HRH Crown Princess Margarita and Prince Radu current events part 1 (2004-2015)

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Crown Princess Margareta and Prince Radu gave a reception in honor of the jubilee edition, 100 programs of "Ora Regelui", on Thursday 10th July, at the Elisabeta Palace. They welcomed the team members who participated, over time, the creation and production of the show, as well as representatives of the Romanian Television.
Aniversarea “Ora Regelui” în imagini, Palatul Elisabeta, 10 iulie 2014 Familia Regală a României Royal Family of Romania

The National Television presents today, Saturday 12th July hundreth edition of the show "Ora Regelui".
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Prince Radu gave a dinner at the Elisabeta Palace on 10th June in honor of the anniversary of the completion of thirty years of Theatre and Film Institute (now the National University of Theatre and Film "Ion Luca Caragiale ").
Prince Radu graduated from the Institute of Theatre and Film, in 1984, the class teacher Ms. Olga Tudor.
Principele Radu, 30 de ani de la absolvirea Institutului de Artă Teatrală și Cinematografică Familia Regală a României Royal Family of Romania

On Friday 11th June Prince Radu received at the Elizabeta Palace Secondary School students and teachers.
Elevii Școlii Gimnaziale “Principele Radu” din Adjud, în vizită la Palatul Elisabeta Familia Regală a României Royal Family of Romania
On Tuesday, July 15, Crown Princess Margarita delivered diplomas to the winners of the International Competition winners "Tales Queen Mary".
Concursul Internațional „Basmele Reginei Maria” la a IX-a ediție Familia Regală a României Royal Family of Romania

On Wednesday, July 16, Crown Princess Margarita took part at the ceremony celebrating the hundred and fifty years after the establishment of the University of Bucharest.
Principesa Moştenitoare la ceremonia de aniversare a Universităţii din Bucureşti Familia Regală a României Royal Family of Romania
Crown princess Margarita and prince Radu attended on Thursday at the dinner organized by former King Constantine II and former Queen Anne-Marie to celebrate their Golden wedding anniversary at the Yacht Club in Piraeus, Greece.
Celebración de las bodas de oro de los reyes de Grecia

Nunta de aur a Regelui Constantin al II-lea și Reginei Anne-Marie ai Elenilor, Atena, 18 septembrie 2014 Familia Regală a României Royal Family of Romania
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Crown princess Margarita and prince Radu attended on Thursday at the dinner organized by former King Constantine II and former Queen Anne-Marie to celebrate their Golden wedding anniversary at the Yacht Club in Piraeus, Greece.
Celebración de las bodas de oro de los reyes de Grecia
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Nunta de aur a Regelui Constantin al II-lea și Reginei Anne-Marie ai Elenilor, Atena, 18 septembrie 2014 Familia Regală a României Royal Family of Romania

Interesting that they have an Aide-de-Camp in their slipstream. Is that a militair which has beeen detached to their service by the Romanian armed forces? Or is it just a hired person with an operetta uniform? Too bad that the aide-de-camp wore his day-uniform for an evening event. He should have swapped for an evening tenue too.
Crown princess Margarita visited on Wednesday, on the International Day for Older Persons, the retirement home Vasarely in Ploiesti.
Ziua Internațională a Persoanelor Vârstnice, 1 octombrie 2014 Familia Regală a României Royal Family of Romania

Prince Radu attended on Wednesday at the funeral of Metropolitan Nicolae of Banat at the Metropolitan Cathedral of Timisoara.
Funeraliile Mitropolitului Nicolae al Banatului Familia Regală a României Royal Family of Romania
Crown princess Margarita and prince Radu hosted on Monday 6th October at the Peleș castle an event in honor of the 100 anniversary of the death of king Carol I, an awarding ceremony of the academians and scientists of the Royal order of Nihil Sine Deo.
Castelul Peleș, 6 octombrie 2014 Familia Regală a României Royal Family of Romania

I must say, it is all done in great style. Princess Margarita is really treated with all égards and courtoisie. It is almost like Romania is a monarchy... Who are the gentlemen with the "uniforms of office" (the black costumes with golden embroidery). These are usually ceremonial uniforms worn by ministers or ambassadors?
What a beautiful chapel. I wonder who the military aides are whom accompany Princess Margarita on all her trips. I have seen three different military uniforms, I suppose these are aides-de-camp from the Romanian armed forces detached at the service of Princess Margarita? Does that mean that the Government of Romania has a sort of 'recognition' and deploys some of its staff? Or is are these military who do it in their free time? It is hard for me to understand how a republican state can detach military at the service of a private family without a constitutional role?

To compare with my country: I can not imagine that the Palace de l'Élysée would order the French armed forces to deploy aides-de-camp at the service of Monseigneur le Comté de Paris or Monseigneur le Duc de Vendôme...
I must say, it is all done in great style. Princess Margarita is really treated with all égards and courtoisie. It is almost like Romania is a monarchy... Who are the gentlemen with the "uniforms of office" (the black costumes with golden embroidery). These are usually ceremonial uniforms worn by ministers or ambassadors?

A few decades ago who would have thought that the Romanian family would be welcomed back and permitted to carry out such roles in the country. I don't believe that King Michael could have imagined his eldest daughter presiding over ceremonies such as this one. She is very poised and elegant.
Prince Radu visited Alexandria on Wednesday and attended on events commemorating the centennary of king Carol's death.
Principele Radu, Alexandria, 8 octombrie 2014 Familia Regală a României Royal Family of Romania

On Thursday Prince Radu of Romania was in Timișoara on the occasion of the third edition of the International Conference "Conceptualization of modernity in the cultures of central and South-Eastern Europe: getting started, speeches, languages".
Prince Radu gave a lecture in the framework of the round table "the role of the monarchy in the modernization of Romania", held at the art museum Timișoara.
„Rolul monarhiei în modernizarea României”, Timișoara, 9 octombrie 2014 Familia Regală a României Royal Family of Romania

Keeping in mind that the monarchy in the Netherlands costs the taxpayers some 40 million Euro per year (not included: the costs of the royal residences, the costs of security, the costs of military deployment) then Princess Margarita, her spouse and Nicholas are doing a great job for "free"....

Dacia (a daughter of Renault Automobiles) turned out to welcome a commoner without any formal position... And all this in the country of Nicolae and Elena Ceaucescu...

It is amazing.

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Does anyone know what level of fluency CP Margarita has when speaking Romanian?
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Prince Radu attended on Wednesday 15h October in the city of Alba Iulia, in a series of public events dedicated to the celebration of ninety-two years after the coronation of King Ferdinand I and Queen Maria.
The anniversary of the coronation of this year was devoted to Diplomacy.
Prince Radu participated in the coronation Cathedral, a Te Deum. After that he met the members of the Diplomatic Corps accredited in Bucharest and local authorities. Then there was a concert and an official dinner.
Alba Iulia, nouăzeci și doi de ani de la Încoronare Familia Regală a României Royal Family of Romania
CP Margarita is such an elegant figure in her gown. I love that one of the recipients chose to wear folkdress.

Are the CP and Prince Radu living in Romania on a full time basis?
CP Margarita is such an elegant figure in her gown. I love that one of the recipients chose to wear folkdress.

Are the CP and Prince Radu living in Romania on a full time basis?

According to crown princess Margarita's biography at the website of the Royal Family of Romania, Margarita and Radu have lived at the Elisabeta Palace in Bucharest since 2001.
Familia Regala - ASR Principesa Margareta
Despite not being a reigning royal house,the Romanian Royal Family appear to be one of the busiest ,I wonder does such events attract much media attention in Romania?
Despite not being a reigning royal house,the Romanian Royal Family appear to be one of the busiest ,I wonder does such events attract much media attention in Romania?

Well, the Romanian TVR+ has a weekly TV-programme "Ora Regelui" about the royal family. The last programme was about king Michael due to his birthday.
You can watch the programs here
Ora regelui

Also about prince Nicolae's visits around Romania have been written at the media, and I would guess that also about crown princess Margarita and prince Radu. I haven't been searching the articles about them.
Prince Radu attended on Monday at the Romanian Athenaeum at the launch of the book "Royal Etiquette" signed by Sandra Gătejeanu Gheorghe, the protocol director of the Romanian Royal House.
The book is richly illustrated with images of vintage and recent photographs of members of the Royal Family and has details related to royal protocol, the book presents in a concise and structured label that accompanied and further accompanying events conducted under the auspices of the Royal House.
“Eticheta regală”, lansare de gală la Ateneul Român Familia Regală a României Royal Family of Romania

The book is part of the collection of "Books royal" at Curtea Veche Publishing.
Eticheta Regală Familia Regală a României Royal Family of Romania

Today Crown Princess Margarita and Prince Radu received at Elisabeta Palace, the visit of His Excellency Mr. Jiri Šitler, Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Bucharest.
During the visit, His Excellency handed Their Royal Highnesses The silver medal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic's in connection of National Day celebrated on October 28. Silver Medal, offered to Crown Princess and Prince Radu, is an expression of gratitude for their generous and sincere work to develop friendship and alliance between Czech Republic and Romania.
Medalia de argint a Ministerul Afacerilor Externe al Republicii Cehe înmânată Principesei Margareta și Principelui Radu Familia Regală a României Royal Family of Romania

Ambasadorul Cehiei la Palatul Elisabeta Facebook
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