Peter and Autumn Phillips To Divorce: February 11, 2020

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Heir Apparent
Dec 14, 2017
New York
United States
Sad news...

The Sun's Dan Wootton is reporting that Peter and Autumn have separated.
I don't know why but I had one of those odd feelings that this might happen but didn't want to say it (yeah yeah I know no one will believe me)

How sad and the Queen is, I bet, very sad. With Autumn being CanadianI suspect it may not be a simple divorce in terms of custody etc even with goodwill from both sides.

BP announced their wedding (and Zara's I think although probably alongside her own management / PR) so I guess they would confirm a divorce.
Hmm....well it certainly is terribly sad and they always seemed like a very happy couple. However, I actually predicted this in the "What Will Happen" thread and had a few very unkind remarks thrown my way. Not that anyone wanted to see this happen because I actually was always a huge fan of Autumn and Peter and thought they seemed like a really lovely couple.

*Fourth pregnancy for the Cambridges, baby due in late 2020 or early 2021. No thoughts on a boy or girl yet. This one will be their last, though.
*Second pregnancy for the Sussexes, another boy later in the year.
*A very quiet wedding for Bea and Edo in late spring or early summer. Very small and with only a few pictures released.
*Pregnancy announcement in the spring for Eugenie and Jack. A boy in late fall.
*A pregnancy announcement in the summer for Lady Gabriella and Tom Kingston. Baby arrives early in 2021.
*We won't see Andrew at all.
*No regency quite yet but a definite uptake in duties for Charles/Camilla and William/Kate.
*The DoE's health continues to decline.
*More activities from Anne/Tim and Edward/Sophie as they prepare to step into the supporting roles for Charles.
*I think we'll see the Sussexes take gigantic steps toward breaking away from the monarchy completely. 2021 might be the year it finalizes but 2020 will show the writing on the wall. They'll focus instead of charity work and initiatives and we may see Meghan attempt to blend her previous career with her new direction in some form.
*No more babies for Peter/Autumn or Zara/Mike.
*I think we'll definitely see rumors of marital discord for one or more of the Queen's grandchildren, though not for Zara/Mike, the Cambridges, or Eugenie/Jack.
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So seh wants to go back to Canada....
Hmm....well it certainly is terribly sad and they always seemed like a very happy couple. However, I actually predicted this in the "What Will Happen" thread and had a few very unkind remarks thrown my way. Not that anyone wanted to see this happen because I actually was always a huge fan of Autumn and Peter and thought they seemed like a really lovely couple.

What were your reasons for predicting it? I didn't see it coming at all, now I think I must have missed something. It's so dreadfully sad either way.
What were your reasons for predicting it? I didn't see it coming at all, now I think I must have missed something. It's so dreadfully sad either way.

Truthfully, statistics alone. I posted it above in my comment and, to be fair, I didn't target the Phillips' I just said they might be one of the couples it could be. And the only reasoning I had was that out of the six adult grandchildren of HM, it would be highly unusual for all six of the marriages to go the distance. Granted, it would have been wonderful if they had but, statistically speaking, they won't. And it had just been far too quiet on that front for too long. I suspected that we might start to hear the rumblings of discord either based in fact or simply in rumor but often where there's smoke there's fire. And I had some really unkind comments thrown my way after that prediction. But then when they didn't turn up at Sandringham for Christmas I suspected that I might have been on the right track. Not that they shouldn't spend the holidays with Autumn's family but that it's just unusual for them to do so when they're pretty much always at Sandringham. It just In all honesty when I made the prediction I suspected it would be either Peter/Autumn, Harry/Meghan, or Bea/Edo. While I personally leaned more toward the last two, Peter and Autumn have been together the longest and it makes sense, statistically speaking, that it's them.
Eeeehhh, isn't Sun a tabloid?

When they were last seen together?
I agree. Though given the hour I wouldn’t think we’ll see an official statement until tomorrow.

Unlikely, it will be in tomorrow's papers. It looks like the House of Windsor has yet another divorce...
I don’t know much about these two, but what a a terribly sad thing, it really is- and wrenching for children - for anyone. Divorce is littered through my family, and there was a lot of anguish, anger and heartbreak especially with my siblings’ divorces. I don’t know how something like this can be a shock, but that’s heartbreaking - especially for those poor kids; they’re BABIES. I hope Autumn doesn’t return to Canada - that would be so unfair to the kids.
How terribly sad [for ALL concerned]..
I think Autumn and Peter will do whatever is best for the girls even if that means relocation. I just think it is weird that Wootton getting all these exclusives. There is clearly a leak in BP for sure. But yeah it is sad all around. This has been quite an interesting few months for this family.
This is a surprise and it is sad. I saw a post by Marlene Eilers Koenig on her blog Royal Musings today Royal Musings: Peter and Autumn Phillips split? as a heads up. "Peter and Autumn Phillips split? Expect this front page story for Tuesday's Sun. Peter and Autumn Phillips have separated." I took notice because Marlene is a well known royal expert on British and European royalty so it really caught my eye. But again, no official statement. I always liked seeing Autumn and her girls, so natural and fun loving. And, from what many of you have said, both Peter and Autumn a favorite of the Queen. This just all seems a bit much.:sad:
I think Autumn and Peter will do whatever is best for the girls even if that means relocation. I just think it is weird that Wootton getting all these exclusives. There is clearly a leak in BP for sure. But yeah it is sad all around. This has been quite an interesting few months for this family.

I find it impossible to believe that relocating to Canada while the children’s’ father stays in the UK would be best for them...
Just heard this on Sky News - although I think they've only picked it up from the newspapers. What a shame. They seemed very happy together ... although we don't see that much of them, so it's hard to tell. I'm sorry for the little girls. And I'm also sorry for the Queen: it's only the middle of February and it's already feeling like another annus horribilis.

I wouldn't generally trust the Sun, but it's not like them to make up a story about two relatively minor royals. From what the reports say, Autumn has asked for a divorce and Peter wasn't expecting it, but, again, the Sun isn't necessarily the most reliable of sources. Even at this time of night, I'd have expected an official denial if it wasn't true, though.
I have to say I am completely shocked by this news. They always seemed so happy! I always love the pictures of Anne’s children and grandchildren all together at various equestrian events and it’s been lovely to see Savannah and Isla walking to church at Christmas and on the balcony at Trooping. I’d never have guessed there was marital problems.
ANOTHER 'body-blow' to HMQ, and the Duke of Edinburgh... and 'in short order'..
I find it impossible to believe that relocating to Canada while the children’s’ father stays in the UK would be best for them...

Well we can't speak for their personal situation. *IF* Autumn wants to go back to Canada (and frankly this is just speculation) than I doubt it is something she decided lightly for the very reasons you mention.

Again *if* she no longer wants to live in the UK and wants to be closer to her family than the girls will just divide their time between countries. It happens everyday with families.

They will do what it ultimately best for all involved. I wish them nothing but positive vibes.
Well we can't speak for their personal situation. *IF* Autumn wants to go back to Canada (and frankly this is just speculation) than I doubt it is something she decided lightly for the very reasons you mention.

Again *if* she no longer wants to live in the UK and wants to be closer to her family than the girls will just divide their time between countries. It happens everyday with families.

They will do what it ultimately best for all involved. I wish them nothing but positive vibes.

I do wish them all the best - everything I’ve read makes it seem like they are lovely people. Ultimately it’s their business alone...

What a lousy year for the BRF so far - so much heartbreak and separation.
It's sad for the family but I see the knives coming out and they're planning to make Autumn the bad guy. She broadsided Peter with a divorce and he's devastated. No alleged third parties.
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I'm so sorry to hear this, but I had wondered a little bit when they weren't at Sandringham--it just seemed odd at the time.

Divorce is always a painful thing, even if it's amicable, and I feel for all the parties involved, especially the children.
Sad news...

The Sun's Dan Wootton is reporting that Peter and Autumn have separated.

WHAT? That's so sad... Didn't see that coming at all (even though it was strange we didn't see them at Christmas - but visiting Autumn's family in Canada seemed like a normal reason for non-attendance - and Peter visiting the queen on his own also was a bit strange in hindsight). They always seemed such a lovely family - and the children were great company for both the Cambridge and Tindall cousins (but it also seemed that Autumn got along with her royal cousins really well), so I really hope they will stay close to them.
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ANOTHER 'body-blow' to HMQ, and the Duke of Edinburgh... and 'in short order'..

Its also proof positive that even though this is a royal family, they all have their ups and downs and insides out and trials and tribulations like families all over the world. As sad as an separation and perhaps an impending divorce is to all involved family wise, it makes me realize that the BRF, like everyone else, are not puppets on a string where life is all unicorns and rainbows 100% of the time.

HM, The Queen and the HRH The Duke of Edinburgh have had more than their share of family crises just recently within the past year and I sincerely believe that they will weather it all out together and support their family with love and understanding come what may.
If true, Autumn will probably not appear at Beatrice's wedding.
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