Pierre Casiraghi Current Events Part 12 : Nov.2007 - Jan.2008

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Apr 11, 2005
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Pierre in Milan on November 14th with a gold bike
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10

I love his bike
His lock matches the bike!

I'm glad to see he knows how to properly lock it up. With a bike like that especially, it wouldn't do at all not knowing how to secure it effectively. But he put the lock on perfectly, making sure to secure the front tire. Good man.
I don't get the whole dirty/homeless look. When he cleans up, he's SO much more handsome.

Although I must admit, the bike is pretty awesome.
Probably, he did not need to lock the bike..The paps were there to watch for him ;)
To me it look just like an old bike, like the ones they used some decades ago in Northern Italy, and that's been repainted. Anyway he did the right thing when locking it, with all those people walking about Milan these days, heavens know where they come from, you never know...
^ yes he did the right thing to lock it. I would steal it immediately :) I love that bike!

to anag:
I can't understand you. His "dirty look" (it's not really dirty) is cool. It's the reason why I love him!
^ yes he did the right thing to lock it. I would steal it immediately :) I love that bike!

to anag:
I can't understand you. His "dirty look" (it's not really dirty) is cool. It's the reason why I love him!

Thanks, I know its not dirty. I just meant it was messy. I love that he's down to earth, but come on! Whatever, just an opinion.

^ yes he did the right thing to lock it. I would steal it immediately :) I love that bike!

to anag:
I can't understand you. His "dirty look" (it's not really dirty) is cool. It's the reason why I love him!

Me too! I don't really like picture perfect princes (or guys for that matter)... I like boho-dirty looks, it's so cool! :cool:
I was looking the oficial site of the spanhish magazine Hola!, and Then I saw in the summary, «Una bailarina de la Scala de Milán, el nuevo amor de Pierre Casiraghi». Translating: "A La Scala's ballerina, the new love of Pierre Casiraghi». Unfortunately, it has no link to open the article, but I'll be watching on this site, and perhaps buy Hola this week to read it. Perhaps someone who has the magazine could help us
^ A ballerina? Well, that could explain why she's so tiny.
Really? They seem to be totally diffrent personalities, but they make a great couple!
Yes, her name is Emilie and is french. I had bought the Hola edition of this week. I'll search the surname on the magazine, ok?¿
oh great, thx....hope you could scan some pics, if there are...
so the girl is a ballerina? if so, princess caroline might appreciate her . :)
Her full name is Emilie Fouillouse, and she is a ballet dancer at the Scala Theatre in Milan.:flowers:

Um... I see a picture of Gisele Bundchen. Maybe it's just me... can you try to post it again please? I'd love to see what she looks like, thanks.

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Yes that is Emilie, age still unknown.
I personally think they seem to have more in common then the other girls had with him. And so far I have six reasons why I like her and why she is a perfect match for him...

1. She is french
2. She is in Milan working
3. She is a ballerina, therefore she is elegant and graceful. Two words I would also describe Grace and Caroline with.
4. By judging only her clothes she seems to be wealthy, just look at her bags, Hermes and YSL. (I am in envy):wub:.
5. Her style is very chic and classy.
6. And she has this natural beauty. She does not seem fake like his ex gf.

But knowing Pierre he will probably dump her in a couple of weeks.
Yes that is Emilie, age still unknown.
I personally think they seem to have more in common then the other girls had with him. And so far I have six reasons why I like her and why she is a perfect match for him...

1. She is french
2. She is in Milan working
3. She is a ballerina, therefore she is elegant and graceful. Two words I would also describe Grace and Caroline with.
4. By judging only her clothes she seems to be wealthy, just look at her bags, Hermes and YSL. (I am in envy):wub:.
5. Her style is very chic and classy.
6. And she has this natural beauty. She does not seem fake like his ex gf.

totally agree...'til now, she's the best gf he's ever had...she seems more down-to-earth in comparison of his ex gf...she has not a show off (?) personnality...:flowers:

But knowing Pierre he will probably dump her in a couple of weeks.

:D :D you're being nasty...i wonder what make you say such things?? :lol::lol:
I always wondered does Pierre ever goes to La Scala... I'd be very impressed if he did. Well, maybe now he does!
Lets hope so. It will only do him good.

The picture that coco posted on the previous page, is actually taken on her "lunch break" I believe. He picked her up and then later drove her back to La Scala.
I "googled" her name and i found it in a dance database. Link

Acording to it she has dance in Paris and Miami. She dances since kid (I don't know her age, but i'm sure in 1992 she was just a kid) . Her styles are Classique, Contemporain, Néoclassique
No, it just says that she entered the school of dance in Paris in 1992. She probably danced before then and was accepted into the school.

I wonder how old she is. If she was born in 1987, she would have been 5 at the time. The school does sound prestigious. Her chart stops at 2002 with Miami City Ballet, so does that mean she's still with them?
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So graceful. Looks wise (as in poise and grace), she's probably Pierre's prettiest girlfriend (friend? fling? I don't know with this boy).
Ummm... okay, kinda out of subject but Eugénie N's nickname for Pierre is Poups.

(cousin has her in Facebook)
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