Letizia Ortiz, News and Picture Thread Part 1: November 2003 - August 2004

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" I don't always like what she is wearing or how she has her hair done, but she generally looks good in photos. "

Very true. And sometimes she wears too much makeup. Then again a lot of TV people do. But she's toned down on that and looks better.
Is it merely an impression of mine that the suit Letizia wore to her engagement is the same she wore for a set of photos taken on set at TVE?
you can compare the two suits by viewing the following two photos next to each other

image number 2702842 and 2702805


image nos: 2689594 2689591 and 2689589

if you examine the neckline and buttons, i believe one can conclude its the same suit.
If you look very closely you can tell they are different. The material is a totaly different texture.
They are totally different suits. For one Letizia headed to Armani in Barcelona to buy her engagment suit before the announcement.

~I personally prefer the TVE suit .
I also prefer her TV anchor suits. There is extra flair in those suits, and more femine and soft. Right now, she wears famed designers', but those seem stiff in designs. I don't know maybe just lack of soft touch or something.
crikey, she does stick to what suits her doesn't she - i mean the neckline is identical! its true that her TVE suits are much nicer, they sort of frame and give prominence to her lovely face much better than what she has worn as Felipe's fiancee so far!
I really like the engagement one, but the TVE suit is nice also. They are practically the same design, however. I think she has choosen the right one... she was very elegant and gave her a touch of purism. She was also very criticized, as the engagement suit was an Armani, and people were speculating about an Armani weding dress...
I like her style, very modern and chic. A break away from those boring traditional royal looks (Mathilde of Belgium usually looks like 10 years older than her actual age, sure she is very elegant).
Originally posted by donnaK@Apr 1st, 2004 - 8:59 pm
I like her style, very modern and chic. A break away from those boring traditional royal looks (Mathilde of Belgium usually looks like 10 years older than her actual age, sure she is very elegant).
I can see that. But not that outfit for me. But she is sleek and chic and that is nice.
Mathilde does tend to dress too old for her age, I agree. The trouble with fashion is that some trends should never leave the designers' workshop. A young girl can perhaps get away with Letizia's rock band look, but Letizia cannot. The photos might haunt her later perhaps in a decade or so when the trends are totally different. A smart chic lady will adapt trends to suit her style, but is not a slave to them. Look at the ever lovely and elegant Queen Rania in the following photo. She's taking the ruffle trend and made it her own with a classy shirt worn to a business maeeting.

Queen Rania

Leitizia doesn't need to be ultra conservative in her day-today wardrobe, just mindful that copying trends totally might not suit her. That's style and I guess each woman develops it as she gains confidence.
She's doing a pretty good job with her wardrobe. It'll take time to learn to dress like a royal. I have every confidence she'll be one of the best dressed in the next decade or so.
i agree fireweaver...when rania first became queen she was very similar to letizia in that sometimes she went way conservative and sometimes she went completely opposite with ultra-trendy, ultra-young looks that seemed inappropriate...it took her about a year to really find out what suited her and what didn't.

similarly, it's going to take time for letizia to adapt to her new role but i'm sure she will...
Hola! has an extensive thread of pictures of Letizia, from her magazine covers, her journalism career, as well as many never-before-seen pictures of Letizia growing up and with her family.

Letizia and I share one thing: I love my pantsuits! I noticed in some pictures on the Corbis site of Letizia and Felipe at a ball recently, she was wearing something that was black and white. The photo was a picture of them with the King and Queen standing in a balcony. Does anyone know whether she was wearing a gown or a very dressy pantsuit? :huh:
LETIZIA SE PRUEBA EL TRAJE. La prometida del Príncipe Felipe, Letizia Ortiz, acudió a última hora de la tarde al taller del modisto Manuel Pertegaz, en la Avenida Diagonal de Barcelona, para probar su traje de novia, en compañía de la Reina Sofía y de su madre, Paloma Rocasolano

Queen Sofia & Paloma & Letizia
as you may know, in spain it had a lot of polemic the easter holidays of the cp and letizia. also, and as you may know, they went to the caribean islands. what you may not know is what really happened there. i've read this information in a forum, and i think this information is totally reliable, as the girl who wrote it put also many links of some newspapers, which you may find at the top of the notice. i thought it was an important information, so i decided to create a new topic (otherwise i would have posted it in letizia's and felipe's news thread) which i'll paste here (for the ones who know spanish) and i'll translate the most interesting points. i have founded it totally surprising...

here it is

Abril 2004

Más información al respecto:

(Leer hasta el final MUY INTERESANTE)
Hola a todos. No veía el momento de dirigirme a todos vosotros para haceros partícipes de mi enojo y estupor por los sucesos que nos está tocando vivir, pero he preferido esperar hasta poder reunir unos cuantos datos que me permitieran esbozar una crónica aunque fuera esquemática de la esperpéntica secuencia de acontecimientos que hemos sufrido durante las dos últimas semanas.
Si no era ya lo bastante indignante que los futuros Reyes de España, adolescentes consentidos y sinvergüenzas de treinta y dos y treinta y seis años respectivamente, pisoteando abiertamente la voluntad de Don Juan Carlos y Doña Sofía y desafiando el más elemental sentido de la oportunidad y la decencia se hubieran ausentado en plena Semana Santa y con España sumida en su circunstancia más trágica desde el final de la Guerra Civil a despatarrarse juntos en una playa del Caribe a falta de mes y medio de celebrar sus esponsales de acuerdo al rito católico, que prohíbe y condena expresamente la cohabitación de los futuros marido y mujer antes del matrimonio, me entero de que la realidad supera toda ficción y que ese periodo lo ha invertido la parejita en realizar un crucero de súper lujo en alta mar juntos y revueltos en un velero con unas cuarenta personas de entre las cuales la mayoría de ellas muestra un perfil que de la manera más suave no podría por menos de calificarse como de dudosa reputación.
Prostitutas de lujo, niños de papá y mamá degenerados desde la cuna, empresarios de turbios negocios y un largo etcétera de especimenes amorales y libertinos que han protagonizado escándalos de billete y bragueta que ni el más abanderado defensor de las costumbres de vanguardia querría ver asociado a su apellido.
Ya todo esto por supuesto la prensa, alcahueta y cómplice desde el mismo principio de este desafortunado compromiso, guardando un silencio cortesano y reprobable.
Porque os puedo informar con rigor de que lo que iba en ese barco está acostumbrado a veladas que harían parecer la comuna hippie más radical de los años sesenta como una sucursal de hermanitas Ursulinas de las de antes; y no hablo ya de top-less o nudismo en cubierta ni de niñerías semejantes, sino de las prácticas sexuales y el consumo de substancias más variado y escalofriante.
Y los futuros Reyes de España celebrando allí su despedida de solteros (y su luna de miel pre-sacramental), la misma despedida que como ¨costoso sacrificio¨ se habían comprometido a anular en señal de duelo por los trágicos incidentes del 11-M.
No voy a dar nombres del ¨ejemplar¨ séquito náutico invitado a la ¨ceremonia oficial¨ por varias razones, siendo la principal que no soy yo quien para hablar de la vida privada de personajes que no van nunca a representarme públicamente, pero sí de lo que hacen aquellos que todos mantenemos con nuestro sudor para que realicen un servicio a la comunidad que obviamente esta pareja nunca será capaz de desempeñar. ¿Y que me decís de lo que ha pasado en Miami?.
Pero desgraciadamente para todos, Letizia no está en su sano juicio, su desequilibrio se acrecienta a cada día que pasa y arrastra en sus devaneos a un Príncipe Felipe que no es más que un simple pelele sin la más mínima personalidad en sus manos (esto no lo digo para exculparle, sino todo lo contrario; es una persona totalmente incompetente para el cargo que ¿pretende? ocupar), la pobre Reina Sofía es insultada y humillada a diario, y lo que ha ocurrido esta Semana Santa se va a ir destapando poco a poco, incluso con la manipulación mediática, y va a provocar serios problemas tanto a la pareja como a la Monarquía y a la Iglesia Católica.
Después de la dramática discusión en Zarzuela, donde Letizia llegó a gritar con furia a la Reina que no se le ocurriera intentar meterse de por medio en su relación con Felipe o este renunciaría al trono de inmediato, la pareja salió escopetada de Palacio y se dirigió al aeropuerto, en donde embarcaron en Gran Clase en el primer vuelo que salía para la zona donde ya desde hacía varios días organizaban en secreto su despedida de solteros. Y ese vuelo era hacia Cancún. Sí, no es cierto que fueran el sábado en un vuelo regular a la República Dominicana, sino que como tenían tanta prisa por salir embarcaron el mismo viernes por la tarde hacia Cancún, y de ahí se dirigieron después a Santo Domingo en un jet privado que alquilaron en régimen de aerotaxi. Allí ya les esperaba (bueno, en La Romana, una urbanización de gran lujo a unos cuantos kilómetros, reservada en exclusividad para el sarao) el yate que Felipe con dinero público y a través de uno de sus íntimos tenía preparado para que su círculo de amigos, otros de Letizia (bueno, más que amigos, familiares, alguna hermanita, cuñaaaoos, primitas, parece que amigos tampoco le sobran) y diversos personajes del mundo del ¨espectáculo¨ (de los que algunos al parecer ni Felipe conocía, pero fueron invitados a petición expresa de Letizia), disfrutaran de un crucero secreto por las aguas del Caribe.
Algunos estaban allí ya y la inmensa mayoría se incorporaron ese sábado y el domingo por la mañana, casi todos en viajes en línea regular de diversas compañías pagados con fondos de la Casa Real, los más en primera y alguno en Gran Clase.
Todo se llevó a cabo en silencio y con la connivencia culpable de algunos medios de comunicación. El domingo por la mañana se incorporaron también al grupo dos de los especialistas que tratan a Letizia en Madrid, pues la novia finalmente accedió a última hora a que viajaran tras ella y tuvieron que coger un vuelo a Miami (en Gran Clase) y luego alquilar otro aerotaxi para reunirse con la pareja.
A eso de las seis horas del domingo por la tarde el barco abandonó el puerto de La Romana y comenzó su ¨heroica¨ singladura. A bordo lo más florido y granado de la jet Tombolera, los más bellos y divinos cuerpos Danonos que saltan por las camas más elegantes de nuestro para ellos entonces tan lejano terruño.
Y hasta algún ¨artículo¨ de ¨importación¨ podía encontrarse, y no me estoy refiriendo solamente a los licores y al Dom Perignon.
En cuanto al ambiente que ¨reinaba¨ sobre la cubierta de aquel navío, ¿qué podría contaros?, ya os he dicho que yo soy una chica más bien modosita y nunca he tenido la ¿oportunidad? de vivir ocasiones semejantes, pero tampoco soy ninguna mojigata y he visto películas que seguramente reproducirían con bastante fidelidad la atmósfera que se podía respirar allí. Pero casi mejor no os recuerdo ninguna, que cada cual se lo imagine a su manera; y no tengáis miedo de pasaros, seguro que os quedareis más bien cortos.
Digamos nada más que durante los tres días que la parejita permaneció a bordo la comida más temprana nunca se sirvió antes de las cuatro de la tarde, que el número de personas que pernoctaban cada noche en cada camarote era siempre una variable independiente y que había quien se pasaba una jornada entera detrás de otra de lo más ¨mareado¨, pese a que la mar estuvo siempre en calma ¿sería el cambio de clima?.
Ocurrieron anécdotas como la que a continuación os relato; un día algunas damas del pasaje, entre las que se encontraban Doña Letizia y su Hermanísima, decidieron que querían tomarse una piña colada de aperitivo, pero, ¡horror!, se comprobó que entre las numerosas y sofisticadas viandas embarcadas no había ninguna caja de piña natural. ¿Solución?. Se dio orden al barco escolta de la armada dominicana para que pidiera que un helicóptero les suministrara las piñas en alta mar. Después de una complicada operación de ¨salvamento¨ las damas pudieron disfrutar por fin de su coctel antes de la cena.
No soy experta en logística militar, pero entre el coste de la operación en sí y las propinas que se embolsarían los mandos de turno, la cosa debió de salir por bastantes miles de euros.
El crucero estaba destinado a durar por lo menos hasta el domingo siguiente, pero el martes noche Letizia decidió que quería estar algunos días a solas con su prometido...¿dónde? ¿por qué no las Bahamas? soñaba con ellas desde que era niña.
Desde la costa norte de la República Dominicana a Nassau hay más de mil kilómetros, pero el tamaño del mundo está en relación inversamente proporcional al tamaño de la cuenta bancaria del que se desplaza (el dinero está ahí, otra problema es como haya llegado y para lo que estuviera destinado), así que después de que el yate atracó en una pequeña población de la mencionada costa norte otro helicóptero (bueno, otro o el mismo) de la armada dominicana trasladó a la pareja de vuelta a Santo Domingo donde tomaron el aerotaxi que les esperaba para trasladarlos a la capital de las Bahamas. Todo esto ocurría el miércoles por la mañana, de madrugá, bien tempranito, pues aquella noche no dio para descansar mucho.
La pareja solo durmió una noche en Nassau (concretamente en Paradise Island, la zona más cara), en un hotelillo de esos apañaditos que no voy a nombrar por aquello de no hacer publicidad; diré solo que la playa a la que daba directamente su dormitorio estaba algo más vacía que la de Benidorm en agosto. ¿Por qué decidieron regresar el jueves haciendo el impresionante sacrificio de acortar sus vacaciones?.
Llamada de Juan Carlos, ruego a su hijo de que él y su novia estuvieron en Mallorca para la misa del domingo, malos modos, exigencias, negociación y acuerdo. Alquilan otro aerotaxi y para Miami, y ahora viene lo ¿mejor?.
En Miami de pronto se encuentran con un registro inesperado. Desde el principio a Letizia se le queda la cara como el papel extra blanco no reciclado y parece que le va a dar algo.
Dice algo muy alterada al oído de Felipe y empieza la bronca; Felipe se encampana, los guardaespaldas le siguen como buenos lacayos fieles y en un momento dado los agentes del aeropuerto pierden la calma y les ponen los puntos sobre las íes; fue cuando la más experta en política internacional del grupo (¿adivináis quien?) soltó la frasecita para la posteridad, la de ¨¿cómo pueden hacernos esto, no saben quienes somos?...si somos sus aliados¨. Finalmente se dirigen todos a sala VIP. Empieza el registro por una de las abundantes maletas con el guardarropa de Letizia. Continua. Otra maleta más. Y en un momento dado, una agente de raza negra entradita en carnes le hace una seña a Letizia para que le enseñe su bolso y vacíe sus bolsillos. Letizia, pálida como la cera, le alarga el bolso pero no se vacía nada. La agente va a comenzar a registrar y en ese momento Letizia con cara compungida le pide a la especialista del FBI su bolso y sale disparada mascullando algo entre dientes de ir al servicio. La agente, que no era nueva, se va detrás. Y llega para ver como Letizia se encierra en uno de los cuartos. Llama contundentemente pero no le abren. Pasan unos segundos de Telefilme. Y entonces la agente, que tenía bastante peso además de el de la ley a su favor, abre de un empellón la puerta y se encuentra a Letizia arrojando al inodoro varias pastillas. No, no eran drogas de diseño ni lo que en mis tiempos solían denominar como ¨tripis¨, pero casi. Eran un preparado de polvo de mostaza que se cuenta entre los llamados medicamentos vomitivos, es decir, usados para provocar el vómito en lavados de estómago y casos de intoxicación. Es por supuesto una sustancia cuya administración queda estrictamente prohibida sin prescripción facultativa y sin la presencia de personas con autoridad sanitaria, por razones obvias (¿alguien tiene algún conocido que se lave el estómago él sólo en su casa?). Aquí ya la cosa se fue totalmente de las manos. Letizia se puso a chillar como una loca y dos agentes tuvieron incluso que retenerla físicamente, mientras que otros dos agentes más y tres guardaespaldas sujetaban a Felipe, que estaba totalmente fuera de sí. Cuando todo se calmó, en presencia ya de la autoridad aeroportuaria más alta de los alrededores, uno de los guardaespaldas, profesional en estas lides, se ocupó de los detalles más urgentes para poner en marcha los mecanismos de silencio a aplicar en el caso.
A nivel médico el asunto es gravísimo, y más si tenemos en cuenta que Letizia ingería en secreto dichas pastillas al mismo tiempo que sus expertos en nutrición e imagen le suministraban, además de los antidepresivos y ansiolíticos habituales, un preparado de efectos exteriores similares a la cortisona, aunque más suave, con el objetivo de conseguir algo de volumen para su cara con vistas a las presentaciones en público. En fin, así está la cosa, eso es lo que hay, no quiero extenderme que ya estoy siendo demasiado prolífica. Mientras, los Reyes en España al borde del colapso, pulsando todas las teclas para que los impresentables salieran cuanto antes de ese aeropuerto y no trascendiera nada. El avión con más de 200 pasajeros esperando en la pista; vuelo accidentado, nervios, incidentes, se falta al respeto a la tripulación, se aísla a la comitiva del resto de los pasajeros, los guardaespaldas procuran no acercarse demasiado, hay para todos.
Llegada a Mallorca. Nadie se atreve a decir nada a Letizia. Ni siquiera cuando a un nivel más frívolo convierte la misa del domingo en otro episodio chusco más con esa chaqueta negra cerrada hasta la barbilla y esa especie de falda de lencería fina (¿fina?...,bueno, lo dejaremos). El psicólogo y la maquilladora pasan media noche en vela y consiguen evitar el desastre más inmediato. El ambiente en Palacio es irrespirable, pero aún así se planea el gran asalto mediático para la campaña de lavado de cerebro que se desatará en breve y será intensa de aquí al día de la boda (con respecto a este último sainete trasatlántico, ya he visto en los medios ejemplos de manipulación aberrantes; en otros casos se trata de simple falta de informaciones exactas).
Pero todos saben que está vez la cosa ha ido demasiado lejos y rueda fuera de control y que a poco que trascienda lo que ha pasado esta Semana Santa, puede ser el final, y no solo de la pareja.
Para pasar el rato, el que quiera puede entretenerse calculando a grosso modo el coste de toda esta charada; a mí entre vuelos de invitados, urbanizaciones, aerotaxis, yates, hoteles y demás me sale bastante por encima de los DOS MILLONES DE EUROS, y eso que yo estimo por lo bajo y solo contabilizo sobre transacciones de artículos legales. Si hubieran ido cuatro días a Mallorca como era su obligación y los Reyes querían, con unos diez o veinte mil Euros la cosa hubiera quedado cubierta. ¿Y es que se está tan mal en un Palacio en Mallorca con todas las comodidades?. Para mí lo quisiera.
Y eso es todo por ahora. A los que os preocupáis por mi seguridad, muchas gracias, pero de momento no he notado nada raro....tocaremos madera. Un saludo. Seguiré informando. "

at first, it explains what is really known... that they went to the caribe, with the dissaproval of the king and queen, as it was easter and it is expected that all the family members go to mallorca's church. letizia had and argument (and even shouted with her) with sofia and told her not to intervene in her relationship with felipe and if she did it, the prince would resign to the throne. as the argument was a bit strong... letizia and felipe had to leave the palace and book the first tickets they found in grand class to go anywhere else... she decided to go to the bahamas, "in what she had dreamt since she was a child", in words of the author. they went on a cruise, with important bussiness man, and where you could see high class prostitutes and drugs everywhere to please this influential men. an anecdote as the authour mentions was the wish of letizia of having a coconut sorbet. they didn't have coconut juice aboard, and after letizia's hysteria, the captain decided to send the helicopter to the nearest city. fortunately 'she could have her sorbet before the night'.
they decided to go back, as the king have phoned them to ask if they could attend to the church on sunday. felipe accepted and they had to return (however, leti wasn't very convinced). and here is what it's known... they arrived to the airport of miami and there they were registered in an 'unpolite way'. after that registration, letizia decided to go to the bathroom and a plump woman went with her. as this girl tells, this woman was very influential in the decisions of miami's airport. she waited, but letizia didn't go out so she forced the door and when she opened it she saw letizia throwing some pills. fortunately, it weren't drugs, but it was a medicine for which you need a prescription, a medicine for vomiting and loosing weight from her face. supposedly, letizia started shouting (as it's normal and as she did it many times in this story -- and also in others) and the security had to hold her. then, felipe also was a little bit hysteric and the police also had to hold him, fact that i find totally disgusting if you are a prince and a 'princess'.

what do you think? :huh:
Well, it sounds like they left in a hurry but the Easter visit was to be expected. I mean the royal family of a Catholic country. A gurantee to appear in public for Easter. It does not explain why they did not inform the authorities 72 hours ahead of time.
I'm sure, like with every engaged couple, both Felipe and Letizia are under a lot of stress right before their wedding. Not to make excuses for rudeness to security people (or anyone else) but this may be nothing more than an episode of venting. Naturally, in Felipe's case, one would expect he would know something of the routines of the family re: church services, etc. I like Letizia but I do agree this incident does not present her in a very good light. Perhaps she'll learn from her mistakes and try to avoid such negative episodes in the future.
Yes, surely they are under a lot of stress and needed to blow off some steam. Let´s hope it is smooth sailing from here.
There were too many fictions which had been written on the internet by his fanatic fans, such as pilot testimony, Felipe's skinny girl friend, Letizia's shouting at Queen Sofia (you seriously think Felipe would have allowed this happen to his dearest Mom, plus Queen would have gone with her on dress testing in Barcelona), Letizia in comma, she had died, so and so. These women really need to get over that he is getting married.
Originally posted by carlota@Apr 30th, 2004 - 3:39 pm
as you may know, in spain it had a lot of polemic the easter holidays of the cp and letizia. also, and as you may know, they went to the caribean islands. what you may not know is what really happened there. i've read this information in a forum, and i think this information is totally reliable, as the girl who wrote it put also many links of some newspapers, which you may find at the top of the notice.
What is the link for this forum at which you found this article/summary? And what makes you think that the person who posted it is so trustworthy and reliable?

Personally I think that just because someone can provide lots of links to "corroborate" the story doesn't make it true or factual. All the newspaper and media stories provided in these links could be written from one false or unfactual story with every other newspaper and media source repeating and regurgitating the same story without corroborating it. And also, as this is a pretty "scandalous" story, I'm sure that many media sources would be eager to jump on the bandwagon of a rife between Sofia and Letizia with Felipe caught in the middle.

Please don't think that I doubt your judgement or views on this, but I am interested in checking out the accuracy of such a story for myself.
Please don't think that I doubt your judgement or views on this, but I am interested in checking out the accuracy of such a story for myself.

i don't... i would also do it ;)

i've read it in a forum of iblnews. as the information was very complete, and as spanish press have talked very little about it, all the clues make me think it is possible that it happened. this girl who wrote that seems to be a journalist of something like that, because otherwise she couldn't have that information.
in my opinion, it was true... i don't think that a person would wrote such things if they didn't have at least a base...
however, i just post the information that i read. maybe it's true... maybe it isn't...

(i tried to be as accurate as i could with the translation. maybe someone who knows spanish can make the corrections he/she thinks that are useful for a better understanding of the text)
Originally posted by carlota@Apr 30th, 2004 - 7:47 pm
i've read it in a forum of iblnews.
So www.iblnews.com is the website?

as the information was very complete, and as spanish press have talked very little about it, all the clues make me think it is possible that it happened.  this girl who wrote that seems to be a journalist of something like that, because otherwise she couldn't have that information.
in my opinion, it was true... i don't think that a person would wrote such things if they didn't have at least a base...
however, i just post the information that i read. maybe it's true... maybe it isn't...

Again, not to second guess or doubt your judgement, have you ever heard of the stories of two American journalists, Stephen Glass and Jayson Blair, of The New Republican/George/Rolling Stone/Harper's Magazine and The New York Times respectively? Both these men were believed to be hard working and dedicated and trustworth journalists, working at some of the best media sources in the U.S. But it turns out that both of these men either made up stories or plagirized them. And from an interview I saw wit Jayson Blair with Katie Couric, part of the reason Blair went for so long without being caught was the detail he used so that it seemed like only if he was there could he have known the things he did. (In Blair's case and defence, because it was a newspaper fact checking is rarely done because of time constraints, making it easier for him to lie.)
Originally posted by carlota@Apr 30th, 2004 - 6:47 pm
i don't... i would also do it  ;)

i've read it in a forum of iblnews. as the information was very complete, and as spanish press have talked very little about it, all the clues make me think it is possible that it happened.  this girl who wrote that seems to be a journalist of something like that, because otherwise she couldn't have that information.
in my opinion, it was true... i don't think that a person would wrote such things if they didn't have at least a base...
however, i just post the information that i read. maybe it's true... maybe it isn't...

(i tried to be as accurate as i could with the translation. maybe someone who knows spanish can make the corrections he/she thinks that are useful for a better understanding of the text)


Abril 2004

The article was originally from www.princesaletizia.com, you know how trash that web site was and how many rumors and lies they had created for Letizia and the Spanish Royal Family. It's the power of internet, isn't it ? Not only poeple could post their opinions and criticisms (that's OK for me, freedom of speech), they could also create rumors and lies. write something based on no facts. And those rumors and lies could just be passed around on different web sites. If there was any truth to that girl's article, Jaime Penafiel would have something new to criticize the couple (Felipe & Letizia).
The base of the article is some infos from the published article, plus some rumors created by others and some author's imagination. It's not so hard to write an article like that and the article itself was not well writen either (nothing like a journalistic article).
Originally posted by donnaK@Apr 30th, 2004 - 4:29 pm
There were too many fictions which had been written on the internet by his fanatic fans, such as pilot testimony, Felipe's skinny girl friend, Letizia's shouting at Queen Sofia (you seriously think Felipe would have allowed this happen to his dearest Mom, plus Queen would have gone with her on dress testing in Barcelona), Letizia in comma, she had died, so and so. These women really need to get over that he is getting married.
No kidding. There were women online who were planning on going to Madrid to especially "protest" the wedding. Then, IIRC, they were planning a prayer session, hoping for divin intervention or something. :wacko:
The article was originally from www.princesaletizia.com, you know how trash that web site was and how many rumors and lies they had created for Letizia and the Spanish Royal Family. It's the power of internet, isn't it ? Not only poeple could post their opinions and criticisms (that's OK for me, freedom of speech), they could also create rumors and lies. write something based on no facts. And those rumors and lies could just be passed around on different web sites. If there was any truth to that girl's article, Jaime Penafiel would have something new to criticize the couple (Felipe & Letizia).
The base of the article is some infos from the published article, plus some rumors created by others and some author's imagination. It's not so hard to write an article like that and the article itself was not well writen either (nothing like a journalistic article).

i didn't know it was from prinzesa letizia! good point donna...!
This is a little bit too much in one story :p The person who wrote this fictious story, should make 4 of it, and should publish it with a few weeks space between :p Firstly the quarrel, then the coconut sorbet, then the pills and then the airport-story (ok, in the airport story could be a grain of truth-it was widely reported that there was some fuss at the airport).
But good stuff for a Telenovela or a soap opera ;)

Anyway I though believe that Letizia is a bit touchy-but let´s give her a chance...
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