Charlotte Casiraghi Current Events 27 : Sept.2007 - Nov.2007

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Apr 11, 2005
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Happy Posting!
Thanks, Juliette ! Cute, especially the last one. So Charlotte !
Thanks, Julliette. In the third pic, they look like such an odd couple. :D Why do such pretty, fashionable girls always seem to have a weakness for men who dress like that? It's an eternal mystery, I guess. :rolleyes:
Thanks, Juliette i love the last one she looks really nice lol and like
iloveroyals said ...So Charl0tte! vbmenu_register("postmenu_665730", true);
The fifth and last one is very Charlotte. :)
Yes, I was going to say, it's so much like the old Charlotte, vintage Charlotte, but I guess she's a bit too young yet for that adjective ? You know, like, "What becomes a legend most ?" ad ? (Sorry for the teenage language, it must be sprightly, jaunty-looking Charlotte that brings it out in me...)
oh...alex reminds me of adam sandler in those portugal pics. hehehe
unless i missed an entry or a thread, does anyone know for sure what language charlotte and alex use with one another? i'm presuming english given alex's nationality (however these society people are pretty articulate in french as well).
unless i missed an entry or a thread, does anyone know for sure what language charlotte and alex use with one another? i'm presuming english given alex's nationality (however these society people are pretty articulate in french as well).

I think the Casiraghis and their friends in general speak their own curious mix of English, French, and Italian. But with the Dellals, you're probably right about it being mostly English. Just like with their stepbrothers, as I am sure they mostly speak English with Christian and Ernst Jr.
I think the Casiraghis and their friends in general speak their own curious mix of English, French, and Italian. But with the Dellals, you're probably right about it being mostly English. Just like with their stepbrothers, as I am sure they mostly speak English with Christian and Ernst Jr.

You are right, they do speak English with Christian and Ernst Jr.
My sister met Andrea and Charlotte with the Hannovers at the airport of Zurich, a couple of years ago, and she told me they spoke English.
in the airport video I had the impression that charlotte was mouthing quite clearly "embrasse moi" (kiss me) in french to alex...
but of course i could be wrong
in the airport video I had the impression that charlotte was mouthing quite clearly "embrasse moi" (kiss me) in french to alex...
but of course i could be wrong

You might be right. Maybe she is giving him French lessons. (No pun intended). :rolleyes: :p
Charlotte has so beautiful legs as her mother.
I don´t like Alex for her, i´m sorry, i hope it doesn´t last much long, they don´t fit.
Thanks, Julliette. In the third pic, they look like such an odd couple. :D Why do such pretty, fashionable girls always seem to have a weakness for men who dress like that? It's an eternal mystery, I guess. :rolleyes:

Odd couple? Why? I like the way he dresses.
^ Yeah, me too, but I've sad it million times already! He has casual and relaxed style, it's cool.
There is a difference between cool casual and sloppy. Alex often dresses sloppily. I prefer the preppy relaxed style to the sloppy version. But everyone has their own preferences. Don't attack me for mine, please. Thanks! :)
He probably dresses sloopy on purpose. Like to give off a nonchalant attitude.
That "nonchelant" sloppy is not something everyone can pull off - the Casiraghi Trio gets it right - sorry, Alex just looks sloppy.....
I don't know whether this has been mentioned or not. The magazine Vanidades calls the Charlotte-Alex couple Carlex.
Nice and unusual pics!Thanks Bob!:flowers:
Charlotte looks nice and happy.
I don't know if she moved to London but I think she spends there a lot of time wiyh Alex. Does anybody have further information?
..So Mr Dellal was studying photography... maybe we will see more Charlotte photos in the future and hope Char wont change her course from 'phisolophy' to 'photography' too.. :ermm:
Charlotte attending an exhibition by Jaap de Vries at 20 Hoxton Square (Alex's gallery).
Photo 1 :hmm:


Why the hell is she wearing that huge napkin around the neck???!!! :eek:

For an instant, while the pic was opening I though that Charlotte was the other girl in the photo and I though "nice change", but of course it wasn't her. Anyway, I think that this kind of haircut would suit her.

And about london, who knows but she will probably saty in paris until the end of her studies. We are still in september and the sorbonne hasn't started yet.
Did she, Tatiana, or Andrea attend Fashion Week in NYC?
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