Crown Princely Family Visit to the Faeroe Islands: August 23-26, 2018

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Imperial Majesty
Apr 18, 2010
Eastern Jutland
We can look forward to next year:

M&F and their children will visit the Faeroe Islands next August aboard Dannebrog.
The visit will take place 23-26th August. - That means the children will take a few days off from school.

It's been 14 years since M&F were last on the islands.
This is an official visit, so lots of events coming up.

- I think that's a good indication that M&F will cruise DK aboard Dannebrog for the first leg of the summer cruises. As you know they are usually split up into two cruises.
My prediction says:
Lots of celebrations all over DK from May well into June of Frederik.
A cruise aboard Dannebrog in late July.
Then arriving on Dannebrog for the holiday at Gråsten.
Back to Copenhagen and the start of the new school year in August. - Giving the children time to find their feet before going to the Faeroe Islands.
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We can look forward to next year:

M&F and their children will visit the Faeroe Islands next August aboard Dannebrog.
The visit will take place 23-26th August. - That means the children will take a few days off from school.

It's been 14 years since M&F were last on the islands.
This is an official visit, so lots of events coming up.

Kronprinsparret besøger Færøerne | Kongehuset

- I think that's a good indication that M&F will cruise DK aboard Dannebrog for the first leg of the summer cruises. As you know they are usually split up into two cruises.
My prediction says:
Lots of celebrations all over DK from May well into June of Frederik.
A cruise aboard Dannebrog in late July.
Then arriving on Dannebrog for the holiday at Gråsten.
Back to Copenhagen and the start of the new school year in August. - Giving the children time to find their feet before going to the Faeroe Islands.
There were usually 2 cruises for the Regent Couple, not for the CP Couple, they only did 2 cruises in 2004 (Greenland + Denmark)
I thought there would be a cruise next year in connection with Frederik's birthday instead of this year (since 2008 they have done a cruise every third year: 2011 DK, 2014 Greenland). Though there was one this year but an unofficial one.

M&F visited the Faeroe Islands in 2005, so next year it will be 13 years since their last visit. For the children it will be the first time. I think they will look super-cute in traditional costumes and I hope they will have better weather than M&F had in 2005.
We can look forward to next year:

M&F and their children will visit the Faeroe Islands next August aboard Dannebrog.
The visit will take place 23-26th August. - That means the children will take a few days off from school.

It's been 14 years since M&F were last on the islands.
This is an official visit, so lots of events coming up.

Kronprinsparret besøger Færøerne | Kongehuset

- I think that's a good indication that M&F will cruise DK aboard Dannebrog for the first leg of the summer cruises. As you know they are usually split up into two cruises.
My prediction says:
Lots of celebrations all over DK from May well into June of Frederik.
A cruise aboard Dannebrog in late July.
Then arriving on Dannebrog for the holiday at Gråsten.
Back to Copenhagen and the start of the new school year in August. - Giving the children time to find their feet before going to the Faeroe Islands.

This is super exciting! Im glad they are going to the Faeroe Islands, Its been a long time coming. The kids are older so Im sure they will enjoy it.

Tweet from the government of the Faeroe Islands
I LOVE Greenland national costumes, but the ones from Faeroe Islands are nice as well. Love the dresses' upper part. Can't wait to see them all dressed up.
I'm looking forward to this, I really enjoyed seeing photos and videos from the last CP visit to Greenland so I'm sure their visit to the Faeroe Islands will be just as exciting. And the Faeroe Islands look beautiful, too.
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I'm so much looking forward to the wonderful scenery!

I heard on the radio this week that there's actually a shortage of women on the Faroe islands, with female students leaving for Denmark to get their college education and not returning afterwards...

Here's looking back at Mary & Frederik's visit which is a shamefully long time ago.

Mary from the start: Faroe
I've had a closer look at the schedule.

M&F are pretty much going to say hello to every single islander as well as most of the sheep on the islands as well!
That is one extensive tour! - And they are going to do a lot of smiling and waving - all day!
They simply won't be able to get the corners of their mouths down until around 2 at night! :catmoon::D:D - ??- It'll be pretty exhausting! :coffee:
Good they bring along their children, so M&F can relax a little in the background for a few minutes here and there. ?
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yes, a very full agenda! Very packed days, but Im sure the family will enjoy. The Greenland trip was a joy to follow.

and I love that they will be using the Dannebrog. what a sight!

Im guessing they will fly out to the Faroe Islands? maybe Wednesday evening
I have made a map of the tour of the Faeroe Islands.
Which you can find here:
It's good for references, so you may wish to download it. Because the Danish, English and Faeroese spelling will not be the same! - And soon you will have no idea even what planet M&F are on! - And nor will I!

On this visit M&F are going to meet the islanders, almost every single one of them... With special attention on who's who on the islands...
And perhaps less so on seeing the truly spectacular scenery. But perhaps Mary will publish some snaps when she is sailing past something aboard Dannebrog?
And this is an example where a royal yacht really comes in handy!
And she will look very beautiful surrounded by the fjords. Her bright colors will be a spectacular contrast to the green and blue-grey nature.

Hooowever, I see the two mayor southern islands are left out from this tour. They are gonna be pretty miffed about that!
There is, I understand, an ongoing feud up there between the southerners, who feel left out, and the rest of the islands.
The southern islands can be a problem because the weather and sea around the Faeroe Islands is totally unpredictable! They are simply more exposed, even though you may not think so simply looking at a map.

One thing I am looking very much forward to, is M&F wearing traditional costumes. Daily Mail is going to love it! :D
And with just a tiny bit of luck At least Christian and Bella will wear traditional outfits as well.
Josephine won't mind I think. But Vincent may be preoccupied shouting at sheep. As we all know, he has a fondness for shouting at livestock... ?
- In fact that's still the talk of the town in south-west Australia, I've heard. - Or perhaps I dreamed it? :ohmy: It's not always easy to distinguish... :ermm:

Lets have a little look at the Faeroe Islands (or Faroe Islands if you prefer. That is if you don't prefer the Danish spelling: Færøerne. Or the Faeroese: Føroyar.) prior to M&F visiting.

Located far out in the north Atlantic it's hardly surprising they were only inhabited by the 600's, By Irish monks who somehow made it ashore. (Many probably didn't!) And they live there as hermits. - They pretty much had no choice!
The waters around the Faeroe Islands is not for boats or coastal shipping, if you plan on actually getting there alive that is! But by the 700's Scandinavians had developed ocean going ships, both warships and freighters, better known as Viking ships, which could go there and back routinely and now the islands were colonized in earnest. Mainly by ethnic Norwegians. The islands were back then a convenient stepping stone between Norway, Iceland, Scotland and Ireland. As such the Faeroese today, just like the Icelandics, speak a language that would enable them to maintain at least a not too complicated conversation with a Yorkshire man or someone from Dublin, should they somehow be propelled 1.000 years back. Fascinating, Isn't it?
In fact the traditional ballads the Faeroese sing today, would have top of the pops in Ireland and Yorkshire as well as Scandinavia back then.

Time flies. The Viking Age came and went. And the Faeroe Islands became a place far away, where people had three options career wise: Fish, sheep or go to Copenhagen and seek hire aboard a merchant or warship. There was however a lot of cultural contact between the Faeroe Islands and the Shetlands and Orkney Islands. In fact the Faeroe Islands and the Sheltland Islands initially belonged under the Norwegian crown, later the Danish crown. The Sheltland Islands were presented to Scottish crown as a dowry to the later James I of Britain. And as a curiosum I can add that a few years ago the Sheltlanders asked if they could come back to Denmark as a part of a local political protest. But that's another story.
There was a fourth option, except that it really wasn't an option! Up until well into the 1700's pirates and North African slaver-hunters were a genuine threat! Sometimes raiding an island and taking the locals they could get their hands on back to North Africa for the slave markets there. - In contrast to sailors and merchants who were captured by North African pirates there was no system in place for ransoming far away poor islanders, so they stayed in Africa...

After WWII an independence movement has sprung up on the Faeroe Islands. And with the logic being that you can't be fully independent while still being subservient to a foreign royal family, they are republicans. (The Greenland independent movement take a different view.) So while the DRF itself, and certainly QMII, is still pretty popular, we must expect some protests during this visit.
The Faeroe Islands today have autonomy and that IMO is as close to independence they are realistically going to get. The Danish Parliament has made it very clear that the Faeroe Islands can become independent if they wish - in four years to be exact, and then they are on their own!
That is of course a problem, because with a population of 50.000, they are simply not enough to fill out all the multitudes of functions that an independent nation has to have. The Faeroese look to Iceland, but their population is about 8 times larger and they rely on foreign nations for advanced medical treatment, specialized education and not least upholding and securing their sovereignty.
The Faeroe Islands rely on Denmark for most education above high school level. Most specialist (not even particular advanced) medical treatment and Danish naval protection and controlling the territorial waters for illegal fishing. And for money when the Faeroese Parliament overspend - which they have done a couple of times...
As it is now the Faeroese has political autonomy, meaning that they are self-governing in everything but foreign and security politics and maintaining territorial sovereignty. On top of that the police and courts are, if not directly controlled by Denmark, then certainly under a benevolent guardianship from Denmark.
In return Faeroese males are not required to be called up for conscription, even though they can volunteer to serve in the Danish military.

There is basically only one town on the Faeroe Island, Thorshavn. Almost half of the total population live in Thorshavn and satellite-villages.
As you can imagine a cluster of islands far away is not ethnically diverse. In fact beforehand it must have been bordering on inbreeding. And consisting of islands, that due to the weather used to be much more isolated than today, the individual islands (some say individual hamlets!) developed their own sub-cultural variant of the Faeroese culture.
Now, when you very much depend on the sea, and climbing up and down sheer cliffs after sheep and eggs, life is hard and often short! So the Faeroese take their Christianity very serious! And interestingly due to the isolation, each hamlet or at least parish, developed their own sub-sect so to speak of Christianity and that is prevalent to this day. Which explains that being an open homosexual or even an atheist is pretty frowned upon, even to this day.

When you see the reports from the islands, you will apart from the truly stunning scenery, see a very old and rich culture, the islanders do their very best to preserve. That includes a cultural aspect that is very controversial. Hunting pilot-whales. The whales are driven towards a beach, where they strand and are then killed with long knives. Pilot-whales are not that big, so the knives are stuck into their hearts or brains. But it's a very bloody sight and combined with the traditional yelling/whooping also very disconcerting for many.
The islanders maintain that it's a part of a centuries old culture and that the meat is actually eaten. - Against that some will argue that the Faeroese today hardly need extra meat in the fridge in case the fishing is bad or the sheep die off. And that there are perhaps better ways, in today's world, of disposing of whales than stabbing them to death.
Anyway, it's a very hot topic! And one that M&F will be very careful to sidestep completely. With the Faeroe Islands having autonomy this is a political issue, to be addressed by the Danish Parliament only. And that's considered interfering in the internal affairs of another country, in the eyes of the Danish government. (No need to rock the boat with the republican movement on the islands! Which could lead to the Faeroes actually voting for independence, which would likely end up in a lot of mess, which Denmark would be morally obliged to help them out of. And that'll be difficult to sell to the average Danish voter!) The DRF will say nothing! It is a huge no, no!
If the DRF were to comment on the hunting of pilot whales, it will be QMII who will do it. Perhaps even Frederik, but you will have to break both of Mary's arms for her to say a word!

If you feel strongly on the subject, I will encourage you to address the issue to the Parliament in Thorshavn. And with that I think I have made my own opinion on this matter clear...

The name of the Faeroese Parliament is the Lagting, and it was democratic many centuries before Denmark became a democracy in 1849.

With this brief background note, I will look very much forward to the footage from the Faeroe Islands.
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Two more days, I look forward to this visit, the family, the children and the scenery. The children always so happy and involved always a joy to see.
Is it known yet if the children will be given national dress?
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It is very likely IMO that M&F arrive tonight and then spend the night aboard Dannebrog. Because the weather is pretty unpredictable up there! And it's not the easiest airport to land in.
I also believe they will fly there in an air force Challenger.

In that way they can start their busy schedule on time, instead of plus/minus hours.

And that means that unless they can't touch down within the next 12 hours, the coverage from BB will be on time.
It is very likely IMO that M&F arrive tonight and then spend the night aboard Dannebrog. Because the weather is pretty unpredictable up there! And it's not the easiest airport to land in.
I also believe they will fly there in an air force Challenger.

In that way they can start their busy schedule on time, instead of plus/minus hours.

And that means that unless they can't touch down within the next 12 hours, the coverage from BB will be on time.

May they have a safe flight and nice weather :flowers:
Frederik is listed as regent until tomorrow, when i believe the Queen returns to Denmark.

And it will be a very busy schedule indeed
:previous: Yes, but the Faeroe Islands is Danish territory, so he can still function as Regent while there.

I see BB has send two reporters to the Islands. One, likely to be Ulrik Ulriksen, to provide running commentary to the live coverage and other camera coverage.
And the other, Marianne Singer, to cover the wider picture and trivia.
Billed Bladet will start live from around 09.45 - That's a little more than an hour from this is posted.
- But there is not yet a link.

However, the Faeroese network is almost guaranteed to show live as well.
Probably from this link:
(Right now they are showing a test image and we can hear the radio.)
Can you see anything?

Otherwise try explore this site for news and videos:

The problem with Faeroese coverage is that I can't understand more than a few phrases here and there.
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TV2 News covering the visit in the morning news as well. I think we will have some good pictures and videos at this website:

Looking much forward to this visit with our Crown Prince family in this gorgeous mountainous landscape of the Faroe Islands. Always enjoy the family on these summer cruises.
It is the first time the entire Crown Prince family visits this part of the unity of the Realm (refers to the relationship between Denmark, the Faroe Islands and Greenland—three countries constituting the Kingdom of Denmark.)
And here is BB's live link:

Unfortunately TV2's link can't be seen outside DK.

15 minutes to go.

Billed Bladet is live now.

Running commentaries in this post.

They will be met with salutes and national hymn. Then M&F and children will walk through Thorshavn and at some point the will see a traditional chain-dance.


There appears to be no live link from Faeroese TV. - But perhaps I'm missing it?


Dannebrog is - not late - royals are never late, the clock is too fast...
But she will moor at the quay a little past 10.

In the meantime the poor Ulrik Ulriksen is doing some serious back-swimming!


BB will also send live from M&F arriving at Klaksvig tomorrow forenoon.


Dannebrog is coming in, escorted by local wooden ships and rowing boats.
For those who are not well versed in maritime traditions: You may notice the Faeroese flag is flying from the mast. That's a sign of respect for th country the ship is visiting.


11 degrees C.
The BB camera woman is swearing - other photographers are in her way!


They are all wearing traditional outfits.


The sentry has taken up position at the end of the phalarope with drawn cutlass, so any moment now.


There are altogether 34 items on the agenda during this visit.


The family is piped off board and the women, led by Josephine descends at a majestic pace.


BB is closing their live coverage for now. Not being a TV-network I guess it's impractical for them to pace after M&F and set it up with the limited resources they have.
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Such a lovely family picture, poor Josephine she does not look happy, so calm and quiet, not like her at all....I think the outfits are perfect and would love to see Mary's entire outfit for the brooch looks so very nice. Papa Frederik standing in the back so tall and proud with his heir in Vincent with that tiny smile and bright eyes of his and Oh Isabella is so ready for this tour you can see her delight......what a marvelous sight this family looking forward to more..........:flowers:
Such a lovely family picture, poor Josephine she does not look happy, so calm and quiet, not like her at all....I think the outfits are perfect and would love to see Mary's entire outfit for the brooch looks so very nice. Papa Frederik standing in the back so tall and proud with his heir in Vincent with that tiny smile and bright eyes of his and Oh Isabella is so ready for this tour you can see her delight......what a marvelous sight this family looking forward to more..........:flowers:

I too can't wait to follow this summer cruise :flowers:

Maybe you didn't watch the livestream, but sweet little Josephine appeared just as bright we know her :D

They all look so damn cute :D
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I love that when they wear traditional costumes they really wear everything
Thanks for the pictures, yep, Josephine is now herself, full of mischievous and ready to those hats the girls are wearing. So cute and wonder if they are hand made with all the tiny flowers in them. I love handmade things like I like a needle and thread in my hands for I do needlework quite a bit.:flowers:
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