Princess Madeleine, Current Events Part 8: May 2010 - June 2012

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Aug 13, 2004
São Paulo

Welcome to the 8th current events thread for Princess Madeleine!

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If she had not canceled her appearance on the prewedding events I doubt that anyone would criticise the hosting of that charity gala.

With this move on her part it makes her look as spoiled brat. I know that she is passing a bad movement, but royals have also responsiblities to fulfill. When she cancelled the Seattle thing, imo it was justified but this new events? In my opinion she should go, and taking into account that there are the events for her sister's wedding it makes it worse at least for me.

I have a question, if she doesn't go to this prewedding events it means that the first time we will see her is in the church for the wedding?
Shes been in New York, Miami, if I'm not mistaken she took a trip prior to the break up, now London the the list, anyone see a pattern? There is nothing wrong with doing charity, but she cherry picking what she wants to do ( a dinner with celebrities, a more glamors job) and cancels what she doesn't. The only thing in her favor right now is that not all of her appearances is canceled last minute like it was in Settle.
If she had not canceled her appearance on the prewedding events I doubt that anyone would criticise the hosting of that charity gala.

With this move on her part it makes her look as spoiled brat. I know that she is passing a bad movement, but royals have also responsiblities to fulfill. When she cancelled the Seattle thing, imo it was justified but this new events? In my opinion she should go, and taking into account that there are the events for her sister's wedding it makes it worse at least for me.

Exactly. I agree with you, plain and simple.
I can understand where people are coming from when they say that she's suffered a bad heartbreak and needs time to heal and come to grips with it.

That being said.......she's not the first woman or even the first princess to get her heart broken by a man. She's acting like it's never happened before and gosh oh golly she could just die and she's got to go to the ends of the earth to escape it, even it means missing her sister's wedding celebrations. She wouldn't dare skip out on the actual wedding, would she? She's 27 years old, not 16. I would expect a 16 year old girl to act like this, not a woman near 30. I'm sorry, but she's acting very selfish and very self-absorbed indeed. We were all on her side when Jonas cheated and she dumped him -- now it's time to get back into life before we start feeling sorry for him.
At first I thought you know it sounds selfish of Madeleine, it may or may not be. Truth is as much as we can read or spectulate, we simply to not really know how she feels, how her family is choosing to help her through this. Yes we alll suffer some set back in life, if we didn't I don't think any of us would be as strong as we turn out to be. You never know what you are capable of until you have to deal with it.

I think if anything to be fair the sooner we all stop talking about Jonas, about Madeleine as her feelings or her actions thereof the better and sooner things will die down. Maybe she feels so overwhelmed with going out in Stockholm where everybody knows her face, her name her story. It so fresh with people over there because that seems to come up everday in some discussion. Imagine if you were in her shoes.

I am not saying this to defend or riticule Madeleine in anyway, her family or to withdraw attention from Victoria by any means. Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion of course.

The sooner we let it all die down and focus on the good in life I think the better we will all be. The pressure has to be great simply because she is a public figure, but also she is a person with human feelings and emotions with or without her title.

The sooner we stop trying to pry into how she mght feel, how selfish, rude, arrogant, teenagerish she may or may not be acting the sooner it will give her, the family and even Jonas (as much as I don't think he deserves it...) space to breath. Without being hounded with story afer story.

Madeleine may be a Princess, but we should remember if we were in her place, what would we really do? How would we really feel? To know that every other time you go out you are hounded by the paparazzi? Sure we can all say how we think we would handle it, throw her on the next plane home and all this. But since she is a grown woman, I think it should be her decision how she handels her life, public figure or not.

Again, I sincerely hope not to have offended anybody on this forum in anyway.
I have a question, if she doesn't go to this prewedding events it means that the first time we will see her is in the church for the wedding?
While missing the occasions now which lead up to the wedding, I'd say it can be taken for granted that she will attend the three-day wedding celebration itself, starting with the Drottningholm 'private' dinner on June 17, etc.-
While missing the occasions now which lead up to the wedding, I'd say it can be taken for granted that she will attend the three-day wedding celebration itself, starting with the Drottningholm 'private' dinner on June 17, etc.-

I'm confused.
By pre-wedding events I understand it as all the events prior to the wedding, that includes events on the 17th & 18th.
So we won't see her until the 19th.
The Reading of the Bans and the following reception take place tomorrow, and two more receptions take place next week.
Princess Madeleine will not attend those.

The actual wedding celebrations are on June 17, 18, and 19.
I take it for granted that Madeleine will attend those... it's not so complicated, I'd say.
Thank you Boris, that's the doubt I had if she was attending the gala before the wedding or if she was only going to the wedding itself.
I can understand where people are coming from when they say that she's suffered a bad heartbreak and needs time to heal and come to grips with it.

That being said.......she's not the first woman or even the first princess to get her heart broken by a man. She's acting like it's never happened before and gosh oh golly she could just die and she's got to go to the ends of the earth to escape it, even it means missing her sister's wedding celebrations. She wouldn't dare skip out on the actual wedding, would she? She's 27 years old, not 16. I would expect a 16 year old girl to act like this, not a woman near 30. I'm sorry, but she's acting very selfish and very self-absorbed indeed. We were all on her side when Jonas cheated and she dumped him -- now it's time to get back into life before we start feeling sorry for him.

Have you been broken hearted before by your Husband to be??? Please, If you never been through this experience you would never understand what she is going through, and it's worse for her, she is in the public eye, leave her alone!
Have you been broken hearted before by your Husband to be??? Please, If you never been through this experience you would never understand what she is going through, and it's worse for her, she is in the public eye, leave her alone!

This is a message board, people will post their opinions and feelings about things, provided they adhere to the TOS and to my knowledge, I broke no rules in that post. So don't tell me I can't talk about something.
Have you been broken hearted before by your Husband to be??? Please, If you never been through this experience you would never understand what she is going through, and it's worse for her, she is in the public eye, leave her alone!

Why do people do this? Because she's a princess we can't post our thoughts and feelings?? I've said it before, a lot of people on this forum has been through what she's been through. So please if you're feeling sympathetic toward her, then please feel sympathetic toward the thousands of women that go through this every day. The ones who've been through this understand what she's going through. A friend of mine was left at the altar in front of hundreds of people. Literally. But she had to continue her life. She wanted to die, but she kept pressing on. She still went to work everyday, she still went to church, she still shopped for groceries, and she was still there for her family and for me when I needed her. No one is saying that Madeleine was not treated wrong. I think many of the members are saying that she has to put her thoughts and feelings on the back-burner for a little while. Someone said in their post that she's not 16 and I agree. She's a grown woman who needs to start acting like a grown woman.

When Bill Clinton cheated on Hilary (in marriage mind you), almost everyone heard of the scandal. The thing that surprised me was the elegance that Hilary portrayed after the news broke out. Hilary still had to act accordingly because she's was the First Lady. I'm sure she cried in the White House and threw things at Bill, but we never saw it! I don't remember her running off to St. Tropez. Same thing with women like Bullock, they were cheated on, but still in their own way, they're trying to move on with their lives. Yes Hilary, Bullock are older than Madeleine but their famous just like she is. She's supposedly hurt but yet she's putting on a celebrity dinner? Umm.....this makes me wonder is she really that hurt or does she want attention?
Have you been broken hearted before by your Husband to be??? Please, If you never been through this experience you would never understand what she is going through, and it's worse for her, she is in the public eye, leave her alone!

We have every right to comment on what Madeleine is doing. We are not critising the fact that she is heart-broken, we are saying that she has a duty to fulfill and she is not fulfilling it. To cancel attending the pre-wedding engagements of her sister is ridiculous. Yes her engagement was broken off, but according to papers she was the one that did it, yes there is some speculation that Jonas cheated, but speculation at that.
So leave us alone.

I understand your comparisons CrownPrincess5, however comparing a statesman's affair and a celebrity to a princess is a little mis matched.
I understand your comparisons CrownPrincess5, however comparing a statesman's affair and a celebrity to a princess is a little mis matched.

There just examples. To put it simply, there are other famous women who was cheated on, especially in marriage, and they had responsibilities to take care of. Just because Madeleine is a young princess doesn't mean that's grounds for her to have her own way. That's basically all I was trying to say. Same old thing.
I am getting into the discussion late but I will add my two cents worth:

I see Madeleine's situation on several levels. I totally understand her feelings of hurt as I have been in a very similar position.

However, I think she should attend all of Crown Princess Victoria's pre-wedding events , including the Banns and the receptions to follow, as she is her SISTER and IMO family trumps everything.

Furthermore, as a princess of Sweden, she has a responsibility to honour her committments unless she is physically ill or in actual mourning for a family member. People put enormous work into Royal events and,IMO, it is disrespectful of the Royal to cancel for less than a reason of great gravitas.

Thus, I am with the other members who think it is time for her to just get up and put one foot in front of the other: she is a Royal princess whose big sister is getting married. She just has to put on her game face and make the best of it.
Are we really sure that Madeleine is not attending her sister's pre-wedding celebrations? If that's true, well it's selfish of her not to be there. The whole of Europe will be there and the sister won't be? I think the media is playing again. Of course stories like these will fuel rumors.

Madeleine won't be attending the wedding banns and two receptions which are being held within the next week. These are the pre-wedding events that she is not attending (not the dinner, government reception, concert in the days leading up to the wedding).
:previous: In short they are intimate family occassion. As a "sister-of-the-Bride I cannot tell you just how it feels to be part of a family sitting in the pews together and hearing the Banns called. It is a really special time and it sort of kicks off the wedding countdown when everything just seems to go into overdrive but, next week, they will once again take time out and will go to church, again as a family, and as before the Banns will be called and prayers for the couple, just as they do for every other couple.

In this one thing Victoria and Daniel get to be equal to every other couple in Sweden whose Banns are called the three weeks prior to the actual wedding.
Are we really sure that Madeleine is not attending her sister's pre-wedding celebrations?

She was not there at the reading of the Banns today. Victoria looked radiantly happy and I think it is sad that her little sister was not there to share in her joy.

I am beginning to wonder how much of this goes beyond her hurt at her own broken engagement and moves into the arena of sibling rivalry and a little jealousy on Maddie's part. If this is not the case, her absence will feed this perception. All in all, certainly not a cool way to handle this situation.
They also didn't live in a time when their personal lives were splattered everywhere. Give the girl a break. She is miserable, I am sure and she has to see all of this on every media site.

I'm sorry, but she sure doesn't look miserable in those pictures!
Im sure Madeleine is totally heart broken with this whole breakup and shes just trying to get her mind off it by traveling and getting away. I think we need to cut her some slack. Her family understands her situation and that's why have been patient with her. She was engaged with him and they had been together for many years. im sure it was not easy and also humiliating being of the conditions of the breakup. i have also been in that situation. sometimes u just need time to heal. yes she is a princess, but above everything shes human.
For the last time, no one is saying Madeleine doesn't need to heal. We're saying she has responsibilities. How she deals with her break-up is her business.
:previous: I quite agree she does need to heal but . . . . she obviously finds no difficulty in healing while sunbathing in public in America but cannot bear to be seen in Sweden? :whistling:
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There is no doubt she wants to heal and stay away for a while. However with Victoria's upcoming wedding, she should try not to be the center of attention.
The proper way, imho, would have been to participate in all the pre wedding festivities so on her big day Victoria will be the "queen" of the day.
:previous: I think the problem is that everyone in Sweden knows what has happend to her in the last few weeks! In America the media attention for European royals isn't that big, IMO. Of course the American media had news about the broke up of the engagement but it wasn't that big like in Sweden or in other European countries like in Germany. So I can understand that she need to get some kind of distance to all this things and news and that it is far more easier for Madeleine to be in "public" in America than to be in public in Sweden. In Sweden she would be in the limelight of the media and would not find time to get out of the Jonas-story. In America most of the people did not recognize her as a princess and so as a person of public life. There she is Madeleine Bernadotte and not H.R.H Princess Madeleine of Sweden. She can be more private and spend a good time with her friends. Healing and resting is very important for her right now, IMO, because there will be a lot of media attention on her during her sisters wedding and there are only two weeks to go.
Silvia❦CarlGustaf;1089547 said:
:previous: I think the problem is that everyone in Sweden knows what has happend to her in the last few weeks! In America the media attention for European royals isn't that big, IMO. Of course the American media had news about the broke up of the engagement but it wasn't that big like in Sweden or in other European countries like in Germany. So I can understand that she need to get some kind of distance to all this things and news and that it is far more easier for Madeleine to be in "public" in America than to be in public in Sweden. In Sweden she would be in the limelight of the media and would not find time to get out of the Jonas-story. In America most of the people did not recognize her as a princess and so as a person of public life. There she is Madeleine Bernadotte and not H.R.H Princess Madeleine of Sweden. She can be more private and spend a good time with her friends. Healing and resting is very important for her right now, IMO, because there will be a lot of media attention on her during her sisters wedding and there are only two weeks to go.

It's a good point. The US barely even knows Sweden has royals, so she did come here to be "free" from attention for a bit. Good argument.
and spend a good time with her
If she wouldn´t try to have all the time a good time, she would have maybe found a guy with higher moral standards than Jonas.
She was practically non-stop holidaying this year and also before the crash of her relationship she used to enjoy dolce vita a lot.
She could have participated actively in one of CHILDHOOD´s projects.
So she would have gained respect (there isn´t just pity for her in Sweden...also not before she cancelled her duties), would have enjoyed peace and would have maybe gotten an other view on life.
The way she is currently going, is leading her just to a life as "Monaco princess"
Princess Madeleine misses the national day celebrations today, this is the first time she won´t participate in them. According to Expressen, Madeleine wants to stay out from Stockholm, because she doesn´t want to run into Jonas Bergström who is now back in Stockholm.Queen Silvia has, as reported by friends of the royal family appealed to Madeleine, but in vain. Not even the Queen has been able to get the princess to change her decision.
- Princess Madeleine needs a time of her own and won´t participate at the celebrations tomorrow, said Nina Eldh from the court yesterday.
Madeleine vägrar nationaldagen - vill inte stöta ihop med Jonas - Nyheter - Senaste nytt | Expressen
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