Princess Letizia's Daytime Fashion Part 8: June 2009 - July 2009

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Part 8

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Marmi, GlitteringTiaras, Dazzling, TheTruth
It doesn't excite me so far. She looks so washed out in all that white. It appears to me that it needs some color to liven it up....
It doesn't excite me so far. She looks so washed out in all that white. It appears to me that it needs some color to liven it up....

Quite right, it does look abit boring.
This white dress is very beautiful, Letizia looks very lovely in it. I think it´s quite elegant.
I love her look, finally sleek hair again and a single coloured dress, she looks fresh and elegant.
The white colour becomes Crown Princess Letizia well. An embossed pattern enlivened a bland white dress. However, I think that sleeveless dresses look awkward on her. The bag is all right... Is it Chanel or some interpretation of Chanel by some designer?
I think the white dress is pretty, but I would have loved to see some kind of great necklace with it. Maybe gold?
I really like this white dress. The ruffled details are nice, and the cut of the dress is very elegant. I do believe that her purse is Chanel, but it is difficult to see. This was a very elegant look for Letizia, and I would like to see her wear this again.
I don't like the dress on Letizia, i think it makes her look alot thinner than she is. The belt is too wide, and the dress should have been livened up with some colour. And she needs to do something more with her hair.
love her look, the white dress is simple and chic and the hairdo is fine
What a lovely summer print this would have been in just the hazy flowers, and without the oversized paisleys - which are also placed badly. That's a pity.
The shoes are... brutal.
I like this floral/paisley dress. Letizia is thin enough to pull off the big print. I typically don't care for this style of shoe, but it somehow works with her dress. This outfit looks really nice on Letizia.
I really like the dress. The summery print is lovely.
I don't really like the red shoes and purple clutch together.
Maybe she could have worn her purple sandals with the dress. ... or just a red clutch. ;)
Letizia looked relaxed and really lovely during this event. Love her hair recently.

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The shoes are awful but the dress is beautiful.
This printed dress is beautiful and summery, and the cut is great. It suits Letizia very well. I even like the shoes.
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The style and cut surely looks Varela. The new floral dress is also from Varela IMO. Varela did an excellent cutting this time.

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The cut of the dress is fine, it suits her, but I don´t like the printed. And the shoes don´t match the outfit, IMO. The purple bag is beautiful, but I don´t like it with the red shoes :nonono:
The outfit is quite OK, elegant enough for a bullfight. But I would like to see her shoes...
The white sleevless dress is lovely.The color suits her. I agree with Al bina sleevless dresses look akward on Letizia.They don't suit her.

This last white dress with flowers is also lovely.It looks perfect on her.The shoes are for once nice but I would have prefered another style.

The grey suit seems nice but we don't see it very well
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