General News about the Danish Royal Family Part 2: January 2013 - November 2015

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Politiet om Se og Hør-skandalen: Flere sigtelser på vej - Danmark |

The Nets source was questioned by the police again today and formally charged with "disturbing peace (i.e. privacy) and honor" and with crimes regarding "enrichement".
As mentioned before that means that if he is eventually charged and found guilty of these crimes, the journalists, editors and Aller management can be charged with the same and get the same sentence as him.

:previous:You are absolutely right, Camelot23ca.

I don't envy the clebs who are particularly vulnerable.

There are an incredible number of registers out there and I think we would be appalled if we knew how much just ordinary businesses know about us. And I have very little confidence that underpaid and often poorly trained/educated staff who have access to personal information can resist the temptation to peek once in a while.
It can be your neighbors daughter who checks the residents in the neighborhood to see who is on a deadbeat register and all of a sudden that info will find it's way through Twitter or whatever. And soon the whole neighborhood knows.

If we are to llok at the positive side of this, and we we should, then at least here in DK the security regarding registers will be tightened considerably after this mess.
What about your countries? Has this even hit the press outside DK? Because if it happens here it will happen or has happened elsewhere. - Well, then you'll have to wait for a similar scandal to occour before something will be done in your countries...
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The wheels of investigation are slowly turning.

In the meantime S&H has been punished by it's readers: Læserne straffer Se og Hør: Så meget er salget faldet - Danmark |

For the second week in a row the sale of S&H has dropped. Last week 10 % below average, this week 20 % below.

The discount chain Lidl, has boycotted the mag.

- But don't worry the sale will go up again eventually, unless another magazine takes over.
The Se & Hør case continues.

Derfor ransager politiet først Se og Hør nu |
Politiet ransager Aller: Se og Hør-journalister anholdt - Danmark |

The police has today showed up with search warrants at S&H and seized computers and phones.
Aller Press as a company has been formally charged.

The police also showed up at the homes of a S&H journalist, the home of the author who started this and the publisher who published his book.
The author and the journalist were formally arrested and have now been released after questioning.

- So the police now have some pretty solid ground to work on.
Day by day more and more details in the Se & Hør scandal is emerging.

The author claims that among the material seized by the police is evidence directly implicationg the CEO knowing about the illegally methods as late as 2011.

If that is the case Aller may be in serious trouble! Because proceeds from criminal activities are routinely confiscated. It has never happened in regards to the press before, as this is such an exeptional case, but the court can based on this confiscate the entire proceed from the sale of S&H during the period the illegal activities took place. - And that's serious money!!

It seems like the editor in chief succeeding Qvortrup. Kim Henningsen went even further. Apart from apparantly ignoring a direct order from his CEO to stop using the source at Nets, he seems to have gone even further.
And yesterday the newpaper Jyllands Posten produced a document from a meeting at S&H, where there was deep concern about the dropping sale of S&H and as such the photographers were ordered to become even more aggressive. That seems to have almost resulted in a traffic accident in Geneva, while pursuing Princess Marie and apparantly other dangerous episodes risking other people's safety.
If that is the case, those who wish to sue S&H have a very good case indeed! Because then it is a systematic strategy by S&H and one of the Monaco royals (Princess Caroline) won a civil suit at German magazines at the Human Rights Tribunal some years back, based on exactly that.
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I have been more or less offline for the weekend, so I like the that fact that I can go here and catch up on the S&H-case. It´s crazy what is going on...
The very latest in the Se & Hør scandal is that the publishing house behind S&H, Aller, has been charged by the police for bribery.

Aller sigtet for bestikkelse - Media |

It is very rare indeed here in DK, that journalists, let alone a publishing house is being charged with that particular crime.

If found guilty, Aller, will be fined in relation to the profit generated by Aller DK during the period this took place (now around 2007-2012). That means the fine could be record breaking.
In fact there appears to be no precedence here in DK for this, so the outcome of a trial will be most interesting!
Link to be moved to the links section.

Royalista - The go-to place for everything royal (here in English)

It's a new site about royals, owned by Aller and based on the work by the Journalists from Billed Bladet, and a number of international royal reporters and bloggers as well.

So far the site will be in Danish and English, but if it becomes a commercial success it may come in a German and Spanish version as well.

You can read about the background of the site here at Nu skal hele verden læse kongelige, danske nyheder - Media |

- As far as I can tell it's an attempt to get a solid foothold in the lucrative market in regards to royal stuff.
They've trolled Pinterest and asked participants if they want to contribute; they asked me.

It's a very nice site.
Interesting dbarn67 :)

It's tempting to ask whether you are or will be one of the contributers.

Anyway, I've glanced briefly at the site and the impression so far is that it is based mainly on royal enthusiasts/bloggers who write small articles, which at least in a number of cases is proofread/approved by the professionel journalists at BB.

I also believe it's aimed predominantly (at least so far) at young people who have an interest in royalty. There is a lack of in depth material for the hardcore royalist IMO.
I'm still thinking about becoming contributor. If they invite me to Denmark to work for awhile (at their expense lol) I'd jump on it.
The former editor-in-chief of Se & Hør, Henrik Qvortrup, has been formally arrested and charged. After being questioned he has been released as is normal in such non-violent cases.
Henrik Qvortrup er sigtet i Se og Hør-sag | Nyheder | DR
At the same time a search was conducted at his home.

A survey has stated that a majority of Danes, (some 60 %) want harder penalties for journalists, editors and publishes who deliberately break the law and in severe cases the paper/magazine should be shut down by law.
The politicians seems to be postive towards that...

Needless to say the press in general is not pleased! Because this is exactly what they fear.
However, the press in general will get little sympathy in the public, because another recent survey showed basically that people don't trust the media at all and that the confidence in the media is falling.
Apart from that orther surveys in recent years have shown that journalists are among the least respected professions. Akin to lawyers and bank managers in fact...
The good thing about this is that the media people finally-at-long-last-about-time have begun to look out from their ivory tower and hey: The "intrepid journalist" is no longer a hero.

Former editor-in-chief, Kim Heningsen, has also been arrested and charged by the police.
Correction, Kim Henningsen was not arretsed due to illness, so the poor little thing has only been charged,
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Follow up.

Qvortrup has been called in for a second questioning at the police today:
Qvortrup på vej til afhøring: Jeg kan lære af det her |
Before going in for the second session, he told the press that he is innocent, that he had no knowledge of any illegal methods.
However... He personally met with the leak at Nets and personally negotiated and approved the very considerable fee the source got from S&H. So...
Medie: Qvortrup aftalte selv honorar med tys-tys-kilde |

- I suspect Qvortrup genuinely feel he is not a fault here. I think he's that kind of personality. I don't know the clinical term, but to a layman like me he is displaying clear traits of being a psycopath. I.e. risktaker, acting without thoroughly considering the possible consequences, lacking empathy and not able to acknowledge responsibillity.

In the meantime the police is very busy analyzing the computers, phones and records they have seized during the searches at S&H, Aller and private homes.
Se og Hør-sag: Store mængder it-udstyr beslaglagt |
Update on the S&H affair.

Yesterday the police arrested and questioned the third former editor-in-chief of S&H, Per Ingdal. He is now second highest of the current managers at Aller. Even though he, since all this emerged, has "been gone" on maternity leave.

The police has stated that their investigation now means they have a good grasp of the doings of the main characters of all this.

Ken B: Jeg optog alt - og politiet har det hele |
The author has spoken out yet again. He claims he never deleted any emails, and in fact kept copies, presumably that's also the case with his text messages.
He also recorded all telephone concersations he has had. (That's illegal BTW, if you don't inform those you are speaking with that the conversation is being recorded).
Also, he claims to have recorded conversations with his editors. (That's also illegal, without notifying those you speak with first).
All that material has been handed over to the police.
(Illegally obtained material will not be dismissed in a Danish courts. It's still evidence. Evidence obtained illegally by the police may be dismissed, but even that is far from certain).

In the last couple of days the former editor, Henrik Qvortrup, has gone public about what he told the police.
And that is basically: I didn't know about illegally methods, and what I didn't know, I can't remember. Anyway, I'm innocent.

The reaction from the former S&H journalists is: Oh no, don't wipe that one off on us!

The public reaction according to comments on Facebook is: Yeah, right! We believe in the toothfairy as well...

Qvortrup has perhaps not been entirely successful in giving his version. He sure feels very sorry for himself. He was sick with worry, (even though his conscience is clear, remember) when the book was published and the whole thing exploded.
He didn't leave TV2 willingly it has emerged. In fact according to Qvortrup himself he broke down in tears in the office of his boss at TV2, and even though he suggested the option of going on an extended leave until this blew over, that was not accepted. (So he was offered to resign).
It's been a bad time, he admits. But he won't complain, he has said multiple times... (Sorry about the break, I had to wipe away my tears).
Qvortrup om afskeden med TV2: Brød sammen på chefens kontor - Danmark |
:previous::flowers::);)Muhler: Thank you for the updates, your comments are just so interesting and I so enjoy them. I look forward to seeing how this turns out.........this sounds like the news here in the I believe anything printed in the press/media.........not a single word. Yet you have a knack for making me believe what you say..............
By the way, my new dog, he is now my little monster I say....lolololo.
The Se & Hør affair rolls on.
Bombe i Se og Hør-skandale: Mail afslører Aller-toppen - Danmark |

Avis: Mail afslører Aller-toppen i Se og Hør-sag |

The media have now read a number of e-mail directly implicating former editor-in-chief Kim Henningsen and the second in command so to speak in the Aller management, Per Ingdal.

in 2009 the two of them had a correspondence about to do if the author of the book, that revealed all this was fired from S&H and started to talk.
They laid out a basic strategy of how to deal with the press and how to "remind" the author Ken B. Rasmussen about his obligations of confidence towards S&H.
There were no plans whatsoever about informing the police, nor Nets, let alone SKAT (the inland revenue. - Because the money paid to the source at Nets is an income and must be reported).

Here is a translation of the key mails:

From editor Kim Henningsen (KH) to manager Per Ingdal (PI):

5th September 2009.
"I'll just make you aware that we run a risk by sacking Ken B Rasmussen in relation to the reputation of Se & Hør. As you know from your time as editor-in-chief, Ken B was one of two, who had contact to the source, who supplied us with information about credit card transactions.
(Fearing that Ken B will "plant" a story in the media, he goes on): Do you think this should make me rethink the sacking"?

6th September 2009. From PI to KH:

In the reply PI agree with KH that there is a reason for concern, which KH needs to address among other by formulating a communications strategy in case the whole affair is revealed.
And PI also request KH to remind Ken B about his obligation regarding confidence at their conversation when he is fired from S&H.
PI goes on: "On the other hand I must emphasize that I have not known about this source, or other of Ken B's sources for that matter, when I was a substitute editor-in-chief at Se & Hør. The first time we in the management was informed that such a source existed, was when you informed us shortly after being employed. As you probably remember, we instructed you to break the connection to that source, which you agree to".

Per Ingdal has when this emerged denied any knowledge about the source at Nets.
Today, when these mails have been published, he claims that the mails are incomplete and thus do not incriminate him and apart from that he has no comments.

- The noose is tightning.

However, Qvortrup, as the innocent little angel he is, will write a book about his side of the affair and he is also very willing to give speeches to anyone who might be interested.
A radio station under DR1 got some serious heat as they used him as a political commentator a couple of days ago. (Something he actually is very good at).
And it's getting more and more incriminating for the top brass at Aller, as more and more mails emerge:
Here are the mails I wrote about yesterday: Socialdemokrat om Se og Hør-sag: Beskyldningerne bliver grovere og grovere | Nyheder | DR

And new info today: Se og Hør frygtede Skat - Krimi |

The management didn't order the editor to stop using the source at Nets for moral reasons or because they feared a police investigation.
It was the inland revenue, SKAT, they feared.

Here is a translation of the mail, explaining the reasoning behind cutting the source:
1. July 2010, after having had a chat with the manager at Aller, Per Ingdal, editor in chief at S&H, Kim Henningson, wrote the following to five leading employees at S&H:

"After closer consideration and a chat with Ingdal I've reached the conclusion that Kopping and Ken B (the two who controlled the source) and the other associates will only get a small part of the reason why we stop co-operating with the PBS-man (the source at Nets). We dare not risk that there suddenly is a story out there about Se & Hør fearing the inland revenue, especially not considering recent leaks (presumably form S&H). You are therefore asked to keep the information you have recieved very close".

The problem for S&H at the time was that the magazine owed the source 80.000 DKK, or some eight months salary. I assume the magazine had problems finding means to pay the source because the management had ordered the editor to stop using the source. So this I must conclude was also hidden from the management at Aller.
The mails suggests that the source was only discontinued in late 2011 or early 2012, a couple of years after Kim Henningsen had been ordered to dump the source.

- Feel free to ask if I don't explain this well enough.
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:previous: Indeed and it gets even more murky: Se og Hør-chefer opdigtede stop for tys-tys-kilden - Danmark |

The serious newspaper, Berlingske, has spoken to a number of employees at Se & Hør. (They are all talking like budgies).
According to what Berlingske has worked out, the editor-in-chief Kim Henningsen publicly announced to the journalists at S&H in 2010 that the use of the source at Nets had been discontinued.
Whereupon a small and trusted group of people were told to keep working with the source. - Whether that was done with or without the okay from the management of Aller isn't quite sure.
However, there were a number of problems because those journalist left out, started to wonder who the source for the information that formed the basis for the stories they were to write was and they started to question the validity of the information not knowing where it came from. But they were simply told to write.
And over time some of those in the know started to back out, probably fearing the consequences should the whole thing be exposed.
Margrethe, Henrik, Frederik and Mary are right now to a birthday celebration party in Faxe :)

The Regent Couple and Crown Prince Couple celebrates Ditlev Knuth-Winterfeldts 70th birthday at Rosendal Gods. The birthday is held in a giant tent in the garden behind the manor. After the celebration the big band Bilcher plays up to dance.

Margrethe and Henrik arrive

Frederik and Mary arrive

Galleri: » Billedserier » Galleri



Mary is wearing this dress first worn back in 2008

More pics

Gallery and video
Se de kongelige til fest - - - Lokal - Faxe

When Frederik and Mary arrive a journalist says a bit commanding: "Stand still for a moment so we can take a picture, please" to which Frederik with a smile replies: "Alrighty, then we'll do that." The journalist can't help but laugh a little.

Margrethe and Henrik are driven right to the door. There's still a difference between being The Regent Couple and a Crown Prince Couple :p

Among the guests, I can spot our former Minister of Defence, Caroline and Peter Heering and former master of ceremonies, Christian Eugen-Olsen and his wife Birgitt.


I can spot BB's Ulrik Ulriken, so we will hear more in the next issue of BB.
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Oh finally this dress again! Even though it has many 'haters', I love it!! Does anyone know who the designer is?

--PS: I mean Mary's - not Margrethe's :)

Do we know who else was at the party?
:flowers:Thank you so much for the beautiful pictures and video. Mary and Fred are such a handsome couple, she is surely a beautiful lady. And I like her gown, different yet so right for a party like this outdoors. A very pretty place it looks like to have a great party.......
:flowers: Mary and Fred are such a handsome couple, she is surely a beautiful lady. And I like her gown, different yet so right for a party like this outdoors.

You changed your mind pretty quickly, then....;)
:whistling:Not a pretty gown at all........what was she thinking? Time to sell, toss or just plain throw away this thing.........rgggg"
You changed your mind pretty quickly, then....;)
:whistling:Not a pretty gown at all........what was she thinking? Time to sell, toss or just plain throw away this thing.........rgggg"
:lol:I sure did, saw better picture of this dress and yikes what was I thinking......not a great color on her, I don't do grays at all, that is an off color for me......the style is nice, not the color..........grrrrrr
Summary of article in Billed Bladet #23, 2014.
Written by Anna Johannesen & Ulrik Ulriksen.

The coverage of PH's birthday clebrations is pretty thin with hardly any news, so I'll skip that and instead deal with a, hang on, 34 page interview with Frederik and Joachim about their father. But more on that when we get there.

Recently the regent Couple, along with M&F and 270 other guests went to Rosendal Manor to celebrate Count Ditlev Knuth-Winterfeldts 70th birthday.
Count Ditlev and his daughter Amalie, wearing a dress by Munthe, recieved the guests at the gateway/portal to the manor. He is divorced from his wife, Vibeke Knuth-Winterfeldt, hence why his daughter was the hostess of the evening. The ex-wife was nevertheless invited.
It was the first time 22 years old Amalie met M&F and her table partner was Frederik.
Count Ditlev is among PH's old hunting-buddies, so they know each other very well indeed.

However, the real hosts of the evening, the present owners of Rosendal Manor, are Hans Micheal and Desiree Jebsen. And as such Mary had Hans Michael as table partner.

The guestlist was a who's who of Danish nobillity and old venerable families and other who belong to the circle of friends of the DRF.
The Juel-Brockdorfs.
The Ahlefeldt-Lauervigs.
The Moltkes
Caroline and Peter Heering.
Roger Moore.
The Carstenschiolds.
The Lerche.
Just to mention a few names.

After a few speeches and toasts it was party time! Count Ditlev's health could be better, but he quoted Groucho Marx about turning 70: "It's better than the alternative".
After the dinner it was time for dancing and QMII was out shaking the wooden leg too (idiom) and at midnight there was a big fireworks. The Regent Couple left the party at 02.00. While many more stayed on to first light.
QMII wore a dress by Birgitte Thaulow.
The investigation in the Se & Hør scandals grinds on.

Medie: 86 personer blev overvåget af ugeblads tys-tys kilde | Nyheder | DR
The police appears to be in possession of a list with 86 names who had their credit card transactions monitored.
And the police would like to access to additional computers and mobiles, but Aller press refuse, claiming they need to protect their sources, which they find irrelevant to the investigation.
As so many leading people within Aller are implictated I'd say the publishing house has a poor case when this comes before a judge. So Aller can expect a ruling forcing them to hand over the material.


And it gets worse:

Pia Kærsgaard who until 2012, was, if not the most powerful politician in DK, then certainly the second most, was also attempted monitored by S&H.
In that period she was under PET protection 24/7.
But S&H and their source were frustrated, because she did not use her credit card when abroad, nor did her husband. In desperation the source at Nets send the journalists at S&H the social security numbers of her and her husband. - Which is about as illegal as it can get!
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