Unfortunate Royal Moments / Experiences

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Feb 21, 2004
United States
i thought it would be nice to have a thread of funny things that happened to royals or strange situations...

to start, mary's hat fly-away, days before the wedding... :)

(photos from dagbladet.no, bt.dk, polfoto, gettyimages, scanpix)

the same happened for the queen, months later...

i'm sure the king and queen and princess lilian didn't expect this...

one of queen paola...

someone stepped on maxima's dress... :)

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In a way, these are delightful, reminds me that they are very human too. :rolleyes:
The photo of Queen Paola reminds me of one that was taken of poor Fergie. It seems the poor thing had poor luck with her skirts flying up (due to the wind, I'm not being ugly to Sarah).

Aren't royals supposed to put weights in their skirts so as to avoid accidents? (And I wonder why this knowledge wasn't shared with Sarah.)
Poor Mary, a fly away hat it awful cause then you have to go chase it (or have someone else chase it like she did) but I have a question, don't they usually put a pin in through the hat that goes through the hair and out the other side for these kinds of hats? I saw Queen Elizabeth II has those pins and she really doesn't have that much hair to work with.:)
I'm sure these must be one of the most unpleasant moments for Queen Sofia of Spain.

falling over or tripped over in front of her husband, and the President of USA, Bill Clinton

(photo from getty)
Poor Queen Sofia. Its one thing to trip in public but at a big state function! If I were here I would talk to the tailor about hemming the dress an extra inch!
I can't remember where i saw this but it was a pic of Queen Margrethe falling down some stairs, or it could have been just a trip. I will try and dig it up.
The singer seated on the lap of Sweden's Princess Lillian was kind of too much, almost rude. First, she is very old, you just don't seat on an old lady's lap like that, she could get injured. Second, that was way too much touching. Imagine Madonna doing the same pose with King Gustav or Prince Phillip of Britain. She would have been called vulgar...well, Madonna has been called that before :rolleyes: ...my point is there are things you don't do to a senior citizen.
Toledo said:
The singer seated on the lap of Sweden's Princess Lillian was kind of too much, almost rude. First, she is very old, you just don't seat on an old lady's lap like that, she could get injured. Second, that was way too much touching. Imagine Madonna doing the same pose with King Gustav or Prince Phillip of Britain. She would have been called vulgar...well, Madonna has been called that before :rolleyes: ...my point is there are things you don't do to a senior citizen.

I agree...he could have serously hurt her. He is much more heavier that she is.
Toledo said:
The singer seated on the lap of Sweden's Princess Lillian was kind of too much, almost rude. First, she is very old, you just don't seat on an old lady's lap like that, she could get injured. Second, that was way too much touching. Imagine Madonna doing the same pose with King Gustav or Prince Phillip of Britain. She would have been called vulgar...well, Madonna has been called that before :rolleyes: ...my point is there are things you don't do to a senior citizen.
Its not like he places all his weight on her, he really balance most of his weight of with the legs, secondly Lilians sense of humor is well known in Sweden and she did not take it the wrong way, If I remember it she called him afterwords and he said to the press that Lilian was the girl for him:p . I belive Lilian once poored fake ketchup on an american politician during a dinner and he called her the craziest royal he ever met, cant remeber his name though. Lilian is a sweetheart, with humor, it does not get better.
It was at the Rebild celebrations on 4 July - must be 10-15 years ago. She must have hurt herself the way she rolled down the stairs.
I have been searching for the picture but haven't found it.

Australian said:
I can't remember where i saw this but it was a pic of Queen Margrethe falling down some stairs, or it could have been just a trip. I will try and dig it up.

UserDane said:
It was at the Rebild celebrations on 4 July - must be 10-15 years ago. She must have hurt herself the way she rolled down the stairs.
I have been searching for the picture but haven't found it.

thanks for that UserDane. I have been looking as well but can't seem to find it. I am sure that i saw the picture on this forum though. I know, it was a really bad fall.
HRHAmy said:
Poor Mary, a fly away hat it awful cause then you have to go chase it (or have someone else chase it like she did) but I have a question, don't they usually put a pin in through the hat that goes through the hair and out the other side for these kinds of hats? I saw Queen Elizabeth II has those pins and she really doesn't have that much hair to work with.:)

Yes the Queen uses Hat pins and something like kirbigrips to pin the hair down for the pin to go through (or that is the norm):D .
No kidding! I wonder if there were any broken bones or fractures. I'm sure she wouldn't have liked to recall that moment.
Larzen said:
Its not like he places all his weight on her, he really balance most of his weight of with the legs, secondly Lilians sense of humor is well known in Sweden and she did not take it the wrong way, If I remember it she called him afterwords and he said to the press that Lilian was the girl for him:p . I belive Lilian once poored fake ketchup on an american politician during a dinner and he called her the craziest royal he ever met, cant remeber his name though. Lilian is a sweetheart, with humor, it does not get better.

I don't know much about her but I see her often appearing in events with the Swedish princes, which I find very nice, like a grandmother figure to the three of them. The little I know I think is from here (?) that she and her late husband had to wait for the King to pass away for them to get married.
Nefertiti said:
I found the picture and explanation for QM of Denmark's fall here:

Check out post #99. She must have really hurt herself in that fall.

Welcome, Nefertiti :)

I have to say that Queen Margrethe seems to be one of the happiest Royals around, almost every single picture she has this radiant smile like none other. It's like she enjoys every single second when she is around people.
Here is one of Queen Sofia
(source: newscom)

So far I've seen three pictures of Queen Sofía falling in different events, which I think is weird because she looks so elegant and poised that it's almost hard to believe that she trips like every other mortal on earth:)
crisiñaki said:
So far I've seen three pictures of Queen Sofía falling in different events, which I think is weird because she looks so elegant and poised that it's almost hard to believe that she trips like every other mortal on earth:)
Yeah! It's really weird!!
Like you said she looks always very elegant and when i see pictures like this i "wake up" and i think "they're humans!! they can fall!!" :D
I like to think she's a little bit clumsy, because I can totally relate to that!
I know what you mean Aussie Princess, I can be a bit of klutz myself. And believe me I've had my share of embarrassing moments infront of people, especially at church.
I fell in church once. When I was a little kid at sunday school there were announcing the Students of the Month after mass. As i got up to get my certificate, i climbed the steps to the alter and fell right in front of the priest in front of the whole congregation. i thought i was going to die from humiliation.
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