Prince Friso and Princess Mabel, Current Events 1 (August 2003 - September 2006)

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"Had she come clean in the beginning, rather than enduring the constant drips of information, it may have been able to have been managed in the press. But they didn't tell the government or the family what they were really dealing with, so they couldn't spin it. "

The hypocrisy of all of this is amazing. The government was spying on the Queen's sister with her help. Sure, that's done a lot but you can't take the high road. Also what did they want? How deep was the relationship? Receipts and everything. It doesn't matter. I hope they are happy because they put that woman through hell over this. She should not have had to explain herself. It's all because of who the friend was. I just find that wrong.
Originally posted by Janet@Aug 23rd, 2003 - 6:33 pm
I can't help but think Beatrix would privately be spitting feathers about this.

After the controversy over Maxima's background, the Queen must have been even more determined to avoid the British way and then the whole Margarita fiasco and now problems with her second son's bride!!!!

Perhaps she'll be contacting Queen Elizabeth II and asking her for advice on how to handle so many scandals and difficulties, I can't help but think that Beatrix is going to face more in the coming years.
Dear Janet,

Using Queen Elizabeth as a sympathetic ear may not be that fruitful, in my opinion, however, I'm just one person. I think Queen Elizabeth just "turned a blind eye" toward anything "out-of-the-ordinary" which affected her children and family. Prince Philip usually "meeted out the hard discussions of problems", I believe, however, Queen Beatrix's husband is now deceased. She's alone in her decision - making ~ albeit the Dutch Parliament is an everpresent source.

The "standards-to-be-held" for these poor wives-to-be are bordering on the unhumane. Yes, I'm sure there will be a "little spitting of feathers" before it is all over, but Mabel's past is being considered unworthyly ~ just because she once knew a gangster??!! OK ~ it went past "just knowing a gangster" ~ but, did SHE join him in his gangland maneuvers?? ~ I imagine NOT! People do change and I don't believe this should be held against her. The Parliament is saying that Mabel wasn't as forthcoming as she should have been. What should she have said?? ~ "Oh, yeah, by the way, I was involved with an underworld Kingpin a thousand years ago!" (just joking) ~ but, is that the ONLY DEFINING feature of this woman? Not! I think the whole situation is sad. Very sad and very unfair.

Elizajane :(
I agree, ElizaJane. I'm glad there somebody around here agrees with me. No offense to you, Kelly, but I was starting to feel alone on all of this. You make valid points.
I think that when we look back to this "Mabelgate" in 2013, we don't know anymore why we have make such a problem about her contacts with Klaas Bruinsma when she was 20 or something like that. And she didn't tell everything to the PM about her "relation", but I can understand that. It was better that she had told everything, but that is too late now. Unfortunately for her and Johan Friso :(
I think it's really unfortunate that they would condemn her so much for a mistake she made when she was younger and didn't even know the prince. I admit, lying about it was bad, but it's an understandable defense-mechanism. If you had done wrong and the stakes are high, chances are you'll lie about it and try to cover it up. I don't know how I would feel if someone prosecuted me for taking a pencil from a classmate of mine back in kindergarten.
Originally posted by andiemac@Dec 30th, 2003 - 11:17 am
does anyone know how the engagement ring looks like? i couldn't find it.
Have you tried the Johan Friso and Mabel Engagement thread? I can't remember if there is a picture there or not of the ring, but you can check.

Johan Friso Engaged!
Friso og Mabel med i bryllupsår

Kronprinserne Frederik og Felipe bliver ikke de eneste royale brudgomme i 2004. Den hollandske prins Friso trumfer sin vilje igennem og bliver gift med Mabel Wisse Smit til trods for hendes belastede fortid som kæreste med en berygtet narkogangster. Brylluppet er berammet til den 24. april, og byen Delft skal lægge rådhus og kirke til henholdsvis borgerlig og kirkelig vielse.


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Originally posted by King Christian@Oct 22nd, 2003 - 3:05 pm
thissal   Posted: Oct 21st, 2003 - 2:39 am

... Prince Bernhard as a main player in ... Bilderberg group, the Council of Foreign Relations, the Rockefellars and Rothschild's

I heard Prince Bernhard was the driving force in getting the Bilderberg Group established. The CFR is American, I thought ? The other two have lots of money, agreed.
Thissel, Funny that you mention Prince Bernhard being members of certain groups and counsels. He also had some mis - dealings with Lockheed here in America .. and, I'm not positively sure that this is the reason Juliana abdicated in favor of her daughter, the now Queen Beatrix. The "organizations and counsels" (if you want to use those terms) which he belonged to have also been suspicious to me ~ simply by the "power" which they expose themselves.

Knowledge, power and control ~ which go along with a great deal of money ~ (and, let us not forget, Queen Beatrix is alledgedly the richest monarch of them all.) In the past, I've termed members of these organizations as the "Gnomes of Zurich", the "Trilateral Commission", etc., etc. It's a very "select club" .. and, in a general way, "they" run the world so secretly that we, as citizens of different countries around the world, don't actually know that we are being lead around by a ring in our noses, down the paths they've created, i.e. "wars around the world".

Yes, it it "scary" indeed. Even my professors in college tried to "skirt" around this issue, however, in graduate school, this subject was openly discussed. The film producer, Oliver Stone, did an excellent job in his movie, "JFK", of revealing their presence ~ and, I'm not sure that Prince Bernhard was not one of them ~ a "gnome" ~ which is an unseen anomaly which rules the world. :wacko:

Sorry, Thissal, if I've strayed from the subject of "Mabel and Frisco", but the mention of Prince Bernhard's membership of certain organizations, sort of spurred me on. Please forgive. :heart:

thanks , alexandria for the link to johan and mabel's engagement thread. there isn't a photo of the ring in that thread but i can see from the photo posted by paulette above that mable was wearing a ring on her left hand . it's a pity that we couldn't see the ring .... sigh....
young mabel


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Originally posted by Dennism@Dec 29th, 2003 - 11:21 am
"Had she come clean in the beginning, rather than enduring the constant drips of information, it may have been able to have been managed in the press. But they didn't tell the government or the family what they were really dealing with, so they couldn't spin it. "

The hypocrisy of all of this is amazing. The government was spying on the Queen's sister with her help. Sure, that's done a lot but you can't take the high road.  Also what did they want?   She should not have had to explain herself. It's all because of who the friend was. I just  find that wrong.
Two wrongs does not make a right. The Dutch Royal Family / Dutch Government should not have spied on the Queen's sister. But Mabel shouldn't have lied either.

Everytime I visit my Dutch husband's friends and family, the thing that bothers Dutch people I talked to is not that Mabel fell in love with that married Yugoslavian minister who is in Jail for fraud or even with that Klaus Bruisma. It's the fact that she lied. Being generous and liberal, the one thing the Dutch can't stand is being lied to.

Personally I must admit that being liked to notorious gangster was creepy. But Mabel was very young then. We all make mistakes.
According to NOS tv-text:
The NOS will broadcast the wedding of Prince Johan Friso of the Netherlands and Mabel Wisse Smit live. That is what NOS editor-in-chief Lars Andersson told at the AVRO-radio. He thinks the disputed wedding is of national importance.
from Benelux Messageboard:

Yesterday Prince Johan Friso and his fiancee Mabel Wisse Smit, accompanied by the Hofmaarschalk (Van Eenennaam) and the Ceremoniemeester (Monod de Froideville) visited a.o. the ancient Oude Kerk, 'De Oude Jan' in Delft, to inspect the premises.
Three nice photos of the couple in Delft. Mabel looking very princessely...
A great of deal of the festivities will be private.
Johan Friso must have felt 'at home' here, the church only being at a couple of 100 m's distance from his former house and from adjacent Prinsenhof.

1 March, Prince Friso will become director of TNO Space in Delft. The prince studied aerospace engineering and economics. TNO is a knowledge organisation for companies, government bodies and public organisations.
From the Benelux messageboard:

Mabel gave a masterclass in charity during the arst and science day her former school had organised.
Afterwards the pupils were very impressed and enthousiastic and some said that now they would become members of Amnesty International.
She answered some questions too and said that "the past half year wasn't always easy.
Especially when you can't defend yourself when so may lies and . Als er zoveel leugens are written about you. I burried myself in my job and I spend as much time as possible with family and friends whom I care about.''

She says to be working 24 hours a day, seven days every week.

Gymnasiasten hangen aan de lippen van Mabel

Mabel Wisse Smit gaf gisteren een masterclass aan leerlingen op haar oude middelbare school.

Door onze correspondent Jutta Chorus

HILVERSUM, 18 FEBR. Op een kleurenfoto uit 1985 zit uiterst links op het toneel de 17-jarige Mabel Wisse Smit. Witte haren, witte lippen. Ze lacht extatisch. Wouter van Ravenzwaay, leraar geschiedenis aan het Gemeentelijk Gymnasium in Hilversum, laat een zelfgetypt scenario zien van de komedie Vrouwen aan de macht (oorspronkelijk Ecclesiazusae) van de Griekse toneelschrijver Aristophanes. Hij regisseerde destijds het schooltoneelstuk, over de vrouwen van Athene die genoeg hebben van de oorlogen die hun mannen voeren. Ze plegen een staatsgreep en verzoenen zich uiteindelijk weer met hun mannen.

De vinger van Van Ravenzwaay gaat langs de rolverdeling. Hoofdrol 'Vrouw II': Mabel Wisse Smit. ,,Met een paar kinderen op school heb je iets. Het klikt. Mabel was zo iemand. Vrijgevochten, niet truttig.''

Na haar eindexamenfeest in de zomer van 1986 had Van Ravenzwaay Wisse Smit niet meer gezien. Tot gisteren. Ze keerde terug naar school om een masterclass te geven over charity, liefdadigheid, tijdens een speciale kunsten- en wetenschapsdag die het Gemeentelijk Gymnasium voor de leerlingen had georganiseerd.

Daar staat ze in de lerarenkamer tussen de zeventig andere sprekers, onder wie oud-minister Els Borst, oud-museumdirecteur Frans Haks en chef-kok Paul Fagel. Veel gastsprekers zaten zelf op het Gemeentelijk Gymnasium of hebben er kinderen op school. Ze is tenger, draagt een zwart broekpak met een groene jade ketting. Het haar hangt los naar achteren in een clip.

,,Ha Meeb!'', een blozende geschiedenisleraar geeft haar drie kussen. ,,Het is weer precies als toen'', zegt Van Ravenzwaay. ,,Haar stem. We hebben na alles wat haar is overkomen aan een halve blik genoeg.'' Buiten de deur van de lerarenkamer staan tientallen jongens en meisjes met kleine camera's en pen en papier voor een handtekening. ,,Ze is zó inspirerend'', zegt een meisje uit 6a, ,,dat ik lid ben geworden van Amnesty.'' ,,Ik geef aan het Ronald McDonald-huis'', antwoordt haar vriendin. Als Wisse Smit zich even later door de menigte wringt, zegt ze: ,,Jongens, ik ben geen bekende voetballer.''

De masterclass in Hilversum is het eerste optreden van Mabel Wisse Smit na haar verloving in juni met prins Friso, na het bekend worden van haar omgang met de in 1991 vermoorde drugsbaas Klaas Bruinsma en nadat het paar moest afzien van wettelijke toestemming voor hun huwelijk. Buiten de Rijksvoorlichtingsdienst om Wisse Smit hoort nog niet tot de koninklijke familie.

Hoe moeilijk is het om nu in het openbaar te verschijnen? ,,Op mijn oude school is dat leuk'', antwoordt ze. ,,Het afgelopen half jaar is niet altijd makkelijk geweest.''

,,Vooral als je jezelf niet kunt verdedigen. Als er zoveel leugens en onwaarheden over je worden geschreven. Ik heb me begraven in mijn baan en ik heb zo veel mogelijk tijd doorgebracht bij familie en vrienden om wie ik geef.'' Ze wappert met haar handen voor haar gezicht. Meer wil ze er niet over zeggen.

De workshop van Wisse Smit was met tachtig inschrijvingen vier keer overboekt. De 22 gelukkige bovenbouwleerlingen zitten op de tweede verdieping in het economielokaal. Wisse Smit is bij het Open Society Institute (OSI) directeur EU-aangelegenheden. Het OSI, gesticht door de Hongaars-Amerikaanse filantroop George Soros, zet zich in voor de democratisering van landen die zijn geregeerd door totalitaire regimes, oorspronkelijk in de voormalige Oostblok-landen, maar tegenwoordig ook in andere werelddelen.

Ze vertelt over het werken voor een mensenrechtenorganisatie en over de betekenis van niet-gouvernementele hulporganisaties (ngo's). ,,Ik wist op de middelbare school niet eens wat dat waren!'', zegt Wisse Smit. ,,Voordeel is dat ngo's onafhankelijk van de overheid kunnen doen wat zij nodig achten'', zegt Diana Hamidzai (17) uit 6a analyserend. ,,Nadeel is dat ze moeten bedelen voor geld.''

Ze discussiëren over de berechting van Saddam Hussein. In Irak of in Den Haag? Wisse Smit is tevreden na afloop: ,,We vonden dat er onder de hoede van de VN een tribunaal in Irak zou moeten komen waar zowel Arabisch sprekende internationale experts als Irakezen aan meewerken. Dat vind ik een mooie conclusie. Als er een tribunaal komt, moet dat lang duren zodat er zo veel mogelijk getuigenissen over Saddam Husseins misdaden tegen de menselijkheid boven tafel komen. Zo'n tribunaal is ook geschiedschrijving.''

,,Ze poneerde een stelling en kwam steeds vijf minuten later weer bij haar eerste zin uit'', is Van Ravenzwaay die bij de masterclass aanwezig was opgevallen. ,,Dat is retorica.'' ,,Ze speelde advocaat van de duivel'', zegt Diana, ,,door steeds stellingen te betrekken waar de groep het gevoelsmatig niet mee eens was. Bijvoorbeeld dat er immigratiestromen op gang zouden komen door de toetreding van Turkije tot de Europese Unie.'' Van Ravenzwaay: ,,Ze schreef aan het begin de namen op en kende ze meteen uit het hoofd.''

Diana Hamidzai weet na de masterclass van Wisse Smit zeker dat ze géén geneeskunde wil gaan studeren. ,,Dat wilde ik eerst. Nu is werken voor een mensenrechtenorganisatie iets wat ik later zou willen doen.'' Waarschijnlijk gaat ze rechten en politicologie studeren. Mabel Wisse Smit kijkt op haar horloge. Aan het werk! ,,Ik werk full-fulltime, 24 uur per dag, zeven dagen in de week.''

Over de aanwezigheid van premier Balkenende bij het huwelijk op 24 april, zegt ze: ,,Ja, leuk hè?''
Marriage Mabel and Johan Friso live by NOS HILVERSUM - NOS Current directly will broadcast the marriage of prince Johan Friso with Mabel Certain Smit 24 April. As well the civil as the church wedding as public matter is considered, through which Tv-registration is possible.

The pair gets married Between 10.00 and 13.00 hour, the events are to see via NOS /nederland 2.
The NOS broadcast the marriage live because of journalistic reasons . the prince will after the marriage with Mabel lose its status as member of the Royal House l. That because the couple has lied to the government incompletely has over Mabels past. According to the NOS now all many viewers ask round direct registration of the marriage.
Beautiful pictures :flower:

And yes, open the topic of the wedding, because the wedding is 24 April (within 2 weeks!), Fred and Felipe has so much topics about their wedding in May and Johan Friso not even one topic :cry: .

There is so much news about the couple and their wedding today and the coming days :blink:
Their engagment pictures are very nice. But I'm surpised that they would have public engagment pictures since after their marriage they are'nt going to be part of the royal house. Or is it the RF?
the royal family think it;s the same marriage as the marriaga afrom Máxima and LAurentien, and after the wedding they still a member of the family, and we can call Mabel Princess.
Yeah I knew that but Mabel is not going to be a princess of the Nertherlands (sp), just of Orange-Nassu.
The picture of Mabel all in black by herself is quite pretty. I have to say that from these pictures I prefer her hair down with loose curls rather than pulled back as in the pictures of her in the pink jacket with Johan Friso. She looks like a little girl in those pictures.
After the wedding is MAbel Official Coutness of Orange-Nassau
Originally posted by patje@Apr 13th, 2004 - 10:06 am
After the wedding is MAbel Official Coutness of Orange-Nassau
and princess of orange -Nassau.
After all they gona married or not? Is any date?
Originally posted by micas@Apr 13th, 2004 - 11:24 am
After all they gona married or not? Is any date?
Yes, they will be married on April 24th.
Mabel will be styled as 'HRH Princess Mabel of Orange-Nassau, Countess of Orange-Nassau, Mrs. van Amsberg'

Because she is allowed to use the names of her husband, like Princess Laurentien.

So (I hope I'm correct):

*HRH Willem-Alexander Claus George Ferdinand, Prince of Orange, Prince of the Netherlands, Prince of Orange-Nassau and Jonkheer van Amsberg
*HRH Maxima, Princess of the Netherlands, Princess of Orange-Nassau, Mrs. van Amsberg
-HRH Catharina-Amalia Beatrix Carmen Victoria, Princess of the Netherlands, Princess of Orange-Nassau

*HRH Johan Friso Bernhard Christiaan David, Prince of Oranje-Nassau, Count of Orange-Nassau, Jonkheer van Amsberg
*HRH Mabel, Princess of Oranje-Nassau, Countess of Orange-Nassau, mrs. van Amsberg
-children: Count(ess) of Orange-Nassau and Jonkheer (Jonkvrouwe) van Amsberg

*HRH Constantijn Christof Frederik Aschwin, Prince of the Netherlands, Prince of Orange-Nassau, Jonkheer van Amsberg
*HRH Petra Laurentien, Princess of the Netherlands, Princess of Orange-Nassau, mrs. van Amsberg
- Eloise Sophie Beatrix Laurence, Countess of Orange-Nassau, Jonkvrouwe van Amsberg
- Claus-Casimir Bernhard Marius Max, Count of Orange-Nassau, Jonkheer van Amsberg

BTW. I don't think there is a translation for Jonkheer or Jonkvrouwe, but it is a noble title (from Prince Claus who was Claus von Amsberg)
And don't ask me why Catharina-Amalia doesn't have the title Jonkvrouwe van Amsberg while all her cousins have that title, because I have no idea. It's a other strange decision of the government :wacko: .
Even though Friso lost his rights to the throne, what are their responsibilities within the royal family? For example, will they attend official functions like the opening of parliament or will they live out of the limelight?
I think they will just attend Queen Beatrix's birthday celebrations and other family events. I don't think they will be in attendance for state or official visits. But of course I could be wrong! :)
Maxima and Willem-Alexander are the only one who, together with Beatrix, will welcome guests on state visits etc. etc.

Friso and Mabel are going out of the spotlights.
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