Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events Part 36: June 2011 - February 2012

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Jan 29, 2005
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** Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events Part 35: November 2010 - June 2011 **

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Tatiana actually looks extremely pretty in that photo...if she had worn a different shade of lipstick than that infernal RED she would have been GORGEOUS in fact!
I thought Charlotte's interview was very thoughtful. Note that she said she did graduate, was semi-pro and there was no mention of the London Olympics; just a dream to be in the Olympics at some point.(A dream more easily acheivable being from such a small country.)
^ I agree FanofMonaco. I enjoyed that interview very much. She came across as well spoken and intelligent.
She makes clear that she is semi-pro - and she's happy with that; her focus is on developing a committed relationship with her horse(s) - not trying/planning on competing on a par with Zara Phillips, or other Olympic/professional-level riders. She sounds as if she's leaning more toward her interests in art, fashion, editorial and equestrian ventures (renaissance girl!), not picking any one of them and dedicating her life to that......she's lucky!! And, these pictures show that she and Alex seem happy and relaxed.
Yes, she sounds intelligente and well spoken. There´s only one part of the interview that sounded conceited to me. When she speaks about being involved in charity she does not know exactly what it is. Of course she has inherited this concepts. This is far from reality and has nothing to do with real charity. This is the way rich people make charity, by organizing a dinner.
Yes, she sounds intelligente and well spoken. There´s only one part of the interview that sounded conceited to me. When she speaks about being involved in charity she does not know exactly what it is. Of course she has inherited this concepts. This is far from reality and has nothing to do with real charity. This is the way rich people make charity, by organizing a dinner.

I hadn't the same feeling about what she said on charity, maybe is it the translation who transformed a bit her words? She said that she has no official role in charity, but that she tries to bring all that she can. That's in this way that she organised a competition in Paris. She earned a lot of money for Amade, and she wants to do it again.
I totally agree with you: this is the way rich people make charity. They earn money, and don't directly help people in need, but that's better than nothing at all, and maybe we need people like Charlotte and all these wealthy people to give money/food/help to poor people. I am ashamed to recognise that I don't do more than Charlotte for people in need, and I even do less because I never earned as money as her for a foundation! And who knows: maybe one day she'll go to visit people in a foreign country, as her brother did? I think that's very possible. And maybe she already did it without medias looking at her. Her mother is the president of Amade and traveled a lot, and her godmother gave her life to people in need.
I hadn't the same feeling about what she said on charity, maybe is it the translation who transformed a bit her words? She said that she has no official role in charity, but that she tries to bring all that she can. That's in this way that she organised a competition in Paris. She earned a lot of money for Amade, and she wants to do it again.
I totally agree with you: this is the way rich people make charity. They earn money, and don't directly help people in need, but that's better than nothing at all, and maybe we need people like Charlotte and all these wealthy people to give money/food/help to poor people. I am ashamed to recognise that I don't do more than Charlotte for people in need, and I even do less because I never earned as money as her for a foundation! And who knows: maybe one day she'll go to visit people in a foreign country, as her brother did? I think that's very possible. And maybe she already did it without medias looking at her. Her mother is the president of Amade and traveled a lot, and her godmother gave her life to people in need.

Well, I read the original. You are right, she says she tries to contribute. It is far from being involved in charity as her mother is. I don´t think this is all she can do, but she doesn´t have an obligation because she is rich. I suppose it has to do with her role in the principality. What is really weird is the question: "we think you belong to a golden youth, when we meet you we see this is far from reality". Journlists are a little flattering when it comes to royals.
PC is very involved and travels to the Phillipines, Africa, S. America and Haiti to name a few places. What is wrong with Charlotte helping her with donations? We don't know in what other ways she may help her mother. I am sure she will take on more as she gets older.
There is something endearing and disappointing in the interview. It is not an interview, it has no flavor whatsoever of oral language, it is a series of questions Le Figaro magazine submitted to Miss Casiraghi, who responded in written form. Or it might have been oral but it was edited to a point (either by the editor or Charlotte) where it sounds like a cover letter for a job. There is almost a sense of desperation in it, as if Charlotte wanted to persuade herself that she has indeed achieved a lot in her young life. She tends to pontificate about horses, she muses about her original passion for reading all the classics at the tender age of 12, it's all about her successes and triumphant initiatives, she can think of no one to thank for her accomplishments except for her teacher and her mother. Isn't she a bit old for that? She makes easy concepts sound more intellectual than need be, and frankly, to me, she seems completely out of touch with reality. Her horse is "rare", in fact everything she touches takes on a touch of awesomeness. Where is a sense of humor? Where are the real struggles, the real challenges she has had to overcome to manage such an organization? Where are the stories of actually wearing work shoes and getting her hands dirty to help build exit ramps for the handicapped or whatever many American kids do in some summer camps? I'd love to do all my charity work in gala dresses! (Although the photo-ops of her brother surrounded by poor kids do not tug at my heart-strings either, Andrea has had such need to rehabilitate his image in the past. Nor Princess Caroline who picks and chooses what kids to kiss and her nephews and nieces are never it.) Where is the acknowledgment that perhaps things are made a little easier because of her being Princess Caroline's daughter? Why didn't the interviewer ask more probing questions? Do we need to start yet another hagiography of a Grimaldi character?

This being said, she comes across as charming, genuinely passionate (a word she uses several times), and dedicated. She needs a good interviewer, and rules being what they are, she'll never get one. One question gone wrong and the subject will never interview for that magazine again. She need not do her therapy in public, but she is too old to sound like an overeager job applicant.
Charlotte is a beautiful young woman and seriously intelligent, maybe even brilliant.

But I've said it before and I'll say it again...something is missing there.

Is it humor? Energy? Charm? A sense of empathy and compassion? All those things go a long way toward making a person who is merely physically beautiful EXCEPTIONAL, and I get none of the aforementioned with Charlotte.

Her mother Caroline on the other hand was perhaps not as jaw droppingly beautiful at the same age(at least not in my opinion) but she gave off a "life force" in addition to being beautiful and stylish. You saw Caroline being ALIVE...and not only among her rarified social circle. Caroline would have stood out in a crowd even if she was not stunning and famous.

Maybe Charlotte will come into those qualities later...maybe she is a late bloomer.

ETA: I think it is odd that Charlotte never mentions the influence of her late grandfather Rainier III, who stepped into a father role with Charlotte when she was only four. Doesn't that count for anything with her?

And what are her impressions of her iconic grandmother Grace, whom she never knew but has surely heard sooo much about?
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She spoke about Grace in a previous interview and she mentioned her again (though not by name) when she interviewed Stella McCartney. About Rainier, I don't think its come up, and perhaps she would rather keep those things private. Also, I heard Charlotte was not as close to her grandfather as her brothers were. I say give her a chance, a few more interviews, but t he re is still the issue of pre-approved questions and canned answers. I liked it personally, possibly because its new and at least we got to hear more from her. That said, I do think she does have an inflated sense of self that needs serious deflating. But then I've always got that impression from her, but its not really surprising considering who and how her mother is rumored to be.
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Unrealistic expectations of a 24 year old, people. She is a human, not a goddess.
Great post iloveroyals. Now that you mention it, it does sound more written than oral.

I had always thought she tries to emphasize her intellectual achievements in her interviews, as if she were trying to justify herself. Btw, can someone start reading classics at 12?

I´m not criticizing her for her "charity work". She must feel she´s doing something important by attending a dinner for charity. Most royals do, I wonder why? to feel relieved? Maybe they feel they are doing something for humanity. We know charity is something different.
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I rather thought the interview was okay. I don't know how many interviews she did for the magazines in the past; I assume not much since she 'just' started coming out of her much-shielded private shell. As seen from the photos that have been taken for the last 2-3 years, one can assume that Charlotte finally started embracing her role as a daughter of a princess; she's sporting a light smile on her face now.

Apart from accepting her role as a daughter of a princess, I reckon she's trying very hard to establish herself for who she is rather than a person she's been known since birth - daughter of a famous princess and granddaughter of a famous actress (hence much enthusiastic tone of her language). And I think interviewers recognized and respected that so the qs being asked by Figaro focused on her equestrian life, her life as an amateur rider. This sets her apart from the person she's known so far. Same goes for her love of reading and writing; she's done an internship in a publishing world. After all, it's too much for a 24 yr old who just started coming out of her shell to openly talk about her famous mother and grandmother and all the family matters. She doesn't have to do this - but she's embracing who she is by birth AND who she is/will be through her own effort all at the same time.
Welcome, Antonia...
Reading your post, words like "chrysalis" and "butterflY came to mind...

I wonder how much her relationships with her siblings and other "beautiful people" have influenced her.
According to me, this interview is a way to promote the wedding. I explain:
- Stephane Bern is a journalist specialized in royal families, he's very closed to Grimaldis. He presented William and Kate's wedding at the TV, and he is going to present Albert and Charlene's one.
- TF1 and France 2 (two french TV channels) paid 400 000 € (each one) for the rights of A&C's wedding. Stephane Bern works for France 2. Lots of people, here in France, laugh at this wedding: Grimaldis are often ridiculized by french medias, and this wedding is not as attractive as W&K's one. I read lots of negative comments on A&C, so they have to sell this wedding, to attract people. That's why, according to me, this very flattering interview has been realized: french medias, Charlotte is presented as the Pippa Middleton of A&C's wedding. (Even if, as far as I'm concerned, Charlotte is far more beautiful than Pippa!) Indeed, what else could be at the origin of this interview? Horse riding? Charlotte has not enough results. Litterature? She has no real job in it, she started and stopped studies/magazines. Charity work? No real role in it.
As a conclusion I would say that Charlotte is too young to talk about her life, like that. She hasn't had the time to accomplish some things, so I don't see anything else than the promotion of the wedding to explain this interview.
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"This wedding is not as attractive as W and K's" is really a matter of taste and prefererence LovelyKate.

I am personally over William and Kate...and I dread the fact that they are coming here to California in a couple of weeks. I am tired of hearing and reading about them because frankly other than the fact that they had a glorious wedding, they are simply not very interesting.

I am much, much more interested in the wedding in might not be as watched over the world as W&K's but it already sounds like it will be so much more glamourous than Williams..the setting alone guarantees that.

And comparing the beautiful, smart Charlotte to Pippa Middleton( a media creation if there ever was one!) is so beyond insulting.

So let the folks in France laugh at the wedding, if that is what they are doing. I intend to enjoy every minute of it!
The only thing useful Pippa has done for me is that she has knocked the obnoxious and trashy Kardashians off the front pages of the tabloids!
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Tatiana actually looks extremely pretty in that photo...if she had worn a different shade of lipstick than that infernal RED she would have been GORGEOUS in fact!

I think the thing with Tati is that she has a real awkward smile. But in my opinion, her beauty is kinda fresh. She looks really different from Eugenie, who always looks just so phony.
palomaise I agree with you. Unlike the other extremely privileged young women in that circle, Tatiana strikes me as genuinely sensitive and spiritual.(Of course I could be wrong!)

Eugenie? The less said the better.
There's nothing wrong with Charlotte, only one's perception of her, that old projectionism going on I dare say.

And on that note I leave you with this:

"By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes. Then rang the bells both loud and deep. God is not dead nor doth He sleep. The wrong will fail the right prevail. With peace on earth and goodwill to men."

ps: the quote is from here (taken from Ray Bradbury who in turn took it from Shakespeare's Macbeth, a favorite of mine): ;)
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Very beautiful pictures of Princess Charlotte! She bears great resemblance to her mother, Princess Caroline, and to Grandmother, Princess Grace! And she really looks good w/ makeup and long hair! <3
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