Dutch Summer Photo Sessions 2: 2023 -

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Jan 29, 2005
Its a nice relaxed looking family holiday photo this year, on a breezy day!
A pity they didn’t chose the newly renovated Loo Palace for the photoshoot. The windy beach doesn’t do much. The outfits are rather casual and messy.
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Wow, I never noticed before but Alexia looks a lot like her mother. Also every time I see a family photo I think how short Alexia and Ariana are but I think thats just because of how tall their parents are.
Ariane seems to be taller than Alexia and about the same height as her older sister and mother nowadays. And Alexia has always been the one who most resembles her mother; Amalia and Ariane are more 'Orange' in that sense.

I would have like a slightly different 'look' for our royal family.
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Was Ariane really the only one who didn't get a solo picture with her mother or her father or is that just the misleading impression Getty is giving me?
Amalia says she pictured her first year of study a bit differently. She is grateful for all the support, also from the University who thinks along with her situation. She is also happy with her results. The King praied her grades as well. She will continue the 2nd year in Amsterdam.

She was asked if the threats make it more difficult for her to embrace her future. Amalia said she never thought of it like that. She just takes it day by day. Alexia intervened and says how proud she is of her sister.

Alexia joined her elder sister and parents behind the microphones and chatted with the press. The princess will not start her studies just yet but she will do a gap year. She says she has a lot of plans but nothing is planned yet. The Queen clarified: getting a lot of experiences. A combination of work and getting idea of what she wants to do in the future. Alexia said she had two very eventful years [in Wales] and that it would be good for her to 'return to myself'.

A journalist asked about the jokes at home of the King. Alexia: he laughs the loudest at his own jokes. Amalia: once in a while we laugh along. No, I can assure you that there is a lot of humor in our household and we can all laugh enormously about and with each other. Alexia: my parents of course are usually very busy. But during a day we often find small moments to laugh with each other.

Question to Pss Alexia, if she finds it difficult that she is limited oin the use of social media: I don't feel that I am limited at all. I use social media mostly to stay in tocuh with people, my friends. But not much more. Of course I made a few tiktok clips which were leaked when I was 14 years old. But social media I now use to stay in touch.

How do you feel when images of you are leaked by others? Alexia: I will never know who sends what around. And I don't think it is useful to try to figure that out. It is up to me to be more aware about what I post.... Amalia: 'And who you allow in'... Alexia: Who I let in, and when I post something I need to understand: what will happen when it does become public? It has actually been an enormous lesson.
Amalia adds: I also spoke about it with Claudia de Breij in my [18th birthday] book, that social media has had a big impact on my life, and often not in a positive way. But I think that when you grown you learn how to handle it better. You also learn how not to read it, how not to take it personally. Alexia add: not only for us, but for many people it is good not to take things to personally that are said on social media. It is so easy to say something nasty behind a screen. But as long as you know who you are [...] it matters little what is said on social media.

From the video it appears to me that Amalia is measured and thoughtful in what she says or especially how she says it. She does seem more relaxed in front of the camera than a while ago. Alexia seems more intinuative. Lovely to have the two daughters joining in and they handled the questions and themselves well, which at that age must be difficult. One pet peeve of mine: sun glasses when talking to somebody, as the Queen and the PoO are wearing.
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Absolutely beautiful photos!
Delightful photos. Especially the one with King WA having his arm around the shoulder of Amalia.

I suppose Ariane did not take part in the Q&A because she is not yet eighteen?
Amalia said she never thought that her first university year would be so difficult for her.
Alexia spoke but I understood nothing !
I really feel for Amalia. Poor girl really. Good that her sister jumped in and said that everyone should recognised how well she is handling the entire ordeal.
Alexia comes off so much better in action than in her posed pictures. I really like her. Amalia is an impressive young lady but you sensed she is a little weighed down. I hope she gets a chance to really enjoy this time and be a little free.
Delightful photos. Especially the one with King WA having his arm around the shoulder of Amalia.

I suppose Ariane did not take part in the Q&A because she is not yet eighteen?

Indeed. Alexia only turned 18 4 days ago, so this was her first time participating in an official 'press moment'. Previously, both Alexia and Ariane have answered a question or two for example at King's Day but never in this setting.

Amalia said she never thought that her first university year would be so difficult for her.
Alexia spoke but I understood nothing !

Amalia mainly said that she had pictured it quite differently (indeed not as difficult) - meaning that she had been looking forward to a normal student life as member of a student union; not a student living at home with her parents and limited movement due to security concerns.

Alexia indeed chimed in explaining how Amalia had put on a smile each and every day; and that she was really proud of her for doing so, adding that she couldn't have done that.

Was Ariane really the only one who didn't get a solo picture with her mother or her father or is that just the misleading impression Getty is giving me?

I guess that's misleading. Normally only Amalia gets a picture with her father as his heir. This time, there are also some pictures of Alexia with her mother - but those were made while they were posing as a group and Máxima and Alexia were on one end and Willem-Alexander with Amalia and Ariane on the other end.

There was a picture with Ariane and both her parents; as well as one of Alexia with both parents. I think the one of Alexia hugging her father was taken around that same time.

Of course, this time the photographers focused a bit more on Alexia as she turned 18 this week.
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Amalia said she never thought that her first university year would be so difficult for her.
Alexia spoke but I understood nothing !

Besides great pics,and people,all Princesses are good at handling the press,and their questions...The over 18 I mean.

Alexia seems a natural in off the cuff comments and answers as a natural.Knowing what she says and how,and very supportive to her older sister in trumpetting her in how Amalia handles the present situation,sort of rising above it.Very impressed,and yes,proud too!
Love how Alexia jumped in to support her sister and Amalia responded by touching her arm and smiling. It is so obvious that W-A and Maxima are still very loving and happy together which sets the tone for the three happy, confident young women.:flowers:
Full video of the press meeting (of course in Dutch):

Amalia was also asked about her recent international experience; she explained how it was really helpful to learn how to represent the Netherlands internationally. Especially, the reception at Buckingham Palace was really special for her - mostly because she attended with her grandmother.

Just like Amalia already mentioned in the book, Alexia immediately answered a question about humor that it is her father making most jokes and both daughters confirmed that he himself is the one laughing about them; the rest of the family not as much :)

And I really liked Alexia's response on the question what it was like to be limited in her social media use: she quickly quipped with but I don't feel limited... I mainly use social media to stay in touch with friends and that works well. So, there really isn't a real problem or limitation.

Regarding her choice for university study both Alexia and her parents stressed that it is important for her to follow her own interests and ambitions, because 'the daughters' can only fulfil their positions in the monarchy well if they first get to know themselves really well and develop themselves in a directions that fits them. Willem-Alexander has previously expressed this philosophy multiple times; and I think he is right that you need to be confident in yourself (the Dutch expression used is literally translated 'stand firmly in your shoes') before you can take up such responsibilities.

Alexia also interjected when Amalia was talking about how she was being prepared (after they had already had multiple questions about Alexia's role); explaining that both she and Ariane will be there to support Amalia in her future role 'a long long time in the future') not because they have to but because they want to.

In response to the final question, Alexia rightly refused to say anything about whether the security concerns for her had also changed when Amalia's security situation changed dramatically.

All in all, I was very impressed by her professionalism in this setting. As Amalia already indicated in the book, she is the most 'combative' (willing to start an argument with her father) while Amalia and Ariane are more harmony focused. And while that might be a risk in her role as well, I think, it for now it serves her well that she is a little more outspoken - but also knows very well what she is willing to say and what she is not willing to say (for example what kind of 'interest' she will pursue in the future - she didn't mention anything specific but said that it will among other things depend on her grades that she didn't receive yet).
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A little detail that the royal family conveniently forgot: dogs are not allowed on that part of the beach!
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