The Prince of Asturias's Visit to Mexico: November 28-December 4, 2006

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Imperial Majesty
Apr 28, 2005
Trip to Mexico and assistance to the Capture of Possession of the elect President, Felipe Calderón Hinojosa
Mexico, of November 28 to December 4, 2006

His Royal Highness the Prince of Asturias will represent Spain in the ceremony of the transmisión of the presidential control and will develop activities in Mexico

Prince of Asturias will represent Spain in capture of possession

The Prince of Asturias will represent Spain in the acts of capture of possession of the president of Mexico, Felipe Calderón, who will take place next December 1, of agreement with the Royal Decree approved today by the Ministers' Council.

Don Felipe has represented already to the Spanish State in almost 40 captures of possession of Latin-American presidents.
Besides the act in strict sense, the Prince will meet personally the new president and the salient agent chief executive, Vicente Fox.

On Wednesday, the 29th, the president of the Meeting will accompany the Prince of Asturias in his visit on the International Fair of the Book of Guadalajara, which will centre fundamentally on the activities developed by Andalusia in this event.
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Thanks for the info lula.
Pity that he is going without Letizia.
magnik said:
Thanks for the info lula.
Pity that he is going without Letizia.

It's thrue, but as we say since the begining of the new pregnancy of the Princess, is for an excellent reason!:flowers:

Prince to Fair of the book of Guadalajara and president takes possession

The Prince of Asturias travels today to Mexico, where he will represent to the Spanish State in the capture of possession of the new president, Felipe Calderón, next 1st, but before he will go to Guadalajara to know the Fair of the Book in which Andalusia is the invited one of honor.

Don Felipe will be in the Mexican city of Guadalajara (west of Mexico) on November 29, where, besides, he will visit one of 17 exhibitions that Andalusia has organized on the occasion of the vigésima edition of the Fair of the Book, with the title ' XXth century. In Picasso's Malaga ', upset 48 hours after know that his second baby, who will be born in May, will be also a girl.

On the same night the Prince of Asturias will move to city of Mexico to take part in the different acts that will be celebrated on the occasion of the investiture of 'Pause' sign, of the conservative Partido of National Action (PAN).

Don Felipe represents to the Spanish State in the captures of possession of the Latin-American agents chief executive from January, 1996, when he travelled to Guatemala to attend that of Alvaro Arzu.

The Inheritor of the Wreath will be received in city of Mexico by chief's honors of State. Since it is habitual, he will meet privately the elect president and his predecessor, Vicente Fox.

Felipe Calderón was designated president of Mexico last September 5, one day before the maximum term was fulfilled to give an opinion on the celebrated assemblies previous July 2.

The elections turned out to be favorable to Calderon opposite to his opponent, the representative of the leftist Partido de la Revolución Democrática (PRD) Manuel Lopez Obrador, for a small difference, 0,56 per cent of the expressed votes.

The created situation, when Lopez Obrador did not accept the results and autoproclamarse president last week, did that it was doubted if the ceremony of investiture had to be celebrated in the National Congress.

During his stay in Mexico, which will extend until December 4, the Prince of Asturias will inaugurate the Forum of Investments and Cooperation managerial Hispanic- Mexican, organized for the Spanish Institute of Exterior Trade (ICEX).

In the Forum there will be represented the sectors of Nourishment and Machinery for the Food Industry; Components of Automotion; Equipments, Industrial Machinery and Machinery Tool; Energy; Engineering, Infrastructures and other Technical services and Consultancy; Environment; Tourism and connected services.

Don felipe will meet also representatives of the businessmen in the residence of the Spanish ambassador in Mexico, Cristina Barrios, and will visit newly restored Altarpiece of the Kings in the cathedral of Mexico D.F, in the square) of the Zocalo, the principal one of the country.

The Prince of Asturias makes today official trip to Mexico, country in the one that will be present at the capture of possession of the president of Mexico, Felipe Calderón, who will take place next December 1. For a few years, Don Felipe represents His Majesty the King in these institutional acts of presidential relief in Latin America. The Inheritor will develop until December 4 diverse cultural, social and economic activities in that country. Between them his presence is foreseen in the Fair of the Book of Guadalajara.

Prince Asturias comes to Guadalajara for visit fair of the book

The prince of Asturias came today to the international airport Manuel Hidalgo of Guadalajara (Mexico) to visit the International Fair of the Book, in which Andalusian community is the invited one of honor.

Don Felipe will remain almost one week in the country, to be present at the acts of capture of possession of the new presiente of Mexico, Felipe Calderón, and inaugurates the Forum of Investments and Managerial Cooperation Hispanic - Mexican organized by the Spanish Institute of Exterior Trade (ICEX), besides other activities.

The plane landed to 04.30 GMT and the Prince was got privately by the ambassador of Spain in Mexico, Cristina Barrios, and the secretaries of Foreign Affairs of Jalisco, Salvador Casián, and of Culture, Sofía Gonzalez.

They travel with don Felipe the secretary of State for Latin America, Trinidad Jiménez, and the general managers of Exterior Politics for Latin America, Javier Sandomingo, and of the ICEX, Pedro Moriyón.

On the same evening, the inheritor of the Spanish Wreath will move to Mexico D.F to represent Spain in the acts of capture of possession of the new Mexican agent chief executive, beside meeting himand the salient president, Vicente Fox, between other activities.
If I understand well this trip, the Prince has a very busy agenda. he is mixing dipolamtic actions with commercial activities in his field of duties that is iboamerica.

Don Felipe came in the dawn of Wednesday, the 29th of November to the Mexican city of Guadalajara. They came to receive to the International Airport Miguel Hidalgo the ambassador of Spain in Mexico, Cristina Barrios y Almazor, the Delegate of the Secretariat of Exterior Relations of Mexico, Salvador Casián Santos, and the Secretariat of Culture of the Government of the State of Straw hat, Sofía Gonzalez Luna, between other authorities.

The activities of the Prince of Asturias in the first day will begin with a meeting with publishers and Spanish businessmen of the publishing sector, who are in Mexico on the occasion of the International Fair of the Book - where Andalusia is invited of honor-.

Later, Don Felipe will move to the Museum of the Arts of the University of Guadalajara, where he will visit the exhibition " XXth century in Picasso's Malaga ". Later, he will go to the International Fair of the Book of Guadalajara and will do a tour for several pavilions. Once finished he visits this one, he will share a luncheon in the Hotel Hilton with authorities and Mexican and Spanish personalities. In the evening, His Royal Highness will travel to Mexico D.F.

On Thursday, the 30th of November, Don Felipe will share a luncheon in the Residence of the Embassy of Spain with out-standing intellectual Mexicans. In the evening, there is foreseen that comes to the Official Residence of The Pines to meet the President of the Mexican United States, Vicente Fox. Once finished this meeting, the Prince will be present at the dinner offered by the salient President in honor of the Chiefs of State, Princes Inheritors and Chiefs of Government attendees at the ceremony of transmission of the presidential control.

In the third day of the trip of His Royal Highness, on Friday, the 1st of December, Don Felipe will come to the Deputies' Chamber to be present at the Ceremony of capture of Felipe Calderón's protest. Once finished the act, the Prince will meet the Spanish colony in Mexico in a meeting that will take place in the Residence of the Embassy of Spain.

In the night there will be celebrated in Chapultepec's Castle a dinner offered by the President of the Mexican United States in honor of the Chiefs of State, Princes Inheritors, Chiefs of Government and Chiefs of Delegation.

On Saturday, the 2nd of December, it is foreseen that His Royal Highness gets together with the President Calderón in the Official Residence of The Pines.

On Sunday, the 3rd of December, will celebrate in the Residence of the Embassy of Spain a meeting with the Spanish businessmen attendees to the Managerial Forum Hispanic - Mexican.

The activities of Monday, the 4th of December, will begin with a breakfast of work with representatives of Spanish present companies in Mexico. Once finished, will take place the inauguration of the Managerial Forum Hispanic - Mexican . At the conclusion of this act, His Royal Highness will return to Spain.
It's a very busy agenda. No time to go to heard the Mariachis .....( I fear too it's not quiet the good moment....)
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He's staying for 6 days! ..quite a long visit!
Has he arrived to Mexico?

What a long visit!,now I understand why Letizia has not go with him, 6 days are too many days to be out of home without Leonor.:rolleyes:
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Visits Guadalajara the prince of Asturias, Felipe de Borbón

The prince of Asturias, Felipe de Borbón, Andalusian had breakfast today with the community, as well as with Spanish writers, in what they were his first activities in Jalisco.

Felipe de Borbón crossed besides the Auditorium of University City and visited the Museum of the Arts, where there show themselves works of Picasso and other Spanish artists.

At 12:00 came to the International Fair of Book (FIL), accompanied by the municipal president of Guadalajara, Andrés Espinosa, the president of the Meeting of Andalusia,Manuel Chávez as well as with Nubia Macías, director of the FIL.

The prince of Asturias crosses the FIL, where he meditates visiting the pavilionsof the Fund of Economic Culture, Conaculta, that of the Arts of Mexico, that of Andalusia and of publishing companies.

More photos here

Spanish Prince Felipe de Borbon at the International Book Fair in Guadalajara, 29 November 2006. Prince Felipe arrived in Mexico to attend the inauguration of President-elect Felipe Calderon on Friday. AFP PHOTO/Ivan GARCIA
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Wow, he seems to be very happy...maybe because he is sleeping something without children, really I think he is happy because a new girl is coming and he will be the "king of his home".
nayralorenzo said:
Wow, he seems to be very happy...maybe because he is sleeping something without children, really I think he is happy because a new girl is coming and he will be the "king of his home".

:lol: Yes, but I find that on some pics,those of his arrival at Mexico City, he looks a little bit tired ( or it's the red eyes effect of the fotos ?) anyway, it would understable because since three days it's yet a true marathon between all his meetings.

We can understand when we see the Prince's agenda that Letizia had to stay at home.... with her so cute little Infanta:bunny:
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The Prince of Asturias gets together today with Vicente Fox

The prince of Asturias will meet at 23:00 GMT, forestalled in Spain, with the salient president of Mexico, Vicente Fox, to whose capture of possession was present six years ago and by whom it was got in his first visit to Latin America after his wedding with Dona Letizia, in July, 2004.

The meeting is one of the habitual acts of Felipe de Borbón's agenda when he represents Spain in the captures of possession of agents chief executive, principally of Latin America, from 1996.

In this occasion, nevertheless, the meeting will celebrate in the hotel Royal Way of Mexico City, to where Fox has moved from the presidential residence of the Pines, given the problematic circumstances in which one finds the capital before the investiture of his successor and companion of the Party of National Action (PAN), 44-year-old Felipe Calderón, who will take place tomorrow, on December 1.

An hour later the inheritor of the Spanish Wreath will add to the agents chief executive who have confirmed his assistance to the acts of investiture, to share the dinner that there will offer them the politician who has governed the destiny of this North American country for six years.

An hour later the inheritor of the Spanish Wreath will add to the agents chief executive who have confirmed their assistance to the acts of investiture, to share the dinner that there will offer them the politician who has governed the destiny of this North American country for six years.

At the moment, the prince will share table with fourteen chiefs of State and of Government, between them there is foreseen the assistance of the prime minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, the presidents Alvaro Uribe (Colombia), Elías Antonio Extracts (El Salvador), Ricardo Maduro (Honduras), Enrique Bolaños (Nicaragua), and Abel Pacheco (Costa Rica), as well as the ex-president of the USA, George Bush, father, in representation of his son, between others.
The network that Prince Felipe is building in especially Latin America is very impressive. No other royalty that comes to mind has so many interactions with high level politicians in so many counties as he has. I don't think he gets sufficient credit for the work he does because it is unique to Spain.
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Meeting with the President Vicente Fox


Spain's Prince Felipe de Borbon confers with Mexican President Vicente Fox during a meeting at the Camino Real Hotel in Mexico City 30 November 2006. The prince will take part in the inauguration of President-elect Felipe Calderon 01 December. AFP PHOTO/EFE/POOL
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Prince Asturias in Congress for investiture of Calderón

The Prince of Asturias came soon after nine o'clock in the morning (15.00 gmt) to San Lázaro's Palace, the headquarters of the Congress of Mexico, to be present as special guest at the investiture of the new president of the country, Felipe Calderón.

Felipe de Borbón, after coming to the Deputies' Chamber, was during a few minutes in the theater box from where he will follow the ceremony of capture of possession.

Later he went on to an attached room to wait for the beginning of the acts, while the members of parliament of the National Action (PAN) and of the leftist Partido de la Revolución Democrática (PRD), they were continuing with theiur clashes in the platform of the enclosure, some to assure the celebration of the investiture and others to boycott it.

Prince of Asturias is in Mexico accompanied by the secretary of State for Latin America, Trinidad Jiménez, and the president of the Commission of Foreign Affairs of the Congress of the Deputies, Josep Antoni Durán and Lleida, between other Spanish authorities.

The inheritor of the Spanish Wreath will be present this night at the dinner that Calderón will offer the chiefs of State and of Government who are in Mexico on the occasion of the presidential relief.

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Im watching televisa but they're just talking. No images ..

Edit: The president is giving his speech now.
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Mari_* said:
Im watching televisa but they're just talking. No images ..

Edit: The president is giving his speech now.

Has act been calm? Or there have been many problems? I have not seen still the news, but the spectacle of the Mexican politicians is terrible.:wacko:
Actually very calm. The president gave his speech the crowd was cheering him. No disturbs outside and now he's pasando revista (how do you say it in english?) to the troops. But I haven't seen the Prince.
lula said:
Has act been calm? Or there have been many problems? I have not seen still the news, but the spectacle of the Mexican politicians is terrible.:wacko:
I agree with you:bang:

I think there will be pictures at the Castillo de Chapultepec tonight
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