Queen Silvia's 75th Birthday: December 23, 2018

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Imperial Majesty
Jun 22, 2007
Svensk Damtidning has an article about queen Silvia's 75th birthday at this week's paper issue.

Margareta Thorgren, the Director of the Press department, said to Svensk Damtidning:
- There will be a private celebration on the actual birthday, on Sunday, December 23rd.
- But before it will be a major tribute seminar to the Queen's honor at Oscarsteatern in Stockholm on 18th December.
- The queen's deed will be in focus, she will simply be praised for all that she has achieved during her years as queen. But how the program will look in more detail, we will return to.

Svensk Damtidning tells also that although the queen's birthday is only one day before the Christmas Eve, every year the royal family gathers at a black tie dinner to Drottningholm Palace. The royal family has a special tradition at the queen's birthday. Every year she gets a surprise party, the dinner is served at one of the 192 rooms of Drottningholm Palace, and the queen doesn't know in advance in which room the dinner will be.
Her Majesty's birthday will be celebrated, as previously told by LadyFinn, with a seminar on Oscarteatern in Stockholm on 18 December. A reception will be held at the Royal Palace on 19 December for authorities and organisations.


HQ versions of the photo by photographer Anna-Lena Ahlström.

Kungliga Magasinet published a special issue
Just before Christmas ,I doubt we'll see any foreign royals present so close to the Festive season.
Just before Christmas ,I doubt we'll see any foreign royals present so close to the Festive season.

Most likely, and the program is not very official either. it seems like the prefer to celebrate the birthday mainly privately.
Just before Christmas ,I doubt we'll see any foreign royals present so close to the Festive season.
Given that Scandinavians have their main Christmas celebrations on Christmas eve I doubt that any foreigners have been invited.

Added - If I'd bothered to scroll up I'd seen that the celebrations span several days and not just December 23d.
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At Kungliga Magasinet's special issue is a large interview of queen Silvia. Editor-in-chief Roger Lundgren interviewed the queen on 5th July in Solliden. Photographer Rickard L. Eriksson took the photos.
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Expressen writes about the interview:
Queen Silvia's regrets - after hectic years
Queen Silvia is very family-loving and delighted with her grandchildren.
In a personal interview with Kungliga Magasinet the Queen tells how difficult it has been to combine duties and family life.
The Queen tells her that she immediately felt welcome to Sweden and to the royal family.
- Sure, I came from a completely different background and there were things I had to learn, especially the language. But Sweden was no new acquaintance. My father worked for the Swedish company Uddeholm since 1949 and my family had several Swedish friends. Sweden was something very positive for me - not at all strange - and I have always appreciated the Swedes friendliness, discretion and organizational ability, the queen tells.
Before the birth of Princess Madeleine, the royal couple decided to leave Stockholm's inner city and move to Drottningholm Palace. The Queen tells that it became impractical to live with two children at the Royal Palace.
- We wanted Victoria and Carl Philip to be close to nature, breathe fresh air and play without the need for a lot of planning and driving through half Stockholm to any suitable park or playground. I fell in love with Drottningholm the first time I saw the Palace. It is a wonderfully beautiful place with the park and proximity to the water. I like walking and cycling there and finding true peace of mind in the beautiful environment.
The queen looks back at the time as a parent with small children, telling that it was hard to just be at home with the children.
- Unfortunately, for our part, neither maternity or paternity leave was possible. We needed to find a way to combine parenting with our royal missions. A lot of things were important, and I tried to be with as much as I could in official contexts. We had very nice help at home, but it was not easy to leave crying children. The same goes for the Crown Princess, I think she understands how difficult it was for us to combine duties with family life. Of course, like many others with a hectic existence, we feel that we haven't been enough with our children.
The Queen tells that she is looking forward to December 23, her big day.
Drottning Silvias ånger – efter hektiska åren Expressen
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Claes Elfsberg has interviewed queen Silvia due to her 75th birthday for SVT.

The program will be shown on 17th December on SVT1 at 20.00
On December 23, Queen Silvia turns 75 years. SVT's Claes Elfsberg interviewed her when she was brand new in Sweden in March 1976, during the memorable press conference when King Carl XVI Gustaf and Miss Silvia Sommerlath announced their engagement. Now, Queen Silvia and Claes Elfsberg meet again. The queen is sitting in the same couch as she sat at the engagement, for a conversation about family and aging, about children and childhood, about duties and pleasures.
Kanaler _ SVT Play

Claes Elfsberg interviewed the King on his 70th birthday and Crown princess Victoria on her 40th birthday.
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King Carl Gustaf, queen Silvia, crown princess Victoria, prince Daniel, prince Carl Philip, princess Sofia and princess Madeleine attend on 18th December at the Seminar on the occasion of the Queen's 75th birthday at Oscarsteatern.
Kalender - Sveriges Kungahus
Claes Elfsberg about the big interview with Queen Silvia: "Never heard her open up about the family"
On Monday, 17th of December at 20.00, we'll see it, SVT's big 75-year interview with Queen Silvia, recorded for two hours in the Yellow Salon at the Royal Palace - between a late lunch and a big gala dinner. And it is no less than experienced SVT anchor Claes Elfsberg who asks the questions.
How was the meeting?
- The queen was delightful and delivered really. I think the program will give a slightly different picture of her than the one we are used to. It was a very serious conversation. She opens up in a way that I did not hear her do before.
- I ask questions and she looks back on life, from childhood in Germany and Brazil and to today. I think I can say that we will hear the Queen tell us about her family which have not come up before.
Claes Elfsberg did the classic engagement interview with King Carl Gustaf and his fiancee, Silvia Sommerlath.
- It was the first time that Silvia Sommerlath was presented to the Swedish people, and it was then that the king said his classic "And so it just said click!" And then, as I possibly was a little rude, I forced the queen to speak Swedish! Now I asked the queen that we would do the interview on the same sofa in the same room.
- I worked on SVT's Rapport and in the 1970s, the royal family was not exactly in the top of the course in Swedish media, so I as the youngest reporter should do that, there was no one else who wanted to ...
- I was so nervous. But she and the king were so happy and in love. And everyone was curious about this girl who had managed to avoid the photographers for all years.
How do you remember her from that day?
- She had an immediate charm, and I feel that charm again today at the Queen. Yes, I really think I can see that young girl in the queen.
- But perhaps the smile was even wider and even more flashy on the day of engagement, that's quite natural. And maybe she is a little more on guard today, she chooses her words with great care, now that what she says is so quoted.
Claes Elfsberg om stora intervjun med drottning Silvia_ _Aldrig hört henne öppna upp så om familjen_ _ Svensk Damtidning

Princess Birgitta has told to Svensk Damtidning that she is not able to attend at the seminar organized in honor of queen Silvia's 75th birthday 0n 18th December. The article is behind a paywall.
Därför missar prinsessan Birgitta drottningens 75-årsfest – berättar själv _ Svensk Damtidning
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Queen Silvia has given an interview to Elle Sweden. The interview is over 30 pages long and has a lot of photos. Here is part of the interview:
Exklusivt_ ELLE möter drottning Silvia _ ELLE

There are three differet covers for Elle's first issue 2019 with queen Silvia
Så beställer du hem ELLEs unika magasin _ ELLE

Queen Silvia's hairdos
Från långt – till kort! Ta en titt på drottning Silvias vackra frisyrer _ ELLE

Queen Silvia's most memorable outfits
Drottning Silvias mest minnesvärda outfits – se bilderna _ ELLE

Svensk Damtidning's article about the interview
Drottning Silvia i stor Elle-intervju! _ Svensk Damtidning
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Queen Silvia at the Elle interview about Victoria using her clothes
The interview is made at Drottningholm Palace, and the Queen receives in Gustav III's old playroom, a room decorated with bright green walls and furniture in pink and gold. The room is used, in summer, as the royal couple's private dining room.
- This is a very special place, I think it's the most beautiful room in the Palace, says the queen.
The conversation slides into clothes, due to the fact that one of the dresses that the queen wears on Camilla Åkran's pictures is the black and white Nina Ricci dress that the Queen was wearing at the Nobel Dinner 1993, 25 years ago. The queen declares that these dresses are kept in a room at the Palace, located in boxes with acid-free tissue paper. The tip comes from the Parsons fashion school in New York.
- The dresses are very sensitive to light. And the weight, all these embroideries, means we can not hang them up. So we put them in boxes in a room. How to best preserve was something I really wondered about. How do you do it? And there you did it that way, so I thought good idea!
Susanne Ljung and the Queen talk about reuse and to recycling their clothes.
- Yes, it's important to show that you wear your clothes! I've always thought that's important. You work so much with a dress. You choose. You look. One tries. There is a lot of work behind a dress, and a wardrobe. I think it's too bad to use the clothes once or twice.
Susanne Ljung asks the Queen about her interest in fashion and clothing.
- I think of course it is interesting and beautiful and important with beautiful clothes. But, really, it's not the most important thing I think. Though I can not tell that to ELLE, says the queen, and continues:
- It is clear that I admire those who create couture. There are so infinitely beautiful things, and the clothes are still alive.
During Monday's Nobel Prize ceremony, the Crown Princess lent Victoria Queen's beautiful Nina Ricci dress from 1995. This is not the first time we saw Crown Princess Victoria in the Queen's clothes. In the interview, Susanne Ljung asks about this, wondering if the Crown Princess, in turn, sometimes lends clothes to the queen.
- That was a good idea, I'll suggest that! laughs the queen. I think it's very funny that teenage daughters, in all families, have their own thoughts and opinions about what suits and says, "Will Mum really wear that?" And suddenly, a few years later, it turns out that 'well it's obviously great to wear'. It makes me very happy! I just think it's nice that she shares my taste, and thinks it's beautiful and wants to use my clothes. And that they suit her.
Drottning Silvia om att låna ut kläder till kronprinsessan Victoria_ _Fint_ _ ELLE

Cia Jansson, the editor-in-chief of Elle Sweden:
How does it feel when the issue with Queen Silvia is out?
- It feels, of course, great fun. And historic! For several months, we have been looking forward to show to all readers one of the biggest and most amazing reports we have ever produced.
Why has ELLE chosen to do this right now?
- Her Majesty The Queen is celebrating 75 years this year, so there was a certain angle. In addition, she is an obvious style icon. The Queen is also, in her office and in her leadership role, both a great inspector and an important model. A true humanist who always stands on the weak side and dares to fight for vulnerable people's rights.
I, and many with me, wonder how it was to meet the queen. Tell!
- During a few autumn days, we ELLE's team were invited by the queen to the beautiful pastel and gold-shimmering Drottningholm Palace. There we also saw the image of a playful grandmother - warm, natural and personal.
How was the queen personal?
- For example, she, on her own initiative, brought some of the grandchildren's drawings that would be on the desk when Camilla Åkrans photographed!
Tell me more!
- The queen creates a wonderful atmosphere around her, generous and inviting, and her involvement is contagious. Anecdotes are told and conveyed history, whether it's about Gustav III, Queen Ingrid's embroidery, taking care roses or fabric qualities.
Cia Jansson om drottning Silvia-intervjun_ _Historiskt!_ _ ELLE
Next week, the celebration of Queen Silvia's 75th anniversary begins. The very big day is the day before Christmas Eve, but the celebration begins already on Tuesday. Then the whole royal family will be sitting on the first row on the special celebration day, a seminar, held at the Oscarsteatern in Stockholm.
And you can also join and celebrate. SVT is in place and is recording and the day before the 75th anniversary, on Saturday 22 December at 21.00, on hour long program, A Tribute to Queen Silvia, is sent at SVT1.
Behind the celebration are the Queen's foundations that will pay homage to all the good she has done during her 43-year-old queen. The focus is on the Queen's commitment and efforts on issues relating to child rights issues, drug prevention and dementia care.
Singer Carola is on stage with Lilla Akademien and also artists Amina Al Fakir, Kiralina, Philip Jalmelid and Tuva B Larsen from the musical Så som i himmelen perform.
The following day, the celebration continues with a reception at the Royal Palace with authorities, organizations and representatives of the official Sweden among those who congratulate the queen.
And what does a queen wish for herself? In SVT's "Året med kungafamiljen", sent on New Year's Day, she does not hesitate for a second.
- That everyone is well and has the health left, that it goes well for the children, our children, but also in general.
Vi avslöjar! Du är också bjuden till drottning Silvias firande _ Svensk Damtidning

Today it was updated to the court's calendar, that also Chris attends at the seminar on 18th December.
Queen Silvia in SVT about her unknown trauma: "My mom got electrical shocks"
It is a deeply serious queen we meet in SVT's interview. For the first time, she tells about her mother's severe depression.
On Monday, SVT sends Queen Silvia 75 years, Claes Elfsberg's hour-long interview with the Queen, recorded during the fall. And it's a whole new picture of the Queen's teens years that grows up. For the first time, she tells about the dark shadow of the family: Mama Alice's mental health.
The war between Brazil and Germany had taken Alice Sommerlath hard and her brother had been sent from Brazil to Italy to fight against the Germans.
- It was very heavy, especially as my mother was Brazilian and married to a German and lived in Germany. It was a very difficult time that you never talked about.
Not in the queen's family either? asks Claes Elfsberg.
- No, you did not. I think it was a way to protect yourself, you did not talk about what had been so difficult. My mother reacted differently, she suffered deep depression afterwards. Sometimes there were shorter periods, sometimes longer.
- She got medications and electrical shocks. It was scary, but she felt good afterwards. But today there are many who say it was what gave her the dementia later that she gave her electrical shocks in both brain halves. Today, you know more and only give shock to one brain.
Drottning Silvia i SVT om sitt okända trauma_ _Min mamma fick elchocker_ _ Svensk Damtidning

The seminar on 18th December is held at Oscarsteatern. It is owned by Queen Silvia's good friend Vicky von der Lancken, she is also the director of the theater. Oscarsteatern is one of queen Silvia's favourite scenes.
Svensk Damtidning tells that the staff of the court is invited to the seminar. Princess Birgitta has told to Svensk Damtidning that she can't attend to the seminar, because she got the invitation so late and it is so close to Christmas when she travels to Munich and celebrates Christmas with her children.
Press release from the court

"A tribute performance for HM The Queen"
On Tuesday, December 18th, Queen's 75th birthday is celebrated with a tribute performance to Queen at Oscarsteatern in Stockholm. Media is welcome to attend the performance and at the photo opportunities.
During the performance, the Queen's foundations highlight the Queen's support, leadership and efforts in, among others, child rights issues, drug prevention and dementia care.
The following photo opportunities are arranged:
At the arrival
In the foyer
In the end of the performance
When the royal family greets invited guests ( photopool only )
During the performance, the media has the opportunity to attend and listen to the speakers. No photo or audio recording is allowed in the salon, as SVT has the exclusive right to record and broadcast the performance.
”En hyllingsföreställning för H.M. Drottningen” - Sveriges Kungahus

New photos of the queen at the large interview she gave to TT Nyhetsbyrån/Erika Nekham.
Erika Nekham asks from queen Silvia: Which of your grandchildren is most like the queen?
- Neither! Almost everybody is blond ... But princess Estelle might be as handy as I was.
The Queen tells that she likes to bake with her grandchildren. Recently she and Estelle made homemade pasta together.
- Then we invited the family to a surprise dinner. It was very fun.
Why the Queen and King can be so active?
- I do not know, it will be just that. It has to do with that if you think something is important then you would like to do it. Perhaps you have promised to attend an opening ceremony, then you will. There are many who have been involved, organized and booked and invited others so we try to join just as we promised.
There is continuity that she believes is important for Sweden. But it is also important that Crown Princess Victoria has time with her family and can develop in peace and quiet before it is time for her to take the role of Head of State, considers the Queen.
- The king himself was 27 when he became king, and it is a big responsibility. That he gives the crown princess that time I think is very fine, and I obviously support him.
Silvia i stor intervju inför 75-årsdagen_ _Bjöd familjen till en överraskningsmiddag_ _ Svensk Damtidning

Short video from this interview
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Expressen publishes the large birthday interview of the queen, the most of it is behind a paywall.
In an exclusive interview with Expressen Karin Sörbring, she tells what is the funniest and hardest thing about being queen and about the involvement in, among other things, dementia issues.
The queen also explains how comfortable it is to relieve Crown Princess Victoria and Princess Madeleine when their children are sick and remember how hard it was when she was forced to leave crying children to go on a state visit.
- In the king's and my case, maybe it happened a little bit often. I tried to compensate for it by being extra much with the children in the summer, but children can not wait so long. There is a word that little children don't understand: it's "later", says the forthcoming 75-year-old.
Drottning Silvia i stor intervju_ _Försöker vara glad utåt_
Today at 20.00 at SVT1 is broadcasted Claes Elfsberg's interview with queen Silvia, an hour long program.
SVT has a short video from the interview:

Queen Silvia about her father's Nazi scandal: "It was a big shock"
- Very haunting and a big shock, Queen Silvia describes her reaction after disclosure that her father was a member of the Nazi party.
- When I saw it, black on white so I had to accept it, says Queen Silvia in SVT's program Queen Silvia 75 years.
On October 21, 1990, Queen Silvia's father, Walther Sommerlath, dies. Twelve years after his death, the newspaper reveals that Sommerlath had been a member of the Nazi Party NSDAP. He had previously denied membership but now there was concrete evidence.
The Queen decided to try to find as much information as she could to understand.
- I've been everywhere to try to get to the bottom of it all. But for me it is enough. I've done everything I could. I have around 20 binders with all the documents I've gone through step by step. Now it's been 30 years since he died so now I think it's enough. I want to tell the Swedish people that I'm calm about it. I know Dad is not the person you've tried to describe, says the Queen.
Drottning Silvia om pappans nazistskandal_ ”Det var en stor chock” _ SVT Nyheter

You can watch the interview already now at SVT Play:
Drottning Silvia 75 år _ SVT Play
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Gallery from 7th December, queen Silvia at the interview of TT News Agency
Belga Image
What a wonderful surprise to see Estelle attending too!

The family members praised the queen.
- The queen is like a blowlamp behind her foundations, said the king, continuing with the glimpse on the eye
- And myself, I'm the queen's sounding board. There are questions for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Even the children were looking forward to praise Silvia, among other things, Crown Princess celebrated her mom from stage:
- To me you are a big role model and I am so proud that you are my mother. I love you, proclaimed the crown princess.
Even Prince Carl Philip and Princess Madeleine spoke to their mother. The princess remembers from childhood how the queen used to tell her about other children. Children who didn't have it so well. But also that there were firesome people who do everything to help the vulnerable.
Then the princess got moved and ended the speech by thanking her for following her mother's footsteps with the work of Childhood Foundation.
- Now I have to stop talking before I start crying, said the princess.
Chris O'Neill i Sverige – med på drottningens firande _ Kungligt _ Expressen

IBL Bildbyrå gallery
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Do you perhaps know if this seminar will be broadcasted? I really want to see it, and not just pictures.
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Do you perhaps know if this seminar will be broadcasted? I really want to see it, and not just pictures.
According to Kungahuset.se the seminar will be recorded and transmitted by SVT.
Do you perhaps know if this seminar will be broadcasted? I really want to see it, and not just pictures.

I have written last week at this post that SVT will broadcast from the seminar on Saturday 22 December at 21.00, on hour long program, A Tribute to Queen Silvia. It will be shown also at SVT Play.

There was 550 guests at the seminar, and the whole court staff was invited.

From the photos we could see that of the Haga princesses only princess Christina with husband Tord Magnuson attended, and Svensk Damtidning tells that also princess Désirée's daughter Helene Silfverschiöld attended.
3 Hagasessor väljer bort festen – endast Christina hyllar Silvia _ Svensk Damtidning

Svensk Damtidning tells that after the seminar was a reception with champagne. Estelle was then taken home.
At the article is a photo of queen Silvia with her godson Fredrik von der Esch and Cecilia Forss, who are waiting for their first child.
Alla detaljer om Silvias firande_ _Fick gåshud_ _ Svensk Damtidning

Hänt writes:
The whole royal family gathered - unexpected detail in the new family picture, meaning of course Estelle
Hela kungafamiljen samlad – oväntade detaljen i nya familjebilden _ Hänt.se

Prinsessan Madeleine i Sverige – nu är hela kungafamiljen samlad för att hylla drottningen!



Königin Silvia_ Die Familie versammelt sich zu ihrem 75. Geburtstag _ GALA.de
Königin Silvia wird 75_ Die besten Bilder der Feierlichkeiten _ GALA.de
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