traditional Capital of Fadhli was the town of Shruqah.
The later administrational Capital of Fadhli moved to the town of Zinjibar.
In 1890 came under British protection.
In 1959 was one of the original founding members Federation Arab Emirates.
In 1963 joined Federation South Arabia.
The last reigning Sultan, HH Nasser bin Abdullah bin Ahmed Al-Fadhli, was deposed and the Sultanate abolished in 1967 by the new Marxist South Yemen Republic.
Further information on The Fadhli Sultanate Dynasty and Family would be very hepful please.
Sheikhdom of Shaib.

Sheikhdom of Shaib -

The Shaib Sheikhdom was established by the 18th Cent.
The Sheikhdom came under British influence and protection in the 19th Cent.
Joined the Federation of Arab Emirates & Federation of South Arabia 1960s.
The last reigning Sheikh, H.E.Sheikh Yahya Mohammed Al-Kholaqi Al-Saqladi (1965-67), was deposed in 1967 by the Marxist South Yemen regime and Sheikh Yahya went in to exile in Saudi Arabia.
The Sheikhdom was abolished by the new Peoples Republic of South Yemen in November 1967.
Sheikh Yahya Mohammed Al-Kholaqi Al-Saqladi died in Saudi Arabia in 2001.
Any new information on Sheikh Yahya's life in exile, and on The Shaib Al-Saqladi Dynasty & Family would be interesting and helpful.
Emirate of Dhala.

Emirate of Dhala -

Established by Amiri Dynasty.
Dhala Emirate Capital was Dhala town.
In 19th Cent came under British influence.
In 1904 became part of British Aden Protectorate.
In 1959 joined Federation of Arab Emirates.
In 1963 joined Federation of South Arabia.
The last reigning Emir of Dhala, HH Emir Shafaul bin Ali Shaif Al-Amiri, was deposed and Dhala Emirate abolished in 1967 (after Britain pulled out of Aden & South Arabia) by the new Marxist South Yemen regime.
All up-to-date information on Dhala Emirate & Amiri Dynasty & Emir's Family would be helpful.
Haushabi Sultanate.

Haushabi Sultanate -

Established and independent by the 18th Cent.
In 19th Cent became part of British Aden Protectorate.
In 1960s joined Federation of Arab Emirates, and then Federation of South Arabia.
The Haushabi Sultanates Capital was the town of Musaymir.
The last Sultan of Haushabi was HH Sultan Faisal bin as-Surur Al-Haushabi, who was deposed in 1967 (after British pulled out from Aden) by the new Marxist South Yemeni regime. The Sultanate was abolished too in 1967.
Any information on Al-Haushabi Sultanate, Dynasty & Family is very welcome.
Audhali Sultanate.

Audhali Sultanate -

Sultanate established and independent by 19th Cent, when it came under British influence from Aden.
In 1890 became part of British Aden Protectorate.
In 1959 joined Federation of Arab Emirates.
In 1963 joined Federation of South Arabia.
The Audhali Sultanate Capital was the town of Zarah.
The last reigning Sultan of Audhali was HH Sultan Salih bin al-Husayn bin Jabil Al-Audhali (1928-1967). The Sultan's Regent of Audhali in 1928 was Prince Muhammad Jabil Al-Audhali.
HH Sultan Salih Al-Audhali was deposed and the Sultanate abolished in 1967 (after Britain withdrew from Aden) by the new Marxist regime of South Yemen.
Any further information on The Al-Audhali Sultanate Dynasty &Family would be very helpful.
Wahidi Balhaf Sultanate.

Wahidi Sultanate of Balhaf -

The Wahidi States and Sultanate of Balhaf became part of British Aden Protectorate in 19th Cent.
In 1960s joined Federation of Arab Emirates, and then Federation of South Arabia.
The Sultanate States were known as Wahidi. Its Capital was the town of Balhaf. The Sultanate was on the Aden Gulf coast, and also controlled the former Wahidi Sultanate of Azzan.
There were various and several family lineages, and the last reigning Wahidi Sultan of Balhaf was deposed in 1967 and the Wahidi Balhaf Sultanate abolished by the new Marxist South Yemeni regime.
More detailed information on the last Wahidi Balhaf Sultan would be most welcome and really helpful to my research please!
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Wahidi Bir Ali Sultanate.

Wahidi Bir Ali State, also known as The Sultanate of Wahidi Wilayah.

Established separately from Wahidi Balhaf, situated on Aden Gulf coast.
The Capital of Wahidi Bir Ali / Wahidi Wilaya was the town of Bir Ali.
In the 19th Cent came under the British Aden Protectorate.
The States/Sultanates Rulers were titled as The Wali of Wahidi.
The last reigning Wali, Alawi bin Salih bin Ahmad Al-Wahidi, was deposed in 1967, and as with the other States & Sultanates of South Arabia the Wahidi Bir Ali State was abolished by the new Marxist South Yemen Republic in 1967.
New up-to-date information woulid be helpful.
All these Emirs still have support in Yemen?
It is a a possibility that Yemen becomes a Federation of Emirates and Sultanates?
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Yemenis support for the Sultanates & Emirates.

All these Emirs still have support in Yemen?

Yes Cory, In their own towns and regions, among their tribesmen, there is most definately genuine support for the various Sultans and Sheikhs.
After the South Yemen Marxist regime deposed and abolished the reigning dynasties in 1967, some ex-Ruling Families left their Sheikhdoms and Sultanates for exile either temporary or permanent (usually in Saudi Arabia, Britain, Oman).
Other ex-Ruling families opted to stay in the protection of their loyal tribes and population, but still lost much property and all official prestige under the new South Yemeni Marxist regime.
Since Yemen's unification there has been some token property and land restitution. Some articles and interviews of non-Reigning South Arabian Adeni and Yemeni Sultans and Sheikhs can be found amongst a few English language translated Arabic or Yemeni News and political websites.
Emirate of Beihan.

The Emirate of Beihan (Bayhan) -

Long established Emirate of The Al-Habieli Dynasty, of Hashemite connection.
The Beihan Emirate's Capital was the town of Suq Abdullah (and also known as Beihan Town too).
There were old historic feuds between the two main Tribes of Musabein in the south and the Tribes of the north - Al-Saleh (Ahmed Saif clan) and Al-Fatima (Naji Alawi clan).
Adventually The Al-Habieli Dynasty of The Imams of Sanaa in the north established control and rule.
The British Protectorate of Aden gained influence and control from the 18th-19th Cent.
In 1959 Beihan joined Federation of Arab Emirates.
In 1962 Beihan joined Federation of South Arabia.
The Emir, HH Sheikh Sharif Ahmad Muhsin Al-Habieli (Emir 1903-1935) abdicated in 1935, and his son HH Prince Sharif Hussein bin Ahmad Al-Habieli ruled as Regent 1935-1967.
He was deposed and the Emirate abolished (after the British withdrawal from Aden) in 1967 by the new Marxist regime of South Yemen.
Im not sure if HH Sharif Hussein bin Ahmad was actually ruling as Emir or Regent when deposed in 1967.
Any further information on this would be very helpful and most welcome, thank you.
Sultanate of Lower Yafa.

The Sultanate of Lower Yafa (Yaf'ai) -

Established by the 18th Cen.
Ruled by The Al-Afifi Dynasty - The Yafai Tribe.
The Lower Yafa Sultanates Capital was the town of Jaar.
Included The Sheikhdoms of Al-Saadi, Yaher, Kalad, Thi'Nakheb, Yazidi.
Became part of British Aden Protectorate 1895.
In 1959 joined Federation of Arab Emirates.
In 1963 joined Federation of South Arabia.
The last Reigning Sultan, HH Sultan Mahmud bin Aidrus (Aydarus) Al-Afifi, was deposed and the Sultanate abolished (after the British pulled out of Aden) in 1967 by the new Marxist South Yemen Republic.
Any further information welcome.
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Sheikhdom of Upper Yafar.

The Sheikhdom of Upper Yafar -

Also known as The Sheikhdom of Mahjaba.
Established by the 18th Cen by The Al-Harhara Dynasty, and in 1800 it was The Sultanate of Upper Yafar. The Dynasty was historically linked by family lineage to The Al-Harara Naqibs of Mawsata.
The Sheikhdom came under British control in 1895.
The last Reigning Sheikh, H.E. Sheikh Muhammad bin Salih bin Umar Al-Harhara (1948-1967), was deposed and the Sheikhdom abolished (after Britain withdrew from Aden) in 1967 by the new Marxist South Yemen Republic.
Any further information on the Dynasty and Al-Harhara family would be helpful.
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