The Prince of Asturias's Official Visit to Washington, D.C.: October 4-6, 2006

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Imperial Majesty
Apr 28, 2005

Official trip of His Royal Highness the Prince of Asturias to Washington
Washington (EE.UU), from October 4 to October 6, 2006

Don Felipe will preside, in the morning of October 4, at the presentation of the Collection Prince of Asturias of the Library of the University of Georgetown and will be present at the magisterial conference of the teacher Stanley Payne. In the evening, His Royal Highness will come to the Center of Conventions of Washington on the occasion of the Show of the " Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute ".

On Thursday, the 5th of October, the Prince will visit the former Residence of Spain, which will be rehabilitated and transformed into the future Center of Cultural Cooperation of Spain into Washington. The activities of the day will conclude with a receipt in honoring to the month of the Hispanic Inheritance in the Residence of the Ambassador of Spain.

His Royal Highness will represent on Friday, the 6th of October, to the Inaugural Session of the Convention II of Hispanic Leaders in the headquarters of the Banco Interamericano of Development, and later, will come to the White House, where one will take place the Celebration of the month of the Hispanic Inheritance. Once finished this act, Don Felipe will return to Spain​

The Prince Asturias initiates his trip to Washington with Hispanic accent

The Prince of Asturias initiates today an official stay of four days in Washington that will have an exclusive Hispanic accent, and that includes an act in the White House presided by Bush.
It will be an act of celebration of the month of the Hispanic inheritance in a country in which the forceful community that speaks in Spanish exceeds already forty million persons.

On the occasion of this celebration, the White House organizes for years in these dates a ceremony with leaders of the Hispanic community, of the politics, the finance, the education or the culture, at which this year Felipe de Borbón will be present as special guest.

Last September 14, on having announced the month of the Hispanic inheritance, which he will conclude on October 15, the president Bush did a public declaration in the one that was recognizing ' many contributions of the Spanish Americans ' to this country.

Bush remembered specially to the Americans of Hispanic ancestry who serve in the armed forces ' with valor and honor ', and that contribute ' that The United States is surer and to which the freedom comes to peoples about the world '.

The Prince of Asturias, who travels without his wife pregnancy of her second baby, will come to Washington in the middle of the evening, to Andrews's air base, but it will be tomorrow when he begins his official activity.

The University of Georgetown will receive tomorrow his former pupil with an academic act organized by the chair that takes the name of the inheritor of the Spanish Wreath and in which the Hispanist Stanley Payne will speak about the Spain of the XXIst century.

The Chair ' Prince of Asturias ', which there directs the teacher, sociologist and journalist Xavier Coller, works from 1999 with the intention of promoting the Spanish culture in the academic world of the federal American capital.
Between his immediate projects stands out the edition of a series of books on Spain and its European dimension, about which Felipe de Borbón will be informed and to the one that will give name.

The Prince will conclude the day of tomorrow with the assistance to the annual show of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute, which will assemble in the center of convections of Washington to an out-standing representation of the Hispanic world.
Created in 1978, it is one of the principal Hispanic organizations of The United States and since then he promotes the education and the participation activates of the Hispanics in the political institutions.

On Thursday conocera a project stimulated by the embassy of Spain in Washington to rehabilitate and to turn the building that sheltered for years the residence of the ambassador in a center of cultural cooperation.
A million Euros is the initial contribution of the Spanish Government to this project in which the embassy tries to imply to civil and managerial Spanish and American entities. With more than 2.000 square meters of surface, in a plot of almost 3.000, the building dates back of 1923.

The Prince of Asturias, who will preside at a receipt in honoring to the month of the Hispanic inheritance on Thursday evening in the current residence of the Spanish ambassador, Carlos Westendorp, has foreseen to be present at the opening of the II Convention of Hispanic Leaders, which will be celebrated in the headquarters of the Banco Interamericano of Development.
This convention will assemble the participants in the program of Young Hispanic Leaders, an initiative of the Spanish Government that from 1998 it chases to give to know the Spanish reality to the more emphasized from the Hispanic community of the United States.
Providing that the participants in this program travel to Spain, where they develop a tight program of activities and you interview with leaders of all the social areas, they are got in hearing by Felipe de Borbon.
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Don Felipe came to Andrews's Airport of Washington in the evening of Tuesday, the 3rd of October, where was got by the ambassador of Spain in Washington, Carlos Westendorp, and the permanent representative before the Organization of American States Juan Romero Terreros
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The Prince pleads for the strengthening of the bilateral relations

A visit that next Friday, last day of his stay in the American capital, will take him to the White House as special guest of the president of the USA, George W. Bush, to the commemoration of the month of the Hispanic inheritance.
Don Felipe returned today to that it was his university, Georgetown, for two years, at the beginning of the nineties, as pupil of a course of ' Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service ', one of the most prestigious of the world in international relations.

Of this stay in Washington, the Prince of Asturias guards indelible recollections in his memory. ' The five-peseta coin I am employed at the library, the debates at class, the teamwork, the draft of works and his punctual delivery ... ', essential aspects of a university education that seeks to manage ' responsible and informed ' citizens.
In Georgetown, the inheritor of the Wreath spoke about the need of pressing links hard between Spain and The United States, something to what, in his opinion, it can contribute decisively a strengthening in the relations between university institutions of both countries.
In this prestigious university there exists from 1997 a Chair Prince of Asturias of Spanish Studies who, in the frame of the ' School of Foreign Service ', forms a part of a wide program to promote the Spanish culture in the academic world of Washington.

On the occasion of the visit of the Prince, the chair organized today an academic act in which the Hispanist and American historian Stanley G. Payne, on having thought loudly about the Spain of the 21st century, proved to be worried by this ' new republican movement ' that, from some sectors of the socialism and the ex-communists, made concrete, they support the second transition.
Payne, worried also by the fact that it never puts on end to the autonomic process, said in a posterior conversation with journalists that <a new republican experience in Spain would be 'disastrous'. ' The Republic would never be a solution for Spain ', there abounded this expert of our history.

Before an eminently academic hearing, the Prince of Asturias spoke about a Spain that, to the beginning of the 21st century, nothing has to see with that of beginning of the 80s.
' During this time - he stood out - Spain has got squarely into the modernity, with spectacular changes into the political thing, the economic thing and into the social thing. We are a loyal and active associate in the European Union and a world power of average type from the economic point of view '.
To the pupils and teachers of the University of Georgetown don Felipe remembered also the special relations of Spain with Latin America, in which, historically, the Spanish Wreath plays an out-standing role.

Sample of it is this trip of the Prince to Washington to know closely the reality of a community that already supreme more than forty million persons in the whole country. A forceful community that during this month - from September 14 until the next 15-th celebrates the Hispanic inheritance.
The president Bush will exercise of host on Friday in the White House forthwith that every year commemorates this inheritance, and in the one that will return to remember the important contribution to the development of The United States.
In a presidential declaration of last September 14, Bush was recognizing the contribution of the Hispanics ' to the strength and vitality ' of this nation, and their ' devotion for our country ' on having entered the armed forces. ' Nowadays - it was affirming-, the Americans of Hispanic ancestry serve in our armed forces with valor and honor, and their efforts are contributing that The United States is surer and to which the freedom comes to peoples about the world '.

The academic act presided by the Prince served in addition to present officially the rich bibliographical fund on Spain and its history that from now will be at the disposal of students and teachers in the library of Georgetown.
A few funds of dimension also European that will complement, according to don Felipe, the activities of the chair that takes his name and will contribute in a decisive way to a better knowledge of the reality in another Atlantic shore.
This night, in the Center of Convections of Washington, the Prince of Asturias will be present at the show of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute, one of the most important Hispanic organizations in The United States, whom will represent the most ample representation - near of two thousand persons - of this community.

In Georgetown, don Felipe was congratulated publicly on his new paternity, in next spring, and remembered that in his previous trip to Washington, last year, he could not be accompanied by his wife dona Letizia, pregnant woman at the time of the Infanta Leonor either.
' Assurance will come in the next visit ', was commented by him

The Prince coincided with his cousin Philippos of Greece

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Thanks for the pics! I'm actually currently a student at Georgetown, but I didn't realize that he was going to be here today! :bang: A girl in my Spanish class saw him walk by, and she reported that he was "muy guapo," but the event he attended wasn't open to students. It's a bit surreal to see pictures of him walking around campus, though!
The Prince of Asturias comes this night to a gala in Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute

The 29th Annual Gala
CHCI’s Annual Gala, which began in 1977 as a small dinner, has grown over the years to become the most prestigious event commemorating Hispanic Heritage Month. With more than 2,000 guests in attendance, the Gala is one of the largest Hispanic events in the nation's capitol. This event is renowned for bringing together people of varied ethnic, professional and geographical backgrounds to achieve a common goal: help Hispanic youth realize their dreams.

Guests are a who's who of leaders from the public and private sectors, including Members of Congress, entertainers, corporate leaders and community activists. In the past, CHCI has been joined by such distinguished guests as President Bill Clinton; Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton; Gloria Estefan; Edward James Olmos; Geraldo Rivera; Rita Moreno; Paul Rodriguez; Jon Seda; Mario Lopez; Carlos Ponce; Elvis Crespo; Los Lobos; Eva Longoria; Carlos Santana; Tito Puente and Ricky Martin.

During the evening's festivities, as part of Gala tradition, CHCI bestows its Medallion of Excellence for Community Service and its Medallion of Excellence for Leadership to deserving Hispanic leaders. These prestigious awards honor Hispanic individuals who have demonstrated an unwavering commitment to empowering the Hispanic community. CHCI's Medallions of Excellence are widely regarded as one of the most important honors in the Hispanic community.

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If anyone can find any videos of Felipe in Washington speaking in English it would be greatly appreciated.

I've been wanting to hear him speak English for a while now.
Beate said:
I can't believe how much his cousin Philippos looks like Pavlos when he was younger..
What is he studying at Georgetown? Nice that they were able to meet up..

Philippos is studying international affairs in the School of Foreign Service here at Georgetown. He's in a class with a friend of mine, but I forget which class it is.
The Prince of Asturias in the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Gala

Prince of Asturias emphasizes deep Hispanic fingerprint in the USA

The Prince of Asturias emphasized this night in Washington the deep Hispanic fingerprint in the past and the present of the United States, where its forty million inhabitants with this origin turn it into the second Hispanic nation of the world, after Mexico.​

Don Felipe, ' Hispanic of Europa ', spoke this night in the annual show of the ' Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute ', the most important and influential Hispanic organization of the United States from its creation in 1978.
Before a multitudinous hearing - approximately two thousand guests, representatives of all the social sectors of the federal capital-​

The Prince of Asturias said that the Hispanic community of the United States possesses ' the major respect and admiration of the Spanish people '.
' The Spanish people, theirinstitutions and the Royal Family feel very near your challenges and aspirations ', hesaid.
' Your achievements, your victories, also are ours ', was insisted by him.
Founded by several Congressmembers, the Congressional Hispanic CaucusInstitute promotes the education in the Hispanic community and its active participation in the institutions and the decision-making centers to local, state and federal level.

At present, the chairwoman is the democratic Congressmember for California Grace Napolitano, chairwoman of the parliamentary Hispanic group of the Representatives' Chamber, who was grateful for his presence to the Prince in the gala.

The event celebrates every year the month of the Hispanic inheritance, which the White House will commemorate on Friday with another act presided by Bush and to which don Felipe is invited.

In his speech, declared in English and Spanish, the Prince of Asturias said that the Hispanics have contributed from the origins of the North American nation to its economic and demographic growth, to the cultural advances and to its labour strength. ' Your is a history of fight and effort, because you trust firmly in the American dream ', he stood out.

' We feel proud to be Hispanics. We feel a legitimate pride of belonging to this world and of feeling nearby, joined for culture and values ', said the Prince, who remembered that that one is the world of Cervantes, of Velázquez, of Picasso and Neruda, of Michael Angel Asturias, Julio Cortázar or Borges, ' of hundreds and hundreds of clearly identifiable prominent figures in both shores of the Atlantic Ocean '.

There spoke also the Prince of a common language, of an identity ' to the margin of borders ', of a community of more than four hundred million persons with an impressive history, as its artistic, linguistic and cultural inheritance.

From terra:
In the photos he appears with the Congressmember Grace Napolitano​

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Images from yahoo/reuters

At Hispanic Gala, Not A Single Wallflower

It took Prince Felipe, royalty from the country where the whole story began, to remind everyone just how Spanish the United States really is. Only Mexico has more Hispanics, he said. "Spanish heritage has been here for centuries, and it is as American as any other influence," said the prince, sounding British as he spoke in English.
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Man, he does justice to a tuxedo and bowtie.....very, very yummy!

Thank you everyone for this thorough coverage of Prince Felipe's trip. I think it's rather interesting and good that Georgetown favors so much Felipe's presence whenever he's around the USA.

And I believe that he does like to come back.
I'm sure the moment Princess Letizia sees these pictures of her Prince wearing Tuxedo all nauseas will go away.

Thank you so much for your minute update coverage lula and fanletizia for that interesting article of Washington Post.

I believe this is the first time I see the Prince speaking on his mobile during the break of a event... I wonder who he was talking too?! :wub:

It's been so long I haven't see Philippos; he is a grown man by now and this was a good occasion and place for him to meet his cousin.

Oh my, the image of Felipe wearing the tux doesn't go away... James Bond watch out ;).

mtbcm :)
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Prince Asturias visits future Cultural Center in Washington

The Prince of Asturias visited today the future Cultural Center of Spain in Washington, an initiative of the Spanish Government to promote the bilateral relations with the USA and that Cervantes will shelter the first headquarters of the Institute in the federal capital.

The visit has produced to itself on the second day of official stay of don Philip in Washington, of exclusively Hispanic character, and that tomorrow on Friday, third and last, will take him to the White House as guest of the American president, George W. Bush, to the celebration of the month of the Hispanic inheritance

Predictably, in 2008, once conclude the works of rehabilitation of the historical building that will shelter it, during decades it investigates of the Spanish ambassador in Washington and chancery.

The building, a mansion of 1923 placed in a lordly neighborhood of the American capital, constructed to use as residence of the vice-president of the USA, though it never managed to be occupied, was acquired by the Spanish Government as headquarters of its diplomatic delegation.
This way it was during decades, until for safety reasons, due to the degradation of the neighborhood and the violence in the streets, it was decided to move the residence to a surer place of Washington.

Provided that the situation has changed to better in the latter years, in an intensive process of urban and social recovery, the Spanish Government decided to give a cultural use to the building, which don Felipe visited this morning in company of the mayor of Washington, the democrat Anthony A. Williams; of the secretary of Spanish State of Exteriors, Bernardino León; and of the ambassador Carlos Westendorp.

Spain's Prince of Asturias, Felipe de Borbon , and Washington Mayor Anthony Williams stand together in a tour of the building that will be the Spanish Cultural Center in Washington October 5, 2006. REUTERS via Yahoo​

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improper or not...He's one handsome man. I must say he's always the most well dress of all crownprinces...
Alisa said:
The photos of him on his cell phone looks improper. That aside, he looks soo handsome, just gorgeous He looks so well put together and check out his stylish shoes

Why improper? The act already had finished, and he was leaving the place, already only his bodyguards were with him.
Besides, with the hour that was, if he was speaking with Spain, the call might not be late very much for the hourly difference.


Prince of Asturias emphasizes increasing Hispanic influence in the USA

The Prince of Asturias distinguished this night in Washington the increasing influence 'day after day' from the Hispanic community of The United States, one of ' more vibrant ' from a country in which more than forty million persons have this origin.

Felipe de Borbón did this consideration before a hearing of politicians, businessmen, journalists, artists, teachers of university and other out-standing professionals who came to a receipt in the residence of the Spanish ambassador in Washington, Carlos Westendorp.

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I live in Washington, and I have not heard he is here. I must have been asleep!!! I'm going to check the Washington Post right now!!!

Edit: Nothing in the Washington Post today!
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Roxsteve said:
I live in Washington, and I have not heard he is here. I must have been asleep!!! I'm going to check the Washington Post right now!!!

Edit: Nothing in the Washington Post today!

It was on the Washington Post yesterday or two days ago.
planetcher said:
Why was that improper? I don't see anything improper about that.

I can not see anything wrong ...:wacko:
Spanish Crown Prince Felipe stands as U.S. President George W. Bush departs the East Room of the White House in Washington October 6, 2006. The crown prince was Bush's guest for a musical event in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month.
REUTERS via Yahoo


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