CIA will release the 'Holland Papers' on 17 March 2008

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Aug 13, 2004
São Paulo
Royalblog has an article about the so-called Holland paper. On monday, 17 March, the CIA papers will be made public and in 1982 a CIA chef in The Hague said it has explosive material. The papers might have secret information about Prince Bernhard's role in WWII, his secret lovelife or his financial scandals.

The court, the office of the Prime Minister and the CIA in Washington all react surprised and they say they do not know of any report at all.
Very interesting. But why now?

I foresee lots of "express-books" on the subject...
I think in '82 the guy said the papers were locked up for 25 years, the 25 years are over on monday. Mind you, it is only 1 guy who claimed this (a CIA officer stationed in The Hague). He might have been drunk, making a joke or just misinformed. We will see on monday, though it is possible that the file was 'cleaned up' years ago, if it ever existed.
Oh, Lord, is there never an end??? The poor man is dead, gone and gone to his reward, whatever that is. But I guess it is because of our undending love of dirt, particularly dirt of the great, rich, famous and mighty.
gossip will sell everywhere.
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Oh, Lord, is there never an end??? The poor man is dead, gone and gone to his reward, whatever that is. But I guess it is because of our undending love of dirt, particularly dirt of the great, rich, famous and mighty.
gossip will sell everywhere.

So true Thomas.I do hope George W's dirt comes out sooner,now that is something to look forward too.Not some,I think,bogus story by a person claiming he was a CIA agent,nothing to brag about either,the disillusioned poor thing and oh my,talking about dirt.
According to the CIA in Washington there won't be any files opened about a dutch royal tomorrow and they never heard about any Holland paper either.

source: royalblog
See,total bogus.Just some drunk CIA kid blurting while drunk decades ago.

And if he really had been of the agency,he would have kept his mouth shut
anyway instead of bragging over his position and claims.
There's enough embarrassment in that club as it is.
Well, it isn't sure that the guy was drunk, just as it is not sure if he was a real CIA agent or not.

Anyway, royalblog says that there are enough explanations on websites and newspaperblogs and such:

1) How can we trust the CIA, didn't they lie before?
2) Queen Beatrix had made sure the file 'disappeared', she attends Bilderberg conferences like high CIA officials, she just made a deal with them.
3) The CIA spy was wrong about the date, the papers might be released later.
CIA Releases

Well, it isn't sure that the guy was drunk, just as it is not sure if he was a real CIA agent or not.

Anyway, royalblog says that there are enough explanations on websites and newspaperblogs and such:

1) How can we trust the CIA, didn't they lie before?
2) Queen Beatrix had made sure the file 'disappeared', she attends Bilderberg conferences like high CIA officials, she just made a deal with them.
3) The CIA spy was wrong about the date, the papers might be released later.

I'm not sure if "protections" will be lifted any more based on date and the right of historians and all people to know what really happened. The elites, at least in the USA, understand the power of information and know how to keep it hidden or hide it away once it becomes open.

How many of you know about the attempted coup against Franklin Roosevelt in the 1930s? It was blown by US Marine Corps General Smedley Butler whom the conspirators (apparently including the current President's grandfather) attempted to suborn into leading the coup. It is open information that is very well hidden away.

It was rumored that US intelligence leaked Diana's telephone traffic during the divorce. Apparently the gentlemen at the top of the US intelligence community, the one that is supposed to have the dirt on Prince Bernhard, were helping another gentleman at the top of another social structure.

Then again, while Smedley Butler was really suborned to lead a coup, maybe Prince Bernhard really didn't do anything beyond his role in the Lockheed scandal so there isn't any dirt to release.
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