Spanish Official Visit to Kazakhstan: June 29-30, 2007

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Imperial Majesty
Apr 28, 2005

Kazakhstan trusts Kings visit investment helps to increase Spanish companies

The Government of Kazajistán trusts that the visit that the Kings initiate tomorrow to this country serves to penetrate furthermore into the good relations between both nations, as well as to increase the direct investment of Spanish companies.

In declarations to Efe on the occasion of the official visit of two days of Don Juan Carlos and Dona Sofía, the minister counselor of Kazajistán's embassy in Spain, Bakyt Dyusenbayev, emphasized " very good " relations between both countries and the "importance" that this Government gives to this visit.

He thought that the trip of the Kings, who will come tomorrow to Astaná, the capital kazaja, proceeding from China, will serve to increase the commercial cooperation with Spain, which " is developing enough and already having very good dynamics ".

During this official visit to Kazakhstan, in which the Kings travel accompanied by the minister of Foreign Affairs, Miguel Angel Moratinos, a meeting is foreseen between don Juan Carlos and the president of this country, Nursultán Nazarbáyev.
Los Reyes abandonan China y emprenden viaje hacia Kazajistán

The Kings leave China and make trip towards Kazakhstan

The Kings of Spain concluded today their visit of State to China in Chengdu's city, from where they divided towards Kazakhstan, where they will be slightly more than one day in official trip.

The plane of the Air Spanish Force departed from the airport of past Chengdu 14.10 (local time) and they will come to Astaná after five hours of flight.

In Kazakhstan, they will support today a meeting and a dinner with the president of the republic ex-Soviet, Nursultan Nazarbayev, and tomorrow, on Saturday, will have several activities, between them, a visit to some of the most emblematic buildings of the capital.
Los Reyes llegan a Kazajistán para una visita oficial de dos días- - Noticias, actualidad, última hora en Cataluña y España

The Kings come to Kazakhstan for an official visit of two days

The King of Spain met today the president of Kazakhstan, Nursultán Nazarbáyev, in his first official visit to this central Asiatic country

Los Reyes regresan a España tras visita oficial a Kazajistán

The Kings return to Spain after official visit to Kazakhstan

The Kings of Spain returned today to Madrid proceeding from Kazajistán, where they realized an official visit of two days in which an agreement was signed in order that the Spanish companies take part in different projects of infrastructures, transport, telecommunications, energy and tourism, between others.

Don Juan Carlos and Dona Sofia came to the Pavilion of State of the airport of Cards at 15.40 hours in a plane of the Air Spanish Force in which there was travelling also the minister of Foreign Affairs, Miguel Angel Moratinos.
The president of Kazakhstan came to Madrid for the wedding of Felipe and Letizia with his daughter, so he must have a good relation with the Royal Family
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