Princess Haya of Jordan to Sheikh Mohamad Bin Rashad Al-Maktoum of Dubai: 2004

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Oct 18, 2003
United Kingdom
Today was the official Islamic marriage cermoney of Princess Haya of jordan to Dubai's crown prince shiekh Mohamad Bin Rashad Al-Maktouam, this was annouced in perta news agency.
Oh my. Was this the gentleman she was rumored to be seeing? (the horse competition gentleman?).
He was born in 1949

Did he divorce his wife H.H Sheikha Hind bint Maktoum bin Jumaa Al Maktoum?
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Princess Haya Wedded to Dubai Heir Apparent

Princess Haya Wedded to Dubai Heir Apparent
Amman/ April 10/(Petra)-- In presence of His Majesty King Abdullah
II, and at a special ceremony at Beit Al Barkat Palace on Saturday , Her
Royal Highness Princess Haya Bent Al Hussein was engaged to Dubai Heir Apparent and UAE Defense Minister Lt. General Sheikh Mohammad Bin Rashed Al Makum, Royal Court statement announced Saturday.
The ceremony was attended by Their Royal Highnesses Prince Faisal
Bin Al Hussein, Ali Bin Al Hussein, Crown Prince Hamza Bin Al Hussein,
Hashim Bin Al Hussein, and members of the Touqan Family. Princess Haya is the daughter of the late Queen Alia Touqan.
Does he have more than one wife? I remember reading he had more than one wife. But maybe that was someone else. I don't think Haya would marry a man with one or more wives. She seems independent.
Originally posted by mariam@Apr 10th, 2004 - 6:18 pm
Im shocked that she is supporterof poligamy
I know. I'm thinking maybe Haya thinks of him as a father figure. How can she not he's 55. But since she lost her both of her parents very young, she said that she was a daddy's girl, plus I'm sure her father was busy beening king and his other children. I'm sure she loves Sheikh Mohammad, but just abit like a father.
I wonder what King Abdullah and Queen Rania think of all this. King Abdullah looks like he's trying to put on a brave face because he would rather her marry differently.

Even King Hussein divorced his wives or re-married after they died. I'm feeling for the first wife of this prince. Can you imagine knowing you are either being replaced or are having to "share" your husband? (shudder, shudder, shudder) :angry:
I feel sorry for shieka hind too, but i think she has no choise just shut up.
samitude, I agree about KA is just putting on a brave face. I would never want to share my husband. I wonder if his wife and kids like Haya? How old is his wife and is she going to take the title of crown princess or does his wife have that title? Is Haya now a HRH and HH?
i think he is married to three wives but only first can work and give children
Hello to all of you! :flower: Not exactly new on this site, but it's the first time I post a message.

And what a way to start! P.Haya really disappointed's not the fact that the the man is much older than her, but he's already maried with children. I thought she was better than that! what is she now? a second, fourth wife?even if it is a political/financial marriage...In a way I have always admired the JRF, but I think they're going downhill...or maybe they weren't that good to start with! Time to take advice from Q.Noor about stepchildren! :innocent:

p.s.: ok, so he's older...that really doesn't bother me...however...does anyone else here thinks he is beyond ugly? I know, it's what inside that counts, but still... :yuk:
So was this a marriage ceremony or an engagement? (like the Petra website says)

Anyway, when I first saw the pictures I simply couldn't believe that she'd marry someone like that. He looks old and unattractive while Haya looks as young and pretty as ever. What a waste!
I simply cant imagine what she must have been thinking. Forget King Abdullah and the others, why didn't Prince Ali speak out against this marriage? What brother would want his sister to end up with a man like that, no matter how rich he is?
I cant help thinking the poor girl would've done a lot better had her parents been alive. And it certainly doesnt say much about Queen Noor. I dont care if she is the stepmother, she should've said something about the match, guided princess Haya perhaps. I dont think she'd let any of her own daughters make such a foolish match.
I honestly feel so very sorry for Haya. But I hope it works out and she'll be happy.
Oh my god!!!

She is so pretty, and I thought she was also independant and now she marries an old guy!!!

How many wifes does he have and how many children???

It is a waist of such a pretty woman!!! I think maybe the family forced her!!!It is a shame and I always had good hopes for the "liberated" royal family bit they dissapoint me so much!!!!!
Unlike most of you I can see that Haya & Sheik Mohammed would have a lot in common. His Highness is very involved in horses, especially with thoroughbred racing. The Maktoum's Godolphin Racing & Darley Studs are the most successful in the world.
If I remember correctly Sheik Mohammed also competes in across country horse races (endurance).
The marriage will also ensure Jordan's safety in the Middle East. On the whole an advantageous marriage for all concerned.
I don't know how many kids he has but here are ten.

10 children of HH Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum:
Sheik Rashid bin Mohammed Al Maktoum
Sheik Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum
Sheik Maktoum bin Mohammed Al Maktoum
Sheik Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Maktoum
Sheik Saeed bin Mohammed Al Maktoum

Sheika Latifa bint Mohammed Al Maktoum
Sheika Sheika bint Mohammed Al Maktoum
Sheika Mariam bint Mohammed Al Maktoum
Sheika Fatima bint Mohammed Al Maktoum
Sheika Salamah bint Mohammed Al Maktoum
I saw it on yahoo news.
Princess Haya got engagement to Dubai's Crown Prince and Defence Minister Mohammed bin Rashed al-Maktoum © at the palace in Amman, following their engagement.

I want to know, is it Princess Haya got marry or got engagement? There is different story on yahoo news.

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Not commenting on the multi-wives of Sheik Mohammed (yet! ;)), but about the comments in this thread about him being much older than Haya, plenty of women marry men much older than themselves. King Hussein was 16 years older than Queen Noor. Ari Onassis was also at leat 10 years older than Jacqueline Kennedy. Even in present day royalty, Crown Prince Phillippe of Belgium (born in 1960) is 13 years older than his wife, Crown Princess Mathilde (born in 1973). Brother Laurent (born in 1963) is married to a woman 11 years older than him (Claire born in 1974). Age has nothing to do with anything if you are in love. I cannot say for sure that Sheik Mohammed and Haya are in love, but we can't discredit it just because he is much older than her.

In some psychological theories, it is known as the "Daddy complex," in which women who had difficult relationships with their father, whether they admired them too much, or if their fathers weren't around (abandoned them or otherwise), they feel the need to marry a father-like figure to take care of them and make them feel secure. (I am not saying that this is the case with Haya and Sheik Mohammed, or any of the women I mentioned, but it is a possible theory.)

As for the polygamous relationship Haya now finds herself in, while from a western perspective it is not something I can begin to understand and certainly would not want for myself, it is a practice, social, religious and otherwise, that is carried on in parts of the world. And there is no reason to look down upon it because we cannot understand it. It has historical context in some cultures for which the practice is not only widely accepted, but the sole way of life.
This is a poem I found on S. Mohammed's website. He wrote this poem, I wonder if he wrote this for P. Haya:

Swords of Beauty

Ease the ardour of my yearning, my lady
Reunite me with your vision

Erase the lines written by my tears
And with the ink of your kohled eye draw me

Oh, my life that sweetens my life
Oh, my hope for years remaining

Who gathered the winds for me and returned
The brightest years that slipped from my hands

Oh swords of beauty in eyes of oryx
You have so much – out of kindness give

The love from ever-sleepless eyes has faded
And my destiny, certain, this craving between us

Have mercy on the withered boughs
For love between lovers never dies

My love I proclaimed from peaks of highest mountains
Where, sadly, only echoes replied

With burning passion, only her name on my lips
Her I recall, and forget the existence of others

Heartbreaking my laments, yet neglected my grief
Though my words stir tears in the hardest hearts

Overwhelmed me, deep, bleeding wounds
Oh, oryx, from the pain of your wounds heal me

Leave me not with this fire – these regrets
Compassion and sympathy be yours – love is mine
Was it arrangement marriage or her choose?
I am just curious to know that all.
I saw excerpts of the betrothal on an Arabic news channel (MBC) last night. Needless to say that I almost fell out of my chair.

What the reasons for this union are, only God knows. However, I guess we can safely say that it is a political match for whatever reason.

Now as to questions regarding whether this is a marriage or an engagement.... It is something called "Katb el kitab" in Arabic. This means that the Princess is now betrothed to the Sheikh. Technically she is officially his wife, but I guess a grand wedding will follow where the marriage will actually get consummated. So in summary, she is officially his fiancee now.

And as to Alexandria's comment, I do not find it offensive at all. On the contrary it shows the views of an open-minded person who does not always compare situations to a western perspective. Polygamy may not be practised in many countries, that is true. However, we cannot deny that it is not being practised at all, especially in the Gulf region. Countries like Morrocco have recently come up with many civil laws that prohibit a man from marrying more than one woman. That is to be commended, and I hope others will follow this example soon. Unfortunately that is not the case with the Gulf countries where it is still a very tribal society, especially the ruling family.

As a point of interest, this match has been greatly publicised in the media which is surprising. Being a very liberated man (I know it sounds ironic), I believe Sheikh Mo is also looking towards this match as a means of appearing with his wife in official visits etc. (something along the lines of the Qatari Sheikh and Sheikha Mozah), so as to encourage the same from the men/women of his society. His first wife is a cousin (very sweet I have heard) but keeps a very low profile due to social constraints.
Originally posted by Layla@Apr 11th, 2004 - 2:19 pm

And as to Alexandria's comment, I do not find it offensive at all. On the contrary it shows the views of an open-minded person who does not always compare situations to a western perspective. Polygamy may not be practised in many countries, that is true. However, we cannot deny that it is not being practised at all, especially in the Gulf region. Countries like Morrocco have recently come up with many civil laws that prohibit a man from marrying more than one woman. That is to be commended, and I hope others will follow this example soon. Unfortunately that is not the case with the Gulf countries where it is still a very tribal society, especially the ruling family.
Cultural relativism is often put down as a viewpoint that is bad because in the extreme a person would say "Well, it is their culture and we have to respect that" no matter what the thing is, honor killings for example. But in truth, it is a very good thing to respect the cultures of other peoples and societies. But alas, the tribal aspects of the Gulf states and Arab countries continue to be in conflict with some things in Islam. Polygamy and the role of women in Arab countries for example.
just on a side note, i remember i read an interview with princess haya in which she stated that she always wanted to be a queen like her mother, Queen Alia. perhaps that's her motivation to marrying the sheik...she wants to remain royalty...
WOW! Does this mean that she will not mother any of his children? Maybe I am confused by a few of the posts above, but, is that what people are saying? Or is she wife #1 and will she have some children, and will those children be his successors?

Interested, yet disappointed.....
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