A Husband for Juliana

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Feb 20, 2003
United States

by Marengo

"Beggars are no choosers." Dutch Queen Wilhelmina and her husband Hendrik had only one child: Princess Juliana. Because of a change in the constitution of 1922 it was impossible for anybody other than a descendant of Wilhelmina to inherit the Dutch throne. On Juliana alone rested the future of the Dutch monarchy. This all meant that her consort was chosen even more carefully than normally would be the case. In the end, Dutch diplomats looked for seven years but did not find anybody, until a certain Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld introduced himself to the Princess.

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Thank you Marengo. Your essay is a very interesting read.
This was a very interesting article. It's amazing how things have changed as far as marriage goes.
Well the marriage did last 66 years. They did have four very fine daughters and yes there were all kinds of ups and downs. Human beings manage to be interesting in spite of themselves sometimes. jI do not know that the people here did so badly when one considers other marriages (no names please) they did not seem to do so badly at all. A most interesting article. Cheers.
As sgl said, it's amazing how different things are nowadays. When you compare Princess Juliana's experience with that of Crown Princess Victoria in Sweden, it's hard to realise that they're just a couple of generations apart.
I am glad you seem to have enjoyed the article, it is an interesting story IMO, and we owe much to Prof. Fasseur for examening it (and writing it down in his Wilhelmina biographies).

Juliana and Bernhard have led seperate lives from the early 60-ties, Bernhard even had his private secretairy Mme. Cocky Gilles living close by for decades. So I wouldn't say it worked out very well for Juliana personally, though they kept up the show for the Dutch public and I think they had some sort of comradeship in the end.

It is a big difference with these days indeed, the selection process and all that, but this was already pretty relaxed. Wilhelmina always stressed that her daughter should have a large choice and that she should make her own choice too. Previous generations basically had to except what the parents decided or saw their choice limited to who of the two brothers they liked best.
I thoroughly enjoyed this

Marengo, this was a very well written and insightful article, and I enjoyed it immensely.

By page 3, it was reading like a who-done-it spy novel, except the question wasn't "who did it?" but "who did she marry?" Although I knew who the ultimate bridegroom would be, I still found myself reacting with a "Oh, he's a good pick - bet she marries him" only to go on to the next candidate.

(ps I sent you a private email with a small correction. I hope you do not mind.)
Hi Not A Pretender,

I didn't receiveyour correction thus far, not by e-mail or by personal message. So if you on't mind please let me know what it is, so we can correct the article too!
Thanks for your charming article, Marengo. :) It is amusing to have a glance at the way that Queen Juliana had been through to her final husband. However, sometimes, I can't help feeling somewhat sorry that, as you indicated, " "young people require a bit more than just intellect"; they were interested in a woman's appearance rather than her intellect". And I hope the reason Queen Wihlemina took the critics on Prince Bernhard and his family lightly was because "Juliana had found the man she wanted", instead of the crisis of her age.:) But anyway, I'd say Queen Juliana handled her family issues dignifiedly, just like a Queen. :rolleyes:
Marengo, NotAPretender sent me the correction, and I've made the change in the article.
Wonderful article. For some reason I always liked Queen Juliana and I think that we may do a possitive balance when speaking about her marriage.

Congrats for having written a so great article, Marengo. But all of us knows you quite well here, and we know you were able to show your writting skills. You are very gifted to write. :flowers:

I am not sure whether it's fine to post in almost a year-old thread, however I just have to thank Marengo for writing this article.
A very well-researched and written article, full of interesting and new (to me) information.

All the selection process, work behind the scenes, considering all the pros and cons for probably every eligible Prince of the time... That was quite a read! :flowers:
I love dutch history, mainly because Queen Wilhelmina and Juliana. Today I am happy to see how the monarchy it's still popular!
My husband just read this article, and also sends his congratulations on a job well done.
Very nicely written article. Thank you.
i don't think your husband should spank your daughter unless you give him permission to. you gave your baby birth not him. if i were you i would check on your daughter's behavior infront of her dad. you should be the one to give your baby a timeout but not a spanking. by the time the time out is over the baby would be too bored and it would never do whatever you timed out her for.
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