Royals & Nobles and Wealth, Costs and Finances

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Rich List

I wanted to know if one of you guys can generate a list of European Houses (include the non ruling houses too...) from richest to the poorest.... thank you
Neither are the Norwegian royal family. I think their fortune is a small two digit million Norwegian Kroner. The Queen do have some artwork and an appartment (she inherited it from her mother). The other members of the royal family (that being CP Haakon and Princess Märtha Louise) have inherited some money from late King Olav and other family members.

They "rent" the palace, Skaugum (I think) and other mansions around Norway from the state and get an "allowance" from the state for their daily run of the Norwegian Royal family, Inc:D So they are in the bottom league in the royal fortune list, but they have enough money to put food on the table and some more!

Please correct me if I'm worng!
GRF wealth

does any know how much the GRF are worth now minus miller $$$.... I heard that they got some money from greek gov't....

liechtenstein royals are the wealthiest ones followed by luxembourg's, then british royals and then the dutch royals. among the poorest, norway and spain.
Queens said:
does any know how much the GRF are worth now minus miller $$$.... I heard that they got some money from greek gov't....


Why would they get money if they are not in power?
gaggleofcrazypeople said:
Why would they get money if they are not in power?

There was a matter of the properties in Greece, which was brought up in a court. The court ruled that the Government of Greece would have to pay the Royal Family money for the properties.
KikkiB said:
Neither are the Norwegian royal family. I think their fortune is a small two digit million Norwegian Kroner. The Queen do have some artwork and an appartment (she inherited it from her mother). The other members of the royal family (that being CP Haakon and Princess Märtha Louise) have inherited some money from late King Olav and other family members.

They "rent" the palace, Skaugum (I think) and other mansions around Norway from the state and get an "allowance" from the state for their daily run of the Norwegian Royal family, Inc:D So they are in the bottom league in the royal fortune list, but they have enough money to put food on the table and some more!

Please correct me if I'm worng!

Skaugum is actually the Royal Family's personal property if I recall correctly ( is down at the moment so I can't check it there.). It was given to Crown Prince Olav and Crown Princess Märtha as a wedding present. There was some "problems" when the current Crown Prince took over, because of the size of the farm it was his older sister who, by law, should have been offered it first. (Odel-law.)

But anyway.... Norwegian Royal family is probably amongst the poorer of the ruling families of Europe. Queen Maud got a fair share of inheritance from her father, but since King Olav had three children, that inheritance has been separated a few times.
Did Martha-Louise make any money from her CD or children's book? She must have some serious cash stashed away if these sold well.

norwegianne said:
Skaugum is actually the Royal Family's personal property if I recall correctly ( is down at the moment so I can't check it there.). It was given to Crown Prince Olav and Crown Princess Märtha as a wedding present. There was some "problems" when the current Crown Prince took over, because of the size of the farm it was his older sister who, by law, should have been offered it first. (Odel-law.)

But anyway.... Norwegian Royal family is probably amongst the poorer of the ruling families of Europe. Queen Maud got a fair share of inheritance from her father, but since King Olav had three children, that inheritance has been separated a few times.
What is the wealth of the Swedish and Danish royal family in relation to the other royal families?
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kinneret5764 said:
Did Martha-Louise make any money from her CD or children's book? She must have some serious cash stashed away if these sold well.

She does make money on her books/cds and her fairytaletelling shows (that's what her business is all about). Her husband Ari Behn, doesn't have a fortune or much income (He didn't have it initially anyway, don't konw his fiscal status nowadays).

But they have also had a lot of expendures these past few years. First they bought a large estate and did some remodeling of that. Then they moved to Manhattan, into an appartement that costs 40000 NOK a month, and they also have a nanny. So all in all I think their income is getting more and more like the rest of the Norwegians that work full time :)
Every year the Norwegian tax results are announced. The official Royal family is not a part of that, but the latter years since Princess Märtha Louise renounced her official HRH status she has been. You could read in the papers how much her personal fortune was, how much she had earned in the previous year, and how much tax she had paid. You could also find out that about the Princesses Astrid and Ragnhild, I believe. As well as Ari Behn.

Due to privacy reasons the Princesses fiscal information isn't put out in a searchable database on the Internet, as most other Norwegian citizens, but only laid out on actual paper. However, thanks to the tabloids, we can all find it out...

The Court do release an official budget, and account over how they have spent the money they receive from the state. They don't release information on the personal worth of the Royal Family.
Would anyone know the wealth of Swedish and Danish royal family in relation to the other royal families?
norwegianne said:
Every year the Norwegian tax results are announced. The official Royal family is not a part of that, but the latter years since Princess Märtha Louise renounced her official HRH status she has been. You could read in the papers how much her personal fortune was, how much she had earned in the previous year, and how much tax she had paid. You could also find out that about the Princesses Astrid and Ragnhild, I believe. As well as Ari Behn.

Due to privacy reasons the Princesses fiscal information isn't put out in a searchable database on the Internet, as most other Norwegian citizens, but only laid out on actual paper. However, thanks to the tabloids, we can all find it out...

The Court do release an official budget, and account over how they have spent the money they receive from the state. They don't release information on the personal worth of the Royal Family.

Yes, this is good in a way that we don´t know too much. Imagine if we knew certain things much money Margrethe spends on cigarettes a year and the annual budget for scrungies for Crown Princess Victoria for example.
The salary of royals

How much they caost?and how much are their salaries and earnings?

coast of the MRF!

According to the independant moroccan magazine "Telquel",who was the first to have published the cost of the MRF for morocco:

The mensual salary of king Mohammed VI is 35.000 US$,but the caost of whole MRF is 210 MUS$/year,including all charges: the salaries of the other members of the MRF,charges of the royal palaces,charges of the employees of the MRF in divese fields,charges of presents made by the MRF and morocco for their guests,and 146M for charity and assistance to different associations...

The article as is was published by "TelQuel" january18th:

Budget annuel de la monarchie2,28 milliards de DH par anLe roiListes civiles26.292.000Dotations de souveraineté432.164.000La cour royalePersonnel638 382 000Matériel et dépenses diverses1 181 704 000Total2 278 542 000
Chaque année, le budget de l'état inclut deux postes budgétaires destinés à la monarchie.
Le premier concerne directement le roi. Sa première rubrique, "listes civiles", comprend le salaire et indemnités du chef de l’état et de sa famille proche (lire encadré "pensions et salaires royaux"). La seconde, "dotations de souveraineté", comprend surtout deux sous-budgets : 146 millions de dirhams pour les "subventions aux associations et institutions publiques" (Fondation Mohammed V, commissions royales diverses, etc.) et 208 millions de dirhams pour les "dépenses non ventilées" – autrement dit, des dépenses dont personne, hormis les concernés, ne connaît l’affectation ! Une sorte de "caisse noire officielle", en somme.
Le deuxième poste budgétaire, intitulé "Cour royale", est destiné à couvrir les dépenses courantes de la Cour. Il couvre le fonctionnement de tous les palais (personnel, déplacement, entretien…), ainsi que les différents frais afférents à l'exercice de la fonction de roi (déplacements, cérémonies officielles, invitations de chefs d'état et hommes politiques, etc.).

26.292.000 dirhams par an, soit
2,2 millions de DH par mois
Ce chiffre mensuel de 2,2 millions de dirhams est affecté aux "listes civiles". Il faut relever le pluriel, car dans cette somme sont également englobés les salaires de Moulay Rachid, ainsi que des princes et princesses royaux proches. Lesquels? Et combien touche chacun et chacune ? Le budget de l’état ne donne pas de détails. On sait juste que Mohammed VI lui-même touche, en contrepartie de sa fonction de chef d’état, 395.916 dirhams par mois – ce qui reste relativement raisonnable, comparé aux hauts salaires des chefs d’entreprises publiques. Mais attention, la famille royale a des "à-côtés budgétaires", instaurés par feu Hassan II. Le budget de l'état prévoit en effet une pension et rente mensuelles de 1,8 million de dirhams. Ce montant englobe les pensions versées aux frères et sœurs du roi, lui compris. Sans oublier que Moulay Rachid et ses sœurs ont leurs propres listes civiles versées par l'état en contrepartie de leurs fonctions officielles. Selon quelle ventilation, le budget ne le dit pas. Mais un document interne du Palais datant de 1984, que nous avons pu nous procurer, atteste que l’ex-prince héritier Sidi Mohammed percevait un salaire mensuel de 15.000 dirhams, contre 30.000 dirhams pour Moulay Abdellah et 55.000 dirhams, à répartir entre les sœurs de Hassan II.

Subventions du roi et de la Cour310 millions de DH par an
La générosité du roi passe par les caisses de l'état, sous la rubrique "subventions". L’Etat accorde pas moins de 146,6 millions de dirhams par an à Mohammed VI, pour qu’il les redistribue en dons et subventions. Les institutions publiques comme l'Instance équité et réconciliation (IER), la Haute autorité de la communication et de l’audiovisuel (HACA), et d’autres, s'accaparent 83,16 millions de dirhams de ce budget. Mais le roi n’est pas seul à accorder des "subventions". La Cour aussi peut en distribuer. L’enveloppe qui lui est allouée à cette fin est de 163,5 millions de dirhams. La rubrique "subventions" n’est pas propre au Palais. Chaque ministère a la sienne. Celui des Affaires étrangères, par exemple, a distribué en 2004 près de 150 millions de dirhams à des associations privées. Sauf que, dans le cas du Palais, le budget n'explique pas l'affectation de certains montants tirés de cette rubrique. Sous Hassan II, une partie des fonds domiciliés dans cette rubrique étaient destinés à des "personnalités nationales" : hommes politiques, syndicalistes… Ceux dont on dit vulgairement qu’ils ont été "achetés" par la monarchie ont donc été payés sur une ligne budgétaire prévue à cet effet. Il fallait le savoir.

Consommation des palais236,6 millions de DH par an
Les rois aiment les chevaux. La preuve, sur les 11,9 millions de dirhams alloués annuellement à l’achat de produits alimentaires, 10 millions sont destinés à "l’alimentation animale" (c’est écrit comme ça dans le budget). Le gros de la rubrique "consommation" est alloué aux produits énergétiques : 176,9 millions de dirhams par an. 67,3 millions couvrent le carburant et les lubrifiants (seuls l’armée et le ministère de l’Intérieur consomment plus). Les palais consomment 65,3 millions de dirhams par an en électricité (un peu moins que la TVM) et 44,2 millions de dirhams en eau. Pour faire simple, le Palais paie une facture mensuelle d'eau et d'électricité avoisinant les 10 millions de dirhams. Le reste du budget de consommation est dispatché entre l'habillement et les fournitures de bureau. Il en coûte 23 millions de dirhams par an pour les tenues de ces dames et de ces messieurs. Parmi ces tenues, beaucoup d’uniformes de m’khaznia et de gardes royaux, quand même. Mais le budget "caftans" doit être pas mal non plus… Le Palais commande chaque année, enfin, 11,6 millions de dirhams en stylos, papiers et autres fournitures de bureau. A retenir : la facture "abonnements et documentation" s'élève à 3,5 millions de dirhams par an. A ce prix-là (près de 10.000 dirhams par jour !), ces gens-là doivent être abonnés à tous les journaux du monde. Vérification faite auprès de notre service abonnements : pas à Tel Quel, en tout cas.

Parc automobile60 millions de DH par an
Difficile de quantifier le nombre de voitures dont dispose le Palais royal. Le budget dédié au parc automobile se contente de suggérer quelques ordres de grandeur. Ainsi, en 2004, il était prévu de commander pour 4 millions de dirhams de "voitures utilitaires". Ce qui laisse supposer que cette année, aucun ponte de la Cour n’a renouvelé sa grosse berline. Austérité, quand tu nous tiens… A part ça, 18,4 millions de dirhams sont allés à l’entretien et aux réparations. Il n’y a qu’une troisième rubrique de prévue, celle du "fonctionnement". Mais les documents officiels sont embrouillés à ce niveau, les montants se baladant entre les rubriques. Déduisons donc (mais c’est juste une déduction) que ce poste-là réquisitionne tout le reste de l’enveloppe globale, soit 37,6 millions. La nature des frais de "fonctionnement" n’est pas précisée non plus. Qu’y a-t-il dedans ? Des pièces détachées, c’est sûr (on sait que le Palais en stocke énormément) mais aussi… de la location de voitures ! En tout cas, cela se faisait, au moins jusque dans les années 90. On ne sait pas si ça continue. Généralement, les heureux fournisseurs étaient Avis ou Hertz, les plus gros de la place. En 2004, le Palais n’a pas loué de voitures. Majidi serait-il contre ? Suggérons-lui la formule LDD ou "location longue durée". Elle fait fureur, en ce moment, dans les entreprises.

PS:10 Mdhs= 1US$​

read more details here:

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Having a monarchy in Norway cost about $35 milions (235 milion NOK) yearly. Most of this money is about keeping the royal residences/gardens, etc... in order, and would have had to be done anyway to preserve a historical heritage.

The King and Queen are paid a little more than a milion USD (7.5 milion NOK), yearly, and the Crown Prince and Crown Princess get around $700,000 (5 milion).

Princess Märtha Louise is not paid by the state, since she renounced her HRH title. Her representation, her dresses etc... is paid for by the King.

Princess Astrid gets honorary pension from the State for her services as Norwegian first lady.

Before the Crown Prince got married he got around $20,000, yearly. A comment was made by an courtier at that time that both he and his sister had to be helped economically by their parents, because what they got from the state wasn't enough to survive on if they were to represent the state in a correct manner.

A suggestion has been made by the court to increase the salary of the royal family by the same percentage when the pay is increased in the rest of the country. (About 4%).
susan alicia said:
this is holland:

In the Quote of September 2004 the income of various members of the Dutch Royal family are published (it's published yearly by the dutch government)

Beatrix 3.966.000 euro
Willem Alexander 949.000
Maxima 836.000
Bernhard 652.000

those are mensual allowances?i think so!!!
what about British Royal Family?

Prince Charles and late Princess Diana of Wales
Earl and Countess of Wessex
Andrew,Duke of York and Sarah,Duchess of York
Princess of Royal
HM Queen 2
Prince Philip

and lots of more about member of British Royal Family

Sara Boyce
sara1981 said:
what about British Royal Family?

Prince Charles and late Princess Diana of Wales
Earl and Countess of Wessex
Andrew,Duke of York and Sarah,Duchess of York
Princess of Royal
HM Queen 2
Prince Philip

and lots of more about member of British Royal Family

Sara Boyce

I read somewhere that the BRF coasts 54millions US$ yearly,but i don't know more details!
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The British Royal Family is pretty much paid for by itself. The only person who is on the civil list is HRH The Duke of Edinburgh who gets £359,000. However the government helps to pay for the duties and services of the head of government and those doing duties in her stead. Last year the cost was £36.8 million

The other royals expenses are paid back to the government by the Queen. They get the following amounts:

HRH The Duke of York £249,000

TRH The Duke and Duchess of Kent £236,000

HRH The Princess Royal £228,000

HRH Princess Alexandra £225,000

TRH The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester 175,000

HRH The Earl of Wessex £141,000 **

HRH Princess Alice, Duchess of Gloucester (before her death) £87,000
HRH The Prince of Wales funds himself through funds raised by the Duchy of Cornwall. He also pays Princes William and Harry and undisclosed amount.

** Note that the Countess of Wessex appears no where on this list.

Look at
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susan alicia said:
this is holland:

In the Quote of September 2004 the income of various members of the Dutch Royal family are published (it's published yearly by the dutch government)

Beatrix 3.966.000 euro
Willem Alexander 949.000
Maxima 836.000
Bernhard 652.000

In the past three years the royal family lost three salary, Prince Claus, Princess Juliana and Prince Bernhard.
I once read that the total costs are higher than 80 million...
includes Palaces, Gardens, Staff, but most of the money goes tot the security
83.450.000 goes to the royal family.
If the netherlands were a republic the sosts would be less high.
He also needs a place to stay and he also needs security.
The monarchy costs each person 5 euro's...
Claire said:
The British Royal Family is pretty much paid for by itself. The only person who is on the civil list is HRH The Duke of Edinburgh who gets £359,000. However the government helps to pay for the duties and services of the head of government and those doing duties in her stead. Last year the cost was £36.8 million

The other royals expenses are paid back to the government by the Queen. They get the following amounts:

HRH The Duke of York £249,000

TRH The Duke and Duchess of Kent £236,000

HRH The Princess Royal £228,000

HRH Princess Alexandra £225,000

TRH The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester 175,000

HRH The Earl of Wessex £141,000 **

HRH Princess Alice, Duchess of Gloucester (before her death) £87,000
HRH The Prince of Wales funds himself through funds raised by the Duchy of Cornwall. He also pays Princes William and Harry and undisclosed amount.

** Note that the Countess of Wessex appears no where on this list.

Look at

im american i hardly understand about prices

what about late Diana,Princess of Wales?

Sara Boyce
She is worth about a billion, so it doesn't really matter how much she makes. She already has enough money to support herself.
the Queen is worth well over an estimated usd 10 billion, namely due to the various crown properties. however, on her own, i think it was forbes or fortune magazine who said it, that she was worth somewhere between usd 200 and 500 million, and that amount is her personal fortune.
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