Your Opinions About Felipe and Letizia

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It is a bit boring to talk about that paintings to be honest:

'Aquella vez, Letizia Ortiz acudió a visitar otra muestra del artista y le pidió una entrevista.
En uno de sus múltiples encuentros, el pintor le habló a la futura Reina de España de su idea de rendir homenaje a los artistas que más han influido en su obra y de emplear su imagen en ellos. A Letizia Ortiz "le pareció divertido" que su rostro sirviera para homenajear a Magrit, Goya o Picasso, entre otros'.

That explains, they were good friends, that she asked hi for an interview. She became her muse and she thought it was 'amusing' at the time. Still El Mundo is a good point of reference if no the best.

It is not better or worse. but we were in a family lunch and had TVE1 on for a few minutes to hear the news, and they talked about the 'inmaculate white shirt' and my grandfather was a bit in a shock because he is a member f the conservative party and quite conservative himself. But for me, I was quite neutral. I do not live in Spain anymore and I am just curious about it.

El pintor recibió el encargo del disco de Maná cuando Letizia Ortiz ya había vuelto a España, a finales del año 96. Waldo Saavedra se puso en contacto en varias ocasiones con el domicilio de la familia Ortiz en Madrid, donde habló con su madre, pero nunca le devolvió la llamada. Quería avisarle de que utilizaría toda la 'materia prima' que tenía -incluidas varias fotografías- para plasmar su imagen en el poster y después, en el cuadro.

I see you UNDERSTAND spanish, so I think you read this part of the article, I think this explain EVERYTHING, The GOYA PAINTINGS AREN'T A NUDE, but Mana musical cover was, and it was done when Letizia had returned to Spain is very difficult to understand that.

If El Mundo is not the most elitist, then which one is for you?

But it doesn't mean whatever El Mundo said was official, actually lots of things said there was far from official at all, there were plenty of gossips, rumors later proved to be wrong. I'm so surprised that a journalist student like you doesn't seem to get it.
If El Mundo is not the elitist among the elite, then which one is for you?

A Waldo's interview from La Voz de Asturias:
Waldo recuerda a Letizia - Gente -
Where he denies she posed naked but with a shirt on.

El entrevistador continúa profundizando en el polémico asunto y pregunta directamente: " pero en sus dos cuadros, el cuerpo es el de ella?". La respuesta es clara: "Si usted con su imaginación le quita la camisa, pues puede ser de ella, pero, francamente, no tengo ninguna foto desnuda con la cual trabajara ese cuerpo. (...). En las fotos Leti tiene una camisa amarilla ceñida con las mangas dobladas"

After I read the whole article, it said Waldo had pictures of Letizia wearing a shirt. It said in Tiempo too, they met at an art exhibit, he took some pictures of her, of course with her clothes, the rest was his imagination. There are many pictures of Letizia with shirts on both as a journalist or a Princess, nothing special.
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It is saying that she posed for his pictures with a white shirt and that the rest was his imagination. The same that TVE1 said at the time. (adding an inmaculate shirt) Nothing relevant I would say. He basically insists she was not naked. I see that.
It is saying that she posed for his pictures with a white shirt and that the rest was his imagination. The same that TVE1 said at the time. (adding an inmaculate shirt) Nothing relevant I would say.

He took pictures of her and she had a white shirt on, it has nothing to do with her posing for a painting. I said before there were many pictures of Letizia with her shirt on out there even as a Princess, what's so special about it ? :lol:
Well, It was clear that If she had asked him for an interview and admitted to be taken pictures or (it was said then posed) in his house with a white shirt and the naked pictures where in TVE1... It was difficult to diggest at the time. Now luckily has been forgotten for the sake of the monarchy.
Well, It was clear that If she had asked him for an interview and admitted to be taken pictures or (it was said then posed) in his house with a white shirt and the naked pictures where in TVE1... It was difficult to diggest at the time. Now luckily has been forgotten for the sake of the monarchy.

He painted her based on her pictures taken at the art exhit where she was doing an interview of him. That's what I saw on TVE. I hope you know what you were writing, the sentences there were rather confusing. Waldo had said clearly that he had no naked pictures of Letizia.
Once again, the affirmation of the Alcazar in La Vanguardia repeats itself, there are people who judges the Princess with more hardness that to any other member of the Royal Family.

Her life is judged when she was simply Letizia Ortiz, and she did not have any responsibility ... and nevertheless the members of the Royal Family are not judged by the same hardness for birth to whom for position it is necessary to to them to demand a responsible behavior.

The King has inconvinient friends and seems that he has not been precisely the perfect husband, the Infanta Elena separates .. but is judged more the life of someone in a moment that was not anybody.

In this Spanish forum you can read about Letizia's life in Guadalajara. Someone posted who knew her in person.


It says that Letizia was an haughtiness, despota, unappreciative and hypercritical woman . Her coworkers said that she was an upstart woman who flattered her bosses and trampled her colleagues.

Es cierto lo que dices querida, Letizia mientras vivió aquí en Guadalajara andaba en pesero o en autobús, comía comida chatarra y donde podía hacerlo.También se conoce que llegó a tener varias reuniones tipo hippies en Vallarta y varios ligues, entre ellos a Waldo Saavedra. Aunque el único con quien se le relacionó seriamente y a quien por cierto le costó su matrimonio fue a Luis Miguel Dauel director del diario Siglo XXI en donde ella trabajaba.

Todo esto se puede comprobar viniendo a Guadalajara, México y hablando con las personas que tuvieron trato con ella. La persona que la albergó de inicio en su casa, fue entrevistada por un canal de televisión local y dijo que Letizia era un mujer soberbia, despota y desagradecida. Los compañeros de trabajo hablan de ella como una chica arrivista que pisoteaba a los compañeros y se "arrastraba" ante los jefes, con zalamería y adulación. Otros dicen que explotaba su físico y también hablan de su mal carácter y de su hiperactividad. Dicen que era una chica a la que le encantaban las juergas y vivir en el mundo bohemio e intelectualoide de la ciudad.

La nostalgia de quienes viven fuera de su país unió a la periodista Letizia Ortiz y al pintor cubano Waldo Saavedra, al menos así lo cuenta él. A principios de 1996, la futura Reina de España trabajaba en Guadalajara para el diario mexicano Siglo XXI, que le encargó la cobertura de una exposición del pintor. La conexión fue inmediata y a partir de entonces se convirtieron en grandes amigos.
Tanto, que Waldo Saavedra la llama cariñosa e insistentemente 'Leti', aunque deja bien claro que nunca fueron más allá. Después de aquel primer encuentro, a la vuelta del pintor de un viaje de trabajo en Buenos Aires, volvieron a verse. Aquella vez, Letizia Ortiz acudió a visitar otra muestra del artista y le pidió una entrevista.
En uno de sus múltiples encuentros, el pintor le habló a la futura Reina de España de su idea de rendir homenaje a los artistas que más han influido en su obra y de emplear su imagen en ellos. A Letizia Ortiz "le pareció divertido" que su rostro sirviera para homenajear a Magrit, Goya o Picasso, entre otros.

Letizia Ortiz fue musa de Waldo Saavedra en varias de sus obras. Además de utilizar su imagen en la ilustración de unos poemas, el rostro de Letizia Ortiz aparece en el disco 'Sueños líquidos' (Warner, 1997) de Maná. El cuadro que el pintor creó por encargo para este álbum fue incluído en el trabajo pero no como portada. Sus medidas originales son 1,40x1 metros y en el disco se utilizó como póster. En él, una joven aparece en el agua, desnuda y con un avión de papel en llamas.
Pero hay más. Waldo Saavedra guarda en casa su anunciado homenaje a Goya. Se trata también de un lienzo de 1,40x1 metros en el que Letizia se convierte en la figura principal, de unos 80 centímetros. Desnuda de cintura para arriba -"no es ni una maja desnuda ni vestida", dice-, el autor describe el cuadro subrayando que la pintura es hiperrealista y que la reproducción del rostro de Letizia Ortiz es fiel. Su figura, en el centro, aparece rodeada de un carrusel con los detalles de la 'Tauromaquia' de Goya y los 'Caprichos' del pintor de Fuendetodos al fondo.
Además, está inspirado en un poema que el escritor cubano José Martí dedicó a 'La bailarina española'. En el mes de mayo se verá en la Feria de Arte de Buenos Aires. De momento, ha recibido varias ofertas por él, todas ellas desde México. Nadie ha mostrado su interés por él en España y, por ahora, no quiere venderlo.
"Desde un punto de vista platónico, me prendió mucho para trabajar con su imagen", dice Saavedra cuando se le pregunta por la 'repetición' del rostro de Letizia en sus obras. "Leti no es sólo una chica guapa, tiene
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Someone writes a history in a forum that devotes itself to insult the people, and only it is necessary to read it, and it is supposed that it is necessary to give it credibility.

Please, let's not lose the seriousness with gossips, and histories without a base that contributes certain credibility and seriousness. Unfortunately there have been too many histories invented in some forums, too wicked and own of persons with few scruples and lacking in feelings, which enclosed it presses without scruples it has published.

Yes, there are people the one that does not like Letizia, good ... but I will never understand because people who does not know her can have so much hatred and want damage her so much.
I think she made many mistakes when she was younger and then developed a nice career in broadcasting. It is a fact that she has a difficult character, that confirmed by her work colleages and classmates, but I understand her life has been extremely difficult itself. It is the first time I see somebody from a low working class environment reaching such a high and powerful role in Spain. That must be traumatic and hence her weight problems and upset faces in recent events. It is a big responsability at a difficult time in Spain. But she should be capable to be a good aspirant to the trone with Felipe's help.

But why this is the first time media covers rumours? It has never ever happened to anyone else before except for the well-known affairs of the King-
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But why this is the first time media covers rumours? It has never ever happened to anyone else before except for the well-known affairs of the King-

It is not true, all the girlfriends of the Princes, and even many that it were not ... they were treated badly by the press. The same thing that has happened with Letizia had happened with other one.

In the last years the press of the gossip in Spain has reached a lot of protagonism and power ... and it has turned into a great monster. The advertisement of the commitment of the Prince coincided with a culminating moment of this type of press, this programs were occupying great part of the hours of television, and these hours it was necessary to refill them with material much. On the other hand, magazines were as Hola, that are capable of paying quantities unimaginable of money for a news. In this moment, the future wife of the Prince turned into an aim, and into a very profitable element, any absurd thing, which in logical conditions was not a news was turned by them into news. They do it with her and with great others.

Before this situation, the Royal House could not act it could not put brake ... nowadays the Royal Houses denounce to this type of press when they exceed the limits ... but in Spain not.

Or is it that it was more important to protect the King or the Infanta Elena that to the Princess? Has this press too much power?

In the article of El País, they ask someone I believe that of the personnel of Zarzuela, if this is done with Letizia because she is the weak person of the Royal Family ... the response was that is done because she is the one that generates more money.
It happens in all forums, some are extremely devoted to her others create excesive criticism. We all offer our opinions based on our experiences. I am also curious to know if there is anyone else spanish in the forum.
Unfornately the press in Spain is covered by two main groups, to make it simple: Left and Right Positions: A polarised Press academically speaking.
They both publish what it is most convenient for them.

But there has never been so many rumours about anybody in the press in this manner. The other girlfriends were different: One had divorced parents and the queen was not really happy about it. The second, Eva Sannum appear in a wedding with a provocative dress. The Queen was also present. What the media said at that time is that the Queen did not like her. No rumours nor anything as far as I know. Just criticism over that dress effect.

I disagree with the supossed power of the Press in Spain. It is unbelievable the quantity of information that is tabu to publish. And I always have reffered in my academic essays about the pact between the press and the government back in 1975 to protect the fragile democracy. The Royal Family is almost sacred.

El Pais does not contact Zarzuela (the king and queen) nor the private residence of the Prince and Princess of Asturias (Some people in this forum seem to believe they are the same place) The second exclusive interview is part of a series of interviews arranged with El Pais.
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Letizia and David Tejera

Relationship of Letizia and David Tejera. David and Letizia DID live together while Letizia was dating with Felipe.

David Tejera :: Foro Loco

David Tejera, también presentador de CNN+, se convirtió en su novio extraoficial durante los primeros meses de 2003, poco antes de conocer la relación de la periodista con el heredero de la Corona española. Letizia y Tejera llegaron a vivir juntos, incluso diversos medios de comunicación han dicho que la futura reina todavía vivía con Tejera cuando conoció al Príncipe.

David Tejera :: Foro Loco

Vivió con Tejera desde 2001 hasta verano del 2003. Tres o cuatro meses después de su ruptura con Tejera, se presentó al mundo como flamante prometida de Felizpito, dispuesta a sacrificarse por los españoles y convertirse en Princesa d´Asturies y futura Reina de las Españas.

"Fué una decisión muy meditada"- dijeron ambos en un alarde humorístico que recordaba a los mejores años de Tip y Coll.
"Cuándo y dónde se conocieron?"- preguntó un periodista curiosón del que no se ha vuelto a saber nada.

Titubeo... risas nerviosas... "cuentalo tú"... "no, tú".... y el pobre Tejera enterandose por la tele de su nominación a cornudo del año. Y es que Letizia, que era una chica muy lista y relista, supo enseguida que donde se pusiera un Príncipe, se quitara el gordito mofletón de CNN+.
But there has never been so many rumours about anybody in the press in this manner. The other girlfriends were different: One had divorced parents and the queen was not really happy about it. The second, Eva Sannum appear in a wedding with a provocative dress. The Queen was also present. What the media said at that time is that the Queen did not like her. No rumours nor anything as far as I know. Just criticism over that dress effect.

Actually, as far as I know Eva Sannum's dress at the Norway royal wedding was not quite the biggest problem for everyone to critisice her. I believe the fact that she had been working as an underwear model was the bigger issue for the queen, and many other people.
I think that Letizia should have confessed the truth about her past, the divorce , nude pictures and her relationship with Waldo Saavedra and David Tejera.

I applaud Mette-Marit who chose the best way what she could. She confessed the truth that she had taken drugs. I think Letizia should have done the same.
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At least some persons we try to be sincere and to present the people who reads this forum real news given by serious press.

I am sorry, that there are forums in which there are cruel people who invents histories, that there is a yellow press that one invents things to earn money. But a thing is the constructive critique or even the critique on banal things, but attacks constant the dignity of a person, seems to me to be slightly deplorable.

But also that I believe in what say serious and honest journalists, which politicians, businessmen, journalists say ... what the persons of the street say, when they have the opportunity to be near the princess. I see the photos hundred, thousands of photos ... and I see the Princess in Calatayud with a baby in arms or with a disabled person, and see her in the funeral of a murdered Guardia Civil...

Probably it is of what there are afraid some of them, which the time and the obstinate reality, they make fall this personage that they have created.
Actually, as far as I know Eva Sannum's dress at the Norway royal wedding was not quite the biggest problem for everyone to critisice her. I believe the fact that she had been working as an underwear model was the bigger issue for the queen, and many other people.

And also Eva Sannum was photographed topless in a beach.. I think that's also one of the "bigger problem" as you put it.
I think that Letizia had to confess the truth about her past, the divorce , nude pictures and her relationship with Waldo Saavedra and David Tejera.

I applaud Mette-Marit who chose the best way. She confess that she took drugs. I think Letizia had to do same.


I have interest in which the Princess Letizia does well and of responsible form, before being Princess. I am not interested in her private life, it is her past, and in that moment she only had responsibility with herself, she does not have to apologize before anybody.

A thing is to consume drugs that it is a criminal act ... and other one very different had a husband and a boyfriend. So please...

Certainly, do you believe that the Infanta Elena must comment on all the details on her separation to the press?:rolleyes:
I think that Letizia would had to confess the truth about her past, the divorce , nude pictures and her relationship with Waldo Saavedra and David Tejera.

I applaud Mette-Marit who chose the best way what she could. She confessed the truth that she had taken drugs. I think Letizia would had to do same.

Please post that "nude pictures" that you are talking about. I am not aware that there are such nude pictures. All I know is that the painter Saavedra painted her face- from a picture which she was wearing a camisa, to a topless body, and that this happened 2 years after she has left Mexico and has returned to Spain. I choose to believe this because the painter himself acknowledged this.

I don't expect Letizia to give interviews and answer these because no one in the Spanish Royal family gives interviews just to answer the rumors, they do interviews for serious and worthy topics only. And I applaud them for that because they are symbols of Spain and not like any other celebrities.
I applaud Mette-Marit who chose the best way what she could. She confessed the truth that she had taken drugs. I think Letizia had to do same.

I think you have a point here Guido and I think that one reason for stories about the past circulating forever is the non-existing courtship for the spanish public. MM or Maxima had to clear their way or reveal their pasts before the engagement or wedding, and then this was it, people calmed down a bit. Letizia was basically thrown at the spanish public and presented as fiancee and people felt that her CV was partly presented in a much more pleasant way that it actually was: Divorced? Oh, no problem, that's only reflecting society (Queen Sofia will have shuddered, I am sure). Family? Letizia was presented as the spanish Christiane Amanpour and as kind of a descendant of a journalistic dynasty formed by Granny & Daddy. Erika's partner was named "esposo" what can be interpreted as "husband" and a "sculptor" whilst he was unemployed, divorce papers were publicly hidden away (the council asked for money to buy a safe) etc etc. It was all hush hush were a clear word and honesty would probably have been more appropriate. I personally think that consorts who bring along plebeian problems (divorce, drugs, embarrassing family etc) and marry into first class royalty will be one reason for their downfall, no matter what country concerned. Unfortunately the days of QE II or Queen Sofia will soon be over and sadly missed.
I do not think Letizia has to confess anything, it is already in her biography.
I do not think Letizia has to confess anything, it is already in her biography.
Yes indeed, it is already in her biography that she was married for a year and then divorced. We all know that, so nothing new really.
Relationship of Letizia and David Tejera. David and Letizia DID live together while Letizia was dating with Felipe.

David Tejera :: Foro Loco

David Tejera, también presentador de CNN+, se convirtió en su novio extraoficial durante los primeros meses de 2003, poco antes de conocer la relación de la periodista con el heredero de la Corona española. Letizia y Tejera llegaron a vivir juntos, incluso diversos medios de comunicación han dicho que la futura reina todavía vivía con Tejera cuando conoció al Príncipe.

David Tejera :: Foro Loco

Vivió con Tejera desde 2001 hasta verano del 2003. Tres o cuatro meses después de su ruptura con Tejera, se presentó al mundo como flamante prometida de Felizpito, dispuesta a sacrificarse por los españoles y convertirse en Princesa d´Asturies y futura Reina de las Españas.

"Fué una decisión muy meditada"- dijeron ambos en un alarde humorístico que recordaba a los mejores años de Tip y Coll.
"Cuándo y dónde se conocieron?"- preguntó un periodista curiosón del que no se ha vuelto a saber nada.

Titubeo... risas nerviosas... "cuentalo tú"... "no, tú".... y el pobre Tejera enterandose por la tele de su nominación a cornudo del año. Y es que Letizia, que era una chica muy lista y relista, supo enseguida que donde se pusiera un Príncipe, se quitara el gordito mofletón de CNN+.

Just because some tabloids wrote some garbages, it must be the truth ? Letizia lived with David Tejera ? Where did they live ? Letizia lived at her own apartment, the one being passed down to Erika, and Tejera had never lived there. At the beginning, many also claimed that Letizia's ex was divorced previously before her, absolutely no truth to it.
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I think that Letizia should have confessed the truth about her past, the divorce , nude pictures and her relationship with Waldo Saavedra and David Tejera.

I applaud Mette-Marit who chose the best way what she could. She confessed the truth that she had taken drugs. I think Letizia should have done the same.

You are comparing apple and orange. Mette-Marit said 'sorry' because her ex boyfriend is still holding a sex/drug tape of her. Nobody has to apologize to the public because she was divorced and having previous relation. Do you also expect Elena to apologize in public ? The painter had no nude pictures of her, he had said it very clearly on TV.
I think you have a point here Guido and I think that one reason for stories about the past circulating forever is the non-existing courtship for the spanish public. MM or Maxima had to clear their way or reveal their pasts before the engagement or wedding, and then this was it, people calmed down a bit. Letizia was basically thrown at the spanish public and presented as fiancee and people felt that her CV was partly presented in a much more pleasant way that it actually was: Divorced? Oh, no problem, that's only reflecting society (Queen Sofia will have shuddered, I am sure). Family? Letizia was presented as the spanish Christiane Amanpour and as kind of a descendant of a journalistic dynasty formed by Granny & Daddy. Erika's partner was named "esposo" what can be interpreted as "husband" and a "sculptor" whilst he was unemployed, divorce papers were publicly hidden away (the council asked for money to buy a safe) etc etc. It was all hush hush were a clear word and honesty would probably have been more appropriate. I personally think that consorts who bring along plebeian problems (divorce, drugs, embarrassing family etc) and marry into first class royalty will be one reason for their downfall, no matter what country concerned. Unfortunately the days of QE II or Queen Sofia will soon be over and sadly missed.

Absolutely no need to compare the press of different cuntries, the intensity hasn't been the same. Maxima or MM can get away some trivalities that Letizia probably will not be able to get away in Spain. Their siblings and parents have also been treated differently by the press too. I doubt it has anything to do with a known girlfriend or not, if the same damn thing can be repeated million times the last 41/2 years by the likes of Jaime Penafiel, whether it was firstly said before the engagement or after the engagement simply makes no difference. I don't expect the British media to stop scrutinize Kate after she becomes William's wife. Luckily for her that the paparazzis in Britain haven't been harassing the families of those commoner wives, not even the Spencer family.
Letizia didn't make up her education or employment history. She was a public figure, whatever she achieved was out there for everyone to see. About refering Antonio Vigor as Erika's husband, it was not from the royal house. In Spain, lots of couples living together for years with kids refered to each other as husband and wife even without a marriage certificate, ex. the director of El Mundo and his fashion designer 'wife'. About divorce papers being locked, it was to prevent others from stealing for making profits. Divorce papers are personal items, not for public to view, we have never seen the divorce paper of Joachim and Alexandra, I don't think we will see the divorce paper of Elena and Jaime in the future.
Unfortunately these days, we can't find QEII and Sofia even among the blue blood royals.
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