Princess Alexandra Current Events 5 : Oct.2005 - May 2006

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Royal Highness
Oct 11, 2003
United States
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I have a "what if" question. Let's say something weird happens in the line of succession....... the Monaco princely throne passes from Albert to Caroline to Andrea..... Andrea never has children, so it goes to Pierre, also childless, then to Charlotte, who as an old woman by then, gives up her right to the throne to her sister Alexandra. I know this would never happen but it's necessary to go through that for my question. In the unlikely event that Alexandra becomes Princess of Monaco, would the title of the sovereign and family thus change from Serene Highness to Royal Highness? Because certainly Alexandra would be H.R.H. The Princess of Monaco. Once a Royal Highness, you can't be demoted to Serene Highness. It's the same for Caroline. If she succeeds Albert, she'll be Royal Highness. Back to Alexandra, her children would be HRH as well. They'd have to be. So all her descendants would be. An interesting question. I wonder if the family status would eventually graduate from princely to royal as the line goes on with HRH?
interesting question! but I don't have the answer for that... sorry
CasiraghiTrio said:
I have a "what if" question. Let's say something weird happens in the line of succession....... the Monaco princely throne passes from Albert to Caroline to Andrea..... Andrea never has children, so it goes to Pierre, also childless, then to Charlotte, who as an old woman by then, gives up her right to the throne to her sister Alexandra. I know this would never happen but it's necessary to go through that for my question. In the unlikely event that Alexandra becomes Princess of Monaco, would the title of the sovereign and family thus change from Serene Highness to Royal Highness? Because certainly Alexandra would be H.R.H. The Princess of Monaco. Once a Royal Highness, you can't be demoted to Serene Highness. It's the same for Caroline. If she succeeds Albert, she'll be Royal Highness. Back to Alexandra, her children would be HRH as well. They'd have to be. So all her descendants would be. An interesting question. I wonder if the family status would eventually graduate from princely to royal as the line goes on with HRH?

Hmmm, interesting and complicated. From what I know, Alexandra has a title (HRH Princess of Hanover, Great Britain and Ireland but it has no "legal standing" now as Germany and Ireland are both republics and the UK does not recognize the title). And as Monaco is a principality and not a kingdom, the sovereign's title can't be HRH, but HSH. The rules are quite clear about that. A principality is ruled by a prince/princess and thus, HSH and not HRH. HRH titles are for kingdoms. I think one's titles can be changed, from HRH to HSH, which does not necesarily mean a demotion. I think there was a HRH princess in the 19th century who married a HSH prince (forgot the names) and she adopted the HSH title as her husband was HSH prince (hereditary prince). BTW, Caroline's rank as HRH is the same as her father and now, Albert's. This is because even though Caro is HRH, the House of Hanover is a non-ruling house while her father and now Albert was/is a sovereign even though they're HSH. They have equal rank with different titles/styles. The Gotha Almanach (spelling?) will be a good reference to explain all possibilities :confused: :). The rules on royalty are complicated and that book can explain it all.
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Even still, if Alexandra were to have children wouldn't the kids have her husbands title and style and not hers? None of Caroline's children have titles except Alexandra because of her father.
lashinka2002 said:
Even still, if Alexandra were to have children wouldn't the kids have her husbands title and style and not hers? None of Caroline's children have titles except Alexandra because of her father.

Absolutely not, not if Alexandra were HRH The Princess of Monaco. Her kids would be recognized as heirs to Monaco and take this senior title over any name or title of their father's. As Alex would be a sovereign, a head of state, then her kids would be recognized as the children of such over anything else.

But............. in reality, as Alex will never be Princess of Monaco and I was only speculating on a hypothetical and far-fetched situation, then yes, Alex's children will take their father's name/title.
monica17 said:
Hmmm, interesting and complicated. From what I know, Alexandra has a title (HRH Princess of Hanover, Great Britain and Ireland but it has no "legal standing" now as Germany and Ireland are both republics and the UK does not recognize the title). And as Monaco is a principality and not a kingdom, the sovereign's title can't be HRH, but HSH. The rules are quite clear about that. A principality is ruled by a prince/princess and thus, HSH and not HRH. HRH titles are for kingdoms. I think one's titles can be changed, from HRH to HSH, which does not necesarily mean a demotion. I think there was a HRH princess in the 19th century who married a HSH prince (forgot the names) and she adopted the HSH title as her husband was HSH prince (hereditary prince). BTW, Caroline's rank as HRH is the same as her father and now, Albert's. This is because even though Caro is HRH, the House of Hanover is a non-ruling house while her father and now Albert was/is a sovereign even though they're HSH. They have equal rank with different titles/styles. The Gotha Almanach (spelling?) will be a good reference to explain all possibilities :confused: :). The rules on royalty are complicated and that book can explain it all.

Thanks, Monica. I did wonder about the principality limitation.... Yes, you're right about Caroline and Albert having "equal" rank, but I believe in a sense, Albert is actually senior to Caroline, so they're not exactly equal. Despite the HRH Caroline has from her marriage, Albert is a head of state. So in all diplomatic senses, he takes a much more prominent place than Caroline. And as a sovereign, he has to be senior in all royal senses too. Caroline is an HRH, yes, but she does not rule a country or wear a crown.
I beleive this photos weren't posted before..Found on ebay other day (originally from Hola)

Little Alexandra with parents enjoying ski vacation in Saint Moritz in February of 2003..:)

Her outfit is sooo cute!
thanx for posting!
Here are the newest pics of little Alexandra. Newscom and Colourpress










Thank you for photos, tbhrc, as always!;)

Alexandra is so adorable specially with that smile (loosing her deciduous teeth:p ) I think that so stupid comments on her looks will never show again..She is such beautiful little girl..:)
You're absolutly right. She is such a cutie. And I can't believe how much she has grown. It seems just yesterday as she has been on her first Nationalday 1999.
I totally looove her hair, it's like hazel kind of..
Who is the lady in red in the first pic with Alex?:confused:
Paula** said:
Who is the lady in red in the first pic with Alex?:confused:

It could be a grand daughter of Princess Antoinette.In of the pics her daughter was in the background.
It could be a grand daughter of Princess Antoinette.In of the pics her daughter was in the background

thanks, what's her name? :confused:
She looks very much like Caroline. From a far they could be mistaken for eachother don't you think?
lashinka2002 said:
She looks very much like Caroline. From a far they could be mistaken for eachother don't you think?

I think she favors her father/August side of the family much more. She's a cutie, no doubt, but her fair coloring and features favor her father much more.
Horseygal said:
I think she favors her father/August side of the family much more. She's a cutie, no doubt, but her fair coloring and features favor her father much more.
Oh no, I meant Melanie. The lady standing behind Alexandra. This is Caroline's cousin.
lashinka2002 said:
Oh no, I meant Melanie. The lady standing behind Alexandra. This is Caroline's cousin.

Ooopsie !! :rolleyes: But, yes, I agree that she does look a lot like her, at time; certain expressions are very much like an younger Caroline.
More pics from Colourpress, Profimedia, Seeger-Press, Getty









I think it sucks that was only a few pics of Alex, last year were tonns of them...:(
ha ha she looks like she is getting in trouble.... such a bad kid...
is messy hair the new trend for royal children? I noticed Amalia was sporting it at her sister's baptism.
pollyemma said:
is messy hair the new trend for royal children? I noticed Amalia was sporting it at her sister's baptism.
they look really cute though
There is a popular/cult movie from the 1970s called "The Stepford Wives." When a woman is perceived as too perfect (her hair coiffed just so - not one out of place; perfect clothes; perfect ettiquette, etc), we call them Stepford Wives/women. So, I like the natural way a child's hair falls after play - when it's combed and styled (unless for a truly formal portrait - which Palace balcony shots are not), it looks too "stepford." She's cute the way she is:D , messy hair and all.
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