Prince Henrik's Plans for his Final Resting Place: August 2017

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Imperial Majesty
Apr 18, 2010
Eastern Jutland
Ready for an eye-opener?

H.K.H. Prins Henrik begraves ikke i Roskilde Domkirke | Kongehuset

This is official from the court. PH does not wish to be buried next to his wife at Roskilde Cathedral.
He will however be buried elsewhere in Denmark, the location is yet to be disclosed.

There have been rumors for the past few days that PH wished to be buried in France, but so far I've opted not to mention it, as it would be speculation.

QMII has known about PH's decision for some time and is accepting the decision.


This is interesting!

There have been speculations for a while that the Regent Couple have de facto separated. This will add credence to that notion.
Unless there is a very good reason as to why, why will he not be buried next to his wife?
Especially since a pretty expensive and elaborate sarcophagus is being made for them, so that they can be interred together inside Roskilde Cathedral.

At present I can only conclude that there is now a complete break-up between PH and QMII.
I cannot help speculating that this is a kind of pay-back if you will from PH aimed at QMII.
This is going to hit the news big time here in DK!

The sympathy PH got from the public, be that fairly silent, from his recent surgery, will be gone by the end of this day.
It will be seen as PH once again letting down his wife, and the Monarch.
It is very likely also to be seen as another, shall we say, fit by PH.
Whatever, unless there are very good reasons for this decision, PH's popularity is going to drop like a rock!

It will also rekindle ongoing speculations about QMII abdicating, now going from "she has deserved it" to "perhaps it's better if M&F take over".
He doesn't want to be buried next to his wife? Wow, I don't even know what to say.
Strange decision. But why is this announced now and not when the time has come?
If this happens I think it's absolutely awful, quite frankly. IF it turns out that Prince Henrik doesn't wish to be buried in Denmark that is a slap in the face to the nation with which he's been associated all his married life, the Danish monarchy as well as to his wife and family, IMHO. I hope he changes his mind.
Wow indeed!

A fresh comment from the court: Utilfreds Prins Henrik vil ikke begraves sammen med dronning Margrethe | BT Danmark -

Lene Balleby says to BT: "It is correct that Prince Henrik has decided that he will not be buried at Rskilde Cathedral, as it was planned.
It is no secret that the Prince for many years has been unhappy with his role and the title has been given in the Danish monarchy.
That dissatisfaction has in later years taken up more and more room. For the Prince the decision not to be interred next to the Queen is a natural consequence of him not being treated as an equal in relation to his spouse - by not getting the title and functions, which he has wished for.
The Prince love Denmark and has worked for Denmark for more than 50 years. As such the Prince will be buried in Denmark, but the details are not yet in place.
Queen Margrete has for a longer period known about the decision of the Prince and has accepted/concurred with it".

Q: How ill this affect the relationship between the Prince and the Queen?
LB: "It is of curse a decision that the Queen would rather have done without. But the Queen has known about it for a long period of time, so it does come as a surprise. It does however not mean that there will be changes in for example the Regent Couple spending their vacations together in France".

Q: Doesn't the Prince's decision mean that the Regent Couple in reality are divorced?
LB: "No, it is not a divorce at all. - It will have no consequences for the functions of the Queen".

Q: Why hasn't the DRF simply listened to Prince Henrik's wishes?
LB: That has in fact been listened, reacted and adapted under way. The Prince has for example been given his own court, but in regards to the question about title, we in Denmark have decided to follow the European tradition which has been applied in both England and Holland".

LB: "Bjørn Nørgaard (who made the sarquphagus) has vreated a work of art which reflects the common work by the Regent Couple over 50 years - regardless as to whether the Prince is lying there or not.
The Queen will still be laid to rest under the sarquphagus. Inseperately from this is also the marriage to the Prince. And that is very important: The Regent Couple's professional work/life and their marriage are two different things".


Wow, and one more wow!

The public verdict will be hard! He's going to get a collective "f*ck off to France then and stay there" by practically everyone!
I mean, this is bad for him! He got a lot of heat when he went off to France years ago, he got a lot of heat when he let down his wife at her birthday, but that'll be nothing against what he has in store now!
The whole sympathy will be on QMII's side and he is very much in danger of the whole tribe turning its back on him. And that's it. If that happens, you're out.

Strange decision. But why is this announced now and not when the time has come?

Because a magazine wrote about it this week.

If this happens I think it's absolutely awful, quite frankly. IF it turns out that Prince Henrik doesn't wish to be buried in Denmark that is a slap in the face to the nation with which he's been associated all his married life, the Danish monarchy as well as to his wife and family, IMHO. I hope he changes his mind.

If you read Lene Balleby's (pretty frank) as answers to BT in my previous posts, it seems to me that he has been given time to change his mind.
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The hate for his position as consort must be so enormous that he even makes public while alive that he doesnt want to be buried next to his wife.

I wish Margrethe would divorce him to create facts as well.

The public verdict will be hard! He's going to get a collective "f*ck off to France then and stay there" by practically everyone!
I mean, this is bad for him! He got a lot of heat when he went off to France years ago, he got a lot of heat when he let down his wife at her birthday, but that'll be nothing against what he has in store now!
The whole sympathy will be on QMII's side and he is very much in danger of the whole tribe turning its back on him. And that's it. If that happens, you're out.

And rightly so. What a jerk!
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He seems determined to take his 'not being king' chip on the shoulder all the way to the grave
Oh my.....
Poor Queen M.
As you can imagine this is headline news here in DK!

So far only BT has quotes from the court.

No doubt more will surface, but I don't think much more will be said by Lene Balleby than what she has already said.
Now it's the political comments that are important, not those by the Prime Minister (there is not much he will say), but the leading opposition party, the Social Democrats, and the Danish People's Party, these two parties will have the clearest indication of the political view of the Parliament.
So he won't even contemplate being 'unequal' to his wife after death. Poor Queen Margrethe.
As you can imagine this is headline news here in DK!

So far only BT has quotes from the court.

No doubt more will surface, but I don't think much more will be said by Lene Balleby than what she has already said.
Now it's the political comments that are important, not those by the Prime Minister (there is not much he will say), but the leading opposition party, the Social Democrats, and the Danish People's Party, these two parties will have the clearest indication of the political view of the Parliament.

Considering that Lene said something, what she said and how she said it - thanks for the info Muhler - speaks volumes of how annoyed everyone is with him. He's a loose cannon, even down to the grave.
The hate for his position as consort must be so enormous that he even makes public while alive that he doesnt want to be buried next to his wife.

I wish Margrethe would divorce him to create facts as well.

She's not going to do that.

But the chance of QMII abdicating (because this takes up so much space and detracts from the DRF, even from QMII herself) next year when Frederik turns 50 has IMO estimation gone up from around 10 % to 40-45 % and rising. - It all depends on how this is dealt with and whether PH is going to make another spectacle of himself.

They don't need to comment about everything the magazines write.

I guess the magazine had a very credible source. Perhaps even PH himself?
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The hate for his position as consort must be so enormous that he even makes public while alive that he doesnt want to be buried next to his wife.

I wish Margrethe would divorce him to create facts as well.

My thoughts as well. It's not only disrespectful towards her, but also the Danes. As small, unknown French Count, he could never have led the life he enjoyed the last 50 years.
Henrik should now draw the line and not appear at family events anymore, at all. Every photoshoot he attends will now be seen as super hypocritical.

Chances are high that he will spoil Frederik's 50th birthday with his presence only.
Well, should, repeat should QMII choose to abdicate next year then PH will go into permanent exile, that's for sure!
That would mean he is not even the patriarch anymore.

I also think he wouldn't show up when Frederik is declared king - not unless he wish to be boo'd at or pelted with rotten tomatoes.
Because that will be seen as PH having forced an otherwise deeply respected QMII to abdicate, - certainly before time.

For all I care PH can stay away next year when Frederik turns 50, and he probably will.

Personally speaking: I won't say I'm angry, but I sure feel let down on behalf of QMII, and I also feel the tribe has been let down by him. I'm more deeply disappointed. I'm turning my back on him.
PH being a devoted grandpa, good with children and an eccentric dresser, let alone all the work he has done for the past 50 years, that's out the window.
PH has openly elected to distance himself from not only his wife but also the DRF and slammed the door behind him.
He has deserted his wife! He has also let down the rest of his family, not least Frederik, whom he should have supported as much as he could.
I hope, that's actually an odd thing to say..., I hope what PH is doing is a result of a mental deterioration. But to be honest, I don't think so. This is simply a major flaw in his character and in that case: No understanding, no sympathy, just get lost... A cold, unemotional goodbye.
Do you understand my meaning?
She's not going to do that.

But the chance of QMII abdicating (because this takes up so much space and detracts from the DRF, even from QMII herself) next year when Frederik turns 50 has IMO estimation gone up from around 10 % to 40-45 % and rising. - It all depends on how this is dealt with and whether PH is going to make another spectacle of himself.

I hope this doesn't happen... I really hope her petulant and immature husband isn't the reason QMII abdicates (if it so happens). She has served her country wonderfully and deserves better than that.
Somehow i think it all this with his role as Consort has to do with age stubborness. It is often the cases with older persons that a certain Issue becomes more and more important and with age this increases more and more.
It is a problem that the RF and Royal Court don't seem to be able to have Prince Henrik under control in regards to Statements like this.
Poor Margrethe II her husband comes off as a self absorbed toad. I watched Prince Philip retire with dignity yesterday. From rumors and reports he bristled at his secondary role early in QE2's reign but he would never ever publicly (repeatedly) shame Her Majesty or the royal family in this way.
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Personally speaking: I won't say I'm angry, but I sure feel let down on behalf of QMII, and I also feel the tribe has been let down by him. I'm more deeply disappointed. I'm turning my back on him.
PH being a devoted grandpa, good with children and an eccentric dresser, let alone all the work he has done for the past 50 years, that's out the window.
PH has openly elected to distance himself from not only his wife but also the DRF and slammed the door behind him.
He has deserted his wife! He has also let down the rest of his family, not least Frederik, whom he should have supported as much as he could.
I hope, that's actually an odd thing to say..., I hope what PH is doing is a result of a mental deterioration. But to be honest, I don't think so. This is simply a major flaw in his character and in that case: No understanding, no sympathy, just get lost... A cold, unemotional goodbye.
Do you understand my meaning?

I always liked Henrik and I think he has been treated sometimes not very well.

I also think it was fine he stopped working when he wasn't sick and just wanted to enjoy the last years of his live without obligations. After all he was already 80+ and deserved to spent his time as he wished (at least in my opinien).

But this is total different and neither the Queen nor CP Frederik deserve a Price Consort behaving like a spoiled petulant child that just doesn't get what it wants. Stomping with the feets and trying to destroy as much as possibel.

If he isn't mentally ill, this is extremly low behavoir.

And I can only agree with this:
No understanding, no sympathy, just get lost... A cold, unemotional goodbye.
The first reactions are coming in:

Here from BT's editorial: BT mener: Prinsens ulykkelige beslutning | BT Danmark -

Prince Henrik's decision about not being laid to rest next to his wife (formal word) and Queen in the planned common grave in Roskilde Cathedral is both unhappy, spoiled and wrong.
Unhappy, because the Prince puts Queen Margrethe in an impossible situation.
Spoiled, because Prince Henrik has always known what the job as Prince in Denmark entailed - to follow his Queen in good and bad.
And wrong, because he in that way, puts his own person above the position as Prince of Denmark and dismiss the historical tradition which he is a part of.
The Prince had otherwise gained the wide acceptance of the people and in some places almost gained a cult-status, even though he recent decision about retiring wasn't well received everywhere.

Back in 2005 I interviewed Prince Henrik myself at Chateau Caix and got a look into a person who was the exact opposite of the image the public back then delighted in portraying him, as a slighly charicatured clown, who spoke circus-Danish in the shadown of his Queen. Prince Henrik was on the contrary full of humor, witty, intelligent and musical and it was easy to understand what the Queen had fallen for. Over time the Danes also embraced him as such.

But with his decision about not wanting to be buried next to the Queen of Denmark the Prince has hurt Margrethe, who if any has the love of the people, and that the Danes will probably never ever forgive him.
The wish of the Prince about being equal to the Queen is in 2017 understandable, but that does not change that he naturally ought to be buried with his wife (formal).
Now he will seem like a person, whose wounded French vanity overshadow for common compassion, because the love between people should always triumph/win over the urge to change formal conditions.

On photos and TV you can tell the Prince's obvious devotion to his wife (formal), but Prince Henrik's dissatisfaction with his Queen has made him take a wrong decision. With this the words "to death do you part" get a new and sad meaning, which is not worthy of ordinary people or royals.

BT, like most medias in DK today, have listed the instances where PH either spoke openly about his dissatisfaction about his position, embarrassed QMII or was conspicuously absent. Starting in 1996, and accellerating.

I won't translate, you can probably remember it.

Se hele listen: Her har Prins Henrik OGSÅ været utilfreds | BT Historie -
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Muhler, thank you for your entire post I agree with all you wrote. This is to me a malicious slap in the face to your Queen M by her spoiled self-centered husband that didn't get his own way and thought he was deserving of being titled King. Well apparently his government didn't or he would have been. The fact that his own son will hold that title eventually really must gripe his stomach. I also would like to say that he might be having a mental problem starting but I don't believe so. I think he is just being ignorant and getting back at his wife and her country for not recognizing his personal wants. Plus to not want to be buried next to his wife is a public declaration that his middle finger is raised to all of you when this ignorant man dies.

Your Queen will smile through it all publically but must actually be so sad privately. My prayers to her nightly that she will continue her roll as queen for as long as she wants and not let this manipulate pathetic man spoil her true nature. Happiness to you all in Denmark without this man's self made childish drama.
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1. I know that Henrik is unpredictable, but I am totally shocked/supriced over this.

2. I have gone through Danish media, and it's the headline story on both TV2/DR and in all the papers.
Henrik should now draw the line and not appear at family events anymore, at all. Every photoshoot he attends will now be seen as super hypocritical.

Chances are high that he will spoil Frederik's 50th birthday with his presence only.
I agree 1000% with you but am afraid that he might just do the opposite to make drama and bizarre nonsense for his wife and her country that wouldn't give him his own way. This malicious action on his part is just making my head hurt for his wife and Denmark.
Various royal reporters, from the serious newspapers are commenting:

Ekspert om prins Henriks beslutning: Meget mærkeligt og uforståeligt - TV 2

Peter Thygesen from Politiken (which is basically a republican newspaper), who is taken aback says: "Not since the mid 1800's has a Danish Regent been buried without his/her spouse. It's historically unheard of, it's very odd and a very sad demonstration by Prince Henrik against the Queen. It puts the Queen in a very awkward situation.
I think it's both annoying/a great pity, but also incomprehensible for the Danes. It's an odd time in his life that he makes this demonstration. I actually think he is letting her down". (The expression is: "kan ikke være det bekendt" but I can't find a better translation right now).

Lally Hoffmann, a very experienced journalist, believe it's a sad decision and says: "I must say I'm surprised and it is in a way regrettable. But you shouldn't look at is as a question of the relationship between the Queen and Prince Henrik.
What Prince Henrik for now many years has pointed out is that he has not got equal rights within the DRF. So it's the institution the DRF he is now rebelling against".

She believes PH's concern about his legacy plays a role in the decision:
"It is a bit sad. Two people who have held together for so many years and who might just as well has seen the tradition through all the way, and then the legacy is apparently something that concerns Prince Henrik. Otherwise it surely wasn't that important to be equal".

There is a family grave in France, where among others his mother is buried, about that PH is quoted for saying to the author of a book, John Lindskog: "No unfortunately, it will be Roskilde for me".
Was he sorry about being laid to rest in Roskilde?
"It can't be helped. It's my duty".
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And rightly so. What a jerk!

this was my reaction too! Very disappointed/angry with Henrik.
One thing is his disaffection with his title, "prince consort," but for a husband of over 50 years not wanting to be buried with his wife, just wow!:sad:
Billed Bladet's Trine Larsen, who for years have followed PH up close and interviewed him on several occasions has this to say: BILLED-BLADETs kongehus-ekspert: Derfor vil Henrik ikke begraves med Margrethe | BILLED-BLADET

"It's a very sad decision the Prince has made, because it not only involves himself but also the Queen and the rest of the DRF.
It's presumably his mounting dissatisfaction and frustration about not being equal to his wife, the Queen, that is behind his decision. And when that is not to be in life, he has apparently decided that it is not going to be in death either.
Prince Henrik does not feel he has been given the deserved acknowledgment for his work for Denmark and that has in later years become an ever increasing key issue for the Prince.
It's really sad and very regrettable".
Thanks Muhler!!! You are our perfect Reporter!

Prince Henrik did it again!!

And yesterday we are talking for an another Prince Consort! What a difference a day made!
Thanks Muhler!!! You are our perfect Reporter!

Prince Henrik did it again!!

And yesterday we are talking for an another Prince Consort! What a difference a day made!

You are welcome. ?

Indeed the Duke of Edinburgh has never let his wife down, and while he may have his faults too, he has rarely complained and always stayed true to his duty.
There are light years between the two men.
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