Crown Princess Mary, Current Events 2: April - November 2004

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Originally posted by LizvBo@Apr 22nd, 2004 - 7:08 am
I don't like Mary's face.She looks vicious. :angry: She shouldn't be Queen Margrethe's daughter in law

Oh please, there is nothing vicious in Mary's face. You don't have to like her, but lets' all be reasonable people. Mary is a pretty girl. Period. I personally find her dull beyond belief, but to say she's not pretty is simply silly, because she is pretty--it's a somewhat conventional prettiness, but she is pretty regardless.

I think her hair is her best feature.

I don't dislike her at all--she's sweet and pretty--I just find her the least interesting of the princess consort lot.
can someone post her activites, will she be doing some royal duties by her self or a lot with frederik in the begining
The official engagements (where Mary is included) listed on the Danish Royal Court's website at the moment:

13/06 04 H.K.H. Kronprinsesse Mary overværer samt overrækker præmier ved Danmarksmesterskaberne i ridebanespringning for ponyer, som afholdes af Sportsrideklubben Silkeborg i Silkeborg, kl.13.30.

22/06 04 Kronprinsparret aflægger besøg i Grønland, jfr. særligt program til den 5. juli.

22/06 04 Kronprinsparret går ombord i Dannebrog, kl.12.00.
22/06 04 Reception ombord i Dannebrog, kl. 19.30. Dannebrog afsejler Godthåb, kl. 22.00.
23/06 04 Dannebrog ankommer Sukkertoppen, kl. 10.00. Reception ombord i Dannebrog, 19.30. Dannebrog afsejler Sukkertoppen, kl. 22.00.
24/06 04 Dannebrog ankrer ud for Itilleq, kl. 09.30. Dannebrog ankommer Holsteinsborg, kl. 14.30. Reception ombord i Dannebrog, kl.19.00. Dannebrog afsejler Holsteinsborg, kl. 21.30.
I saw a story about Mary´s brother John giving Frederik the whole look over. He took Frederik surfing to see if he was strong enough for his little sister. He did not know about Frederik´s frogman past. He said that he nearly drowned!
You're right, Larzan. There's actually an article in today's New York Times about this year's Prada collection and how it's THE hot thing to wear right now. There is a photo collage with a large picture of Vogue editor Anna Wintour wearing Mary's Tivoli dress. Mary looks so much better!!! :lol:
I stated in another MB,
The dress on the model looks horible, but on Mary it looks lovely. I thought she looked beautiful.

I will be interesting to see the dress on Ann Wintour.
one usally say that pictures tells us a lot
but I think it sometimes peole read to much in a pictures and analyse just that second.......
I read an article (and of course, I can't remember where or I'd post it!) the other day stating that Uffe Frank had designed a "wardrobe" for Mary specifically for her Greenland visit. Maybe she's waiting for her first "big" engagement to showcase Danish design?
Originally posted by Lena@Jun 13th, 2004 - 12:07 pm

Interesting...but which one nearly drowned? Frederik or John?
Yes, very interesting! He probably thought "Frederik looks a bit slight... I don't know if he's strong enough". Would have loved to see the article.

And also a pic from the New York Times of Anna Wintour wearing the Tivoli dress: Of course Ms Wintour looks elegant!, but I think it still looks better on the Crown Princess.
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From the locked F & M part 4 :
Jasl Posted: Jun 13th, 2004 - 9:18 am  

After struggling with the online Danish-English dictionary, I still can't make sense out of this article (probably because half the words in the title aren't even in the online dictionary!!)

Please, can any Danish speakers give us a short translation of this article from BT?
Mary blev forfulgt af fotografer

Det var nødvendigt for Mary at få sine egne bodyguards, inden hun overhovedet havde fået forlovelsesringen med de røde rubiner på fingeren og var blevet en officiel del af kronprins Frederiks liv.
I uhyggelig lighed med prinsesse Diana blev hun nemlig forfulgt så tæt af enkelte pressefotografer, at hun følte sig meget utryg, når hun sad i sin...

...bil med et øje i bakspejlet på de meget ihærdige forfølgere, der ikke lod sig stoppe af et rødt lyskryds.
Jagten gjorde, at hun både frygtede for sin egen sikkerhed og alle andres omkring hende. Derfor besluttede politiet, at der skulle være to sikkerhedsfolk omkring hende, hver gang hun bevægede sig ud i trafikken.

Bad om sikkerhedsfolk

I den nye biografi »Mary - kronprinsesse af Danmark« fortæller Marys læremester, hofchef Per Thornit, at politiet valgte at give Mary egne sikkerhedsfolk.

»Hvis hun kørte over for næsten gult, så kørte de over for rødt for ikke at slippe hende, og det var hun meget bekymret over. For som hun sagde: »Enten kører de ind i mig, eller også kører de nogen ned.«

Den situation måtte vi simpelthen håndtere. Det er jo ikke noget, vi beder om. Det er politiet, der vurderer, om det er relevant, og det syntes de, det var,« siger Per Thornit i bogen.

Der er ingen tvivl om, at Mary må have draget et lettelsens suk, da hun fik at vide, at hun i fremtiden ville blive ledsaget af to sikkerhedsfolk, når hun satte sig ud i sin bil. Prinsesse Dianas skæbne må have ligget i hendes bevidsthed, hver gang hun trådte ekstra hårdt på speederen for at være i fred.

Da beslutningen om de to sikkerhedsfolk blev taget, trådte Mary ind i et liv, som gør, at hun ikke længere kan gå som anonym på gaden. Det må have været en svær tanke at vænne sig til, men venner til Frederik og Mary understreger i bogen, at Frederik lige fra begyndelsen har været fantastisk til at forberede hende til den krævende rolle.

En australsk ven, Chris Meeham, fortæller om Kronprinsens pædagogiske evner.

»Han gjorde det stille og roligt. Skridt for skridt. Jeg tror, at det var det rigtige. At det var lettere for Mary, at hun ikke vidste alt det, hun ved nu.

Hun lærte at kende og elske Frederik som den mand og det menneske, han er. Ikke som kronprins Frederik. Og det er en styrke, deres forhold vil bevare, og en ligevægt, som alle forhold skal have,« siger Chris Meeham.

Hengav sig til forelskelsen

»Frederik planlagde det hele ganske godt. Han gik i gang med en langsom læreproces, og til at begynde med forstod Mary ikke omfanget af forelskelsen, at den ville forandre hendes liv så radikalt.

Jeg tror, Frederik gjorde det helt rigtige ved at hengive sig til forelskelsen og lade Mary gøre det samme, uden at hun vidste, hvad der ventede forude. Der gik faktisk lang tid, før hun virkelig forstod, hvad det indebærer at være medlem af den danske kongefamilie,« siger den australske ven.

I dag er Mary slet ikke i tvivl om, hvad hendes rolle indebærer, og hun har da også allerede vænnet sig til at være centrum for hele den danske presse.

»Hun er meget rolig i relation til medier og presse. Hun føler sig ikke belastet af det eller klemt af det. Hun har et meget rationelt forhold til det. Selvfølgelig har vi talt om det, for det bliver jo en del af hverdagen - det er jo ikke noget, der er der nu og så forsvinder igen. Man kan jo ikke bare sige: »Nu er det overstået«, for det er det jo ikke,« siger hofchef Per Thornit.

Karin Palshøj/Gitte Redder: »Mary - kronprinsesse af Danmark« udkommer 15. juni på på Høst & Søn. 221 sider. Pris 249 kr. 
The article is about a book that will be released tuesday 15. june :)

Two well reputated and serious journalists have been doing research for it in Australia. They have interviewed friends and family of HRH Crownprincess Mary of Denmark.
BT's Karin Schmidt has written an article about this book before where she wrote the authors had not spoken to Mary.

Here the journalist has read the book and chosen to share 1) a part where the chief of Crownprince Frederik's court Per Thornit confirms a thing media have reported : Crownprincess Mary was protected by two security police offisers long before the engagement because of the endangering behaviour of photographers. 2) some quotes of Chris Meeham - he tells about how little Mary knew of royal life in Denmark and Frederik's good method to step by step inform her and make her understand.

BT - Mary blev forfulgt af fotografer - af Karin Schmidt - 12. juni 2004 kl. 22:30
~ Mary was chased by photographers

Buy it online or via e-mail or just have a look at it : - Mary - kronprinsesse af Danmark
Authors Karin Palshøj and Gitte Redder - publisher Høst & Søn - 221 pages
anna  Posted: Jun 14th, 2004 - 9:18 am

.... confirms a thing media have reported : Crownprincess Mary was protected by two security police offisers long before the engagement
..... Frederik's good method to step by step inform her and make her understand.

Sounds interesting .... alas ..... Danish language is for Danes.
Is there an english version of the book?

Also, that Fred knew he had a winner.
Thanks nouwrein. I like this photo better than the other one (fist under chin picture), particularly as Beatrice Tarnawski copied that fist-under-chin pose (I swear that woman.... I think she would have been invited if she only kept her mouth shut and didn't try to sell pics of that night to the Danish press... but as Beatrice said before, she fancied Fred out of all the princes there that night, so this might explain why she blabbed to the press... ).
I just wanted to say that I'm new to the Danish Royal Forum, although I do know a little about them. Princess Mary is just so beautiful, and Fred is so handsome. I'm so happy for the two of them.
Oh please, there is nothing vicious in Mary's face. You don't have to like her, but lets' all be reasonable people. Mary is a pretty girl. Period. I personally find her dull beyond belief, but to say she's not pretty is simply silly, because she is pretty--it's a somewhat conventional prettiness, but she is pretty regardless.

I think her hair is her best feature.

I don't dislike her at all--she's sweet and pretty--I just find her the least interesting of the princess consort lot. [/b]
I think Mary is quite beautiful. I think every now and then, everyone will take a picture that makes them cringe. I'm sure Mary is no different. In fact of many of the crown princesses, is that right, Mary is one of the better looking ones.
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Mary has lovely skin. Lovely hair. Her eyes are kind.

She is trim and fit looking, and elegant and graceful.

Fred seems to think shes all this and much more..and I am sure he finds his new Princess rather sexy as well...hehe :p

And even though there are some who look at her and find fault in her the end of the day, she didn't just turn the Prince's head..she won his heart!

So...I guess there is definitely SOMETHING about Mary, and I would say it radiates from within.
Originally posted by australian_cornsilk@Jun 26th, 2004 - 5:26 am

So...I guess there is definitely SOMETHING about Mary, and I would say it radiates from within.
I really agree with you on this one. A lot of people have questioned what it is people who find Mary beutiful like so much about her, and really haven't been abble to put my finger on why I find her so beutiful, but that's it: She radiates from within!!! :flower:
Mary is pretty and elegant,

but she always gives me the feeling that she is bossy and thinks too much of herself...she seems the strongest person in the couple...Freddy is just a grownup boy in front of her...
Originally posted by australian_cornsilk@Jun 26th, 2004 - 6:26 am
Mary has lovely skin. Lovely hair. Her eyes are kind.

She is trim and fit looking, and elegant and graceful.

Fred seems to think shes all this and much more..and I am sure he finds his new Princess rather sexy as well...hehe :p

And even though there are some who look at her and find fault in her the end of the day, she didn't just turn the Prince's head..she won his heart!

So...I guess there is definitely SOMETHING about Mary, and I would say it radiates from within.
i would have to disagree with you about Mary's skin.....her skin is kinda bad comparing with other princess that's about the same age....

CP Letizia is 32...her skin is no bad
CP Mathilde is 31....looks good
CP Mette-marit is 31....her skin looks good
CP Maxima is 33...her skin looks so so
CP Victoria is 27...her skin looks good...well...u can say she's the youngest of all
Princess Alexandra is almost 40 (tomorrow) and her skin still looks better than CP Mary

Also....Mary's physical features totally has no problem...but I think that she sometimes look...."weird" in pictures.......I remember someone in a message board describles Mary like this:

"Frederik in the pic looks just like a commoner but Mary gives people an impression that she thinks she's already a queen"
something like that...

so...I would think that her attitude in the pics somehow gives poeple an idea that she's a royalty, but she really forgets she was once just a commoner
And I disagree with all of the above :lol: :lol: (obviously! :p )

And I'm sure there are many others who do too... so merely because some people say something negative doesn't mean its true.... hey, if the opinion of some makes that opinion "truth", then Mary is the MOST beautiful princess ever!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
i would have to disagree with you about Mary's skin.....her skin is kinda bad comparing with other princess that's about the same age....

CP Letizia is 32...her skin is no bad
CP Mathilde is 31....looks good
CP Mette-marit is 31....her skin looks good
CP Maxima is 33...her skin looks so so
CP Victoria is 27...her skin looks good...well...u can say she's the youngest of all
Princess Alexandra is almost 40 (tomorrow) and her skin still looks better than CP Mary

Also....Mary's physical features totally has no problem...but I think that she sometimes look...."weird" in pictures.......I remember someone in a message board describles Mary like this:

"Frederik in the pic looks just like a commoner but Mary gives people an impression that she thinks she's already a queen"
something like that...

so...I would think that her attitude in the pics somehow gives poeple an idea that she's a royalty, but she really forgets she was once just a commoner [/b]
I AGREE with you...and yes she already started acting like she is a queen in the pics....her chin is always up :shock:
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Mary has also indicated in the Politiken interview that she does have a problem with having photos taken of her..... even as a child she was never comfortable with it, and one can perhaps see this in some photos. But on the whole, especially from those who have met her have nice things to say about her.

Superficial impressions can work both ways... some who aren't nice may look nice, whilst some who are in fact nice don't look as nice....

But I think Mary looks nice on the whole (when she's not nervous) so I don't think it applies much to her :flower:
I have to agree her skin has been damaged by too much sun.(as is Maxima's, whom i think is lovely anyway)

"Frederik in the pic looks just like a commoner but Mary gives people an impression that she thinks she's already a queen"
something like that...

what pics are you talking about? :huh:
Originally posted by carlota@Jun 30th, 2004 - 3:51 am

"Frederik in the pic looks just like a commoner but Mary gives people an impression that she thinks she's already a queen"
something like that...

what pics are you talking about? :huh:
I think it's about a pic where they took in Greenland.....I'll try to find that....
Maybe it's all those years spent in the Australian sun-the country is said to have a pretty high rate of skin damage resulting from sun exposure. I think she's totally beautiful myself. Maybe now that she's in Denmark she won't have to worry about getting sun-baked!
It is true that Mary is a great Princess. She acts, you might be right but it is a good "act" We like to look at a photo of eligant and well presented lady, don't we?
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