Duchess of Cambridge: What Now for Catherine? Future Duties, Roles, Responsibilities

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Imperial Majesty
Jun 26, 2007
London / Guildford
United Kingdom
It would be interesting to hear what we all think Kate should do once they are married, and based in Wales as the wife of a serving SAR officer.

My own view is that she should steadily build up a portfolio of chartitable interests, including those witha a close association to Wales and the armed forces families. Whilst based in Wales, she will be expected to travel a fair amount, though initially this may be limited to the West Country and Wales.
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I think she will build up a portfolio of charities that she'll become closely involved with, but I think the extent of her duties will depend on how soon after their wedding they plan to start trying for children.

If they are hoping to have children soon-ish I don't imagine she'll build up a lot of engagements initially.
I giuess she will just need to carefully shed the workshy image that is in the press.
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first duty - get pregnant.

in general, i find it risky that they will live in wales and as a matter of certainty kate wont be able to just "live there". i hope they do get her involved into some charity work because if they are planning to be mr. & mrs wales for some time, this arrangement will attract lots of critizism.

if there is one thing in britain people now expect / want to see is kate working. if she doesnt, well, she has already lost out on public support before she even gets started. its crucial now that the couple will do the right thing with regard to the media.
I think that is a pretty fair comment. We would like to see Kate actively involved in supporting her chosen causes after they are married.
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I agree with everyone else so far! As William is still only second in line to the throne and is firmly busy in his careeer, I think it will allow Kate time to steadily grown into her new role by taking on various charitable causes over the next few years but in a quiet and modest way, thus enabling her to become well established in the role. As for children, well they will come along when they come along!
Spend British money.

Does prince William receive an income from the British state at this moment? Or does he live on an allowance by his father / grand mother?
Does prince William receive an income from the British state at this moment? Or does he live on an allowance by his father / grand mother?

He recieves no money from the British State, except if he gets paid for his army work.

There may be a public push for her to get pregnant, but I don't see why she should. She is the wife of the heir to the heir.

First duty, IMO, should be start royal engagements.
He receives his Royal Air Force salary and is otherwise supported by his father (income from the Duchy of Cornwall) and the income from various trusts.
He receives no "allowance" from the government.
You tell me what is the income P Charles recieves as the prince of Wales and I´ll tell you how Katie is going to live.
Refer to the POW website
The Prince of Wales - Finances

"All the private and the large majority of the official and charitable activities of The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall are funded by The Prince’s annual private income from The Duchy of Cornwall estate.

The Prince pays tax on his Duchy income, after the normal deductions for business expenses, at the 40 per cent rate. Like any other tax-payer, his tax return is subject to review by the Inland Revenue. In 2009-10, The Prince’s income from the Duchy was £17.1 million.

The Prince of Wales chooses to spend well over half of his after-tax income from the Duchy of Cornwall on official duties and charitable activities.

Click here to find out more about official expenditure."
Before I start discussing about all these things, I just want to ask something. William keeps calling her 'Kate', we just witnessed that. Why all this frozen formality here? Will our posts get deleted if we don't call her 'Catherine'? :cool:
I hope Kate goes out and meets the crowds, like Diana did. That will gain support and make her look friendly. Charity work of course. I hope they put off the 'duty' of having children for several years though.
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The first thing they need to sort out is a house, not necessarily on Anglesey, but perhaps in North Wales.
Now that Kate has an official function as the Prince's fiancee, she can start getting involved in local communities.
I would like to see her take over patronage of at least a couple of the charities that Diana promoted. I know it will take time for her to build up a portfolio of her own and start finding which direction she herself would like to take, but I think it would be a good way to honor William's mother, aside from just wearing her ring. Like it or not, and fair or unfair, she is going to have her activities compared to that of Diana. Taking on a couple of those charities may help dull some of that criticism that will inevitably happen.
It will increase the criticism if she takes on Diana's patronages'.
She will be accused of stepping into Diana's shoes and replacing her. Kate has different interests than Diana, she needs to carve out her own image ASAP.
It will increase the criticism if she takes on Diana's patronages'.
She will be accused of stepping into Diana's shoes and replacing her. Kate has different interests than Diana, she needs to carve out her own image ASAP.

Totally agree. Diana was Diana and Kate is Kate. She must carve out her own image (how nicely put) and seek her own interests to work with.
Totally agree. Diana was Diana and Kate is Kate. She must carve out her own image (how nicely put) and seek her own interests to work with.
Yeah I agree. She should just be herself. Do whatever she has a passion for.
Didn't we have all these same reservations when Daniel and Victoria were announcing their engagement?
I think Kate will do just fine...and William thinks she will do a fine job, making her own destiny, I don't think she will be left to her own and Diana was. IMO William will tell her just how to get the job done the right way.
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Before I start discussing about all these things, I just want to ask something. William keeps calling her 'Kate', we just witnessed that. Why all this frozen formality here? Will our posts get deleted if we don't call her 'Catherine'? :cool:

Because her name IS Catherine. If she prefers to called Catherine, then she has that right since it's the name she was born with. My name is Catherine as well, and only allow family and friends I grew up with to call me "Cathy" (which I detest). She will be the future Princess of Wales, and Queen. Princess Kate, or Queen Kate just doesn't sound right. Princess Catherine and Queen Catherine....Well, I certainly like it! :D
And what is that, do we have any idea?

Since she studied history of arts I suppose a few patronages in that direction would be an obvious choice.
As to her name, Catherine or Kate, I asked because it's a bit difficult to get used to calling her Catherine after 7-8 years. Besides, we're not an official paper or the royal court here, are we? ;)
No one is going to delete your post because you refer to Catherine as Kate.

The reason the thread names were changed to Catherine is because that is what she will officially be known as.
No one is going to delete your post because you refer to Catherine as Kate.

The reason the thread names were changed to Catherine is because that is what she will officially be known as.

Thank you, this is the answer I was waiting for! :flowers: I don't know if she'll save the British monarchy - honestly, I don't see a threat in that regard yet - or the whole world (hmm...), but I do believe that she should start from the local community in Wales (patronages, charitable work etc.).
Some of the indigenous Welsh population have already made the acquaintance of the couple - they have to get their shopping somewhere, including Tesco and various convenience stores. William does not live within the perimeter of the base and lives nearby.

Catherine is a straightforward and educated young woman, and she has experience of the family business.

I think it will be quite easy for her to be "herself".
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