Grand Duke Henri & Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Current Events 8: June 2018 - present

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Grand Duke Henri & Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Current Events 8: June 2018 - present


Welcome to the 8th thread for Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg's Current Events.

Commencing June 2018

The previous thread can be found here.
Please post current news and events of Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa in this thread

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Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa hosted a lunch for the President of the Swiss Confederation, Alain Berset, and his wife today, June 25:

** Son Excellence Monsieur Alain Berset, président de la Confédération suisse, reçu pour un déjeuner privé au Palais grand-ducal **

Later the couple attended the celebrations in the framework of the 60th anniversary of the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) and the 50th anniversary the agency's presence in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg:

** Pic 1** Pic 2 ** 60e anniversaire NSPA **

And Grand Duchess Maria Teresa as President of the Luxembourg Red Cross participated in the presentation of the global awareness campaign "NOT A TARGET":

** La Grande-Duchesse soutient la campagne mondiale pour la protection des services de santé dans les conflits **
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Today, July 2, Grand Duke Henri attended an academic session to mark the 175th anniversary of the organization Ponts et Chaussées (Bridges and Roads):

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** Pic 3 **
Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa attend the annual informal meeting of the Heads of State of German-speaking countries in Switzerland today, September 5, and tomorrow.

Here are the first photos of today:

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** gettyimages gallery **

Here are two more photos and a video of his speech (starting at 1:27):

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 **

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And pictures shares the Palace on this event

Also the The Grand-Ducal Couple attended on 21 September at the festivities held on the occasion of the bicentennial of the Medical College at the Cercle Municipal Luxembourg


Grand Duchess Maria Teresa attended the opening of the Center for the Development of Apprenticeships "Grand Duchess Maria Teresa" (CDA) today 24 September

Inauguration du centre pour le Développement des Apprentissages « Grande-Duchesse Maria Teresa » - Cour Grand-Ducale de Luxembourg - Septembre 2018
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Grand Duke Henri had a meeting with Pierre Krähenbühl, Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East today, October 10:

** Pic ** entry **

Following yesterday's elections Grand Duke Henri received Prime Minister Xavier Bettel for a meeting today, October 15. The Grand Duke asked the present Government to remain in office until the formation of a new Government and discussed the political situation resulting from the elections.
Later Grand Duke Henri appointed Martine Solovieff, General Attorney State, as informant in the formation of the new government.

** Elections législatives 2018 **
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Election continue:

"This afternoon, the Grand Duke received in audience Mrs. Martine Solovieff, in charge of an information mission within the framework of the formation of the new government.

The informant told him about his interviews with representatives of the main political parties. The parties of the DP, the LSAP and the Greens have expressed their willingness to start negotiations to form a coalition.

Following these conclusions, the Grand Duke invited Mr. Xavier Bettel (DP) to a hearing and appointed him trainer."

Grand Duke Henri attended last night the concert given by the European Soloists Orchestra Luxembourg (SEL), under the direction of conductor Christoph König and with violinist Carolin Widmann as soloist.

Concert « La machine de Mälzel et le métronome » - Cour Grand-Ducale de Luxembourg - Octobre 2018

GD couple attended the opening of the exhibition "On the water / On Water" by the photographers Yann Arthus-Bertrand and Philippe Bourseiller.

Vernissage de l'exposition "On Water" - Cour Grand-Ducale de Luxembourg - Octobre 2018
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