King Michael and the late Queen Anne current events

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I haven't read more information, but perhaps the man has been approaching king Mihai privatly before? Or he doesn't know the rumour for a long time? But I am just speculating here.
Perhaps the putative son had no knowledge of his paternity until now. leonora, do you suggest there is something amisss in a man wanting to prove whom his father is?
Perhaps the putative son had no knowledge of his paternity until now. leonora, do you suggest there is something amisss in a man wanting to prove whom his father is?
I think it could be a provocation,as I've read that in Romania a new company on restauration of monarchy started
What did King Michael say in his message?
Pentru câteva minute, vă spun bun găsit din liniştea căminului nostru de la Săvârşin. Am trecut cu toţii printr-un an greu, cu destule suferinţe şi nemulţumiri. Dar în viaţa multora dintre noi au existat şi motive de bucurie şi speranţă.
Felicit pe cei care au reuşit performanţe economice, mai ales micii întreprinzători şi companiile mijlocii. Felicit pe tineri şi pe profesorii din universităţi, licee şi şcoli, care au continuat munca lor importantă, în ciuda greutăţilor. Felicitări celor din agricultură, care au reuşit să meargă mai departe, deşi rămaşi fără resurse şi încurajare. Felicit funcţionarii publici, diplomaţii, militarii, oamenii de artă, pentru stăruinţa lor de a-şi face datoria, deşi puternic încercaţi de lipsa banilor şi descurajaţi instituţional.
Sunt mâhnit pentru toate momentele prin care mamele, oamenii bătrâni şi cei bolnavi sunt nevoiţi să treacă.
România are nevoie de infrastructură şi de instituţii respectate. Agricultura nu este un domeniul al trecutului istoric, ci al viitorului. Şcoala este o piatră de temelie a societăţii. Universităţile răspund administrativ faţă de guvernare, dar au nevoie să fie libere din punct de vedere organizatoric şi ştiinţific.
Regina şi cu mine, alături de Familia noastră, am mers în oraşele şi comunele ţării, încurajând profesii, iniţiative, organizaţii şi instituţii. Am făcut în anul care se încheie multe vizite internaţionale, în care am susţinut interesele fundamentale ale României.
Suntem cu gândul la militarii români din teatrele de operaţii. Sunt mândru de sutele de mii de români aflaţi la lucru în străinătate pentru o viaţă mai bună şi mai demnă. Ei ajută mult familiile lor şi România.
Toate guvernele europene au acum greutăţi. Criza economică obligă la măsuri impopulare. Totuşi, există multe feluri de a micşora asprimea consecinţelor pentru populaţie. 2011 va fi poate ceva mai bun, dar vor exista dificultăţi, drept pentru care ţara trebuie să fie protejată.
Sper ca anul viitor să aducă respect şi etică în instituţii, simţ al datoriei şi altruism în viaţa publică. Valorile şi competenţa ar trebui să fie criteriile noastre. Aveţi încredere în democraţie, în rostul instituţiilor publice şi în regulile lor!
Aşa să ne ajute Dumnezeu!
Mihai R"


for a few minutes, I welcome you in the peace of our Savarsin home. We all went through a difficult year, with plenty of suffering and discontent. But many of us have no life and reasons for joy and hope. I congratulate those who have succeeded in economic performance, especially small businesses and midsize companies. I congratulate the young people and teachers from universities, colleges and schools that have continued their important work despite the hardships.

Congratulations to those in agriculture, which managed to go further, though left without resources and encouragement. I congratulate the public servants, diplomats, soldiers, men of art, try to strong institutional and discouraged by lack of money. I'm sorry for all the moments in which mothers, elderly and sick people are forced to pass.

Romania has the necessary infrastructure and institutions followed. Agriculture is one of the historical past, but of the future. The school is a cornerstone of society. Universities administrative responsibility of the government, but need to be free from an organizational perspective and science.

The Queen and I, along with our Family, we went to country towns and villages, encouraging professionals, initiatives, organizations and institutions. I did the year ending several international visits, which I supported Romania's fundamental interests.

We thought the Romanian military who are on different theaters of operations. I am proud of the hundreds of thousands of Romanian are working abroad for a better and more dignified life. They help more families and Romania.

All European governments now have difficult times. The economic crisis requires unpopular measures. However, there are many ways to decrease the severity of consequences for the population. 2011 will probably be better, but there will be difficulties as to which country should be protected. I hope next year to bring respect and ethics in institutions, sense of duty and altruism in public life. Values and competence should be our criteria. Trust in democracy, in the sense of public institutions and in their rules.

So help us God!

Mihai R"
HM King Mihai I will participate at the English royal wedding together with Crown Princess Margareta and Prince Radu.
King Mihai I will use for the wedding of Prince William the clothe made in the '40s.
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Why isn't Queen Anne going to the Royal Wedding in the UK?
She is not ill but she is around 88 and she participates less to the public life.
King Michael's views

Just curious if King Michael has expressed viewpoints on may topics. If I were he, I'd have a lot of anger towards Communists and fascists, and I know that he likes cars and planes, and is apparently known for being religious (why?), but has he expressed political views on anything? If so, is he right-wing or left-wing? Does he have any pet causes that he's promoted?

Just curious. Thanks.
He has never express himself with hatred towards anybody.He is a very convinced christian (orthodox).
He has always spoken about the errors of communism but he had never favoured one party or another.
He has never express himself with hatred towards anybody.He is a very convinced christian (orthodox).
He has always spoken about the errors of communism but he had never favoured one party or another.

Good- he's smart.

What about him makes him seen as a committed Christian? Does he just attend church every Sunday, or does he do a lot more?

And does he have views on ANYTHING that have seeped out? Even the British royal family has slipped up and expressed views about various topics.
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He attends orthodox Liturgy quite often but when he is not in Romania it's not very easy because orthodox churches are not in all the cities of the world.

He expressed many times regarding different issues but he is very cautious not to be seen as involved in politics.
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On the 10th of May there will appear a new book about the Romanian Sovereign:"The King's World".It is a book where different personalities (Royalties, religious leaders, political leaders) from all over the world speak about the Romanian King.The presentation of the new book will be made on the 10th of May at the National History Museum in Bucharest at 12.00.
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These days the attention of romanian media is quite focused on the events regarding King Mihai I and the Royal Family.Quite a lot of journalists don't hide their royalists feeling and we can see the difference with 1990 when no television would have reffered to the Sovereign as "HM the King" but rather "the ex king".
Romanian President calls King Mihai 'traitor' and 'slave of Russians'

A vicious attack on King Mihai was made publicly by President Basescu of Romania:
YouTube - ‪Basescu: abdication of King Michael I, a great act of betrayal‬‏
Basescu: "abdication of King Michael I, a great act of betrayal. He was servant to the Russians."

Basescu, tough attack on King Mihai: Slave to the Russians! Abdication was an act of treason
“We all still believe that the King’s abdication was a great patriotic act. No, it was an act of treason against the national act of Romania, the king’s abdication. This is what I think,” Basescu said.
[...] “For instance, for us and history, Antonescu remains responsible for the Holocaust against the Jews and Gypsies, the fact that they were taken to Transnistria. Nobody says that we had a head of state back then. (Marshal Antonescu) was only a prime minister then. We give some people their wealth back and others we deem war criminals – the head of state and the prime minister. Just because one of them was a slave to the Russians and abdicated and left the country, we forgive him?” Basescu added.
He also spoke of his relationship with Prince Paul, whose son he recently baptized, saying that this shows he has nothing against the Royal House.
Basescu’s statements were criticized by historians and journalists. “Making such statements about a former head of state is an antinational act. It’s unacceptable,” journalist Cristian Tudor Popescu told Realitatea TV.
Thank you for updating,Kasumi.I don't understand the Romanian but then I discovered that this news is going around the world ,he shouldn't have attacked the King Mihai(at his old age) in that tremendous and ridiculous way.But he dared...After all,by google translating I've understood that Romania actually is getting a territorial reform with implication of Hungarian or other nation.If someone knows more,please explain to me.It's willl be genuine to hear the opinion of native Romanian people as well.
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Royal house will not comment on president basescu’s statements
The Royal House did not comment the statements made by president Traian Basescu on Wednesday about King Michael’s abdication. “His Majesty King Michael I did not authorize anyone to comment on this subject,” Radu Ghina, councilor of the Royal House declared on Thursday.President Traian Basescu said on Wednesday at a TV show that “the king’s abdication was an act of treason of Romania’s national interest”and calling him "a Russian lackey ". President Basescu also said as Michael was head of state during the pro-fascist regime of dictator Marshal Ion Antonescu — prime minister from 1940 to 1944, during World War II — he should also be considered responsible for the death of some 280,000 Jews and 11,000 Gypsies.
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