Crown Princess Victoria & Daniel Westling: Relationship Discussion (2002-2007)

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Today it says in that they have big problems in their relationship and that they're going to break up... Apparantly Victoria has realised that Daniel isn't "husband-material" for a future queen. Are you happy Dennism? :p (Just joking of course....)

Kronprinsessan Victoria och Daniel Westling har stora problem i sitt förhållande.

Akut kris för Victoria
Förhållandet mellan kronprinsessan Victoria, 26, och Daniel Westling, 30, är i djup kris.
Efter kungaparets och hovets hårda dom över pojkvännen, säger en initierad källa:
- Hon älskar Daniel, men samtidigt har det gått upp för henne att det inte fungerar med honom som blivande make.

Kronprinsessan har ett hårt pressat schema bakom sig, där hon knappt varit hemma en enda helg. Hon har varit på släktträff i Mai-nau, på bröllop i Danmark, Jordanien, Spanien och på flera dop.
Vid midsommar gör hon därför ett sommaruppehåll från alla officiella uppdrag.
- I mitten på augusti är hon åter i tjänst, säger Morgan Gerle vid hovet.
Om kronprinsessans späckade vårschema säger Elisabeth Tarras-Wahlberg, hovets presschef:
- Den har varit programfylld. Men det är hennes eget val.

"Svår situation"
Samtidigt har det, enligt Expressens källa, blivit allt tydligare för kronprinsessan att hennes val av pojkvän inte faller kungaparet och hovet i smaken.
- Hon har blivit plågsamt medveten om det under de kungliga bröllop hon varit på den senaste tiden. Men hon sitter i en svår situation.
- Det finns inte tillstymmelse till tal om förlovning. Det är snarare tvärtom - det håller på att ta slut. Victoria är knäckt och mår dåligt av det här.
- Deras förhållande är utsatt för oerhörda påfrestningar. Paret avvaktar nu sommaren.
Expressen har tidigare avslöjat att kungaparet inte gillar "svärsonen". Carl XVI Gustaf har uttryckt att Daniel Westlings sociala kompetens är för liten och att hans allmänbildning för dålig. Kungen har också klagat över att pojkvännen inte kan föra sig i de fina salongerna, att han inte kan prata engelska och inte nämna namnet på en nutida svensk författare.
- Han skulle aldrig fungera som make till en blivande drottning med allt vad det innebär, säger Expressens källa.
En händelse som stört hovet är den offentliga kyssen i Ockelbo, då kronprinsessan firade påsk med Daniel Westling. Expressens bild på paret - tätt omslingrade och där kronprinsessan får en kyss på kinden - har inte fallit hovet i smaken.
Inte heller ville kungaparet ha med Daniel Westling på Gelleråsens motorbana i Karlskoga i april, när familjen skulle köra racerbilar. Enda orsaken till att han fick vara med var för att kronprinsessans syskons respektive var inbjudna.
- Kungaparet hade ingen möjlighet att säga nej. Det var en privat tillställning och det hade sett konstigt ut om han inte varit där inför alla pressfotografer.
I helgen var kronprinsessan och Daniel Westling inbjudna till väninnan Caroline Thams bröllop i fashionabla Djursholm. Men Victoria backade ur i sista stund. I stället reste hon till dopet i Holland där hon är gudmor åt blivande drottningen Catharina-Amalia.
- Kronprinsessan hade inte behövt åka dit. Dessutom hade hon möjlighet att först delta på bröllopet och sedan åka till Haag, säger Expressens källa.

"Vet inte vad som ska hända"
Elisabeth Tarras-Wahlberg bekräftar att kronprinsessans vår och försommar varit fullspäckad och att det inte finns några offentliga uppdrag inbokade efter midsommar.
- Jag vet inte vad som ska hända. Inte förrän den 14 juli, då hon ska fira sin födelsedag.
Hur ser du på kronprinsessans förhållande med Daniel Westling?- Jag kan inte svara på det faktiskt. Det är någonting mellan henne och honom. Det får förbli så.
Det talas om kris?
- Jag tycker inte man ska tala om sådant man inte känner till. Därför avstår jag från att tala om det.
Har kronprinsessan haft förlovningsplaner?
- Jag har aldrig pratat med henne om förlovning.
Originally posted by Lena@Jun 15th, 2004 - 6:24 pm
Very interesting points of view! But who knows, maybe he has already asked her or she him :woot: I never ever believe that Royal couples get engaged only a few hours or days before the public announcement!
On the oder hand side I think the king would give a anonymous hint to the press. And when the PM nows he would tell around. And it would not be a secret anymore. Maximum time it is secret 7 days!

Lena, gossip is too interesting!
Originally posted by Cissan@Jun 16th, 2004 - 2:03 am

Har kronprinsessan haft förlovningsplaner?
- Jag har aldrig pratat med henne om förlovning.
She wants? And he does not?
Originally posted by mixer2002de+Jun 16th, 2004 - 4:00 am--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (mixer2002de @ Jun 16th, 2004 - 4:00 am)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Cissan@Jun 16th, 2004 - 2:03 am

Har kronprinsessan haft förlovningsplaner?
- Jag har aldrig pratat med henne om förlovning.
She wants? And he does not? [/b][/quote]
No, it's Elisabeth Tarras Wahlberg, the court's press secretary, who says that she doesn't know anything about Victoria and Daniel getting engaged. On the article it sounds more like it's Victoria who doesn't want to get engaged. (because she accept that Daniel isn't good enough :( )
Originally posted by Cissan+Jun 16th, 2004 - 6:10 am--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Cissan @ Jun 16th, 2004 - 6:10 am)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by mixer2002de@Jun 16th, 2004 - 4:00 am
@Jun 16th, 2004 - 2:03 am

Har kronprinsessan haft förlovningsplaner?
- Jag har aldrig pratat med henne om förlovning.

She wants? And he does not?
No, it's Elisabeth Tarras Wahlberg, the court's press secretary, who says that she doesn't know anything about Victoria and Daniel getting engaged. On the article it sounds more like it's Victoria who doesn't want to get engaged. (because she accept that Daniel isn't good enough :( ) [/b][/quote]
OOops who made her think that. She is together with him and so on. everybody thinks she wants to marry him and she does not want to? Rather strange!
Uuuhhh, looks like a dirty tabloid-war :p And Expressen seems to use heavy "ordanace" by asking the holy ETW. So that they can ridicule what Aftonbladet has written yesterday.
I think that at the moment nothing of both is true. Fact is that Victoria was at the baptism of Daniel´s little niece Vera. So they are still together. But this imo doesn´t mean, that they are engaged.

Reading Dennis mind...hmmm, yes, every single thought :p ... :flower:
Atfer now reading the article I think I can say that Expressen is so damn hypocritical. It just makes me laugh.
I bet in a few days they will publish an article in which they tell that "initiated sources" know that Victoria is very angry about that what is written in "newspapers" about Daniel :p And my guess is that Victoria will give her next interview (to a tabloid) to Aftonbladet ;)
Originally posted by mixer2002de@Jun 16th, 2004 - 12:53 pm
What was yesterday!
The Aftonbladet-article about Victoria and Daniel at the baptism of Vera, and that they want to have a baby together.
Originally posted by Lena+Jun 16th, 2004 - 7:00 am--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Lena @ Jun 16th, 2004 - 7:00 am)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-mixer2002de@Jun 16th, 2004 - 12:53 pm
What was yesterday!
The Aftonbladet-article about Victoria and Daniel at the baptism of Vera, and that they want to have baby together. [/b][/quote]
Ah thats all. I thought I missed something.

Child and no marriage? Sounds like she would kick him afterwards. Thats totally non royal!
Originally posted by Cissan@Jun 16th, 2004 - 8:03 am
- Jag har aldrig pratat med henne om förlovning.
The holy ETW: I´ve never talked with Victoria about an engagement

Tztztz...ETW, should we really believe that?! I bet the swedish court´s Rasputin knows every little single detail of the future heir´s life. Far more than Mamma Silvia and Pappa-kungen. And she surely has talked to her protégé about love and relationship.
Yes, Lena can read my mind on all of this. For the rest of you, try harder if you don´t know.

"You are happy when Victoria is unhappy?"

What a ridiculous thought. I want her to be happy and live life to its fullest. Preferably, I would want her to be happy with me.
BTW there is a poll on the page of Aftonbladet as well...and they ask if the crown princess should be allowed to marry whom she wants...and so far over 83% said "ja" (yes) IMO a clear yes FOR Daniel!

The complete Westling-clan...and "daughter-in-law" (?) Victoria

Victorias kärleks-semester
OKELBO. Medan kungaparet kopplat av i S:t Tropez har kronprinsessan Victoria firat midsommar i Ockelbo.
Hon och pojkvännen Daniel Westling bytte Franska rivieran - mot promenader och jordgubbar från Konsum.
- Det är skönt att vara här, att ha vänner man litar på, säger Daniel Westling.

I strålande sommarsol har kronprinsessan Victoria tagit långa promenader med pojkvännen, och svärföräldrarna Eva och Olle.
Här - långt från exklusiva S:t Tropez på franska rivieran - kan Victoria och Daniel klä sig i t-shirt och träningsskor. Ett par mil söderut ligger Högbo golfklubb, som har plaststolar i den enkla serveringen.
- Daniel och Victoria brukar vara här och spela ibland, säger en man som arbetar i golfshopen.
I keps och kortbyxor släntrar Daniel Westling längs mammas gata och hälsar på alla:
- Jag tycker verkligen om att vara i Ockelbo, här kan vi vara i fred, som vilka som helst, nästan.
- Det kanske inte ser så kul ut - Ockelbo by day. Men visst är det fint, egentligen? säger Daniel och skrattar.

Många vänner hälsar på
I villaträdgårdarna går nyfikna grannar och påtar och klipper gräs. Daniel hälsar på en kompis i en vit Volvo 244 med rostfläckar.
- Hej, det är jag som Eva, säger Daniels mamma när hon kommer fram och hälsar.
Här har Victoria fått träffa Daniels gamla vänner, hela tiden stannar bilar vid radhuset.
- Jag trivs oerhört bra här, säger Daniel Westling.
Tycker du att uppmärksamheten kring dig är jobbig?
- Egentligen inte, jag vet vem jag är. Mina vänner vet vem jag är. Jag känner mig helt trygg med det, säger Daniel.
Du har ju inte berättat så mycket om dig själv?
- Det kommer en dag för det också, säger han och fortsätter:
- Det blev snett från början...
- Jag försöker ibland att sätta mig in i hur folk ser på mig, hur ni journalister tänker. Mycket vad folk tror om mig stämmer inte.
Victoria och Daniel vill markera att de är ett par - och att de har det bra. Den senaste tiden har Victoria fått höra att hennes pappa kungen ska ha sagt att hon inte kan gifta sig med Daniel Westling.
Enligt vänner till paret har Daniel mått mycket dåligt av att bli ifrågasatt - samtidigt som han och Victoria älskar varandra.
- Jag vill inte prata om det där, säger han.
- Nu ska jag in och handla jordgubbar med pappa, säger Daniel och sticker in på Konsum.
Lena has a nice/good day today and tried therefore a translation (ok ok, I just wanted to practise my swedish and english...and I want to discuss the stuff with you ;) )
Maybe the Swedes can correct some things (?)

Victoria´s holidays of love

While the Royal couple relaxed in St. Tropez, the crown princess has celebrated midsummer in Ockelbo.
She and (her) boyfriend Daniel Westling exchange the french Riveria-to walks and strawberries from "Konsum".
-This is nice to be here, and to have friends to which you can rely on, says Daniel Westling

In the bright summer-sun the crown princess has done/undertaken long walks with the boyfriend, and the parents-in-law Eva and Olle.
Here-away from the the exclusive St. Tropez at the french Riveria-Victoria and Daniel can dress (down) in T-Shirt and sneakers (training-shoes). A few miles out lies/is the Högbo golfclub, which has chairs out of plastic in the simple cafeteria.
-Daniel and Victoria are in the habit to be here and play (here) sometimes, a man says, who works in the golfing-shop.
With a cap and in short trousers Daniel Westling strolls (down the street) next to his "mamma" and greets to all:
-I really like it to be in Ockelbo, here I can be left in peace, like anybody else, almost/practically
-This (Ockelbo) probably doesn´t look cool/ like fun-Ockelbo by day. But it is certainly fine, actually? says Daniel and laughs.

Many friends to greet
In "villaträdgårdarna" (no idea, what it means...something out of "mansion/house" "tree" and "garden"...I´m waiting for the Swedes here-coming back from "strawberry-shopping" ;)-to help me out here) curious neighbours poke (in the earth?) and cut grass. Daniel greets at a friend in a white Volvo 244 with rust stains.
-Hej/hi, that is me Eva (right translation? the "som" here confuses me), says Daniel´s mamma, when she comes forwards and greets.
Here Victoria has met/can meet (?) Daniel´s old friends, all of the time cars stop at the terraced house/one family home.

-I´m enjoying it very much here, says Daniel Westling.
Do you think that the attention around you is strenuous?
-Actually not; I know who I´m. My friends know who I´m. I feel me completely secure with that, says Daniel
You haven´t ( so far) told many (things) about yourself?
-There´s coming a day for that as well, he says and goes on:
-This was oblique from the beginning... (but here he could have also meant...this was wrong from the beginning?)
-I try sometimes to imagine how the people look at me, how (you) journalists think (about me). Many (things) which (the) people think aren´t true.
Victoria and Daniel will show that they are a couple-and that they have it good (are good as couple). In the last time Victoria came to know (had to read in Expressen ;) ) that her daddy king should have said that she shouldn´t marry Daniel Westling.
According to friends of the couple Daniel has felt really bad about being questioned-while at the same time he and Victoria are/was loving each other
-I don´t want to talk about that, he says
-Now I will (go) in and buy strawberries with Pappa (isn´t that cuuuuttteee ;) ), says Daniel and leaves to the "Konsum" (=super market)
finally! maybe something big is about to happend :p
Thanks for the translation Lena!
Originally posted by Yennie@Jun 28th, 2004 - 10:02 am
finally! maybe something big is about to happend :p
Thanks for the translation Lena!
At least their relationship seems to be at an very important point! When Daniel C. (aka DanielI) talked to the press it was finally over...of course there could have been other reasons. But according to that what we know out of other Royal houses (the "Royal game" and it´s rules) to talk to the press means a) that you´re an attention-seeking sod or b ) that it´s very very serious with the relationship. I tend to b. ... Daniel did well in this whistle-blown secrets, he seemed relaxed (ok, mummy was next to him ;) ). Hey Swedes, I think this will become your prince consort!

You´re welcome, Yennie...but I guess/bet you understood the swedish version better ;)
yes I think so he is starting to talk with media at times when they ask him things now he never done so before
Originally posted by mixer2002de@Jun 30th, 2004 - 8:30 pm
What do you think? Can we expect a royal marriage up there in the North (Sweden) :rolleyes: ?

Thank you GrandDuchess for publishing the Expressen-article...when I´ve checked Expressen in the noon, it wasn´t on then (usually they publish the most articles in the morning...and only top news during the day).
Now we get every day new pix of Victoria and Daniel...and though it´s surely bothering for both, IMO Daniel looks relaxed.
I seem to have missed a lot of the development of this relationship -- is marriage really in the air between Victoria and Daniel? Has he come around very much since in the past few weeks? Last I heard, the role of Queen Consort seemed a bit daunting to him and the press intrusion on his life a great hindrance. Or has Victoria simply caught the wedding bug after attending the Danish and Spanish royal weddings? Victoria as a bride ... that would be a lovely sight ... :heart:
Alexandria  Posted: Jul 1st, 2004 - 9:41 pm

I seem to have missed a lot of the development of this relationship -- is marriage really in the air between Victoria and Daniel? Has he come around very much since in the past few weeks? Last I heard, the role of Queen Consort seemed a bit daunting to him and the press intrusion on his life a great hindrance. Or has Victoria simply caught the wedding bug after attending the Danish and Spanish royal weddings?

... as Lena should be able to share with you better than me .....

- D2 has seemed better since his funk. He's grown his business since then too. :)
- I think Victoria backed off (off of him) too.
- Maybe the press are keeping a more respectful distance, too.
Originally posted by King Christian@Jul 2nd, 2004 - 1:09 am
... as Lena should be able to share with you better than me .....

- D2 has seemed better since his funk. He's grown his business since then too. :)
- I think Victoria backed off (off of him) too.
- Maybe the press are keeping a more respectful distance, too.
Funk??? I missed a lot around here! A lot happens when a girl is stuck at the office slaving away for the man!

Press is keeping a distance? Between who? Victoria and Daniel or Victoria and Dennis?
Hey Alexandria...nice to say you here again...made my day (and that at 8:30 am!!) :woot:

Hm, a distance? Wouldn´t agree the moment we get almost every day new pictures of the couple.

I think the biggest difference was, that Daniel has talked to Expressen (I´ve translated/tried to translate the article...look at the end of the Victoria & Daniel IV-thread) And as we all know in the international "Royal code", talking to the press does mean a big change!
You haven´t ( so far) told many (things) about yourself?
-There´s coming a day for that as well, he says

Expressen to Daniel...and Daniel´s answer. This sentence makes/made me very suspicious...why should an inoffical boyfriend of a crown princess (so somebody, who´s actually offically NOT "existing" as boyfriend) say, that it´s time or that the time will come, at which he (will) talk(s) to the press (and that directly NEXT to the crown princess)...this sounds like "engagement day" :rolleyes: :wacko: :innocent: :woot: ;)
Lena  Posted: Jul 2nd, 2004 - 3:53 am
You haven´t ( so far) told many (things) about yourself?
-There´s coming a day for that as well, he says
Expressen to Daniel...and Daniel´s answer. This sentence makes/made me very suspicious...why should an inoffical boyfriend of a crown princess (so somebody, who´s actually offically NOT "existing" as boyfriend) say, that it´s time or that the time will come, at which he (will) talk(s) to the press (and that directly NEXT to the crown princess)...this sounds like "engagement day"
Wait Lena.

The bad reputation that the press has... is that they take things "out of context".

I heard a professor of mine once say "live on TV" that he doesn't talk to the press because they deliberately misinterpret

.... so, in deference to Daniel, he probably said something, and Expressen mis-interpreted ... to change a dull answer to something that sells newspapers. Am I making my point?
Hm Christian...usually I don´t believe what Expressobladet writes...not their little "hints", not their predicitions, and not the existence of their secret sources...but Expressen and Aftonbladet are still more newspapers than those tabloids, which we know from the Germans (well, actually they exist Sweden as well..e.g. "Hänt extra")...and when they get an interview, then they usually publish the WHOLE recording (so all questions and all answers) I believe he said it this way...and to this item not more or less. But as he isn´t used to interviews, it can be, that he wasn´t aware of the fact, that ppl (or Lena ;) )could interpret his sentences different.
Originally posted by mixer2002de@Jul 2nd, 2004 - 6:55 pm
So no royal marriage? :cry:
You´re like a leave in the wind ;) Even worse than day THIS opinion, the next day THAT... actually we all here know nothing...maybe Victoria and Daniel fool us, and are engaged for months...or (???)
Originally posted by Lena@Jul 2nd, 2004 - 2:33 am
Hey Alexandria...nice to say you here again...made my day (and that at 8:30 am!!) :woot:
Hi Lena! Thanks for the nice comments! I'm glad to be back to enjoy the "banter" between the "driving forces" in the Swedish forum again! ;) Thanks for the Expressen translation ... Not sure if I missed it during my "hiatus" but was Daniel at any family celebrations for Victoria's recent birthday? Or the recent Swedish National Day, even if only in the crowd? (I am not sure if Carl Phillip's Emma attends, too? She and Daniel could sit in the audience together I guess.)

... I do hope that if there is a wedding ahead for Victoria and Daniel he will cut his hair. I just read a thread about a make over for Victoria. But before she gets one, let's introduce Daniel to a hair dresser (preferably Carl Phillip's) and scissors! :p
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