Infanta Leonor Starts Kindergarten: September 7, 2007

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Imperial Majesty
Apr 28, 2005
The newspaper abc says that there will be photo of the Infanta on Friday, though there is no official confirmation yet. gente - gente - El viernes, primera foto de la Infanta Leonor con uniforme junto a sus padres

On Friday, the first photo of the Infanta Leonor with uniform together with her parents

The first public images of the Infanta Leonor in the day-care center of El Pardo to which, since it advanced yesterday ABC, she will begin to go this week, will take next Friday, day in which the Princes of Asturias will pose with their first-born one in the moment to leave her in the school center in the early morning.
The newspaper abc says that there will be photo of the Infanta on Friday, though there is no official confirmation yet. gente - gente - El viernes, primera foto de la Infanta Leonor con uniforme junto a sus padres

On Friday, the first photo of the Infanta Leonor with uniform together with her parents

The first public images of the Infanta Leonor in the day-care center of El Pardo to which, since it advanced yesterday ABC, she will begin to go this week, will take next Friday, day in which the Princes of Asturias will pose with their first-born one in the moment to leave her in the school center in the early morning.

thanks lula, too funny that even day care toddlers already have a uniform :lol: I only know it from pre school or school.
great in case there will be pics!
thanks lula, too funny that even day care toddlers already have a uniform :lol: I only know it from pre school or school.
great in case there will be pics!

They are children of military people, probably it influences.:lol:

The uniform is not a classic uniform of school, looks like rather a tracksuit, probably in order that the children are comfortable and it is not necessary to worry if they get dirty.
They are children of military people, probably it influences.:lol:

The uniform is not a classic uniform of school, looks like rather a tracksuit, probably in order that the children are comfortable and it is not necessary to worry if they get dirty.

I always think that uniform for school ( or pre school ) is a good thing because like that the mothers don't have any problem with the trade mark....

This one in blue pale is very simpathetic, remember these of Irene in Barcelone : top jellow with pant or short navy blue more hard to wear for babies ( the yellow in particular )
It looks like a sport suit, very confortable indeed!She will be able to play and to know normal children, that will be very good for her, to me it was a good choice to put her in this day care! I though they really didin't pose for photographers, I'am glad they will do a photoshot on friday! But to me friday it is not a good day to start day care but....
But to me friday it is not a good day to start day care but....

Really Friday will not be the first day that the girl goes to the day-care center, it seems that the Princes have foreseen to take her today in order that she knows the place and to the persons. Today it will be her first contact, they will be accustoming her little by little how it is normal.
Primer día de colegio para la Infanta Leonor - Gente -

The first day of school for the Infanta Leonor

The Infanta Leonor was this morning for the first time to the Infantile School that the Royal Guard has in the Palace of El Pardo, with her uniform of trousers and sky blue jersey, white T-shirt and blue and white smock, accompanied in one so special day as her parents, the Princes of Asturias, they informed to Efe sources near to the Palace of the Zarzuela.

It is foreseen that next Friday could carry out the first photos of the Infanta, dressed in uniform, with her parents at the arrival to the center. The House of the King has wanted to programme this graphical session to prevent them from could to think images of the companions of the Infanta, of agreement with the Protection law of the Minor.
I saw a video from TVE Corazon de Verano, in which they showed the prince and princess leaving the little infanta in her first day. I think it was a good idea to have her photoshoot later in the week just because it is already scary enough for children to go to school the very first time. Can't wait to see her pictures though!
I saw a video from TVE Corazon de Verano, in which they showed the prince and princess leaving the little infanta in her first day. I think it was a good idea to have her photoshoot later in the week just because it is already scary enough for children to go to school the very first time. Can't wait to see her pictures though!

Yes, the Princes have taken the girl to the school, and later the Princess has been going to gather her.

To my also it looks like to me a good idea, sufficient has the girl in spite of having to face to her first day out of house, to support to the press.

In addition treating about a military enclosure, and there being other children whose rights it is necessary to respect, the House of the King does well in making something a bit controlled.

Today already some journalist of the gutter press has chased two mothers who had left their children in the school; let's hope that this type of situations do not repeat.
is she going to wear a blue uniform?

Leonor is going to wear a confortable light blue uniform like all the children wear in that day-care center
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What type of school is this? I mean that as in what type of kids are going there? Is the school for only certain people or is it open to the public? I'm thinking that this would have to be a private school.
What type of school is this? I mean that as in what type of kids are going there? Is the school for only certain people or is it open to the public? I'm thinking that this would have to be a private school.

It is a day-care center of "company", for saying it somehow. It is not public, nor private. I explain.

This day-care center is in the headquarters of the Royal Guard, and therefore financed with public money, in this sense it is public. But it is private because it does not have access anyone, only the children of the soldiers of the Royal Guard or of workers of National wealth.

For a few years, and for the lack of public day-care centers, many organisms of the government have opened day-care centers for the children of the persons who work there, this one is one of the examples.
I can't wait until Friday either but I was not happy to see that the "press" couldn't wait until Friday, I think it is very nice that they are allowing photo's after all we received this summer. I understand that Leo is a Princess and will be exposed to public life for the rest of her llife but I would of liked to see the Princess be able to pick up her daughter from her first day of school with out all the intrusion. IMO
Aww thanks for the video I can't wait to see pictures now. I could only make out the top of Leonor's head in the video as she sped past in mummy's car. I'm sure she will look totally adorable in her uniform:flowers:

Leonor de Borbón shares the class of the greater ones, since the small ones which they go to the center, in his majority children of the personnel of troops of the Real Guard, receive the lessons in three levels: of 0 to 1 year The school opens its doors to first hours in the morning and closes to the 15,00 hours of afternoon, reason why the greater daughter of Princes Felipe and Letizia will take her lunch there, between the attendance to the classes that will receive daily and that will be developed in the rooms of psicomotricidad, games and in the garden with sandbox. Prince Felipe and his wife wanted to be today present in a so important day for the small one. Today the vehicle could only be seen in which Princes de Asturias were transferred next to their small one until the scholastic center, reason why he does not know himself if the small one had some problem at the time of separating of its parents and if it made stews. Felipe de Borbón and Letizia Ortiz are parents of another girl, Sofía, that was born the past 29 of April.

MILENIO.COM » La infanta Leonor acude por primera vez a la guardería


Though we will not see her to have the premiere as pupil until Friday, the date in which the palace of the Zarzuela has called for the means in order that they could photograph her at 8:30 a.m. in the one that will be, officially, her "first" day of college, today in the first hour on Wednesday, the Princes of Asturias have accompanied the infanta Leonor on the infantile School of the Royal Guard where the small one will begin her school formation.
They must be crazy to send this poor girl to a "kindergarden" already. She isn´t even two. Does she have to stay there from 08.30 h until 15.00 h?
They must be crazy to send this poor girl to a "kindergarden" already. She isn´t even two. Does she have to stay there from 08.30 h until 15.00 h?

I'm sorry but what is so crazy about sending her to a kindergarden. It is probably just like any playgroup. If it is normal playgroups she wil spend her time with an abundance of other kids to play with, all the fun toys and stimulation she could ever want to play with! I would hardly say it is putting pressure on her to go for a few hours a day to a nursery where she will be well cared for and her develeopment if anything will be encouraged. Prince Christian started nursery even earlier, he was not quite 18 months and I assume it hasn't had any negative affect on him.
I really don't see what people find so negative and stressful for the child. It's not like they get homework and tests to do.
I'm sorry but what is so crazy about sending her to a kindergarden. It is probably just like any playgroup. If it is normal playgroups she wil spend her time with an abundance of other kids to play with, all the fun toys and stimulation she could ever want to play with! I would hardly say it is putting pressure on her to go for a few hours a day to a nursery where she will be well cared for and her develeopment if anything will be encouraged. Prince Christian started nursery even earlier, he was not quite 18 months and I assume it hasn't had any negative affect on him.
I really don't see what people find so negative and stressful for the child. It's not like they get homework and tests to do.
Agreed. 1 1/2 to 2 seems like a great age to start day care. It's not like she's a six week old baby. But people always need to find fault.
Prince Christian started nursery even earlier, he was not quite 18 months and I assume it hasn't had any negative affect on him.
I really don't see what people find so negative and stressful for the child. It's not like they get homework and tests to do.

I think it is splendid that Leonor and Christian start their schooling soon. It is an excellent way to make new friends and begin the socialization they will need as future monarchs (at least I believe Leonor will be her father's heir until a son arrives).
I can't wait, Leonor is such a cutie. Although I'm not very fond of the uniforms, I had to wear a uniform in school and absolutely hated it. But she's really too little to care.
Is this the same school that Irene will attend or is she in another school? By the way was the Leonor in the back of Letizia's car?
Is this the same school that Irene will attend or is she in another school? By the way was the Leonor in the back of Letizia's car?
No. They live in different cities. Leonor lives in Madrid; Irene lives in Barcelona.
They must be crazy to send this poor girl to a "kindergarden" already. She isn´t even two. Does she have to stay there from 08.30 h until 15.00 h?

Yep.It's my opinion too. And I'm a teacher, so I know what I'm speaking about. Just yesterday we had had a terrible scene in the Principal Office. A girl of 16, who is awfully nasty and is doing awful things since she became pupil of our High School, was caught taking cocaina in the bathroom. She was send to the Principal Office (I was there for I'm her history teacher), and her fathers were also summoned to come to school to take her home. The girl started to cry (almost shouting) and said: "I does all these things for you, for once, pays a little attention to me! I was not even one years old, when you send me to Kindergarten! I know more the school than my own house! I'm tired of school! And now why? IT's also supposed that I must go to University! I don't want to! I want to rest in my home! I've never had mother, I've never had father, nor grandmother! I hate the world, the society and the school! Loves doesn't exist!" And do you think she had poor parentage, who must work, so they can't take care of their children? Well, no. This girl parent are immensely rich. Her mother doesn't works. But they've read a lot of books, modern books where the advice was to send children to school in order to "socialize". They did it. Her granny was also a very modern woman who spends all her time with friends, practicing Fens Shui phylosophy, and going to have fun. She "needs to develope herself". Old-fashioned grannies are almost disappeared from our society. Mothers are too modern to take care of their families, grannies too, and fathers has also lost the role who was so important back then.

The case of this girl is not unique in our scholl, nor in others scholls. The Psychologist Table of our neighborhood, where there is a lot of High Schools (exactly 9) is reviewing the situation and noticing that children feels they have no home, and that they felt that their parents discared them into a school, for they were bothering them. WE are fighting with boy and girls who had had no home. Their home was school. When their mother works, she has not time for children; career is most important and children bothers. Feminism notions tells them that maternity was a bourgeois invent to make them slaves. The ones who doesn't work are too busy getting fun. Feminist also convinced them that maternity and home robbed women the right to live for themselves, so they were slaves. They are a bunch of selfish. Fathers has so much work that they can hardly pay attention to their children. When they arrives to home, they only wants to eat, go to sleep or see some good movie at TV.

This is life? Poor little ones...Sometimes, I get mad at them for they are so wild and rebells, so ignorant and defiant, so autodestructive...but then I realize they are not guilty, but they selfish, hard-hearted, "modern" parents and even grandparents are. These poor children had the same right I had of having a loving home, a sweet homely mother, a strong father who has time to play football with them, a granny who cooks cakes and pampers they had had nothing. They were discared as bothering things with the pretext of socializing when they are barely toddlers. How can I be so bad to be angry toward them? I'm not the right...

And if some years later, our beatiful Infanta Leonor becomes wild and bad behaved as those children are, she should not be guilty of it. Poor angel...:neutral:

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