"Under the Beam" by Jens Andersen (2018) [Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark]

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Imperial Majesty
Apr 18, 2010
Eastern Jutland
Under bjælken = Under the Beam, written by Jens Andersen.
An in depth portrait book about Crown Prince Frederik, based on interviews with Frederik himself and those near and dear to him.

Some 380 pages.
Published by Gyldendal in 2017.


I've got my copy of the book and flipped through it.
I'll estimate the book consists of 80-85 % interviews (i.e. direct quotes) from Frederik, Mary, his family and inner circle of friends.

In each chapter the author briefly lay out the background of an issue, topic or controversy and then let whomever comment on that. Each chapter ends with a gallery that is relevant for that chapter. I'll say about half the photos, perhaps more are private photos - and as such not published before.

Those interviewed in the book are:
Frederik himself.
Queen Margrethe.
Prince Henrik.
Prince Joachim.
Crown Prince Haakon.
Crown Princess Victoria.
Erik Albæk - who I believe was quite a mentor for Frederik while studying at the university.
Søren Brederik - from the Sirius Patrol and Frogman Corps.
Christian von Buchwald - very close personal friend.
Hamish Campbell - Close personal friend of M&F.
Holger Foss - very close personal friend.
Ulrich Ghisler - ?
Jeppe Handwerk - former frogman and very close personal friend.
Peter Heering - Close childhood friend.
Ellen Hillingsø - close childhood friend.
Carl Erik Kjærsgaard - ?
Amber Petty - Close friend of Mary.
Jane Stephens - sister to Mary.
Per Thornit - former Chief of Court and very much M&F's mentor.
Henrik Tvede - Musician.

The chapters are:
Introduction by the author.
Boy. - Childhood.
Teenager. - High school and conscription, first sweethearts.
Academic. - Higher education.
Frogman. - The decisive character building years in the military.
Conqueror. - Meeting and marrying Mary, travels in Greenland.
Family man. - Father and husband.
Sportsman. - His passion for sports.
King. - His current role and definition of himself as Crown Prince - and perhaps a glimpse of what may come.


My intention is to read the book, then write a review.

Since this book is almost exclusively based on interviews I will to a considerable extent translate entire chapters - and according to the TRF guidelines place these translations outside the TRF.
I will mainly concentrate on Frederik's formative years, i.e. childhood, youth, the Frogman Corps. As well as meeting Mary and him being a husband and father.
I will also look into how he defines his role.

Of course translating 60-70 % of entire chapters will take a long time. Months.
And I won't even start until I get more time on my hands in a couple of weeks.
So patience, please. - A lot of patience, actually!
Also, while I understand the eagerness to share excerpts from what looks to be a very interesting book, please don't be a spoilsport and translate too many excerpts. It's a little bit of a downer for me (and perhaps the reader as well) if I have to translate something that has already been translated - out of context.
It will of course not be practical, nor will I have the time to translate the whole book.
It will be two or three selected chapters followed by summaries and excerpts from the rest.

I also intend to, regardless of whether the book is worth reading or not, to scan the photos used in the book.


Finally, the concept of interviews looks interesting. The author is holding the microphone so to speak and it's up to us to apply the filter. Because such a book will inevitable have a positive angle on Frederik, even if the author raise sometimes controversial issues or topics where Frederik have been criticized or where Frederik himself has been very frank in regards to himself and his shortcomings.

I expect to post next time when I've read the book and then when I've translated the first chapter in about three weeks or so.

- If you will, you could PM me about which chapters your really, badly want me to focus on first. I've been known to be influenced by pressure. ;)?
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That's very noble of you, Muhler! What ever you choose to write/translate... I'm looking forward to it - also to your own opinion!

With that list of close friends and relatives who were interviewed it's clear they were asked by Frederik himself. This is like an authorised biography. Has that happened before for a member of the Danish royal family?
My pleasure. ?

Yes, to some extent, but as far as I know, not on this scale!
Previously a handful of persons have commented on more or less specific topics within a chapter, but here a number of people (including Frederik of course) are specifically interviewed about the general topic in each chapter.

It's basically a written documentary where friends and family of Frederik "speak" about Frederik.
As Hannelore said, whatever info or what you write will be greatly appreciated by all of us here for we are eagerly awaiting your translations of this book. As I for one do not read Danish in any form this is something that will be read and enjoyed and saved. So your still our history professor of all times and we are deeply grateful for what you share with us.?
Translation are greatly appreciated, Muhler! But I would absolutely love to see the photos.
Well, I've read the book.

Let me start by saying: This is not a book for beginners.
If you have just discovered the DRF and in particular M&F, this is not the book you start with. The book simply require an above average knowledge about the DRF, M&F and how they met and in particular Frederik.
The problem with a portrait book of some 350 pages, is that you have to cram a whole life (in this case 49 years) into a few chapters and it's very difficult to that as unbiased as possible, as I believe the author aims to do. - So he clearly assumes the reader has a good knowledge about Frederik and what has happened in his life.

So this is a must-read for those who follow the DRF and in particular M&F very closely and who wish to learn more about them and get in insight into in particular Frederik's mindset but also that of his family and the dynamics - for good or worse - within the family.

It's a worth-read for those who have a more general interest in the DRF, because the book does offer a pretty frank and honest view into the mistakes and good things that was made during his upbringing and it also provides an understanding as to why Frederik is the man he is.

It's a can-read for everybody else.

Okay, what did I learn?
There were quite a few details which only the persons close to Frederik would know, that are revealed.
We get a fairly good idea of how things work in the M&F-family. How they try and bring up their children.
We also get a very good glimpse into how Frederik (of course also his brother) was brought up, with a loving, but very strict and demanding father. With a pretty absent mother, who no doubt loved her sons dearly, but preferred to leave the day-to-day details and upbringing to someone else. - I.e. their nanny, their father and some of those around them.
Something QMII clearly regrets but at the time obviously didn't think about.
The book also emphasize how immensely important Queen Ingrid was to her grandchildren and not least Frederik.

One of the ways to really understanding a person IMO, is to learn how they react to criticism, failures but also advise. Frederik is no exception and you can rest assured I'll deal with that aspect of him!

Indirectly, we also get a good glimpse into his family and friends.

A book like this that consists of quotes from people who like Frederik, either as friends or family - or wife - is inevitably portraying him in a positive light. Yet, the author has managed to shed a light on, shall we say, Frederik's flaws.

We get a much better idea of how Mary's first time in DK was, and how it was for her as an outsider to enter a royal family, which live a very public life, and how they tried to shelter her.

Many of the things we learn about the DRF through this book come indirectly and from reading between the lines. And there is quite a bit to learn. - But that is mainly for those who have a deep interest in the DRF and a considerable knowledge of M&F in particular, otherwise these nuances will be lost to the reader.

- So when I begin to write my summaries I will try as far as a I can only to provide additional background info and answer questions, but otherwise keep back on my personal observations and opinion. I believe it will provide a better picture for the readers here, if others discuss what is said in the translated and summarized material. - The more angles and eyes on the subject, the better IMO.

So to conclude: Is the book worth the money? Yes, if you want to try and really get under the skin of Frederik in particular and the DRF in general.
My money wasn't wasted.


If all goes well I will start on the first chapter next week. And also on the scans of the photos in the book.
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Thank you so very much Muhler for your observation and comments on the *Book* as I call it. Now can you tell me if it is in English and only available in Europe for if it is in English I will find a way to get one for my library. I have been a fan of the DRF for many decades now and followed Mary when she started dating Frederik so this will be a very interesting book for me.

Besides Frederik is one very handsome man, if not the cutest royal man out there IMHO....:lol::flowers:
? You are welcome.

Alas, it will only be in English if enough of you write Gyldendal publishing house and demand the book be in English as well.
Thank you for the info on the Book, guess I won't be getting one now. This brings a question up here...........Europe, now there are dozens of countries and languages, so how does on operate there if there is no universal language so to speak? I don't want everyone to speak the same yet if one book is published in Danish and someone in say Spain wants a copy, they would have to know Danish also..........I find that interesting that there are so many different languages and yet it does not seem to have an effect on the countries....and here in the US, I find some that are born here can't speak English for all they know is *slang* language...try to figure that out on the phone is insane at times....

Sorry about that, well I for one will be glued to your translations of this book and will be saving them in my library here.........and you are very well appreciated for doing this for all of us here.?
? You are welcome.

Alas, it will only be in English if enough of you write Gyldendal publishing house and demand the book be in English as well.

You never know! I think there's enough interest in Mary in non Danish speaking countries to justify an English translation of any book in which she figures prominently.

In the meantime, though, thanks in advance for the summaries!
Well, I have scanned the photos in the book. You can stitch and adjust the contrast to you preferences.

The scans are named after the chapter they belong to and most are pretty self evident or easy to work out from the captions.
For convenience I've decided to comment/explain the photos in alphabetical order, rather than chronological order.

Look here: https://app.box.com/s/4nbc3vnw4zxcn7nowikiexgi292q9g4n
Here we go:

A: At Harvard.
B: Signing in at Aarhus University, living at Marselisborg with Holger Foss, running his first marathon.
C: Painting of Frederik, meeting the lead singer of one of Frederik favorite bands.
D&E: New (used) car in New York with friends.
F: Cruising across USA.
G: Sleeping rough outside Elvis' house in Memphis.

A: The firstborn.
B: Family time.
C: Norway and Marselisborg. Probably a good idea with bars with two lively boys around!
D&E: To children's birthday with among others Ellen Hillingsø. (I-m sure you can recognize her.
F: Riding with the regimental riding instructor (not sure what his title would be in English).
G: Playing and at school at Amalienborg. Notice the gorget in a chain around Frederik's neck, showing that he is the class monitor. - A gorget has since before 1700, been a symbol of authority and it is to this day still used as such. Among other the German Feldpolizei.
H: When it became official that Joachim was to inherit Schackenborg.
I: Meeting Björn Borg.

A: M&F in Australia.
B&C, D&E: In Greenland with Sirius Expedition.
F: Meeting Mary.
G: Marrying Mary.

Family Man.
A: Today.
B: Frederik with his beloved mormor, Ingrid.
C: Great times at Gråsten.
D: "Uncle" Frederik visiting the Buchwalds to see their little Anne.
E: Frederik's firstborn.
F&G: The odd Vogue photo.
H&I: More children.
J&K: Taking Isabella to concert, meeting Lars Ulrik from Metallica, going on stage during a rock concert.

A: In full diving gear.
B: Earning his free-fall jump wings.
C: Give me some PT! - And digging his way under the beam, emerging as a newborn frogman. - That is the final rite of passage for students in the Frogman Corps. (More on that when we get there).
D&E: In a boat.
F: Four new frogs have joined the corps. And a blonde Frederik in Norway. Presumably to better blend in with the locals. As you know all Norwegians are blond. - It says so in their Constitution.
G: Frogman and diplomat in France.

A: Don't look, Polyesco!
B: On the job.
C: The three Scandinavian heirs in Svalbard.
D: The whole Australian branch of the family.
E: Summer at Gråsten.
F: In Greenland with mother. PH has left the theater.
G: The cover of Euroman.
H&I: M&F on top of Amalienborg.

A: Ironman.
B: Member of IOC and meeting and getting seriously grilled by the press.
C: Preparing for an ironman or half an ironman.
D: He used to play tennis, now it seems to be golf.
E,F&G: Sailing.
H: In the mountains.
I: Showing support and inspiring others.

A: Recruit on his first day.
B: Practically twins, first day in high school, in Mongolia.
C: Graduating as high school student and partying!
D: Meeting Whitney Houston.
E: First car, a Volvo and the wreck of the car J&F crashed in in France. A luck no one was killed!
F&G: QMII's 50th birthday.
H: First day as a recruit and in the field as NCO-student.
I: Hunting.

That's it, folks. 69 scans in total.
And I'd like to dedicate these scans to my daughter and delight. Without her loving and caring attention and talkative interest this would have been uploaded yesterday...
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:previous: a BIG thank you Muhler. I enjoyed the pictures and thank you for the captions they helped a lot.

My favorites: Frederik in naval uniform and the guards uniform. :cool:
Plus the photo of him with Josephine is too sweet. I really like the Australian family photo.
Well, I have scanned the photos in the book. You can stitch and adjust the contrast to you preferences.

The scans are named after the chapter they belong to and most are pretty self evident or easy to work out from the captions.
For convenience I've decided to comment/explain the photos in alphabetical order, rather than chronological order.

Look here: https://app.box.com/s/4nbc3vnw4zxcn7nowikiexgi292q9g4n
Here we go:

A: At Harvard.
B: Signing in at Aarhus University, living at Marselisborg with Holger Foss, running his first marathon.
C: Painting of Frederik, meeting the lead singer of one of Frederik favorite bands.
D&E: New (used) car in New York with friends.
F: Cruising across USA.
G: Sleeping rough outside Elvis' house in Memphis.

A: The firstborn.
B: Family time.
C: Norway and Marselisborg. Probably a good idea with bars with two lively boys around!
D&E: To children's birthday with among others Ellen Hillingsø. (I-m sure you can recognize her.
F: Riding with the regimental riding instructor (not sure what his title would be in English).
G: Playing and at school at Amalienborg. Notice the gorget in a chain around Frederik's neck, showing that he is the class monitor. - A gorget has since before 1700, been a symbol of authority and it is to this day still used as such. Among other the German Feldpolizei.
H: When it became official that Joachim was to inherit Schackenborg.
I: Meeting Björn Borg.

A: M&F in Australia.
B&C, D&E: In Greenland with Sirius Expedition.
F: Meeting Mary.
G: Marrying Mary.

Family Man.
A: Today.
B: Frederik with his beloved mormor, Ingrid.
C: Great times at Gråsten.
D: "Uncle" Frederik visiting the Buchwalds to see their little Anne.
E: Frederik's firstborn.
F&G: The odd Vogue photo.
H&I: More children.
J&K: Taking Isabella to concert, meeting Lars Ulrik from Metallica, going on stage during a rock concert.

A: In full diving gear.
B: Earning his free-fall jump wings.
C: Give me some PT! - And digging his way under the beam, emerging as a newborn frogman. - That is the final rite of passage for students in the Frogman Corps. (More on that when we get there).
D&E: In a boat.
F: Four new frogs have joined the corps. And a blonde Frederik in Norway. Presumably to better blend in with the locals. As you know all Norwegians are blond. - It says so in their Constitution.
G: Frogman and diplomat in France.

A: Don't look, Polyesco!
B: On the job.
C: The three Scandinavian heirs in Svalbard.
D: The whole Australian branch of the family.
E: Summer at Gråsten.
F: In Greenland with mother. PH has left the theater.
G: The cover of Euroman.
H&I: M&F on top of Amalienborg.

A: Ironman.
B: Member of IOC and meeting and getting seriously grilled by the press.
C: Preparing for an ironman or half an ironman.
D: He used to play tennis, now it seems to be golf.
E,F&G: Sailing.
H: In the mountains.
I: Showing support and inspiring others.

A: Recruit on his first day.
B: Practically twins, first day in high school, in Mongolia.
C: Graduating as high school student and partying!
D: Meeting Whitney Houston.
E: First car, a Volvo and the wreck of the car J&F crashed in in France. A luck no one was killed!
F&G: QMII's 50th birthday.
H: First day as a recruit and in the field as NCO-student.
I: Hunting.

That's it, folks. 69 scans in total.
And I'd like to dedicate these scans to my daughter and delight. Without her loving and caring attention and talkative interest this would have been uploaded yesterday...

Dear Muhler! Thank you to both you and your daughter for delighting us with these magnificent photos! I understand what a huge task this is for you to share this book with your readers on the Forum and can only add my thanks to those already expressed for the time and effort you invest in sharing the delight this book must inspire! I look forward to any and all things you may have time to share with your devoted readers on this forum! Mange mange tak:flowers:
Thank you for your kind words, Gerry. ?

The first chapter is ready.

But first a few words:
In order to understand Frederik the man, the husband, the father and king-to-be, we must understand what made him so, which is why I will concentrate a lot on his formative years.
So I have decided to start with the first chapter about his childhood.
(The next chapter I will deal with will focus a lot on the thoughts he and Mary had when they met and their relationship became serious.)

I have translated nearly all the quotes in full, the text between the quotes has been summarized by me.
As with all quotes they contain sometimes odd expressions and grammatical errors. They have as far as possible been reproduced as well.
- All other mistakes are mine... ;)

I will not comment on the chapter until much later, I would much rather read your interpretations, which are just as good as anyones.
But if you have questions to the text or translation I will of course answer them, or other Danish readers can answer them for you.

In accordance with the forum rules the summary will not be posted here, but you will get a link to the text instead. As well as a link to the scanned chapter, for verification.
But you can of course post quotes from the text here for discussion or to illustrate a point.

So here is the first chapter, Boy: https://app.box.com/s/4v0tbm6nrqa7qvq04b0xymivblhwo3fy

And the link to the folder: https://app.box.com/s/bi0ufl2jp02vlfzltdd702imy8g7yeeo
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Thanks for your tremendous effort, Muhler, much appreciated for non-danish speakers!
Thank you for your kind words, Gerry. ?

The first chapter is ready.

But first a few words:
In order to understand Frederik the man, the husband, the father and king-to-be, we must understand what made him so, which is why I will concentrate a lot on his formative years.
So I have decided to start with the first chapter about his childhood.
(The next chapter I will deal with will focus a lot on the thoughts he and Mary had when they met and their relationship became serious.)

I have translated nearly all the quotes in full, the text between the quotes has been summarized by me.
As with all quotes they contain sometimes odd expressions and grammatical errors. They have as far as possible been reproduced as well.
- All other mistakes are mine... ;)

I will not comment on the chapter until much later, I would much rather read your interpretations, which are just as good as anyones.
But if you have questions to the text or translation I will of course answer them, or other Danish readers can answer them for you.

In accordance with the forum rules the summary will not be posted here, but you will get a link to the text instead. As well as a link to the scanned chapter, for verification.
But you can of course post quotes from the text here for discussion or to illustrate a point.

So here is the first chapter, Boy: https://app.box.com/s/4v0tbm6nrqa7qvq04b0xymivblhwo3fy

And the link to the folder: https://app.box.com/s/bi0ufl2jp02vlfzltdd702imy8g7yeeo

Read with fascination! The book's author had astonishing access to the DRF in order to produce this work....how did this happen? I am, however, delighted with this portrait of a family that happens to rule Denmark and can't wait to read more! Its a fascinating document of children who grow up in a very structured world but yet long for the freedom to develop their own lives. I like how Frederik explains 'no one told me how to act royally!' Muhler, you are a gem...mange tak and I can't wait to read more:flowers::flowers:
Thank you Muhler, it was a great read. A good insight to his childhood . Hearing from both Henrik and Margrethe, and also Joachim and childhood friends.
They missed their mother in their day to day upbringing but remember their story time with her fondly.
It's also nice to see Frederik reflect on his strict upbringing by his father, but now in his own way installing some of the same principles with his kids.
I liked how he explained that Joachim and him only had a part of their home to live in, put now his kids use up all their home and are not constricted to one area. He truly enjoys being more hands on.

Thank you again.
This looks so interesting. :flowers: I know what my reading will be this evening.
You are beyond *priceless* for doing this translation for us non-speaking Danish people here. I am thrilled to be reading this book and wish there was something I could do in return for you. As always you will be my Danish professor/teacher helping me learn about my one of my favorite places on earth, Denmark. ?:cheers:
You are welcome. ?

I think you are going to enjoy the next chapter - oh, yes! :D
Which I hope I've made more reader-friendly this time.
It should be ready in two days.
mulher - thanks so much for your efforts! it is not everyday that we get a book with such a personal account of a high-ranking royal member so i bet any members here will very much appreciate your efforts! the pictures are a rather delightful way into this - i enjoyed watching these!
The next chapter is ready: Conqueror https://app.box.com/s/eckktttzzodqnukewlg050se37vbpz3p

This time about Frederik going on the Sirius Expedition in Greenland in 2000, and meeting, dating and eventually marrying Mary.

I hope I have made it more reader-friendly this time.

It's a long chapter! So I have summarized a few of the quotes that are not essential. And I have also "cut some corners" in many of the quotes, in order to make them easier to read and understand, while at the same time staying as true as possible to what was actually said, and how.

The scans, for verification, of the chapter will be uploaded in a day or two here: https://app.box.com/s/polat0w30qs9qdm1k46r6fz2ojvxdloi


Thank you, Carlota. ?

I trust you will enjoy this chapter even more.
The next chapter is ready: Conqueror https://app.box.com/s/eckktttzzodqnukewlg050se37vbpz3p

This time about Frederik going on the Sirius Expedition in Greenland in 2000, and meeting, dating and eventually marrying Mary.

I hope I have made it more reader-friendly this time.

It's a long chapter! So I have summarized a few of the quotes that are not essential. And I have also "cut some corners" in many of the quotes, in order to make them easier to read and understand, while at the same time staying as true as possible to what was actually said, and how.

The scans, for verification, of the chapter will be uploaded in a day or two here: https://app.box.com/s/polat0w30qs9qdm1k46r6fz2ojvxdloi


Thank you, Carlota. ?

I trust you will enjoy this chapter even more.

I really enjoyed reading the details of Mary and Frederik's early days Muhler.

Thank you for your work translating this.

The details that have been shared with the general public are very interesting, and it's very generous of the CP Couple to release such information.

Must have been a wonderful trip too, for Mary and her friend Amber to drive through all those countries together, heading from the secret life in Paris to the new life in Copenhagen.

To have that secret week - they must have some memories.

Is the book being serialised in the press? I'm guessing these, and many other hitherto unknown details, must have caught the attention of Denmark.

Appreciate all your efforts on this Muhler.

Seems like a bit of a watershed, that so much is being shared of their private lives and the behind the scenes things. It can only make people feel closer to all those in the book.
Thank you, Sun Lion. ?

No, the book is not serialized.

Over all most here is more or less public knowledge or assumed to have happened roughly this way.
It's the large number of personal details that confirms it and add a lot more details to the picture.
Mary's thoughts, considerations and reservations prior to the engagement are new to the public and have of course been noticed.
The next chapter is ready: Conqueror https://app.box.com/s/eckktttzzodqnukewlg050se37vbpz3p

This time about Frederik going on the Sirius Expedition in Greenland in 2000, and meeting, dating and eventually marrying Mary.


a big thank you, once again Muhler:flowers:
This chapter was great! and we learned so much.

what a journey of discovery for Frederik in Greenland. Life-changing. And we see it today how much Greenland means to him. He grew into the person he is today during this trip no doubt.
And just finishing this he meets Mary. and like Joachim mentions, he was ready for it. Having just completed the Sirius Patrol he was now ready to "conquer" a long distance relationship. A special one that Frederik felt could lead to great things from the start.

To read Mary's concerns, doesn't surprise me. She didn't just drop everything, their relationship grew until they both knew it was time for a big decision. And Frederik kept it close to his heart "They did not know how much Mary meant to me at that time. On the other hand I was not particularly talkative in relation to them, because I thought this was my own business. I wanted to follow my own heart and would not report, let alone be held accountable."

The description of the last goodbye of Queen Ingrid, hearing it from Frederik, Joachim and Queen Margrethe was heartwarming. :flowers:

thanks again!
Mr Muhler, Was the Prince close t the Montpezat family? Did he like his holidays in France? Was he consider as a grand-child , cousin or as a Prince?
:previous: Eeh, I really don't know to be honest.
I guess Frederik is simply Frederik to his French relatives.

Apart from hanging out with his French relatives from time to time when in France, I don't think they are particularly close.

And how fond Frederik is of Chateau Cayx is also difficult to say. I cant really say whether he visits Cayx on occasion because he likes the place, or because it's a convenient place a little out of the way.

It's another matter with Joachim who is a known Francophile and often spends time in France. I imagine he is closer to his French relatives than Frederik, but I honestly don't know.

There is very little info on Frederik and Joachim's relationship with their French relatives.

Thanks, Polyesco. ?
It was a pleasure for me to summarize that chapter.
Thanks for your effort, Muhler. It shows again that if you want to marry into a royal family, you need a lot of determination but also a long breath and patience.
I can easily belive that Mary had her doubts but also knew that she had to deal with all obstacles to make it to the end. She had to take a high risk and won in the end, same applies to most other royal brides, Kate, Meghan, Maxima ... it takes a special breed of woman to see this through.
I agree with you Duke of Marmalade. The common woman would have to think long and hard to even want to live in a royal gold-fish-bowl where every spot of your life is critiqued. You would almost have to squash a part of your own personal views and become a royal of that country and their citizen's expectations which vary from place to place. Takes a very special strong woman, or man.
Great work Muhler :flowers:

And thanks to Frederik & Mary for sharing such honest and personal accounts with us. Not something they had to, but because they are honest and because it gives a very good insight into who they are as persons and what have shaped them.

Thanks to Frederik. For a very honest book. Thank to him for daring with his life challenges, seeing them in eyes, telling out loud about them and doing something about them. It takes a big man to be open about also the difficult things. And that's what makes Frederik so loved and respected. The book gives a very great insight of who Frederik is as a person. He will be a strong and respected king!

And thanks to Mary. For holding on! As Ellen Hillingsøe says. She is that newcoming Crown Princess who was most scared of all that attention. And she was hunted and totally unprepared for that. She just wanted the 'person Frederik', and she obviously did not understand what all that 'Crown Prince' thing meant. She was sent to Paris for her safety - but she must have had many lonely nights there. The thought Mary talks about: "I was like.. are we together Frederik, or what?" hit me. Because as a ordinary private person you very well understand her, right? If one's boyfriend hides you away and hides you in and out of the back doors and not will be seen in the public with you. If you are a ordinary private woman without any knowledge of a Danish Royal House you become damn unsure. And Mary was unsure lots of time we learn. And Frederik did all this in the very very greatest love for Mary. He just wanted to protect her. And he did. And Mary can see that today. And what they both say time after time - also shines out of them - they have found a soulmate.

This book is a great way to warm up to Frederik's coming birthday. I am looking forward to reading it to the end.
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