Princess Letizia, Current Events Part 3: April - July 2005

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"Let me finish", she told the Prince, when he interrupted her, on the day of the engagement. That spontaneous gesture, so discussed, was left in the shadaw, echoing the words she then proffered regarding her learning as Princess of Asturias: "With the non-payable example of the Queen", she said.
A year after the wedding, the Spaniards willingly accept the transformation of the Asturian journalist into consort of the Heir to the Throne. Doña Letizia has learned, but it is not possible to be doubted that she has also been the reason why the Prince now smiles so much.

JOSE APEZARENA (Biographer of the Prince)

Apezarena is the person in charge of a series of 18 televising chapters about the Prince, which were transmitted by Telecinco in 2002. He considers that the Princess shall limit herself "to help him and to accompany him". This journalist remembers that "Doña Sofía did not take a clear protagonism, until very little ago. Before, we were not even used to listen her speaking and it seems to me that they’re trying that the things happen the same way at La Zarzuela"; and this in spite of the new times and the fact that Doña Letizia was not born in palace cradle. "It would be much strange for me that she could claim a more active role. Her true vital shock already has taken place. She abandoned a very dynamic profession to be buried in La Zarzuela, and we can’t forget that the decision of her living at Zarzuela was adopted just half a year before the wedding". That unexpected solution, which surprised all Spaniards "was a success", he assures.
But not always it was a way of roses for Doña Letizia: "I understand that she had to acclimate herself very much to her new life. In those first months, the fiancès sporadically went for a walk, and the Prince often went out with her, so that she could escape a little from that situation".
There’s no doubt that the presence of this Asturian woman among the Royal Family has brought freshness, but he remembers that the King and Queen have always been people of their time: "we can’t forget that their children studied in normal universities. The Princess is a very modern girl, but she’s also very disciplined and I know that she participates every the morning in the meetings and her voice is listened to". Besides, now "the Prince doesn’t go out anymore with his group of friends, and attends more concerts and museums, which is also good".
Apezarena thinks that Doña Letizia "has passed the exam" and that her pregnancy is a great point to be added to those good marks.

AURELIO MENÉNDEZ (Lawyer and teacher of Don Felipe)

"Doña Letizia has brought joy into the palace of La Zarzuela and she’s contributed to the Prince’s stability". Aurelio Menéndez is one of those few people who have the privilege to know well the future King of Spain. He thinks that soon we will see her presiding some official acts alone: "there’s no doubt that her previous professional experience and obviously the skills she learned during the last year allows us to say that she’s sufficiently prepared to appear alone in an institutional act, without the company of the Prince". He thinks that "Doña Letizia has brought to the palace of La Zarzuela the joy provided by the wedding of the Prince, along with the satisfaction and serenity that derives from the incorporation in the Royal Family of a person with the required will and qualities, to assume such a high responsibility, as the one that she has assumed". And as far as the Prince is concerned, the former teacher says that "she has contributed to the stability and happiness that’s only provided by the woman with whom one’s in love".

SABINO FERNÁNDEZ CAMPO (Ex- head of the House of the King)

"I would sincerely dare to point out some flaws, if I discovered them, because by doing so, my declarations would be more credible, sincere and independent", assures Sabino Fernández-Campo. The Count of Latores refers to Doña Letizia, who he esteems and respects, because "she is very intelligent, she has ample experience of life, she is conscious of her new role and she’s in love with the Prince". All those ingredients have helped to form the image with which the Princess of Asturias every day conquests new admirers.
Fernández Campo notices an evolution, since her first public appearances, till the most recent ones, but it thinks it’s more interesting "to consider the attitude that she assumes in each occasion, measuring her attitude with respect towards the Prince and the rest of the Royal Family, without eagerness to excessively stand out or to pass ignored, always finding the exact border between both positions (that is to say, the always desirable midpoint will be the secret of the success that we wish)".
Regarding Doña Letizia’s ability to preside over acts in solitaire, Sabino Fernandez Campo remembers that "she already attended an official act alone, when she pronounced with briskness the appropriate words to the occasion".

MATÍAS RODRIGUEZ (Spokesman of Adolfo Domínguez)

For Matías Rodriguez, the supposed style transformation of Doña Letizia is "inappreciable". "I think that she remains faithful to her style, since she indifferently uses skirt and trousers and besides the suits have almost the same style as previously". The truth is that her jackets resemble very much to the ones she used on TV. Rodriguez doesn’t disguise his admiration for her "for how she adapted herself to her new role... so handsome. I believe that she is perfect ".
Regarding her new haircut, the image expert considers that "it flatters her face, but it isn’t newness either, because she often used to cut the hair".

PILAR MUIÑOS (InternationalSchool of Protocol)

In her humble opinion, Doña Letizia "has been correct", although "sometimes, too much". This expert in protocol adds that now it seems that "the one that is a novice is the Prince, whereas she seems more rigid. It seems that the influence between both of them has caused an interchange of roles". Pilar Muiños considers that the future Queen "knows, first of all, to be a great observer. The Royal Family surely helped her very much. The complicity glances between the Princess and her husband seem as if he meant to her: 'be calm: we are with you and everything is O.K.’".
It is not less certain that an evolution is perceived in her behaviour: "she did not interrupt the Prince again, as she did the day of the engagement and that is a clear example that something has changed in her attitude". Nevertheless, that progress has taken place in such a short time that even the best experts admit their surprise. Her job as a journalist helped her to act in very difficult situations and, above all, to have a worthy constancy before the cameras. Most of the time, there are hundreds of cameras pointing at her, as it happened at the Campoamor theatre, for the Prizes Prince of Asturias. The words that her husband dedicated to her, before an audience who saw her growing up, have paralyzed her. "Some people say that she should have stand up, but she remained seated. What it is strange to me is that she didn’t know what the Prince was going to say. Her emotion was so great that it must have been a surprise", comments Pilar Muiños. It is also regarding the way of dressing that Pilar Muiños realizes a clearer evolution of the Princess. "Since the engagement till now, I can see an input of seriousness to the way she dresses". Protocol says nothing about repeating outfits, whenever it is the appropriate to the occasion, and she sees with good eyes that a Spanish princess "promotes the fashion of her country".
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letizia will pronounce her first speech in an official act the next 15 of june.

Doña Letizia pronunciará su primer discurso en acto Guardia Civil
Doña Letizia pronunciará su primer discurso como Princesa de Asturias el próximo miércoles 15 de junio en Logroño, durante el acto de conmemoración del XXV Aniversario de la Unidad de Acción Rural de la Guardia Civil (UAR) y de amadrinamiento de su bandera.

La Princesa de Asturias cumplirá así con la tradición de pronunciar un discurso en todos los actos de amadrinamiento de la bandera española, que realizan los miembros de la Familia Real.

Desde que contrajo matrimonio con el Príncipe de Asturias, sólo en una ocasión, la inauguración del IX Congreso de Academias Iberoamericanas de la Historia celebrado en Madrid el pasado 4 de noviembre, Doña Letizia ha pronunciado unas palabras en público en un acto oficial. Ese fue además el primer acto oficial en solitario de la Princesa de Asturias, puesto que Don Felipe tuvo que viajar al emirato de Abu Dhabi para asistir a las honras fúnebres del jeque Zayed bin Sultán al-Nahyan.

Letizia presidirá la semana de la vela

La semana o campeonato de España de vela infantil, que se celebrará desde el 24 al próximo 30 bajo la organización del Náutico de Portosín, tendrá como presidenta a Doña Letizia Ortiz, Princesa de Asturias.
Could any of the Hola subscriptors post here this week's photos of Letizia shopping with her mum?

Thanks in advance. ;)
i didn't know about those photos :) how cool... were they buying babies clothes? :p



Es para mí un gran honor y un motivo de emoción especial, poder presidir por primera vez, junto a mi esposo el Príncipe de Asturias, un solemne acto de entrega de la Bandera de España y hacerlo, precisamente, a la Unidad de Acción Rural de la Guardia Civil.

Permitidme que, antes de continuar, exprese nuestra gran alegría por encontrarnos en Logroño y que dirija nuestro afecto y admiración a todos los riojanos, así como un saludo muy cordial a las autoridades que nos acompañan y a todos los asistentes.

Como Madrina de esta entrega, deseo comenzar mis palabras cumpliendo fielmente y con agrado el encargo que he recibido de S.M. el Rey de transmitir a la Guardia Civil y, muy en particular, a su Unidad de Acción Rural, Su felicitación más sincera y cordial con motivo del vigésimo quinto aniversario de la creación de esta prestigiosa Unidad.

Una felicitación a la que el Príncipe de Asturias y yo misma nos unimos de todo corazón, y que hacemos extensiva a todos y cada uno de vosotros y a vuestras familias, cuyo amor y comprensión os ayudan día a día a cumplir con ilusión renovada las misiones tan importantes que tenéis encomendadas.

Esta Bandera ha sido generosamente donada por el Consejo de Gobierno de la Comunidad Autónoma de la Rioja; hecho que pone de manifiesto una vez más, la identificación tan estrecha de esta noble tierra y de sus gentes con la Guardia Civil, una de las instituciones que recibe de los españoles un gran cariño y una de las valoraciones más altas.

De ahí que quiera aprovechar esta ocasión tan singular para ofrecer a todos los hombres y mujeres que integran la Guardia Civil, nuestro sincero reconocimiento por el valioso trabajo que desarrollan, guiado siempre por el amor a la Patria y destinado a proteger el libre ejercicio de los derechos y libertades de los ciudadanos. Reconocimiento, también, por su abnegada entrega a nuestra sociedad, por su ejemplar vocación de servicio basada en el honor, la lealtad, el compañerismo, el espíritu de sacrificio y el exacto cumplimiento del deber.

Esta Unidad de Acción Rural es reconocida como un magnífico ejemplo de la permanente capacidad de adaptación de la Guardia Civil, en su afán por cumplir el mandato constitucional de garantizar las necesidades de nuestra sociedad en materia de seguridad ciudadana. A lo largo de sus primeros veinticinco años, la Unidad se ha ido transformando y perfeccionando, hasta hacerse merecedora del alto honor que supone la concesión del derecho al uso de la Enseña Nacional.

La preparación esmerada que recibís para alcanzar la especialización que os caracteriza, así como la tenacidad y la determinación en el cumplimiento de vuestra noble misión -al afrontar muchos riesgos y dificultades- son la mejor garantía de éxito para el ejercicio de vuestra importante labor diaria.

Las cualidades que hoy adornan a esta Unidad no podrían entenderse sin la ilusión y el espíritu que supieron imprimirle sus fundadores, y que han mantenido cuantos os han precedido. Vuestro trabajo infatigable, en muchos casos heroico, en cumplimiento de vuestra misión específica de lucha contra el terrorismo y ejecución de operaciones que entrañan un gran riesgo, pone de manifiesto el verdadero alcance de vuestra firme voluntad de servicio a España.

Por todo ello, os expresamos nuestra gratitud que es la de toda la sociedad española, así como nuestro pleno apoyo a vuestra misión centrada en la lucha contra el terrorismo que conculca brutalmente nuestros derechos y libertades, y que merece nuestra total repulsa y condena.

En este marco, no queremos dejar de dedicar un emocionado homenaje de respeto y afecto a todas las víctimas de la barbarie terrorista y a sus familiares, a quienes hoy ofrecemos una vez más todo nuestro cariño y apoyo.

A la Guardia Civil y a esta Unidad quiero agradecer de manera especial el haberme brindado la oportunidad de amadrinar esta entrega de Bandera. Permitidme que os aliente a continuar realizando vuestro trabajo con la misma ilusión, dedicación y eficacia que siempre habéis demostrado.

Que esta Bandera de España, que nos llena de profundo orgullo, os sirva de estímulo permanente en el cumplimiento de vuestra misión. Como Madrina me comprometo a guardar siempre un lugar privilegiado en mi corazón para esta Unidad y para la Bandera que tengo el honor de entregaros. Estoy segura de que la sabréis honrar con vuestro trabajo y sacrificio diarios al servicio de España y de los españoles.

Translation can be found at the following thread:
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I will not be able to see the photos I will see them tomorrow but I believe that they were buying books in the Fair of the book that she herself had opened. To Letizia it enchants to her to read, and in inaguratíon to only they gave books her for the baby or about him.
From Hellomagazine

Fashionable young crown princesses Letizia of Spain and Victoria of Sweden both donned special headgear in the course of their official duties this week, carefully adjusting to the tone of their engagements while maintaining their individual style.

Letizia wore a typical, elaborate Spanish headcomb and 'mantilla' lace shawl on the occasion of her first public speech. It was startling to see the elegant princess, who normally opts for vibrant colours and solid pastels, dressed head to toe in black for the Civil Guard ceremony in the north-eastern city of Logroño.

Now four months' pregnant, the former newscaster appeared slightly restrained by nerves as she delivered the speech, which paid particular tribute to the Civil Guard's efforts against terrorism. Her husband,
Crown Prince Felipe, usually the protagonist at such official events, gave her hand a reassuring squeeze as she returned to her place at his side.


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the Princess de Asturias who, with her pregnancy, gains popularity without having to go of the hand of the Prince. Letizia Ortiz, like the rest of the mortals, goes of purchases. Accompanied by her mother and her sister Telma, the Princess returns without her husband and of incognito to the Fair of Libro. Relaxed and dressed informal, she took advantage of the occasion to occur a new bath of culture and to extend her library. Not only the purchases of Letizia have interest. If the last week she stood out her first premother dresses, in this occasion her incipiente tritoots becomes center of attraction for the magazines. A slight curve and more kilitos are the first symptoms . And that that still are left five months for the real lighting .


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Thanks for sharring these Hola's photos with us all, Lapopdiva! :)
Hello Magazine: Vote for Princess Letizia as a Most Elegant Woman! She is at the secont place right now, just 10 votes after Penelope Cruz (Spanish too, but we all prefer Leti, don't we?
LaChicaMadrilena said:
An article about Princess Letizia's first speech in public
A rough translation of it:

By Maribel Reys (professor of Audio-visual Communication from the Complutensian University of Madrid).

When the moment arrives, Doña Letizia, with firm step, raises her head and she knows how and where she must go to. Her first official speech before the members of the Civil Guard’s Unit of Rural Action turns evident that she knows the keys. She knows that her dress, her gestures and her pauses construct the image.

During her speech, everything is in order: straight posture; hands with a purpose; a voice that projects itself according to the distance of the microphone; a calm speed, to give authority to the words; a vocalization that favours the effect; eyes that watch straight, neither lost nor in the paper; absence of gestures; correct accent; intonation for the last phrase.

Only certain rigidity may be pointed to her. Don Felipe is more natural in his gestures and controls the space without so much hardness. On the other hand, she uses the possibilities of voice and glance in a better way.

Now, she turned from observer to the one who is observed, to be the news herself. When the words and the images arrive through TV, the spectators surely are not aware of these aspects separately, but in her debut, the self control, the absence of spontaneity and that smile that is immediately avoided are perfectly justifiable. This economy of expressive resources causes certain mystery, because it does not allow that interchange and the reciprocity implied in other moments.

This first official act may have caused the desire of knowing what is there, behind the strict accomplishment of protocol.
I may have missed the early board discussions....why is it again that Letizia does not have her own engagements like the other crown princess-maxima,mette,etc? Being a journalist, I am sure is is just as capable, if not more than the others? thanks
rosalyn said:
I may have missed the early board discussions....why is it again that Letizia does not have her own engagements like the other crown princess-maxima,mette,etc?
That is a normal procedure, within the Spanish Royal family. It's King Juan Carlos who draws the schedules of each member, and the same procedure was adopted with Doña Sofia.


24 JUNE 2005

As much of Europe is enjoying a sizzling summer, one royal pair found themselves having to bundle up during an official jaunt up north.

Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark and his pregnant wife, Crown Princess Mary, donned winter wear as they continued their tour of the Faroe Islands, located between Scotland and Norway. With the archipelago's famously cool summer temps, the Australian princess found her cold-weather gear – in this case, a brown quilted coat and wooly hat – certainly came in handy.

Meanwhile, in contrast, another expectant princess was dressed in a cheerful fuchsia ensemble for the warm climate of the Mediterranean. Spain's Crown Princess Letizia, whose baby is due in November, donned the brightly-coloured skirt and summer jacket for a visit to the village of Sabadell, near Barcelona.

1. Meanwhile, in sunny Spain, Crown Princess Letizia donned sizzling fuchsia as she weathered the hot temperatures near Barcelona


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Green shoes with a pink suit? hm...the outfit is great ^___^ the colours not so just noticed how leggy she is =)
hillary_nugent said:
Green shoes with a pink suit? hm...the outfit is great ^___^ the colours not so just noticed how leggy she is =)

Green and pink is actually a very hot trend in fashion right now, especially the bright fuschia pink Letizia is wearing paired with apple green.

Kate Spade has a line of leather wallets and organizers that are pink on the exterior and lined with green and pink stripes inside.

For those who think Letizia's style is boring, she is actually quite trendy and cutting edge but in the most subtle of ways, without being flashy or obviously trendy.
Alexandria said:
Green and pink is actually a very hot trend in fashion right now, especially the bright fuschia pink Letizia is wearing paired with apple green.

Kate Spade has a line of leather wallets and organizers that are pink on the exterior and lined with green and pink stripes inside.

For those who think Letizia's style is boring, she is actually quite trendy and cutting edge but in the most subtle of ways, without being flashy or obviously trendy.

Nothing against the pink-green-strawberry-look...but two shades of pink in combination (??) Call me old-fashioned, but I will never become fond of combining two shades of one (lurid) colour.
Alexandria said:
Green and pink is actually a very hot trend in fashion right now, especially the bright fuschia pink Letizia is wearing paired with apple green.

Kate Spade has a line of leather wallets and organizers that are pink on the exterior and lined with green and pink stripes inside.

For those who think Letizia's style is boring, she is actually quite trendy and cutting edge but in the most subtle of ways, without being flashy or obviously trendy.

i actually loved the combination of that red rubi and green outfit letizia wore. it hasnt been a while since i dont see anything "trendy" on her, just the tons of similar outfits...
carlota said:

Letizia presidirá la semana de la vela

La semana o campeonato de España de vela infantil, que se celebrará desde el 24 al próximo 30 bajo la organización del Náutico de Portosín, tendrá como presidenta a Doña Letizia Ortiz, Princesa de Asturias.

Will she attend this meeting alone, without Felipe? When will it take place, I don't understand Spanish.
LaChicaMadrilena said:
Will she attend this meeting alone, without Felipe? When will it take place, I don't understand Spanish.
Here's an article about that:

The Spanish Sailing Infantile Championship, organized by the Nautical Club of Portosín, will take place from June 24th to 30th, and will have the Presidency of Doña Letizia, the Princess of Asturias, who accepted the proposal of the Club.

The Championship will count on the participation of more than 200 children, coming from all the Spanish federations.

It only says that she accepted the honour presidency of that event, but it doesn't mean that she will attend it. The Princes accept many presidencies of honour, I would say hundreds, but it's impossible for them to attend all the acts. It's more a promotional gesture. They surely had a meeting with her, to present the project itself, and then she accepted to associate her name to it.
Thank you very much, Elsa M. According to this article, this Championship end today. However, on the casa real web side there is no information about it.
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