Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events 28 : Nov.2007 - Dec.2007

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Apr 11, 2005
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No new articles from Charlotte:huh:

Maybe she needs more time to write such long articles. . .
I'm curious what her next artice will be about.

Do you think we can "learn" something about her personality if we read the articles? I mean many people wanna know her character and her way of thinking. And I can imagine that some people think that they can analyse her character if they know her way of writing. The first time I read her article I was exited and I thought "These are Charlotte's words" and I tryed to imagine her voice. But it was not only her who wrote this article and it is stupid to think that this is exactly the way she thinks. There are so many ways of writing an article and I know people who have a different style of writing than a style of speaking.
I think that you should be very carefully if you try to analyse her "true character" from the article because it is easy to make big mistakes.
At least we can hope to hear (read) something from her every week. But news about her..maybe we need to wait until 19 November, Monaco National Day to see her..I cant wait! I will be busy the whole week to read stories from Monaco and British (The Wales princes for Queen & Prince Phillips Jubilees Anniversary)

Sometimes I think her collaboration with press may contribute to the lack of coverage towards her. Its good experience for her...but....we may need to sacrifice the opportunity to have more stories about her

....:bang: I just want her back...

Since no news about her, just to share result from the poll for the most royal eligible bachelor in the world. I love it!! She had been voted third in the whole list but first among the princesses..

Poll Results: Who’s the most eligible royal?
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Those poll results are crazy.... such a difference between Charlotte's 30-something, Harry's 41, and then William's 120!

If/when Charlotte gains more experience in the journalistic field, her personality may exert itself more in her writing, especially if/when she pursues a career as a columnist. But for now I think her objects (topics) must be bigger than her view, so she must write objectively, and never write subjectively. Therefore, I suppose that we won't be able to discern much of her personality in these early pieces. If she had a column, she could bring her own little flare to the tone, but for now as a junior and since she is working for a serious paper, I think she must work within the professional guidelines.
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I think the blog has more William & Harry viewers than Charlotte. Have you been voted Casiraghitrio..? hihihi :ROFLMAO:

There's another poll.. seriously, you won't believe the result :eek: - Royal Babes

Yeap, I agree.. At this point of time, we cant analyze her character based on her writing. Her 'piece' still need some 'touch' from profesional guidance, if she continues her writing, I'm sure we can predict something from her...:flowers:
Since no news about her, just to share result from the poll for the most royal eligible bachelor in the world. I love it!! She had been voted third in the whole list but first among the princesses..

Poll Results: Who’s the most eligible royal?

Charlotte is much more eligible than her brothers!
The reason can't be that she is a girl because Will and Harry are on the top. (What exactly means eligible? Is it like popular? But it is something positiv, isn't it?)
There are only young royals at the top positions . . that's interesting because there also a lot of older people who are intersted in royalty. But first I have to know what exactly eligible means, maybe I'm writing absolute nonsense:)

Thank you
Qualified ??? :rolleyes: Is it correct.. I need to see wiki now..
I know how eligible is always used in the context with these royal celebrities, but I never understand exactly what it means, if that makes sense. :D The "eligible bachelors" always seem to be the popular young rich males, but I have continually failed to grasp a clear formula for what it means, and who precisely the media decides is "eligible". It all seems to be very random and based on the "it" people of any given moment, as decided by the commercially-driven media industry. Who sells? I guess that's how they decide who is eligible..... but I don't know.... I don't have a clue!! :lol:
I'm relieved not to be the only one who don't know the meaning of "eligible". It seems to be an intersting word if also Americans don't understand it:lol:
In my English-German Dictionary it is translated with words like: admissible, bankable, skilled, desirable . . . (if I translate them back to English)
I think in connection with the "who is the the most eligible royal poll" it means something like qualified (like mizzy2006 said).

conclusion: People think that William, Harry, Charlotte and Victoria are "qualified" to be a prince/ss. I have the impression that it is rather a "who is the most LIKED royal" poll:ermm:
I think it has more to do with money... Like some little, bald, fat, rich guy is more eligible than handsome middle class guy... And then when they make this polls of eligible celebrities they somehow combine these too and add "it" factor. That's how I see it!
I'm relieved not to be the only one who don't know the meaning of "eligible". It seems to be an intersting word if also Americans don't understand it:lol:
In my English-German Dictionary it is translated with words like: admissible, bankable, skilled, desirable . . . (if I translate them back to English)
I think in connection with the "who is the the most eligible royal poll" it means something like qualified (like mizzy2006 said).

conclusion: People think that William, Harry, Charlotte and Victoria are "qualified" to be a prince/ss. I have the impression that it is rather a "who is the most LIKED royal" poll:ermm:
Since it talks about bachelors, I think the translation in the context is "desirable". Who is the most popular and why - evaluating beauty, money, education, etc. The polls about eligible bachelors are quite common in UK, and are often very general, for example "most eligible bachelor from US", and it will include all sorts of people - actors, heirs, businessman, etc, as long as they are all unmarried. You can't really be qualified for marriage, so it's more about who people would like to see as their bride or groom to be:)
Did I just make sense?
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I'm confused:wacko:
But thank you for trying to explain this strange expression.
I think it has more to do with money... Like some little, bald, fat, rich guy is more eligible than handsome middle class guy... And then when they make this polls of eligible celebrities they somehow combine these too and add "it" factor. That's how I see it!

totally agree with you shappica on that point..for me, an eligible people is rich and but i also think that the background and the social status count.
if i'm not making a mistake, i think that the grimaldi are richer than the windsor...but the first of that poll is william....if it was only based on the money, andrea would be the first, or the liechtenstein princes, arabic? arabian? princes, i don't know how you say it....the fact is that tough they are extremely wealthy, they arent in that poll.
the "power" too...prince william, because of his future status, every body love him ( personnaly i prefer harry, SO HOT haha) ...lets back to the topic, i think i'm gonna give you an example because i don't know how to explain, and how to be accurate...take the presidents of the usa.... all these president are told to be the most powerful men of the world even W :)eek:)...though he is not the richest, right? you see where i want to come?

another example, take eugenia niarchos and charlotte...eugenia is much much richer than charlotte but it always seems to me that charlotte is privileged, all her friend are around her, like they envy her....she is the one every one has to be friend with....

ohhhhh it's getting on my nerves..... i hope you'll understand what i mean....

so frustrating.....there is so much thing i wanna say....thank god for you that i can't explain my thoughts easily like you all...if i could you couldn't breathe anymore :D there would have been a lot more message....:ROFLMAO:
^ I understand. We definitely think about the same thing: rich+powerful(or IT factor)+social status= eligible! And if they're good looking on top of it they've got it all!
PS. psychoduck you're so funny when you seem helpless (about wanting to say so much but not being able to, ha ha, sometimes I feel the same it's frustrating- but I think we understand each other pretty well)
Minor news for whoever is interested: in the new Vogue UK there is a list of 50 most stylish women of this year: Charlotte has made it alongside the Queen, Kate Moss, Andrea and Alice Dellal, etc.
And shappica, you have summed it up very well:)
No Irina Lazareanu & Agyness Deyn, not to mention Carine Roitfeld (but I guess hers absence is understandable) but they've put The Queen on the list...weird...
I think UK Bazaar's list is much better!
But good for Charlotte to be on Vogue's list, thou... She and Alice did deserve it IMO
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I'm not surprised to see Charlotte in a list of the most glamorous women:)
That is a funny list. Gosh I think that Charlotte is more glamorous than Jemima Khan and Isabella Calthorpe and, most of everyone who supersedes her on the list!

ABout eligible: Definitely agree it's desirable, "it", popular combined with money and/or power. This is why "W" (thanks psychoduck) :D cannot ever make the "eligible" status. He has money and power, but no one desires him; in fact, most people hate him, me too. :lol:

But to use another example from psychoduck's post:
Eugenie Niarchos has more money than Charlotte, but Charlotte has the status of "daughter of princess" and fabulous genetic beauty, so she trumps Eugenie in the "it" factor and everyone wants to be Charlotte's best pal, if not wanting to be Charlotte! :cool:
PS. psychoduck you're so funny when you seem helpless (about wanting to say so much but not being able to, ha ha, sometimes I feel the same it's frustrating- but I think we understand each other pretty well)

ahhh, happy to see that i'm not the only one who have difficulties to write in english...sometimes i just wanna die....:bang:..i'm so disappointed.....but i'm relieved to see that despite this, you guy can understand what i's cool.

Hey Super moderators, i have a request to do: can the forum be in french??:lol:
Hey Super moderators, i have a request to do: can the forum be in french??:lol:
NON NON NON Je ne le veux pas! I have enought difficulties to write in English.
I know why I am jealous of Charlotte . . . she speaks French, English, Italian PERFECTLY! That's not fair:bang:
But the most important thing is that we understand each other:angel: No matter if the grammar is perfect
That is a funny list. Gosh I think that Charlotte is more glamorous than Jemima Khan and Isabella Calthorpe and, most of everyone who supersedes her on the list!

ABout eligible: Definitely agree it's desirable, "it", popular combined with money and/or power. This is why "W" (thanks psychoduck) :D cannot ever make the "eligible" status. He has money and power, but no one desires him; in fact, most people hate him, me too. :lol:

But to use another example from psychoduck's post:
Eugenie Niarchos has more money than Charlotte, but Charlotte has the status of "daughter of princess" and fabulous genetic beauty, so she trumps Eugenie in the "it" factor and everyone wants to be Charlotte's best pal, if not wanting to be Charlotte! :cool:

shappica and you have perfectly understood what i meant...that's pretty cool...
i don't understand why everyone make such a big deal about isabella calthorpe...i don't find her beautiful at all..i wonder what the hell is she doing in that list...
i don't find charlotte glamourous....she is really really beautiful, has a gorgeous face and is a natural beauty...but she is not glamourous....for me glamourous is a "package", charlotte is too young ( even if i doubt that the age is a factor) and she isn't enough self-confident...for me the 50's, 60's actress were all glamourous...
i do think that pss caroline is glamourous..she has that sort of aura ( which charlotte have, but it's not the same)..she is gorgeous...she has a kind of sex appeal even when she was charlotte's age. She has always been aware of her seduction power ( that's it?), which makes her strong.... ( i found her too haughty sometimes) ..if my memories are good, tosca once said Her Royal Haughtiness...( it suits her so much, but the fact is that despite this haughtiness, she still is beautifull)...whereas charlotte is shy...and that's all the difference.
NON NON NON Je ne le veux pas! I have enought difficulties to write in English.
I know why I am jealous of Charlotte . . . she speaks French, English, Italian PERFECTLY! That's not fair:bang:
But the most important thing is that we understand each other:angel: No matter if the grammar is perfect

oh crap...what a fool i've been to think that my request would be accepted :lol::lol::lol:
yeah, i admire her for being multilingual...that's great....i would love to speak italian fluently...i love that language...
^ and we agree yet again! I love Italian too, and actually working on it now - it will take a few years I imagine, but I WILL speak it eventually! I wouldn't mind Pierre or Andrea helping me along the way...

About Charlotte, I don't think that list is about glamourous, but it's a mix of trendy and elegant people. And Charlotte's style really isn't that much on either side, and sometimes she looks like trying too hard, but at least she's taking risks and not playing safe all the time (as much as most of the people here would want her to-like when she was teen) and that's what counts IMO. I think she has the potential to become a trend setter in next couple of years.
No, glamorous would not be my choice of description for Charlotte either, but still, she hits on "glamorous" in my opinion than most of those people.... I don't understand what is special about most of them. I just do not understand.... Here again the mass media baffles me and I shake my head in despair.... But I still think that if Charlotte is to be on any list of this kind, she should be at the top,because of all those women, she is, imho, the sweetest, the coolest, the prettiest, and........ what else? The most intelligent, the hottest, the greatest! :p
^ Oh my, how many adjectives, but you forgot the crucial one> THE MOST ELIGIBLE! :p
Well maybe she shouldn't be on Top like the first place (yet), but definitely top 20! ;)
I agree with the above comments. I wouldn't necesarily consider Charlotte glamorous, but rather classy as Zembla stated. A glamorous woman in some ways is her friend Eugenie. She always looks perfect (or tries to). You know has the dress, the jewels, the hair, the makeup all matching and perfect. Whereas Charlotte mixes 'n matches, doesn't even wear makeup or fixes her hair at times. Very natural and easy breezy! A definite quality in my opinion!
Charlotte's going to be on the E! Channel's "20 Most Fabulous Billionaire Heiresses"
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