Young Royal's Boyfriends/girlfriends

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Feb 21, 2004
United States
does anyone know about the relationships that young royals have/had?

here i'm posting the ones i know for sure...
-madelaine and jonas
-victoria and daniel
-carl philip and emma

does somebody know anything about...
well i did read about rumours that Pierre Casiraghi has been dating or still is dating Charlotte's best friends Valentine Borgo di Pozzo or something...i'm not sure of her name but she's like 2 years his senior...hahaha...
It has been reported in England that William is dating one of his college roommates--a model named Kate Middleton.

They have been sharing an apartment with other fellow students at Edinburgh University in Scotland for the past 2-3 years. No one has known about it because they technically "live together"--and the paparazzi can't get close enough to spy in the windows with their telescopic lenzes!! Leave it to William to find a way to fool the press for awhile!! His Mum would be proud!! I have also heard Prince Charles gives his blessing--not sure about Her Majesty however. Zara is living with someone, I don't know if Her Majesty can take the idea of so direct an heir living with his girlfriend at school. :innocent:
Zara is living with her boyfriend--someone from the horsey circuit--in a flat 3 hours from London.
I pretty sure Zara broke up with her jock boyfriend. She has been rumored to be dating rugby player Mark Tindall and a few others.

The only young royals who have had acknowledged relationships are the Swedish trio and Andrea, Will and Harry never admit to dating anyone
Zara broke up with the other guy and dating a rugby player?? Interesting! :rolleyes:
is it true that william is also a latin lover, like his brother? i have heard that he goes every weekend with a new girl and then brokes up the relation. however, i was quite shocked, he doesn't really seem that kind of boy...
Originally posted by carlota@May 30th, 2004 - 4:14 am
is it true that william is also a latin lover, like his brother?
Harry has had a latin lover , hmm interesting. where did you this from?
It is roumered that Guillaume of Luxembourg is back with Pia Haraldsen, it is also said that William is dating Jessica Craig, and that Kate Middleton is helping him cover her up and keep her (jessica) from the press!
Originally posted by Zyanne@May 29th, 2004 - 1:46 pm
I pretty sure Zara broke up with her jock boyfriend. She has been rumored to be dating rugby player Mark Tindall and a few others.

The only young royals who have had acknowledged relationships are the Swedish trio and Andrea, Will and Harry never admit to dating anyone
you know that!

Prince William been dating Kate Middleton at College in Scotland she is model student when he met her at fashion show when he paid for $200.00 dollars to see Kate! he and Kate been good friends but not dating! if his grandmother would never knew it!

Sara Boyce
HH Prince Pieter-Christiaan of Orange-Nassau is dating a gril named Anita and his brother HH Prince Floris of Orange-Nassau is dating a girl named Aimee (forgot the last names of the ladies). They appeared together furing the baptism of Princess Catherina-Amalia and an engagement is expected in the near future.
HRH Prince Georg-Friedrich of Prussia is dating HSH Princess Sophia of Isenburg-Bundingen, HRH Prince Manuel of Bavaria is dating a german princess from a mediaterised house as well, but I forgot her name.
It will be interesting to know more about the (love)lives of the grandchildren of GD Jean and Grand Duchess Josephine-Charlotte of Luxembourg... Felix and especially the children of the twins Prince Jean and Princess Margaretha (now a princess of Liechtenstein) are HOT!
Does anyone know anything about Phillipos and Theodora as well?
Andrea Casiraghi is dating Tatiana Santo Domingo.....and I heard to that Guillaume was back with Pia...
Prince Harry is currently with a girl name Chelsea...i forget her surname and Andrea Casiraghi is dating TAtiana who's surname i've forgotten as well hahaha
Hillary...I think it was on his thread ..... or maybe I just skip part....coz, I saw her picture and i presume that she would be back with him....hehehe
Sorry to scary you all!!! hehehe
hillary_nugent said:
Prince Harry is currently with a girl name Chelsea...i forget her surname and Andrea Casiraghi is dating TAtiana who's surname i've forgotten as well hahaha
Harry is dating Chelsey Davy. She lives in South Africa.
Im am 99% certain that guillaume is still alone... at least last time i heard he said he is still alone...
does eugenie and beatrice have boyfrinds that are known to the public
Peter Phillips is currently dating a canadian (Autumn Kelly)
Zara Phillips is currently LIVING with (Mike Tindall)
Ernst August Junior is dating Franchesca Versace.
Rumor has it that Pierre is dating some unknown girl. She's not royal but she could be apart of his inner circle. The rumor was started in this article (which was the first article to show off Pierre's hair cut)

Article Part 1

Article Part 2

(both parts in Spanish)
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pollyemma said:
Ernst August Junior is dating Franchesca Versace.

My goodness, rerlated to the always elegant Donatella? Poor Victoria-Luise is turning in her grave.
Marengo said:
My goodness, rerlated to the always elegant Donatella? Poor Victoria-Luise is turning in her grave.

What? Donatella elegant? I suppose you're joking, aren't you?:) :D
Marengo said:
My goodness, rerlated to the always elegant Donatella? Poor Victoria-Luise is turning in her grave.

yep, it's Donatella's niece. she stole E-A from Margherita Missoni(granddaughter of the fashion designer) this has apparently caused some bad blood between the 2 ladies.

Margherita recently refused to participate in a NY charity gala sponsored by the house of Missoni if there were any Versace involvement.
Prince Amadeo

does anybody know who prince Amadeo of Belgium is dating?He's quite cute
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