The Media and members of the Princely Family

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Oct 3, 2006
She will always have the Press behind her.
I don't understand why?. Her brothers have intimacy and happy lives .
:previous: The press will always be interested in Princess Caroline's children because of their heritage.

But Charlotte in particular is spectacularly beautiful and glamorous, which means that the paps will hound her into into middle age like they did to her mother and Aunt Stephanie.

I can remember a time when Princess Caroline was on the front page of every American, British, Italian and French tabloid...all at once.

What Charlotte goes through is quite mild in comparison to what Caroline and Stephanie endured in the 70's and 80's.
charlotte always looks better in simple clothes chic but no fuss
' Carlota de Monaco', Charlotte Casiraghi is not princess. The title of this magazine is not true , this magazine gave her a ' title' and for this magazine it explains why it is doing an article which is not very interessing but this magazine wants to attrack a lot of readers and do a lot of money.

The point melina premiere, is not that Charlotte is not technically a princess. She is the daughter of a Royal princess and she is the granddaughter of a legendary princess. She is a great beauty, and leads a very glamorous life.

Even if they referred to her simply as "Carlota" with a photo of her she would attract attention.

There are many women out there with title of "princess" but they public doesn't necessarily want to read about them.

Charlotte attracts attention because of who she is, title or no title.
No, Saying simply now that she is only carlota Casiraghi will not attrack the readers, there are other persons who will attrack more readers than her, as beautiful as her , as famious as her who are 'people' ' like actress or other. or daughters of famious persons.
Giving her a title will give her something more that will attrack the readers.
We will agree to disagree. Most people in Europe who read those type of publications know who Charlotte is. Putting a title in front of her name changes nothing.

Her face, backed by her famous family, is what sells her and puts her apart from starlets and other pop figures imo.
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Pauline Ducruet and Camille Gottlieb are never called Monaco Princesses and are also nieces of the Prince and Grace 's granddaughters
That's true, but they are rarely if ever put on the covers of magazines because they are not considered as glamorous or "sellable" as their more famous cousin.
The readers under the age of 35 don't know who is Princess Grace and the young people of France prefer to read stories about the actresses or 'people' , , they prefer Rihanna, Angela Joly and so, for them Charlotte Casiraghi don't want nothing to say. They are not attrackted with her , they will be more attrackted by Kate of Cambridge.
and of course we will agree to disagree.
It is the medias which want to make a person famious, glamour, they publish their photos every day, week , look at the family Kardashian , I don't find these girls beautiful , they have no class, they are ' the thing ' of the medias.
Pauline and Camille are as beautiful as their cousin, they did the frontpage of the franch magazines and the magazines did a lot of money but their lifes is simple more simple than the like of Charlotte who had a lot of lovers and an illigitimat child but the medias prefer to do publicity on her because the people don't like the simple lifes , they like the scandal
On all the french sites, all the comments are saying 'we prefer Pauline , Camille to Charlotte, they are beautiful, simple, more involved near their mother in the life in Monaco' but the medias prefer to publish articles about Charlotte, no matter what the people are thinking.
The medias can make you a queen a day and critic you and let you fall the next day
The media, melina premiere are in business to make money. If their readers are telling them that they prefer Pauline and Camille to Charlotte but the magazines continue to use Charlotte it's because Charlotte sells, and her cousins do not.


It has nothing to do with who you feel is more beautiful or interesting or is not burdened with an "illegitimate" child. Camille herself was born out of wedlock and she is the daughter of a famous former wild child.

The editors of British Vogue believed that the cover with Kate Cambridge would sell like crazy because she is the most popular of the European princesses, but the cover with Kate was reportedly a disappointing cover as far as sales.

So who the readers say they prefer and who they will actually pay to read about are not the same.
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The medias don't listen the people , they want to do money with a person, they will do their publicity with her, they will publish her photos everywhere and all the times, they will publish stories even if they are not true, the reader has no choice, the person is here, here and here. He buys or not , Even if there is a celebrity who is in the front page of Point De vue and who is not appreviated, this newspaper knows that the newspaper will be sold because there is an another article about on another person who will interest the reader.
Point de vue belongs to the same group of the express, the point and other, no matter, they lost money, they will earn money with other newspapers of the groupe.
With this way , we have a lot of surprises as at election when a person arrives first and then all the newspapers published articles about an another person,
In France, at the vote of Primaire, all the newspapers published articles about N Sarlozy , everywhere and all the times and who will be choosen, François Fillon and Sarkozy arrived third

It is not because because all the medias are speaking about you that you are popular, all is air
Does it matter?

Apparently her face and name sell magazines far better than her other cousins so they publish about her life. A life that is also more public and always has been. Just like Caroline was to Stephanie.
:previous: That is my point succintly put, thanks Empress Merel.

I like Pauline and Camille, they seem very decent young ladies, but I am going to buy a magazine cover with Charlotte before I will purchase one with her cousins because she personally interests me more.

And back in the 80's I was always, always going to read anything featuring Caroline and Stephanie of Monaco and Diana Princess of Wales before any magazine featuring a starlet or pop singer for the same reason.

In fact, I would STILL buy a magazine that had Caroline on the cover vs. one that had Rihanna or Mariah Carey or Beyonce!;)
By referring to Carlota de Monaco they are not actually saying she is Princess. Playing with words yes but she is the only Charlotte currently associated with Monaco so I reckon they just about get away with it.

I also believe that the media print what sells - Charlotte sells. If you look at how many Instagram accounts are dedicated to both Charlotte and Grace you will see there is a great interest with many followers.

Untrue to say people under the age of 35 don't know who Grace Kelly is - there are several Instagram accounts run by young people, some of whom are still at school.

Whilst Pauline and Camille do have lots of followers on their own accounts it is noticeable that people are not really choosing to set up public fan accounts.

On my own Instagram account Caroline, Grace and Charlotte are guaranteed to get likes, Stephanie, Pauline and Camille less so - they have their dedicated followers whose names I recognise but they are of far less interest. Interestingly, with Charlene it really depends on the picture.

Finally, Charlotte has not had "a lot of lovers" - she has had 4 relationships two of which were very serious. And there is no such thing as an "illegitimate" child in modern Europe.
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:previous: I agree.

The Roosevelts and Kennedys are of the generation of my grandparents and my parents, but I am as familiar with them as I am with President Obama. I know who they were, and I know their periods of influence and why.

Most people under 35 in France do not know who Grace of Monaco was? There is no way that French youth are so stupid and poorly informed.:ermm:

I refuse to believe it.
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Sorry to again compare the cousins, but totally agree that Charlotte sells. Otherwise, there's no reason for high-end luxury labels to ask her to be their endorser or for her to be on the cover of magazines like Vogue up to the most visible tabloids.

She (and the rest of Caroline's kids) just has something--some total package of this image of a fabulously wealthy life lived in discretion, some substance with a smattering of love affairs and hint of tragedy and that exudes class and glamour despite the baggage. Her cousins are lovely ladies but I suspect for a great majority of young women, you aspire to be a Charlotte rather than a Pauline or Camille.
I have been following the Monaco Family since I was a child, when one day I saw an article about Grace's first daughter, Caroline. The first pic I saw she was 15, a side picture, a perfect face with long hair. Since this moment I have been following all her life, happiness and pains, and my God she had a lot of pains.
Women of this lineage had always a kind of magic aura, beauty, luck but also a dramatic side, the famous Grimaldis curce, happiness and drama, all extreme.
A young American girl, becoming a famous actress, after a fairy tale Princess in a doll country since then unknown even to her, and leaving this world too early, a breathtaking beautiful daughter searching for happiness, touching the fairy tale with a happy marriage and beautiful kids and again a tragedy.
And now these doll kids are adults and having their own lifes, I wish them to be just calm, flat and common.
I lived these times, before Internet, when a blurry pic of a 20 years old Princess Caroline kissing a male friend in the cheek was explosing the sales of German magazines.
When Paris Match was setting a special mission of papz to Galapagos, in order to have the breaking news of Caroline having a short affair with Guillermo Villas.
She was followed everywhere and at every moment of her life.
And the story continued with her sister, less charismatic, with less romanesque aura, but also followed at every beach, every tropical island. And again, breaking news, Stéphanie left Paul Belmondo for Antony Delon, Stéphanie's husband cheated on her, Magazine EVA tremilla set a full edition only with pictures of Daniel Ducruet having sex with this streepper, and French and Monaco citizen queueing in the Italian border in ordre to buy it, and drama again and again.
Young posters, believe me, Casiraghi's life is very calm in comparison.
Among the young generation, who really knows who is Charlotte ? She became a little known to young French, after her affair with Gad, otherwise, the non royal followers do not know her.
Nevertheless she still carries, she and her brothers (I do not know about Alexandra yet) this inheritance of legend, combined with beauty and whealthiness, items still sell. Her glamour image, fashion, horses, jetty set, still fascinate, but her personal life less. In the era of Internet, when a pic becomes immediately known, but quickly forgotten, people get easily interested by the 'next story", so Charlotte can change partners, without making fireworks. I often wonder if the Casiraghis were ugly and charmless, if this fascination would stop, but no, they are beautiful, magnificent cover pictures. Among them, clearly who continued the fairy tale, is upto now Pierre, marrying into beauty and old aristocraty, glamour and shine. Let's fix appointment in 15 years to see Pierre's children.
Tatiana has not this kind of charisma, and Charlotte till now broke the fairy tale. She makes people dream by her beauty, but her partners no, they are more the ugly frog the the charming Prince.
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There is a reason this thread has always been really busy. More than any of the Monegasque Princely Family, with perhaps the exception of Charlene.
I have been following the Monaco Family since I was a child, when one day I saw an article about Grace's first daughter, Caroline. The first pic I saw she was 15, a side picture, a perfect face with long hair. Since this moment I have been following all her life, happiness and pains, and my God she had a lot of pains.
Women of this lineage had always a kind of magic aura, beauty, luck but also a dramatic side, the famous Grimaldis curce, happiness and drama, all extreme.
A young American girl, becoming a famous actress, after a fairy tale Princess in a doll country since then unknown even to her, and leaving this world too early, a breathtaking beautiful daughter searching for happiness, touching the fairy tale with a happy marriage and beautiful kids and again a tragedy.
And now these doll kids are adults and having their own lifes, I wish them to be just calm, flat and common.
I lived these times, before Internet, when a blurry pic of a 20 years old Princess Caroline kissing a male friend in the cheek was explosing the sales of German magazines.
When Paris Match was setting a special mission of papz to Galapagos, in order to have the breaking news of Caroline having a short affair with Guillermo Villas.
She was followed everywhere and at every moment of her life.
And the story continued with her sister, less charismatic, with less romanesque aura, but also followed at every beach, every tropical island. And again, breaking news, Stéphanie left Paul Belmondo for Antony Delon, Stéphanie's husband cheated on her, Magazine EVA tremilla set a full edition only with pictures of Daniel Ducruet having sex with this streepper, and French and Monaco citizen queueing in the Italian border in ordre to buy it, and drama again and again.
Young posters, believe me, Casiraghi's life is very calm in comparison.
Among the young generation, who really knows who is Charlotte ? She became a little known to young French, after her affair with Gad, otherwise, the non royal followers do not know her.
Nevertheless she still carries, she and her brothers (I do not know about Alexandra yet) this inheritance of legend, combined with beauty and whealthiness, items still sell. Her glamour image, fashion, horses, jetty set, still fascinate, but her personal life less. In the era of Internet, when a pic becomes immediately known, but quickly forgotten, people get easily interested by the 'next story", so Charlotte can change partners, without making fireworks. I often wonder if the Casiraghis were ugly and charmless, if this fascination would stop, but no, they are beautiful, magnificent cover pictures. Among them, clearly who continued the fairy tale, is upto now Pierre, marrying into beauty and old aristocraty, glamour and shine. Let's fix appointment in 15 years to see Pierre's children.
Tatiana has not this kind of charisma, and Charlotte till now broke the fairy tale. She makes people dream by her beauty, but her partners no, they are more the ugly frog the the charming Prince.
I actually like Tatiana a lot, more than Beatrice, but Beatrice is perfect for Pierre. :cool:
Albert and Charlene and les jumeaux are a joy, and I love to look at them more than any other family on this Forum.

But the main reason I follow the Grimaldi at all, the reason I began following them years ago was seeing the incredibly beautiful Princess Caroline on the cover of Seventeen Magazine. She was like the glamorous older sister I always wanted. I knew about Grace Kelly too but she was from my mother's time.

I followed Caroline's joys and tragedies and highs and lows. She is like the heroine of a romance novel where one doesn't know the ending but keeps hoping for the best. She has always interested me, and by extension her beautiful children and their lives interest me as well.

For me, Monaco is not really Monaco without Caroline.
Albert and Charlene and les jumeaux are a joy, and I love to look at them more than any other family on this Forum.

But the main reason I follow the Grimaldi at all, the reason I began following them years ago was seeing the incredibly beautiful Princess Caroline on the cover of Seventeen Magazine. She was like the glamorous older sister I always wanted. I knew about Grace Kelly too but she was from my mother's time.

I followed Caroline's joys and tragedies and highs and lows. She is like the heroine of a romance novel where one doesn't know the ending but keeps hoping for the best. She has always interested me, and by extension her beautiful children and their lives interest me as well.

For me, Monaco is not really Monaco without Caroline.

I'm guessing we are in the same decade of age ....I've known about Grace (and subsequently her children) for years...since I was a kid.

Charlotte is one of the rare(and very fortunate) women who look better without makeup and carrying a few extra pounds.

When I first began to really notice her around 2005(the year her grandfather Rainier died and Albert became sovereign) I was stricken by her perfect oval fresh faced beauty. She has lost weight(she says she doesn't diet consciously and I believe her) due to riding and now her strong jawline is more evident.

And yes, she does appear tired and not necessarily happy.:sad:
I always thought that Charlotte had a more square face like her father and grandmother. Here's a good example:
Charlotte Casiraghi and Family Current Events Part 40: December 2015 -

FYI, italian press often adds to Steph's and Caro's kids names the words 'of Monaco'. The reason for this is to help readers who know the kids' mothers but are not royal watchers to easily identify them. It's a pretty common practice.

Sent from my iPad using The Royals Community mobile app
I think the reason why Charlotte and her brothers attrack more than Pauline and Camille is that Caroline exposed her children since their birth. She posed with them for magazines (remember those pictures inside Roc Agel), she brought her children to many official events. The casiraghi s themselves loblve to attend every socialite events they can. We saw them growing up. Stephanie's children never attend National day event when they were children (only Louis has been to National Day event but the first time he was 21). Never went to balls either. They only go to the circus event and these are the only occasion where we used to see them. They have never been exposed during childhood.
Caroline has always attracted more attention than her younger sister, because she was more charismatic and more beautiful, and Caroline's chidren inherited her charm just because they are 'her' children...
:previous: I agree.

The Roosevelts and Kennedys are of the generation of my grandparents and my parents, but I am as familiar with them as I am with President Obama. I know who they were, and I know their periods of influence and why.

Most people under 35 in France do not know who Grace of Monaco was? There is no way that French youth are so stupid and poorly informed.:ermm:
I refuse to believe it.

Me the same. I am under 30 and of course I know Kenedy Jr and Carolyn Bessete (Omg I cannot believed they are not here anymore...) I think it has to be with your style or you taste so you are informed about ppl who were well-know in those categories.;):p

There are ppl who is timeless, eternal in their category (Elvis Presley, Grace Kelly, Diana, Carolina, Audrey...). Like books we will aways read.
I lived these times, before Internet, when a blurry pic of a 20 years old Princess Caroline kissing a male friend in the cheek was explosing the sales of German magazines.
When Paris Match was setting a special mission of papz to Galapagos, in order to have the breaking news of Caroline having a short affair with Guillermo Villas.
She was followed everywhere and at every moment of her life.

So, I guess you've never seen the pics of Caroline and Junot on that 'infamous' cruise, taken in 1977, that led the couple to get married a few months later (according to the press). The Casiraghi kids' lives are very boring in comparison....:whistling:
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