Fitness and Victoria

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Heir Apparent
Jan 28, 2003
Article on Victoria´s big change...her new style and her physicial changes (the second part is according to it caused through Daniel)
The article is from Daniel Nyhlén...and it´s one of his better pieces. Real tabloid-style -I don´t want to say tabloid-style is like Shakespeare, but it can be funny every now and then and it´s much better than this 3rd grader-stuff, he usually writes.
When there´s an interest, I will translate the article...,2789,637742,00.html

Victorias stora förvandling

Nu är det slut med drottningsylt och tantkläder. Kronprinsessan
Victoria har bytt stil – och blivit en modemedveten muskelmaskin.

Kronprinsessan Victorias ”nya stil” har fått stor uppmärksamhet under våren. Aftonbladet kunde redan för några veckor sedan berätta att Victoria hade tröttnat på alla tråkiga tanttyger och standardiserade byxkjolar. 1stället gick hon med friskt mod in och förnyade sin garderob med hjälp av några svenska toppdesigners.
Dessutom, för att göra det hela lite roligare, shoppade Victoria loss för tusentals kronor ur det kungliga apanaget i flera av de lyxigaste modebutikerna. Det är lätt att föreställa sig hur hennes kammarjungfru smågalen av glädje måste ha jublat när Victoria kom hem med alla kassar.
Men Victorias förvandling handlar inte bara om nya fräcka Gucci-skor eller korta kjolar med slitsar. En av de största förändringarna som Victoria har genomgått under de senaste tre åren är också hennes ”nya” kropp.

Träffade Daniel på gym

Att de figursydda galaklänningarna sitter som gjutna beror inte bara på att de är tjusigare än någonsin. Victoria bär dem på ett helt annat sätt än tidigare. Och förklaringen?
Ja, pojkvännen Daniel Westling förstås.
Att paret träffades på hans gym där han instruerade Victoria som personlig tränare vet vi sedan länge. Men att han i över tre års tid har byggt upp henne till en riktig muskelmaskin kanske är lite mer överraskande. Som en tuff GI Jane skulle Victoria med ett leende på läpparna bräda i princip varenda vattenkammad adelsyngling i armbrytning. För att inte tala om undertecknad...
Pojkvännen Daniel Westlings egen kropp behöver ingen närmare förklaring. Redan som fjunig tonårsgrabb pumpade han musklerna på Ockelbos lokala gym. Sen dess har bicepsen svällt och enligt välunderrättade källor fick Vickan en uppskattad bonus i form av den brunbrända tvättbrädan.

Matvanorna smittar
Daniels träning och hans nyttiga livsstil, som att aldrig äta bröd eller dressing till hamburgar­na, har naturligt smittat av sig på flickvännen.
Kronprinsessan Victoria tränar regelbundet i maskinerna på pojkvännens exklusiva gym Master Training, ett stenkast från Stureplan i Stockholm. Ofta sker besöken på söndagarna då Victoria helt privat kan koncentrera sig på träningen. Samtidigt som Säpo-gubbarna dricker kaffe och bläddrar i kvällstidningarna i fikarummet kör Victoria och Daniel så det ryker.

Nobelglassen frestar
Men att träna räcker inte till. Att hålla alla onödiga extrakilona på mils avstånd kräver lika mycket disciplin som adrenalin.
Victoria utsätts visserligen inte så ofta som vi vanliga för vardagens goda men fullkomligt kalorifarliga frestelser. Den där onödiga Marabou-kakan på Ica behöver hon inte oroa sig för. Inte heller den så smaskiga men ack så fettdrypande burgaren på väg hem efter en blöt krogrunda.
Men med tanke på all representation i form av goda middagar och viner (för att inte tala om Nobelglassen!) behöver Victoria och resten av kungafamiljen hålla igen. Här är hemligheten: deras egen stab av kockar har instruerats att servera nyttig, näringsrik och KALORISNÅL mat.
På Drottningholms slott är de feta gräddsåserna utrotningshotade. Och att smaska i sig chips i tv-soffan vore som att svära i kyrkan.
– Man kan unna sig godis ibland. Men det gäller att äta nyttig mat, har Victoria själv berättat.
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I hope this doesn't read the wrong way, but I fail to see a new style or new physical changes. If Victorial had consistently kept up her clothing choices that she wore during the official visit to Australia I would understand but that hasn't been the case. She still has that dreadful ponytail and she is still wearing jackets that she has worn over and over and over and over again....

I don't see any change...
I agree with you Alisa. Victorias style during the trip to Australia was sensational, but since she got back home I dont see the "fashion-princess" as much as I saw in Australia
Yes, I would also say the author was a bit overhasty (the article is from the end of April). (Her trip to) Australia seems like this great dream, I had a few nights ago-> far away.
Maybe I haven´t made it clear (sorry)...with physical changes he mainly meant her the pure naked Victoria without all the bad bad clothes. The second part of the article is on Daniel Westling (and his "suntanned six-pack") and Victoria´s training with him. That´s why I´ve posted it here...the first part is on her new (fashion) style.
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Is it possible for you to translate the article as I don't speak Swedish...thanks! What's the story with Victoria and Daniel...I check these threads out now and again and a while back it seemed an engagement was imminent but now there seems not to be much news....or??
eireann said:
Is it possible for you to translate the article as I don't speak Swedish...thanks! What's the story with Victoria and Daniel...I check these threads out now and again and a while back it seemed an engagement was imminent but now there seems not to be much news....or??

Here is a translation (the non-cursive written part is translated, the cursive written parts are comments, added of me).
There are no signs, which speak for an engagement...but there is clearly the time factor. So an engagement becomes more possible (esp. for the autumn)


Victorias big change

Now the times of queen´s jam (swedish raspberry jam) and frumpish clothes are over. Crown princess Victoria has changed her style and became a trendy muscle-machine.

Crown princess Victorias new style has caused a lot of attention under the spring. Aftonbladet could tell already a few weeks ago, that Victoria got tired of all the boring frumpish colours and standardised oversized pants. Instead she took action of good cheer and renewed her wardrobe with the help of a few swedish top designers.
And to enjoy this a little bit more, Victoria shopped for thousands of crowns out of the Royal apanage in some of the most luxurious shops.
It´s easy to imagine, how her chambermaid must have cheered almost crazy out of joy, when Victoria came home with all the shopping bags.
But Victorias change isn´t just about new striking Gucci-shoes (now Larzen and Danielle will protest ;) ) or short skirts with slits. One of the biggest changes, Victoria underwent in the past three years, is her "new" body.

She met Daniel in the gym
That the tight cut gala dresses fit like a glove isn´t just, because they are more elegant than ever before. Victoria fits in them in a complete different way than before. And the reason?
Yes, her boyfriend Daniel Westling, of course.
We have known for a long time, that the couple has met in his gym, when he instructed Victoria as personal trainer. But that he has made her in the three years to a real muscle machine is maybe a little bit more surprising. Like a tough GI Jane, Victoria could beat theoretically every watercombed noble lad in arm wrestling with a smile on her lips. Not to speak about the author (Daniel Nyhlén)...
The body of her boyfriend doesn´t need/require any detailed description. Already as lanky teenager he has pumped his muscles in Ockelbo´s local gym. Since then his biceps(es) grew and according to well informed sources, Victoria got an well appreciated "bonus" in form of a tanned sixpack.

(His) eating habits influenced her
Daniels training and his healthy lifestyle (he never eats bread or dressing to hamburgers) has of course influenced his girlfriend.
Crown princess Victoria works out regularly with machines in her boyfriend´s exclusive gym Master training, a stone´s throw away from the Stureplan (exclusive party mile) in Stockholm. Often those visits happen on Sunday, because then Victoria can concentrate completly private on the training. While the guys from SÄPO (security police) drink coffee or go through tabloids (here more or less Aftonbladet or the big rival Expressen are meant ;) ) in the coffee room, Victoria and Daniel work out (and here is then added "so that it smokes")

The Nobel ice cream tempts
But just to work out isn´t enough. To keep all unnecessary extra pounds miles away, it needs as much discipline as adrenaline.
Admittedly Victoria isn´t as often exposed to everyday tasty, but completely rich in calories temptations, as we ordinary ppl are. She doesn´t need to worry about these unnecessary Marabou bars from ICA (Marabou is a well known Swedish chocolate brand and ICA is a well known chain of super markets. Last year we have seen pics of Daniel & Victoria shopping in an these bars ARE a temptation for least it would be for more reason to travel to Sweden ;) ) Neither she has to for the tasty, but of fat dripping burgers on the way home from a "wet (boozing) tour through the clubs.
But when one thinks of all the official duties in form of good dinners and wines (not to speak of the nobel ice cream!) it´s clear, that Victoria and the others from the Royal family have to restrict themselves: Here is the secret: Their own stuff of cooks has gotten the order to serve healthy, nutritious and LOW CALORIE food. At Drottningholm castle fatty cream sauces are threatened with extinction. And to champ chips on the TV-couch would be like swearing in the church.
-One can allow oneself sweets sometimes. But it´s important to eat healthy food, has Victoria self told...
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Crown princess Victoria has changed her style and became a trendy muscle-machine.
Is that supposed to be flattering?:p

Since then his biceps(es) grew and according to well informed sources, Victoria got an well appreciated "bonus" in form of a tanned sixpack
And who are those sources excatly??:D

Thankx lena for the translation, this article is very funny
Thanks Lena...i also enjoyed the article very much....too bad, like Alisa said, her style changed back after Australia...i await more news of Daniel and Victoria...are they even seen out together anymore? I thought Daniel was becoming more "exposed" to the press a while back...or do u think he's too busy getting private coaching for his future at the moment?
Victoria & Fitness


Den nya muskel-sessan är här.
Många överraskades när Victoria gästade på Polar Music Prize i måndags.
I ärmlöst visade hon upp sina väTRFänade armar.
– Hon kan tacka sin pojkvän Daniel, säger kändistränaren David ”D-flex” Seisay, 37.

Victoria har segrat över sina tidigare ätstörningar och triumferar som den nya fitnessprinsessan. Under måndagen var det flera som lyfte på ögonbrynen då en strålande kronprinsessa dök upp på Polar Music Prize.
I en vacker ärmlös klänning visade Victoria upp sina muskulösa armar.
– Det kan gå fort att bli väTRFänad om man väl bestämmer sig. Är du bara målmedveten och tänker på kosten så kan du komma i form lätt, säger David ”D-flex” Seisay.
Han har själv varit personlig tränare till många kändisar. Nu hyllar han prinsessans nya look.

Har fokuserat rätt
– Hon är en fantastisk kvinna. Jag tror hon har fokuserat på träning, rätt mat och så har hon nog varit skötsam och inte festat.
1997 gick hovet ut och berättade om kronprinsessan Victorias ätstörningar. Hennes stressiga schema samt kravet att ständigt vara perfekt och allkunnig tog knäcken på henne.
Men med stöd av familj och pojkvän har Victoria hittat den rätta formeln.
– Hennes kille Daniel är en duktig tränare och har sitt eget gym. Han har nog hjälpt henne mycket, säger David Seisay.
Hovet har inte kunnat nås för en kommentar.
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I can't understand Swedish, but is that what the article is talking about? Her muscles? Maybe she has been hitting the gym more often than we thought, or maybe it's just Daniel influencing her (again!).
The article is about Victoria's transformation into a fitness princess, that she made many heads turn at the Polar Music Prize, where she was flaunting her biceps in a sleeveless brown gown.

David Seisay who is a star personal trainer praised Victoria for her new looks in an interview with the Expressen. He was quoted as saying that she's a fantastic woman and that he believes that she has been very focussed with her exercise and food. The article also briefly mentions that she used to suffer from eating disorders. David Seisay is all praises for Daniel too. He says that the transformation wouldn't have been possible if it hadn't been for Daniel.
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Little summary of the article:
It just states the obvious. Victoria has pumped up her muscles. Then a well known personal trainer called D-flex (I think he´s also in the music business?) who has according to the article trained many celebs, praises Victoria and her boyfriend (wonder, if there´s a labour union for gym trainers...where they meet each other ;) ), I think Danne should also choose such a funky name. Do you have any ideas? ;)
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Lena said:
I guess she was a bit bored last week and hung around a lot in Daniels gyms. And what can one do there except training?
In Australia and India she looked less buff...but I guess, when you have trained regularly, you can pump up your muscles fast to the same level, you had before the break (this is what I´ve heard)
I don't know. I think a lot of her muscle development can be put down to the camera angle and the way she has her arms in the photos. There is no doubt she is more 'buff' than normal, but when you lift your arm up to wave etc, everyone has muscles (right?). Anyway, if I was Daniel (I'm trying to think of a cool name for him - something better than D-Man) I would be scared. I'm sure Victoria would be able to beat his (backside) in a fight now. :p Hmm, that training thing sounds interesting. It can be quite dangerous though, so I hope Victoria doesn't cause herself any long term damage.
Danielle said:
Anyway, if I was Daniel (I'm trying to think of a cool name for him - something better than D-Man)

I had a friend named Dan in highschool and we used to call him Dan the Man ... although he had a third nipple so perhaps it was a nickname to reinforce his manliness despite the genetic mutation. ;)
I think it's going to far now with her work out stuff... She's a princess - not a fitness star for crying out loud! Okay if she wants to be fit, but she doesn't have to build these enourmous muscles, it doesn't look very good and it only makes her look masculine. And a compliment from D-flex about this, well I wouldn't call that flattering - that man is a muscle mountain personified.
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Alexandria said:
I had a friend named Dan in highschool and we used to call him Dan the Man ... although he had a third nipple so perhaps it was a nickname to reinforce his manliness despite the genetic mutation. ;)

How very nice and charming in these times of high school cruelties. :D Didn´t your high school times collide with the heydays of Mark Wahlberg and wasn´t it then "en vogue" to have a third nipple? :D

Ok, here are my suggestions:
WD (pronounced the american way: double U Dee)
Dan, the victorious (As allusion to his most lucrative customer and Erik Victorius, who was the first real king over whole Sweden)
The Daninator (to that I suggest a workout video...Danne in a tight black shirt with red flashes, tight black shorts and blond background dancers in white)
And finally Dee king ;)

I´m sure you can find better ones
Alexandria said:
I had a friend named Dan in highschool and we used to call him Dan the Man ... although he had a third nipple so perhaps it was a nickname to reinforce his manliness despite the genetic mutation. ;)
I have faced 'cruel' taunts with my name. A friend of mine called me 'Dani-can' (like the Australian Dunny Can - a toilet.) She's Colombian so her accent made it sound even more like 'dunny'. :( She then dropped the 'can' and kept saying Dani like dunny. Yes, it was very nice of her. That is very strange about your friend, Alexandria.

Lena said:
I don´t think Master Training is a store house for anabolic steroids ;)
Ha ha ha. I'm not going to start any rumours, but maybe it is. :)
Lena said:
I don´t think Master Training is a store house for anabolic steroids ;)

Who knows! Aren't steroids the easy way to a six pack? And all these upper class peple wanting to look like Schwarzenegger..
But I think you can get them illegally in nearly every fitness studio.
This of course does not mean that I think that they are explicitly sold there. I just think its within the range of possibility!
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Danielle said:
Ha ha ha. I'm not going to start any rumours, but maybe it is. :)

I know it´s an old chliché (that´s why one should be carefully) and when Mr. W. would read on this site, he would hate me (when he already isn´t hating me for criticising him and his lovely girlfriend so much): I would bet on cocaine and amphetamines. Of course not directly sold of Danne. But the one or another probably comes a bit "adrenalised" to the training.
And I guess Mixer is right, when he says, that in (big) gyms is always dealt with steroids.
Victoria's "new" physical shape, 2005

What does Expressobladet write, when it has nothing to write?
An article about the "new" buff Victoria. IMO we have seen the "new buff Victoria" in the past 3.5 years. Oh well.

This time the article is with a statement of Ann Christine Jernberg

The Crown Princess is keen on being in good physical shape. She takes her "job" very seriously and works out regularly, says the court´s press chef Ann-Christine Jernberg,2789,745757,00.html

Photo of (buff) Victoria attending the meeting with the Nobel Peace Prize Winners yesterday
I think the one taking her job really serious in A-CJ, can we imagine any other Royal press chief commenting on how much the royals work out:confused: And why does Aftonbladet choose a picture of Victoria ina covered up black suit to make its point, surly they could have chosen the white dress with no sleeves, she odes not look very buff in the suit IMO.
Much slimmer

In that photograph Crown Princess Victoria looks like she has slimmed down a lot. She looks like she has lost much weight in the face and her waist is very small now compared to a few years ago.
Gita said:
In that photograph Crown Princess Victoria looks like she has slimmed down a lot. She looks like she has lost much weight in the face and her waist is very small now compared to a few years ago.

I can´t see her waist in the pic (there´s only "black"). But yes, her waist is surely thinner. As soon as you really train it, it´s hard to put on fat there. But I guess an other factor is of course age, which makes her face more mature looking.
And (caution controversial Lena-theory) I think when she studied in the USA she fell for the American* way of eating (Fast food, salty "chemical" carbo+fat-rich food), which let her seem more "chubby" and more bloated/puffy. Back in Sweden she probably ate healthier and IMO it makes a difference, if you stuff yourself with McDonalds or good quality food. IMO one can see it.
Of course unbalanced gaining after anorexia and having a gym trainer as boyfriend plays a role as well...

*I´ve of course heard, that the one or an other vegetable was spotted in the USA" ;)
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In reading the info and then your comments. You all have managed to voice my opinion.:p

I agree that the CPss looks much slimmer in that photo, not exactly buff. I also thought the press chief should have left her comments at " The Crown Princess is keen on being in good physical shape". The rest in unnecessary.
Lena said:
I can´t see her waist in the pic (there´s only "black"). But yes, her waist is surely thinner. As soon as you really train it, it´s hard to put on fat there. But I guess an other factor is of course age, which makes her face more mature looking.
And (caution controversial Lena-theory) I think when she studied in the USA she fell for the American* way of eating (Fast food, salty "chemical" carbo+fat-rich food), which let her seem more "chubby" and more bloated/puffy. Back in Sweden she probably ate healthier and IMO it makes a difference, if you stuff yourself with McDonalds or good quality food. IMO one can see it.
Of course unbalanced gaining after anorexia and having a gym trainer as boyfriend plays a role as well...

*I´ve of course heard, that the one or an other vegetable was spotted in the USA" ;)

i agree. we who follow victoria have seen her sporty physique for some time now. she's been kinda low profile this year. maybe some media had "forgotten" about her and then when they saw her at the nobel's thought, 'dude, she's buff.'

I think Victoria looks great right now, but I hope she stays this way. if she gets any more buff, she'll be going too far.

certainly daniel had a lot to do with it, but I also think her love of fitness seems to have increased considerably after her stint in the military.
Don't get me wrong I do think Crown Princess Victoria looks great.:)
Lena said:
What does Expressobladet write, when it has nothing to write?
An article about the "new" buff Victoria. IMO we have seen the "new buff Victoria" in the past 3.5 years. Oh well.

This time the article is with a statement of Ann Christine Jernberg

The Crown Princess is keen on being in good physical shape. She takes her "job" very seriously and works out regularly, says the court´s press chef Ann-Christine Jernberg,2789,745757,00.html

Photo of (buff) Victoria attending the meeting with the Nobel Peace Prize Winners yesterday
:eek: To me this pic looks, like eating disorder is back :eek: :eek: :eek:
This photo was taken a day within the Nobel prize gala and there certainly wasn't anything anorexic about her in the gala dress.
mixer2002de said:
:eek: To me this pic looks, like eating disorder is back :eek: :eek: :eek:
well, she is very thin and the fact that she fits in the same clothes now that she did when she had the eating disorder (the red dress worn at her cousins wedding) shows that she has lost alot of weight... but: this time its clearly that she has a more athletic body and therefor can wear small sizes. Just look at her upper arms (I´m very jelaous :) )
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