Crown Princess Mary at the World Economic Forum in Davos: January 20-24, 2013

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Former Moderator
Jul 18, 2004
HRH Crown Princess participates as a Young Global Leader of YGL Private Programme and the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos-Klosters, 20 - 24 January.
Ugh. Not trying to be ugly here, but imho Mary just doesn't have the gravitas
Ugh. Not trying to be ugly here, but imho Mary just doesn't have the gravitas
Perhaps this is just the point! Danish members may wish to comment (cue Muhler!:flowers:), but it seems to me that the Young Global Leaders forum at the WEF is just the venue for the Crown Princess to become less of a fashion icon and gain more intellectual weight and policy substance on an international stage. Fluff and feathers are all very nice, but have no great world changing effect. The larger questions that the Crown Princess has embraced such as bullying, social isolation and maternal health all can help make our global village a happier one, so that I for one wish the Crown Princess the best of luck at Davos:cool:!
Right you are, Duke of Marmalade. Crown Princess Mary is no better or worse than the other Davos Forum attendees.
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Ugh. Not trying to be ugly here, but imho Mary just doesn't have the gravitas
The Forum of Young Global Leaders:
"Young Global Leaders represent the future of leadership, coming from all regions of the world and representing business, government, civil society, arts & culture, academia and media, as well as social entrepreneurs"

Sounds very much like The Mary Foundation to me...
I have to agree with everything that Gerry said. And I would rather have any of our Crown Princesses doing these things than any number of Angelina Jolie types.
IMHO I think that it is Mary in her capacity as Crown Princess and head of the Mary Foundation. She has shown a willingness to get involved with issues in Africa and closer to home in Denmark and to turn down an opportunity such as this would have been a waste and disservice to those she represents.
Somehow, I doubt Mary's "gravitas" would be debated if she were a man. The idea that because a woman is pretty and glamorous she must not be smart or serious is very sexist.

Let's not forget that prior to her marriage Mary studied commerce and law and that she even went to graduate school. This is not a dumb woman.
well said HRH Hermione! I agree with your post and all the others. I am dying to hear a definition of gravitas and who has it as opposed to Mary. Do we have a new troll in the Danish thread ? :)
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I had to look it up; gravitas meaning-
serious or dignified demeanor
seriousness, solemnity, or importance
Substance; weightiness
I am all ears to hear why you may believe Mary doesn't have enough Gravitas, especially as she has in the past tackled weighty important issues with all seriousness.
IMHO I think that it is Mary in her capacity as Crown Princess and head of the Mary Foundation. She has shown a willingness to get involved with issues in Africa and closer to home in Denmark and to turn down an opportunity such as this would have been a waste and disservice to those she represents.

exactly. :flowers:
and like another poster said "the Crown Princess has embraced such as bullying, social isolation and maternal health".

i think this is great and def. an opportunity to grow, learn and make a difference
Somehow, I doubt Mary's "gravitas" would be debated if she were a man. The idea that because a woman is pretty and glamorous she must not be smart or serious is very sexist.

Let's not forget that prior to her marriage Mary studied commerce and law and that she even went to graduate school. This is not a dumb woman.

Mary went to graduate school?
miche said:
Mary went to graduate school?

Yes, some extra work to get her certificate in marketing so she could specialize.
Let's not forget that prior to her marriage Mary studied commerce and law and that she even went to graduate school. This is not a dumb woman.
And not especially intelligent either, IMO. I think her capacity is quite average, as is Mette Marit´s, or Angelina Jolie´s, to be honest. None of them has a previous preparation that justifies this kind of distinction. I don´t know very much about Maxima career before getting married, but a first sight she would look as the only one of the current CP´s that has a previous adequate background, and still I don´t think they have chosen her for her career.

It´s pretty obvious to me that Mary and Mette Marit wouldn´t have that position if they weren´t princesses. I don´t think they aren´t intelligent, but the world is full of more intelligent women who aren´t part of this WEF.

I think it´s good for Denmark that she´s going to there and I don´t find it surprising, but I understand the point of view of those who says she isnt accomplished enough :whistling:
But if this forum had only accomplished enough members, we would never hear of it.
And not especially intelligent either, IMO. I think her capacity is quite average, as is Mette Marit´s, or Angelina Jolie´s, to be honest. None of them has a previous preparation that justifies this kind of distinction. I don´t know very much about Maxima career before getting married, but a first sight she would look as the only one of the current CP´s that has a previous adequate background, and still I don´t think they have chosen her for her career.

This is good for the WEF most importantly, I disagree entirely with people who says Mary isn't intelligent. To have the career in finance and sales that she did, takes some doing.

Angelina Jolie has no 'background' for the work she does other than the fact she's popular. She brings attention to worthwhile causes and situations throughout the world, using her fame for good. What's wrong with a Princess doing the same, a Princess who actually has background and experience in the area so she can contribute to discussion which could change things.

Maxima studied at Northlands School in Argentina and worked as an investment banker before graduating with a degree in Economics from the Universidad Católica Argentina in 1995. She subsequently worked for large international finance companies in Argentina, New York and Europe. Looks pretty much the same background as Mary's.
ANNIE_S said:
And not especially intelligent either, IMO. I think her capacity is quite average, as is Mette Marit´s, or Angelina Jolie´s, to be honest. None of them has a previous preparation that justifies this kind of distinction. I don´t know very much about Maxima career before getting married, but a first sight she would look as the only one of the current CP´s that has a previous adequate background, and still I don´t think they have chosen her for her career.

It´s pretty obvious to me that Mary and Mette Marit wouldn´t have that position if they weren´t princesses. I don´t think they aren´t intelligent, but the world is full of more intelligent women who aren´t part of this WEF.

I think it´s good for Denmark that she´s going to there and I don´t find it surprising, but I understand the point of view of those who says she isnt accomplished enough :whistling:
But if this forum had only accomplished enough members, we would never hear of it.

I'm not sure what you base your opinion that she is not especially intelligent on. She studied difficult subjects and had her own career in marketing and sales which it appears she achieved on her own. She also learned Danish incredibly well and quickly and has never put a foot wrong which means she has some instinct for PR as well.
Maxima studied at Northlands School in Argentina and worked as an investment banker before graduating with a degree in Economics from the Universidad Católica Argentina in 1995. She subsequently worked for large international finance companies in Argentina, New York and Europe. Looks pretty much the same background as Mary's.

It can be. As I said, I don´t know very much about Maxima´s career.
But for me, at first sight her work for large international companies at NY and Europe seems a little more impresive that Mary´s jobs.

And I keep my opinion. I do think they are intelligent, I didn´t say the contrary. But the reasons for they being at WEF are that they´re princesses, her respective backgrounds wouldn´t be enough if they weren´t.
My impression is there are A LOT of people at Davos who wouldn't be there if participation was based only on gravitas. The Young Global Leaders subset, especially, seems to attach significant weight to factors other than personal accomplishment - factors like wealth, social standing, connections, etc.

If Mary Donaldson from Australia had worked equally hard on the same issues Crown Princess Mary of Denmark has spent time on for the last several years would she be invited to Davos? Probably not. That's not necessarily a bad thing, IMO; some people are leaders because of their knowledge and experience, some because of their wealth, some, (like Mary and other royals), because of their social position. Is it entirely fair that Mary has access to power and leadership opportunities just because of the family she married into? No, no more than it's fair that her husband has access to the same things because of a random accident of birth. But I can't imagine making it past childhood expecting life to be fair, and IMO, if a person is in a position where they've been handed opportunities to make a difference in the world they have a responsibility to take advantage of those opportunities.
I'm not sure what you base your opinion that she is not especially intelligent on. She studied difficult subjects and had her own career in marketing and sales which it appears she achieved on her own. She also learned Danish incredibly well and quickly and has never put a foot wrong which means she has some instinct for PR as well.
"Not especially intelligent for that position" maybe were the words I should have used. I don´t doubt the difficulty of her career nor her capacities.
But as I said before, the world is plenty of Law, Marketing and similar´s graduates, and not many of them work for this organitation.

I repeat: I don´t see anything wrong with her going to this forum, I think it´s ok and a good promotion for Denmark. But I can´t see the amazing preparation and intelligency that according to some make her so appropiate for the position, other thatn her CP´s title.
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Would Mary Donaldson's words carry much weight should she go to Davos as a commoner? No.
Nor would Maxima or Mette Marit, had they still been commoners.

However, in order to accomplish anything, to get some influence and to get the message across you have to have something between the ears. That is a necessity - or you might just as well take a nap in the corner. And worse; you'll do more damage than good.

Mary, Maxima and Mette-Marit are in the interesting position that they are personal friends and that they can co-operate and complement each other. They are a good team and it's pretty rare that royals team up.
I think that's the light in which we should view this.
A royal carry extra weight simply because of his/her position and connections and especially in regards to getting attention. - Never discount the glamour factor.
Three royals ganging up carry a lot of weight! One Crown Princess can be pushed aside, three Crown Princesses is a little bit harder to pull around by the nose.

And anything is better than nothing. I can't say how much difference Mary (or Maxima and Mette-Marit) will make in this respect but at least they are doing something, they are trying to make a difference. That alone I think is commendable.
They could have chosen to involve themselves in less complicated and potentially political hot subjects - they don't.

Finally, I have full confidence in Mary's abillities and intelligence. Not because I personally respect her very much, but because the Danish Foreign Ministry would have advised (read: stopped) her against getting involved in this, had they not believed she has enough gravitas.
I personally think Catherine, Mary, Mette Marit, Letizia, Victoria and Maxima have the strength, brains and influence to help change their communities, country and even the world.

I would love to see these women get together and work on projects.
I personally think Catherine, Mary, Mette Marit, Letizia, Victoria and Maxima have the strength, brains and influence to help change their communities, country and even the world.

I would love to see these women get together and work on projects.
What kind of influence do the aforementioned royal ladies have? They are expected to fulfill their responsibilities in accordance with the limits set by their countries' governments. As for changing the world, it is better to let well enough alone.
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Well said Muhler, I agree. I believe if you have the ability to do something; anything (whether you're an average person, a crown princess or king or queen) about the state of the world, you should. It is never wrong to try IMO. In fact, I fault those who sit around and expect others to do all the caring about those less fortunate.
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It´s pretty obvious to me that Mary and Mette Marit wouldn´t have that position if they weren´t princesses.

Isn't that something you could say about everybody?

I'm sure Angelina Jolie wouldn't have that position if she wasn't an actress, and so on.

It seems to me that Mary is there as the founder of the Mary Foundation (and of course because she's an attractive, sensible figurehead and all that).

And by the way - I think the Danish Royals should keem their noses out of those forums. Nothing but trouble can come of it.
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