Princess Stéphanie's 40th Birthday Special

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Heir Presumptive
Jan 7, 2003
:) Monaco's wild child turns 40 !

I thought it could be a wonderful idea to go along with all the mags and tv-shows and create a 'Special' for her.



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Some very sweet and exclusive pictures will feature this ' Special' ...

Princess Stephanie when she was little....


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Great idea Michelle! And lots of great photos, specially those of little Steph..
The last one with Albert and Caroline is great:)

Here are some;


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Thanx Ianna....

Here are some more: Young Stephanie in the 80's and early 90's


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She is indeed a very beautiful woman....


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She's a real 'Lady' ....:)


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Summer 2004 with friend Bernard Montiel


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Quotes and Stories from throughout the years....:

Stephanie's main concern was the bald patch around the wound, that the docter had shaved to enable him to stich the gash. Stephanie kept asking Paul how long he thought it would take the hair to grow back.
'Don't wory, honey. Even if it doesn't , I'll still love you.' Paul said smiling.
She looked at him with her characteristic searching intensity which always unsettled him. ' Will you, always?' she asked. He kissed her.

Paul Belmondo and Stephanie in a carribean hospital after Stephanie had a waterski accident. 1982

'First she was a naughty girl, then a very sweet one. She was an interesting child, one original little girl, striking rather than pretty, her face had a chiselled look, defenetly from the Kelly side'

One of Stephanie's teachers in primary school, Les Dames de St. Maur/ Monaco

After Grace arrived and prepared lunch, Stephanie refused to eat what hr mother had cooked and demanded a McDonald's...A chauffeur was deputed to take her to the local Hamburger emperium. When a visitor remonstrated with Grace for pandering to tis kind of behavior, she replied: ' She's my baby doll, she's my baby.'

Paris, 1978

' I was very close to my mother. She was my best friend. There were times when I thought it all too difficult. But my mom wouldn't have liked me to just bury my head in my hands and give up. That's not how she braught us up.'

Stephanie, 1983

'I went to work every morning at nine thirty, stayed there until I was supposed to leave, worked and had a pay cheque at the end of each month. It was a real job. I had my little appartment in Paris and lived on my own...and I learned so much. I learnd all I konw about fashion from Marc Bohan. He was great and I'll never be able to thank him enough for taking me in.'

Stephanie about her professional formation at Dior Couture, Paris

'For many boys I was the ultimate trophy. many declared having an affair with me but it was in their minds and nowhere alse. People often accuse me of having an intense love life, but they don't really know what they are talking about'

Stephanie, 1985

' It's destressing not being able to greet a friend in the street without it being labeled your latest romance. I've known Goeff since I was five and I was very upset the fabricated clichés that were written about our friendship.'

Stephanie about her buddy Goeffrey Moore

' We're very close , all four of us. At one point or another I guess one of us might have drifted off for a while to do his or her own thing but we always come back home. A family is a family, and that's the best thing in the world.'

Stephanie, 1986

'it is very hard growing up in the limelight. Sometimes I just want to scream out and say I am a human being and I have feelings too. There is a limit to everything.'

Stephanie, 1990

'All my family have been to visit. Papa didn't dare to take Louis in his arms. I think grandfathers are a bit scared when babies are so small. But he told me he was very handsome my little baby-son.'

Stephanie about the day after Louis was born. 1992

'We're not in the middle ages anymore, and princess or not, if you want to work you should work. I think it gives the real dimension to your life and for most people it is a fundamental and neccessary dimension, this is important. Just sitting back and doing my nails or so isn't the type of life I want.'

Stephanie, 1996

' Stephanie, I admire you for the way that you live your life and especially now that you are a mother of three turning the golden age of a woman - the Big Fourty. You're slowing down not to live just for yourself but for your family. That's a beautiful thing. I admire you for living your life as you see fit. I see you becoming stronger every day....there is peace within your heart.
I love you Monaco's Wild Child.

Stephanie's close friend Rudy Wilburn, 2004
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Great job done Michelle!

Excellent photos and quotas..I believe is a great joy to have Stephanie as friend..
I'm going to take on my sisters dedication to that woman I love so much as well.

The following is some of an Gala article of this weeks issue translated from French into English. I hope you like it!

Stephanie at 40

H.S.H Stéphanie Marie Elisabeth, Princess of Monaco, she continues to live like she has been born: free, unique, without any protocol. Febuary 1st she’ll turn Fourty. And this makes us feel strange…

Before her, the worlds royal families had their happy princesses and their princesses of tears….with the youngest of Prince Rainier and Grace Kelly the gotha discovers the princess of motorbikes, blue jeans, cowboy boots and tabacco. We surely know people who never liked this, tough luck! Because Steph never stopped making us dream.

Her passion is breath-taking, Her way of existing, amazing. Married twice for the best, divorced because maybe it’s better this way. She doesn’t tell, lessons learned.

For her kids she put aside the pain of a woman, sacrifices little private moments of happiness , forgives everything and rises against those who reproach her for this.

Faithful she’ll always be to those who know how to love her for what she is.

Aquarius ascendent Lion. Her Anti-Serene Highniss knows how to cook – like nobody else she knows to prepare what Papa has hunted - she stiches, kicks the soccer ball, dances, repares the tap, skis like Jean-Claude Killy, plays the piano, irons and rides on horseback. One day she’s the star at Monaco’s annual Rose Ball, the other we find her ‘on the road again’.

She managed to find her spot on the margin of a royalty which never really seemed to want of hers ….she makes it through without…very well, finally, thanx…

‘Me, I stopped to change the games rules and people as well’ she says.

The time she got betrayed by her eldest ‘ s father she faced it with dignity.

Regularly she’s torn through the dirt for believing in her hearts voice, she never gave up fighting and hoping. Humiliated but still standing straight.

Her friends – and they’re quite a bunch – describe her as: affectionate, roguish, enthuisiastic, stubborn, sensitive, hyper-motivated, believing in her convictions and of some frankness sometimes as brutal as her fathers. ‘ Much too intelligent’, you could hear the late Grace Kelly say.

Like her mommy – from whom she inherited this unlimited independence – she feels the need to leave Monaco a bit from time to time. If it is there or elsewhere, she already knows for a long time that happiness is no continoues, stable stade of mind. So whenever she’s got the blues’ she calls Albert, hereditary prince, her brother of seven years older about who Rainier always said: ‘ He’s always had that tenderness towards her’. Beside her father Albert is the only man who listens without judging. She’s lucky to have them.

She knows it.

‘ People look at you’ , Stephanie says, ‘ and you become what they think of you.’

One thing is for sure: In about a year from now, or ten, or twenty Madame Grimaldi, princess of hundred percent, won’t have changed. She’ll still prefer a soccer stadiums tribunes from its princely Loges , With her older sis Caroline – ‘ My Love, my blood…’ – she’ll still have her lil’ fights meant for those who are maybe too close to understand one another. She’ll still love these crazy laughs about crazy jokes, little frog figures, ultrasexy outfits from Jiki and her childhoods Barbies.

Far away from peoples eyes Grace and Steph continue their mother-daughter conversation – those which death itself could not cut apart. And when Rainier, her ‘ Papounet’ – from who she inherited that circus passion and the love for Rimbauds and Apollinaires poetry – will be gone himself, Stephanie will still go on living that philosophy he taught her: ‘ Everybody builds his existence out of what was thrown and given to him and makes it through the best way he can. I don’t look back. I have no regrets.’
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A magnificent and fantastic tribute to one of the world's most wonderful Princesses!

God I can't believe time has flown by so quickly that now Stephanie will be 40 and Caroline is 48! Yet both look great :)
Princess Stephanie's official Birthday Pictures
by Bruno Bebert


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2 more days!
By posting some lovely pics, I found in my collection, I'd like to wish princess Stéphanie all the best and lots of joy, happiness and health!
Hope she'll have a great birthday and that my English as well as my technical skills are good enough to join this forum


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iceflower said:
2 more days!
By posting some lovely pics, I found in my collection, I'd like to wish princess Stéphanie all the best and lots of joy, happiness and health!
Hope she'll have a great birthday and that my English as well as my technical skills are good enough to join this forum

It is good enough. Especially the last picture of Steph is soooo beautiful.
Take it over again from Sebastian...

Very private pics of Steph.....

If you like, give your 2 cents to this. ..!


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Thanks Sebastian! I also love the pic, you mentioned. Steph looks so pretty but gentle and fragile as well..
Michelle, I wondered about the extremely private fotos you added and you seem to be one of those who share the largest number of nice pics. So, do you have good connections or only good sources? ;)


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Sebastian and I have some conects...but good sources as well.
Happy birthday Stéphanie!

You are lucky, Michelle. Carry on like this!:)


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Elle le vit de son mieux son rève d'opaline
Elle danse au millieu des forets qu'elle desine
Elle porte des rubans qu'elle laisse s'envoler
Elle me chante souvent que j'ai tort d'essayer de les retenir...
Je l'aime à mourir....

Bon Anniversaire ma chère Stéphanie
Happy Birthday Stephanie! Hope you find love, happines and everything you deserve!!! God bless you!
From Swedish Expressen

Here is an article, translated by me, that the Swedish "newspaper" Expressen did for her 40th birthday.

The Princess and her men
She has old five million records, designed bathing wear and is Europe’s most tattooed royal. She has lived together with two bodyguards, one acrobat, one bartender, one croupier, a number of Formula 1 drivers and an elephant trainer – thought not at the same time.
- I’ve had an unusual career for a Princess, says Stéphanie of Monaco who turns 40 today.

Stéphanie is the afterthought who was born in the palace library, temporarily changed into a private maternity ward, on 1 February 1965.
- She is my wild child, Princess Grace said, and the nurses resigned one after one after not being able to handle the little Princess with the strong will who screamed: I hate to be a Princess!

Nude in the palace
As a 14-year-old she started to walk naked in the hallways when she was going to the bathroom, to see how the guards reacted and to irritate daddy Prince Rainier. The guards reported and daddy ordered that a pyjama would be used. Stéphanie was the one who was closest to mother Grace. And it was she who was with her mother on the fatal day in 1982. The day when Princess Grace suffered a cerebral haemorrhage, lost control of the big Range Rover and the car crashed. It meant death for Grace, and the beginning of a lifelong grief for Stéphanie. She was then 17.

Cocaine and short skirts
Adventurous was something she had been from the beginning, but now the real carousel began. Design studies in Paris, but even more night club-studies. Far too many cocktails, cocaine, fishy boyfriends and late nights. Orange hair, green hair, short skirts and bold make up – as far away from mother Graces elegant and cool princess image one could possibly get.

Sportier Madonna
Rebel – well it depends on what one means a normal life should be, Stéphanie herself says.

She worked in the fashion industry, became a model, designed bathing wear. The sporty, muscular, lightly tanned Princess was perfect as a model for the bold swimming suits. It wasn’t for nothing that fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld called her a sportier version of Madonna.

Late music career. She got a hit with “Comme un ouragan” in the south of Europe and sold five million records. Stéphanie wanted to create her own career, show that she is more than just a Princess to honour mother Grace. She tries design, fashion, launches a perfume, moves to Los Angeles and tries to become an actor. But nothing is a real success.

Found safety, but…
During the whole time, boyfriend have come and gone. The only mutual thing between them is that they are not royal and often not suitable either. Half dubious businessmen, bodyguards, rally drivers, circus guys and actors.

Stéphanie has three children. Two with the bodyguard Daniel Ducruet. Stéphanie lived a home life and at last it seemed she had found safety and calmness. And after much nagging on the reluctant father Rainier, there was finally a wedding.

One year after the ceremony, the crash came. Paparazzi photographers cached Daniel when having sex with the 1995 winner of the Belgian Miss Topless, Fili Houteman, in a pool. The newspapers of the world were filled with pictures. A fast divorce came. Then another bodyguard lover who abandons her. Soon after, the daughter Camille is born – on whose birth certificate it says “father unknown”.

Today: like a circus
Since then there has been an elephant trainer, a bartender, an acrobat and some others.

Men can come and go, but Stéphanie’s safety seems to be the children: Louis, 12, Pauline, 11, and Camille, 6, and the family with father Prince Rainier who faithfully stands behind her. Except for the time when she after a love affairs with his butler went on to the gardener. Then Stéphanie was kicked out of the palace for a while.

Stéphanie herself says:
- The most important thing is to be happy with your own choices. I don’t regret anything.

Today she lives with her children in a suite at the Sun Plaza in Monaco. She has the responsibility for the international circus festival in Monaco, and she also works for her own foundation.

The Princess’s dramatic love life:

- Car thief. Anthony Delon, French actor and rally driver. Convicted for car theft and illegal possession of a weapon. Stéphanie dumped him since she understood that it was Anthony who called and tipped the photographers about where they were going to party.
- F1 driver nr.1. Alain Prost, legendary Formula 1 driver and one of France’s greates sportsmen
- F1 driver nr. 2. The Swedish Formula 1 driver Lill-Lövis Johansson was “hot” in the 80’s
Playboy. Dodi Al Fayed, Egyptian businessman, later Diana’s boyfriends who dies with her in 1997
- Circus director. Franco Knie, Swiss circus director and elephant trainer. His wife Claudine has said that Stéphanie once told her “I always get what I want and no one tells me what to do”.
- World Champhion. Fabien Barthez, French goalkeeper, pro in Olympique Marseillle.
- Bodyguards – and father? Jean-Raymond Gottlieb, French bodyguard. Probably the father of Stéphanie’s daughter Camille Marie Kelly, born 1998.
- Actor 1. Jean-Claude Van Damme, Belgian-American action actor.
- Actor 2. Rob Lowe, American actor, known from “The West Wing”.
- Rock manager – and nightmare. Mario Jutard, French rock manager. Worked at a nightclub, was among things charged of rape, Rainier’s nightmare. Mario was never let into Monaco, he had to stay at a hotel in Cannes when Stéphanie had to go home to represent. Today he is a waiter in Los Angeles.
- Bodyguard – and father. Daniel Ducruet, French bodyguard. Stéphanie lived with him for four years, the last year as married. Father of Stéphanie’s child Louis, born 1992, and Pauline, born 1994.
- First love. Paul Belmondo, French rally driver (son of Jean-Paul Belmondo), 1981-84. The first big love. Rainier liked him. A proper, sporty guy who did not hang around nightclubs.
- Skiing instructor. Boris Brun, French skiing instructor, died in a fall accident last year.
- Rock singer. Miguel Bosé, Spanish rock singer.
- Croupier – and married. Franck Brasseur, married French croupier. The picture from the Riviera last year.
- Bartender. Pierre Pinello, bartender from Korsika.
- Sister’s ex-husband. Philippe Junot, businessman and Caroline’s ex-husband.
- Actor nr. 3. Urbano Barberini, another actor.
- Record producer. Ron Bloom, American record producer.
- Swedish model. Marcus Schenkenberg, model.
- Businessman. Jean-Yves Le Fur, successful French businessman.
- Anonymous. Rainier’s gardener 2001.
- Acrobat – and husband. Adans Lopez Peres, Portuguese acrobat. They were married for ten months.
- Butler. Richard Licas, Rainier’s butler.
Happy Birthday Princess Stephanie!!!

Lots of love, happiness, joy..and everything you wish for..

Some fun art


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Bon anniversaire à notre trés jolie princesse Stéphanie !!!

Happy Birthday Stephanie Darling.
Whatever they might say, you'll always be the worlds most wonderful princess.
We love and adore you with all our heart.

Simon et Phillipe

From Hello Magazine



"I've had an unusual career path for a princess," Stephanie of Monaco once revealed. Having escaped death at a young age the princess has always followed her heart. In the process she has tried her hand at a wide range of careers as well as earning the reputation as l'enfant terrible of the Monegasque ruling family.

As she turned 40 on February 1, looks back at the frenetic life of Monaco's reluctant royal.
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