Princess Máxima Visits Argentina: December 4-7, 2005

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One more picture from yesterday from Prégon


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More pictures from today without watermarks DPA:)


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Princess Maxima said:
She is now really very very popular here in Argentina!!!!!!:D
People now adore her!!..She is the Princess of Argentina also
She's reciving a lot of media attention: she's in all news, magazines and newspapers!!!!!!:) ;) :D
yeah, all here are crazy with maxima (to 2 crowm prince the press invented affairs with argentina's grils)
prncess maxima, you see to maxima said that she don's know what is social's plans? and she work for the people poor?
Thanks for the pics, misshelen..Máxima looked really stunning today
New pictures from today from Colourpress part 1:)


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New pictures from today from Colourpress part 2:)


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Being a really skirts person myself, I really really adore that pink skirt! She looks great and so happy! I'm glad for her that she's in her own, sunny country! Here the weather really is miserable (as usual)... :rolleyes:

Thanks for the pictures, misshelen!
Maxie said:
Being a really skirts person myself, I really really adore that pink skirt! She looks great and so happy! I'm glad for her that she's in her own, sunny country! Here the weather really is miserable (as usual)... :rolleyes:

Thanks for the pictures, misshelen!

Yes, it's a nice skirt. A very summery skirt. a fancy free skirt. Something light. Yes, it's so sunny there. I think most of us in the Northern hemisphere are jealous. :D
Dennism said:
Yes, it's a nice skirt. A very summery skirt. a fancy free skirt. Something light. Yes, it's so sunny there. I think most of us in the Northern hemisphere are jealous. :D

There were really nice days to Máxima..No rain:D
All days are suuny and windy right now here:)
Yah thanks lots for pictures everybody, it has been really nice trip for Princess Maxima, no rain and in really good weather, she has been really happy there, didn't she?See how much people love Princess Maxima! And she has worn quite really lovely outfits on those trips in both Brazil several days ago and Argentina.
In the picture "uo.jpg" Maxima has a weird look on her face...was she bothered or something of the sort??
Is the speech she held at the university available online? I believe the visit has ended now btw and Maxima can enjoy her daughters and parents a bit.

Isn't there a statevisit planned of the Queen to Argentina in 2006, where Maxima and Willem-Alexander will join in again?
Mathilde1286 said:
In the picture "uo.jpg" Maxima has a weird look on her face...was she bothered or something of the sort??

Yes, she looked inside the car and thought "When was the last time somebody cleaned that seat?" :D
2 pictures from yesterday from AFP without watermarks


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i definetely looove that white shirt, doesn't it look really flattering yet simple? she looks so simple, refreshing, spring-like and elegant. the tabled skirt is also beautiful, and a really nice colour to combine with white.
i'm also so glad she changed the t-strap shoes!
The speech of Maxima, from

Toespraak van Prinses Máxima op 6 december 2005

ter gelegenheid van het Planet Finance seminar over microfinanciering, Buenos Aires

Het belang van microfinanciering ter bestrijding van de armoede in de wereld.

Uwe Excellentie, dames en heren – hartelijk dank. Het is voor mij een eer om hier vandaag in mijn oude universiteit, als lid van de Groep van Adviseurs voor het Internationale Jaar van het Microkrediet 2005 tot u te kunnen spreken. Als studente van dit instituut heb ik in deze zaal jarenlang lezingen en conferenties bijgewoond, dus stelt u zich de emotie voor – en waarom ook niet, de nervositeit – die ik vandaag voel terwijl ik hier sta, aan deze kant van het podium.
Men heeft mij uitgenodigd om te spreken over het belang van microfinanciering om de armoede in de wereld te bestrijden. De ervaringen, waarover wij heden ten dage beschikken, tonen duidelijk aan dat microfinanciering een effectief instrument is in de strijd tegen de armoede. In verschillende landen is bewezen dat de toegang tot kleine leningen de mensen in staat stelt hun inkomen te verdubbelen of zelf te verdrievoudigen. En, wat nog belangrijker is, het draagt bij aan de opbouw van de locale economieën vanaf de basis, één van de voorwaarden van duurzame ontwikkeling.
Veel mensen zijn creatief en ondernemend, maar omdat ze arm zijn hebben zij geen toegang tot financiële diensten en kunnen daardoor hun talenten en ondernemerszin niet ontwikkelen. Tot nu toe werd deze bevolkingsgroep als niet interessant beschouwd voor de commerciële banken. Maar het wordt tijd die mentaliteit te veranderen. In verschillende landen is aangetoond dat met de juiste bancaire diensten ook de armen een interessante klantengroep kunnen zijn,. Daarom is het doel van het Jaar van het Microkrediet om inclusieve financiële sectoren op te bouwen.
Na een jaar gewerkt te hebben om de groei van de microfinanciering te bevorderen, kan ik het niet nalaten om te denken aan diegene die tenslotte de hoofdrolspeler is: de persoon die de financiële diensten nodig heeft, dat wil zeggen, de klant, de micro-ondernemer.
Na met veel personen gesproken te hebben die microfinancieringsinstellingen, de meeste met veel succes, gestart zijn, vond ik in alle gevallen een gemeenschappelijke factor: het feit dat zij hun klanten of de behoeften van hun klanten boven alles stellen.
Maar, wat heeft de klant van microfinancieringen werkelijk nodig?
De klant verwacht geen giften, hij wil kansen. Hij weet heel goed wat hij wil en waartoe hij in staat is en waar hij aanleg voor heeft. Door een persoon een lening te verstrekken, stelt men hem in de gelegenheid om een commerciële activiteit te beginnen die hem de mogelijkheid biedt om zijn eigen geld te verdienen zonder afhankelijk te zijn van liefdadigheid.
De klant voor microfinancieringen heeft kleine leningen nodig en is zelfs bereid om daarvoor behoorlijk hoge rentes te betalen. Wat kosten betreft, is het om het even om een krediet van 1000 pesos of één van 100.000 pesos te verstrekken. Zulke kleine leningen te verstrekken aan ver weg wonende klanten brengt hoge kosten met zich mee voor de MFI´s. Kosten die, natuurlijk, aan de klant verrekend worden in de rentetarieven. Daarom hebben de MFI´s een vrije markt op het gebied van rentetarieven nodig om duurzaam te kunnen zijn in hun operaties. Bovendien, wanneer deze MFI´s groeien en rendabele instellingen worden, krijgen zij toegang tot de kapitaalmarkten en zijn dan niet meer afhankelijk van de giften die zij ontvangen. Dit is de enige manier om voldoende fondsen te vinden om te voldoen aan de enorme vraag die er bestaat.
De klant heeft een kredietverlener nodig die naar hem luistert en zijn onderneming begrijpt. Een goede kredietverlener zal hem ook helpen om overeenkomsten en verplichtingen te vermijden waaraan hij met zijn inkomsten niet zou kunnen voldoen. Daarom is het hebben van goede kredietverleners vaak de sleutel tot succes van een goede MFI. Zij bepalen wanneer er een lening verstrekt wordt en de waarde ervan, tenslotte hangt het bedrag van de oninbare schulden van hun beslissingen af. De MFI´s hebben professionele scholing nodig en het bankwezen zou en moet hen daarbij helpen.
De klant gaat niet naar binnen bij een bank op de hoek van Puerto Madero waar hij zich geïntimideerd voelt. Hij wil zich binnen zijn eigen wijk bewegen en met iemand in zijn eigen taal praten. Om contact met de klant te maken, moeten de verleners van dit soort financiële diensten gebruik maken van de technologische voortuitgang, zoals telefoon, post, supermarkten en tankstations om op die manier nieuwe distributiekanalen aan te leggen. Toen wij vorige week in Brazilië waren, zagen wij goede voorbeelden die werkelijk de moeite waard zijn om te analyseren. Om dit te bereiken is het noodzakelijk dat de wetgevende macht flexibel is bij het opstellen van wettelijke kaders voor de commerciële filialen/bijkantoren van een MFI of bank.
Om een lening te verkrijgen, wil en soms kan de klant geen ellenlange formulieren invullen, hetgeen aan de andere kant bovendien veel tijd en geld kost aan de MFI´s. De wetgevende macht zou er over na moeten denken hoe men deze overdracht van informatie kan vereenvoudigen. Elke aanvullende vraag die beantwoord moet worden op een formulier betekent minder tijd om aandacht te besteden aan andere klanten en dientengevolge hogere kosten omgezet in renten voor de klant. En laten wij niet vergeten dat het uiteindelijk de klant is die die extra kosten betaalt. De regering kan een belangrijke rol vervullen om de ontwikkeling van microkredieten te vereenvoudigen door het garanderen van een egalitair werkterrein ter bevording van de concurrentie. Op de lange termijn, verstoren een hoge rentevoet en gesubsidieerde leningen de markt, waardoor de natuurlijke en gezonde ontwikkeling wordt aangetast.
De klant wil ook de mogelijkheid hebben om te kunnen sparen. Misschien wil hij een ziektekostenverzekering voor zijn familie afsluiten of, waarom niet, een levensverzekering voor als hij er niet meer zal zijn. Het zou daarom belangrijk zijn dat de MFI´s in staat zouden zijn om deze producten aan te kunnen bieden. In Zuid-Afrika heb ik een mevrouw leren kennen die spaarde om een kamer bij te kunnen bouwen aan haar eenkamerwoninkje. Iedere keer dat haar zoon haar geld toestuurde vanuit Engeland, kocht zij bouwstenen en zakken cement die zij naast het huisje bewaarde totdat zij voldoende materiaal zou hebben om met de bouw te kunnen beginnen. Maar, bij elke regenbui werd een groot gedeelte van het materiaal beschadigd of ging verloren. Stelt u zich eens voor hoe anders de situatie zou zijn als een financiële instelling haar een rekening voor haar spaargeld aan zou bieden of, nog beter, haar een lening zou verstrekken om direct met de bouw van die kamer te kunnen beginnen.
Met deze woorden heb ik in het kort duidelijk willen maken wat de bedoeling van onze reis naar Argentinië is: het bevorderen van de groei van microfinancieringen helpt zonder twijfel mee aan het bestrijden van de armoede in een land. Laten wij niet vergeten dat de toegang tot financiële diensten deel uitmaakt van de voor de ontwikkeling van een land noodzakelijke infrastructuur, even goed als wegenaanleg en electriciteit.
Ik zou graag willen eindigen met een verhaal dat duidelijk maakt dat microfinancieringen niet alleen een economisch maar ook een sociaal doel hebben. Tijdens een gesprek met de oprichter van de K-Rep Bank, een succesvolle MFI in Kenia, vroegen wij hem naar het belang van de microfinancieringen in zijn land en hij zei hierop het volgende: ”Kijk, als men geld aan iemand leent, dan laat men zien dat men vertrouwen in hem heeft. Als de persoon het geld terugbetaalt, is hij trots omdat hij het vertrouwen dat men in hem stelde niet beschaamd heeft. En het feit dat hij zijn schuld heeft kunnen afbetalen, geeft hem tegelijkertijd onafhankelijkheid. En, weet u? Vertrouwen, trots en onafhankelijkheid zijn drie dingen die wij gedurende veel te lange tijd niet hebben gehad in dit land.”
Hartelijk dank voor uw aandacht.
Maxima during her visit to Montegrande , a suburb of the Argentinian capital Buenos Aires , on Tuesday , 06 December 2005. Pictures without watermarks DPA:)


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she looks fantastic during this trip.
looking young & glowing as ever...

i know the official visit is over, but when will WA come to argentina? (sorry if i missed this answer if it's mentioned earlier) and will we see pictures of Amalia & Alexia here?
i'm so sad its over:( I'm sure the people of argentina are too,.

she looked great in this outfit. its very beautiful. i love the crisp white blouse. i'm so glad she's favoring combos of pink and pink these days. it suits her very well as I'm sure she knows.
Her Visit to Jujuy and Buenos Aires

Hi, thank you so much to everyone for the pictures!!! :)

Here are my translations of several articular I originally posted at the Princess Maxima of the Netherlands Messageboard

Link to the original article, In Spanish:

Maxima, between smiles and popular warmth

As UN adviser she only spent 24 hours in Jujuy and flew to Buenos Aires.

Yesterday, she finished her visit after sharing the knowledge of what microcredits make people accomplish with bankers and journalists.

She arrived at Buenos Aires in the evening, where she will stay til tomorrow as United Nations representative. She did not make promises, just presented the proposal to create a communication channel to make people know this system, that it starting to spread in Argentina, and remarked how these economic tools must be made easily accesible since they are an excellent way to fight poverty in the world.

The princess also believes beneficiaries of these credits must return those loans in order to create an auto-sustentable mechanism.

In accodance with La Nacion sources, during the lunch he shared with Princess Maxima yesterday, governor Eduardo Fellner, made clear the need to prevent official policies to block or interfere with these projects since statal subsidies nowadays are given but they must not be returned.


Princess Maxima visit to Jujuy and Buenos Aires

Link to original article, in Spanish:

Maxima Zorreguieta - who came to the country without her husband, prince Willem-Alexander, and her daughters, Amalia and Alexia- had a complete work agenda. She wore a light "animal print" design skirt-, a sand coloured jackect and low sandals (the type known here as Chinese heel sandals). After a extremely hot morning, she changed her outfit and wore a terra cotta suit.

In Perico -30m km south of San Salvador de Jujuy, she met the representatives of the Women World Bank. This is a private organization here, with 1800 clients who have access to $ 300/$ 700 credits; these amount can be returned in daily/weekly/monthly instalments, with a 5/9% interest rate in accordance with each case.

Maxima visited a broom factory, a crisps factory and a local street market. Despite the terrible hot weather she visited several stalls asking the stallkeepers questions and sharing comments and smiles with them and their customers, which provoked a gathering of people which was difficult to control by local and Netherland security agents.

In San Salvador de Jujuy, Maxima met with more employees and directors of the BMM (Women World Bank). She also gave several speeches about microcredits in Spanish, English and Dutch.

In her visit to Jujuy, the future queen of The Netherlands received warm applauses, welcome greetings, craftmanship gifts, Andean crisps, a minibroom ("for my daughter Amalia ", she said), and even face picketers demonstrations. When a TV reporter asked her opinion regarding the extra 40 km her group had to made to avoid the picketers on the route, she gave a very diplomatic answer: "You can always know more (of the province landscapes)" and smiled.

The girl that become a little nightmare to security agents
She just wanted to see the princess

A little girl, not older than 7, gave a "little" headache to local and The Netherlands security agents yesterday, who were in charge of the Airport security measures at Jujuy International Airport, due to the arrival of princess Maxima, wife of the Dutch Prince Willem-Alexander of Orange. The airport is located 40 km south of the provincial capital city.

The plane that transported Maxima and her group arrived at 16,50, since she was expected at Maimará, where women beneficiary of the microcredits were waiting for her in a festive gathering.

As soon as the princess started to get out of the plane, the little girl was able to skip the heavy security measures, shocking the bi-national security agents, specifically the local ones, in charge of Jujuy Head Superintendent, Néstor Caffagi; she only wanted to see the princess.

The little one's dream became real when she "froze" steps from the princess, to whom she kept staring in amazement.

The princess, who wore a light yellow shirt and a cinnamon coffee coloured trousers, little make up and wavy blonde hair, approached the little girl and kissed her, a spontaneous gesture that won her the warmth applause of the people that were at the airport waiting for her, and left to visit Maimara.

There she answer a few questions to the press, and answer La Gaceta reporter that the kind of microcredits now availabley in Juluy and in Capital Federal (city of Buenos Aires) are soon going to be available to people all over the country.

Princess Maxima visit to Jujuy and Buenos Aires

Link to original article, in Spanish:

Maxima Zorreguieta emphasized how important it is for small entrepreneurs to be able to access microcredits.

The princess of The Netherlands, Maxima Zorreguieta, finished yesterday her visit to the province, and answered a few questions to "Jujuy al dia" reporter, remarking the benefits micro-credits generate -new jobs and income- praised the beautiful landscapes of Jujuy and regreted not having enough time to visit more places.

Maxima arrived at Perico at around a 9:30 in the morning, met the Women World Bank authorities as United Nations adviser in the international year of micro credit, and 40 minutes later, the princess started visiting several small businesses that were possible due to the BMM (WWB) loans: she visited a broom factory in La Paz district, where several students greeted her carrying the Institution banner and singing; then she went to the Crisps Factory "Camila" and finally she visited two stalls at the local market of Perico, where clothes and fashion accesories can be bought.

During her visits, Maxima asked the beneficiaries about how they use the money, asked several questions about the growth possiblities those credits opened, if the incipient business are sustainable, what the profits were, and if the interest rate were coherent with the business situation.

The princess, who made people remeber she has a degree in economy, remarked how important it is for people to get access to this kind of credits, that must be easy to pay back, since they will generate jobs and income to the beneficiary families and (the princess) showed interest in knowing how much growth these little business will develop.

With regards of the shortness of her visit, she praised the province landscapes and regretted she could not visit more due to her work agenda but highlighted the affection the people of Jujuy showed her although she did not like the extreme hot during midday.

At the end of her visit, Perico's Mayor gave her a present and she had a longer trip to the airport, since the royal group had to avoid the pricketers block on the main route, and use a local soil pathway, through different farms till the town of Mendieta, where they were able to use the main route to the capital again.

There she met with the BMM authorites and the Province governor gave a dinner in her honor at Altos de la Viña Hotel.
Princess Maxima visit to Jujuy and Buenos Aires

Link to original article:

Among protocol and smiles, Maxima spoke about credits

She gave a speech at the UCA (Argentine Catholic University) to bankers and industrialists.

True to her style, she arrived with smiling elegance, but once she started giving her speech, the princess of The Netherlands was not able to hide it was the first one she gave in Argentina, in front of an audience of bankers, industrialists and microcredits intitutions managers of the country.

On the third day of her visit to the country, Maxima went to Argentine Catholic University on 1400 Alicia Moreau de Justo Ave., in her role as adviser of the United Nations, to give a disertation on how to finance small businesses.

Unlike the usual warm and spontaneous behaviour that she shows in every public appearence, Prince William of Orange's wife was nervous and she did not add anything to her 3 pages speech, that she gave in front of Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat -among other personalities- who was seated on the first row.

"A lot of creative and capable people could set off a little business but since they are poor, they do not have access to financial services, which leaves them unable to show their abilities and business spirit", said Maxima, who tried to control her hairdo during the whole speech, unsuccesfully.

Former Argentine Central Bank president, Alfonso Prat-Gray, stayed next to the princess during her visit to the university. Maxima got her degree in Economy in there.

On another part of her disertation, she said that a microcredit beneficiary "does not want a gift but opportunities" and she plead for that credits to be "free of interest rates".

Maxima's outfit had a main place among the conversations of those who came across the royal guest. She wore a greyish suit, a gold pair of earrings and a brooch, completed with a grey bag and grey high heel shoes.

As adviser of the UN, she later went to the Telefonica Foundation in a car, eventhough the building in a few meters away from the University. There she was received by the members of the Argentine microcredit network. She greeted them all and posed for several pictures. "I'm the tallest one, so please some of you come to the front so I won't cover you on the picture" she said to a group of women that surrounded her. Later, she have lunch with the network representatives. The menu: Malbec veal, crusty vegetables and Castilian tortilla. As dessert, Maxima got "orange, rosemary and honey symphony ", and chocolates.

Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat is one of the richest (if not the richest) women in the country and the owner of one of the most important company holdings in the country.

Alfonso Prat-Gray was also one of princess Maxima's professor during her time as studuent at UCA

Here, Prince Willem-Alexander is called Principe Guillermo (Prince William) like The Netherlands is always referred as Holanda, like in every Spanish speaking country.
Marengo said:
The speech of Maxima, from
translation in english :

Speech of Princess Máxima on 6 December 2005
to occasion of the Planet Finance seminar over micro financing, Buenos Aires

The interest of micro financing to fight of the poverty in the world.

Your Excellency, ladies and pin – warm thanks. It is for me a before here today in my old university, as member of the Group of Counsellors for the International Year of the micro credit 2005 till you can speak. As a student of this institute, I attended in this hall many years' lectures and conferences, consequently you do not put feel stand self the emotion for – and why also, the nervousness – that I I here today meanwhile, at this side of the stage. One has invited to fight me to speak over the interest of micro financing the poverty in the world. The experiences, about which we at present to day see to, show clear at that micro financing an effective instrument is in the fight against the poverty. In different countries has been proved that the entry till small loans the men in state puts their income to double or self to triple. And, what yet more important is, it carries by at the structure of the locale economies from the basis, one of the conditions of permanent development. Many men are creative and undertaking, but because they arm are have they no entry till financial services and can through that their talents and ondernemerszin do not develop. Until now that closed became this community as not interesting considered for the commercial banks. But it becomes time that mentalities to change. In different countries has been demonstrated that with the right bancaire services also the arms an interesting customers group can be. Therefore the target of the Year of the micro credit inclusieve is to be built financial sectors on. After a year worked to have the growth of the micro financing to promote, can I it do not leave to think of the one who ultimately the male lead is: the person that the financial services necessarily has, that want to say, the customer, the micro-entrepreneur. After with many persons spoken to have, that micro financings institutions, most with many success, started are, found I in all cases a common factor: the fact that they their customers or the needs of their customers above everything put. Does only, what the customer of micro financier have really necessarily? The customer expects want no gifts, he chances. He know whole good what he want and for which he in state is and for which he construction has. Through a person a loan to provide, puts one him in the occasion a commercial activity to begin that him the possibility offers its own money to earn without dependent to be of benevolence. The customer for micro financier has small loans necessary and is to be paid even ready for that properly high interests. What expenses concerned, is the it just a credit of 1000 pesos or one by 100,000 pesos to provide. Such small loans at far away living customers high expenses brings to provide with self with for the MFI´s. Expenses that become, natural, at the customer verrekend in the interest rates. Therefore the MFI´s have want to be a to can market on the territory of interest rates necessarily permanently in their operations. Moreover, when this MFI´s grow and profitable institutions become, they get entry till the kapitaal markets and are then no longer dependent on the gifts that they receive. This is the only manner sufficient funds to find to satisfy at the enormous question that there exists.

The customer has listens a kredietverlener necessarily that to him and understands its enterprise. A good kredietverlener will him also help agreements and obligations to avoid at which he with its earnings would not be able to satisfy. Therefore is the have of good kredietverleners often the key till success of a good MFI. She fixed provides becomes when off a loan and hangs the dear of it, ultimately the sum of the oninbare debts of their decisions. The MFI´s have professional education necessary and the banking will and must help them near it. The customer goes not to within by a bank on the corner of Puerto Madero which he self intimidated feels. He want to move self within its own district and talk with someone in its own language. Contact with the customer to make, must the verleners of this kind of financial services want to make of the technological furrow spout course, as telephones, post, supermarkets and tank stations that way new distribution channels on to lay. When we last week in Brasil were, saw we good examples that really the troubles landlord be to analyze. This to reach is the necessarily that the legislative power flexible is by the setting up of legal frames for the commercial branches/bijkantoren of a MFI or bank. A loan to obtain, will and sometimes can the customer no ellenlange forms fill in, what at the others side moreover a lot of time and money costs at the MFI´s. De legislative power will there over after must think how one this transfer of information can simplify. Each supplementary question that met must become on a form means less time attention to spend other customers and consequently higher expenses omgezet in interests for the customer. And let we do not forget that it finally the customer am that that extra expenses pays. The government can fulfill an important role to simplify the development of micro credits through the guaranteeing of an egalitair work area to bevording of the competition. On the long term, a high interest foot disturb and gesubsidieerde loans the market through which the natural and healthy developments affected becomes. The customer want to have can save also the possibility. Perhaps he want to close an illness expense insurance for its family or, about which, a life insurance are not will for as he it no longer. It will about that considerably be that the MFI´s in state would be these products at can offer. In South-africa have I a lady learn know that saved a room there can build at her eenkamerwoninkje.,. Each turn that her son her money sent from England, bought they building stones and fall cement that they next to the house kept until they sufficient material would have with the building can begin. Only, by each shower, a large part of the material was damaged or went lost. Put you self once for how otherwise the situation would be as a financial institution her a bill for her savings at would offer or, yet better, her a loan would provide direct with the building of that room can begin. With these words have I in it shorten clear want to make, what the intention of our trip to Argentina is: the promoting of the growth of micro financier helps without doubt with fighting of the poverty in a country.,. Let we do not forget that the entry till financial services part constitutes of the furrow the development of a country necessary infrastructure, just well as road construction and electriciteit. I will eager want to end with a story that clear makes that micro financier not only an economic only also a social want to have. During a conversation with the founder of the K-Mention Bank, a successful MFI in Kenya, asked we him to the interest of the micro financier in its country and he said then the following: ”View, if one count at someone lends, then let one see that one trust in him has. If the person the money refunds, is he in spite of because he the trusting that one in him put not shamed has. And the fact that he are debt has can pay off, gives him at the same time independence. Do you and, know? Trust, in spite of and independence its three things that we during much too long time had not in this land.” Warm thanks for your attention.
Does she give the speech in Spanish, English or Dutch?
Princess Maxima visit to Jujuy and Buenos Aires

Videos: In Spanish

Finally, Princess Maxima has always been popular here in Argentina.

But she was/is not always as popular neither with some politicians and part of the media (do not include La Nacion -I do recall the great coverage they made of her wedding or Caras, which always have The Netherlands Royal Family on its pages, Maxima's family in particular, and other magazines/newspaper who were always respectful with them:) ).
Silvermj said:
Videos: In Spanish

Finally, Princess Maxima has always been popular here in Argentina.

But she was/is not always as popular neither with some politicians and part of the media (do not include La Nacion -I do recall the great coverage they made of her wedding or Caras, which always have The Netherlands Royal Family on its pages, Maxima's family in particular, and other magazines/newspaper who were always respectful with them:) ).

awesome videos! thanks for posting. I'm glad her visit is getting plenty of coverage.


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