Nicholas Medforth-Mills (formerly His Royal Highness Prince Nicholas of Romania)

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Today from Alba Iulia to Sibiu, about 85 kilometers.
From Nicolae's Facebook
Ziua 6, etapa 4, Alba Iulia - Sibiu _ Facebook

Mayor Astrid Fodor told that Nicolae will be Honorary Citizen of Sibiu.
Principele Nicolae a trecut cu bicicleta prin Sibiu, a fost însoțit de zeci de bicicliști ⋆ Sibiu 100% _ Sibiu 100%

Tomorrow is a day off, they don't cycle but stay in Sibiu. Nicolae and his teammates donate 300 children's books at a school tomorrow.
Principele Nicolae a traversat Sibiul pe bicicletă, ajungând în Piaţa Mare - FOTO de pe traseu _ Eveniment _ Tribuna

Photos from Sunday
A patra zi_ _Cărțile Copilăriei pe bicicletă_ în Sibiu _ Facebook
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Article about prince Nicolae at Forbes Romania
A young and modern Royal figure to make the social involvement something "cool" is what was missing in Romania.
Un Principe de secol XXI -

Yesterday Nicolae and his teammates donated books to 300 children from Secondary School Nr. 4 in Sibiu.
A cincea zi, 27 aprilie_ donaţie de carte la Sibiu

Today Nicolae and his teammates continue cycling, they left at 09.00 from Sibiu and they shoud arrive to Brașov at 18.00, about 140 kilometers.

The weather is bad today
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Nicholas is really doing a good job. A splendid idea to do this Tour de Romania.
Today from Sinaia to Bucharest, about 125 kilometers, a short stop at Peles Castle.

In Bucharest

Crown princess Margarita, prince Radu and princess Maria came to meet Nicolae and the other cyclists in Bucharest.
Ziua 10, etapa 7 - Sinaia - Bucuresti, 126kms _ Facebook

Friday is a day off, they continue on Saturday from Bucharest to Călărași and the Tour ends on Sunday to Constanța.
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Crown princess Margarita it seems very proud for the prince Nicolae.
It is wonderful the King's grandson wants more and more autonomy, prefers to live more on his own and he does not seem to be influenced by the "political correctness" of others supporting openly the Monarchy.
LadyFinn thanks for the great job you do and all information to give us.
Today from Sinaia to Bucharest, about 125 kilometers, a short stop at Peles Castle.


That beautiful castle has been returned to the former royal family but is not used by them. The castle is on lease from the former royal family to the State of Romania, if I am correctly informed. The domain has a few hotels, restaurants, holiday villa and estates in use by the State of Romania.


I need to remind myself all the time that Princess Margaretha and Radu are NOT the parents of Nicholas. They are always around him. I seldom see his mother. Is Princess Elena deliberately keeping a low-key position?
Let's hope his vision will be linked with the restoration of Monarchy and not with a sort of compromise with the republic. He obviously prefers to be ass much as possible in the middle of the people and not at Elisabeta Palace.
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It is important that he attended both Orthodox and Greek-Catholic celebrations for Easter respecting the two traditional Romanian Churches.

No, it is disgraceful. Romania is an Orthodox country and culture, -a reality which the Uniate Catholic Church always tried to undermine. It is shameful that he chooses to be diplomatic, rather than generously practicing at the most important feast of his country's dominant Church. Very sad.
First of all the term "Uniate" is really offensive. All those who know the history of the Romanians recognize the fundamental role of the Greek-Catholic Church. The Constitution of 1923 spoke about two historical Churches and the Royal Family respects this reality even today.
Romania is not "an Orthodox cuntry" and does not have an official national Church but 18 denominations equally treated by the state.
The Romanian state was built by two Catholic Kings (Carol I, Ferdinand I), the National Anthem was composed by the Greek-Catholic Andrei Muresanu, the most important anti-communist leaders were the Greek-Catholics Iuliu Maniu and Corneliu Coposu and the Declaration of Union of 1918 of Transilvania with Romania was read by the future Cardinal Iuliu Hossu.
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Nicolae wrote today to his Facebook that they are near the end, today from Bucharest to Călărași. He doesn't want the Tour to end and is sad that it ends tomorrow.

Today they arrived to Călărași, the weather wasn't so good, rain and wind.

Photos from Thursday of the arrival to Bucharest from the royal family website
Imagini de la sosirea în București a cicliștilor “Cărților Copilăriei” _ Familia Regală a României _ Royal Family of Romania
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:)I see what passion has prince Nicolae about this. BRAVO

It would be foolish to separate the religions. Should be very careful and advise him wisely at all steps to do. So far makes a great job.
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Romania is a memberstate of the European Union and as such underlines the European Convention on Human Rights. Article 9 of that Convention says:

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion;
this right includes the freedom to change his religion or belief
and the reedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private,

to manifest his religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance.

Nicholas just does not make a difference between Orthodoxes and Catholics and that is a very, very wise thing to do. Never stir up religion.
Isn't the main purpose of constitutional monarchy in Europe to be an apolitical symbol for all of a country's citizens and not favour one group over another? Not aware of Romanian politics but from a Swedish point of view Nicolae did the right thing to attend both churches.

Sent from my iPhone using The Royals Community mobile app
The fact he attended Easter celebrations both in the Orthodox and the Greek-Catholic Cathedrals of Cluj represents a return to the traditions of the Royal Family and a real understanding of the religious diversity of the country.
Isn't the main purpose of constitutional monarchy in Europe to be an apolitical symbol for all of a country's citizens and not favour one group over another? Not aware of Romanian politics but from a Swedish point of view Nicolae did the right thing to attend both churches.

Sent from my iPhone using The Royals Community mobile app

In theory yes, but in the United Kingdom the Sovereign still is the (formal) "head" of the Church of England... One can say that the Queen is impartial but we see that the Church of England still has executive powers others do not have, for an example to have its bishops seated in the House of Lords, the upper House of Parliament.
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In theory yes, but in the United Kingdom the Sovereign still is the (formal) "head" of the Church of England... One can say that the Queen is impartial but we see that the Church of England still has executive powers others do not have, for an example to have its bishops seated in the House of Lords, the upper House of Parliament.

In Romania the Sovereign is not the Head of any Church/denomination, there is no official national Church and all the 18 denominations are equal. The Easter gesture of the King's grandson is so perfectly normal taking into account that in the same King's Family there are both Catholics and Orthodox.
Today the last day, from Călărași to Constanța, where they should be at 19.00.
Nicolae wrote to his Facebook: Today is the last day of the tour 'childhood books on bike' and it was a wonderful experience. Asociatia Curtea Veche and I are very pleased to receive support on the road and in the cities from authorities and cyclists. I hope that we can move forward together and our message has been understood. Children are the future of our country. Let's encourage them together in education, health and happiness and all the world around them.
Thanks very much for those who cycled with us especially in Calarasi where it rained! a good day

Photo from today

Nicolae was interviewed after he arrived to Constanta and the Tour ended.
Principele Nicolae, punct final în turul ciclist _Cărţile copilăriei_

Gallery from the last day
Finish_ ‟Cărţile copilăriei pe bicicletă” în Constanța _ Facebook
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