Prince Ali's Trip to KavKaz/Circassia

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Oct 12, 2004
نجل العاهل الاردني يقوم برحلة إلى القوقاز على ظهر حصان

انطلق الامير علي بن الحسين, أحد أنجال العاهل الاردني, على صهوة جواده في رحلة جماعية تضم 10خيالة من أصول شركسية باتجاه القوقاز الروسية, في محاولة لتسليط الضوء على قضية هجرة الشركس الى بقاع الدنيا في أواخر القرن الماضي . وسار الامير علي (22 عاما) في زي شركسي تقليدي وهو يمتطي حصانا رماديا في مقدمة القافلة التي انطلقت أمس الاول الاربعاء من القصر الملكي في عمان باتجاه (مايكوب) في قلب أرض القوقاز, وهي عاصمة جمهورية أديغي , احد أجزاء الفدرالية الروسية. وستسير القافلة, التي يساندها رتل من عربات النقل والسيارات, عبر القرى التي استوطنها مهاجرون شركس في سوريا وتركيا في طريقها الى مايكوب للمشاركة في مهرجان من أجل السلام في نهاية سبتمبر. يذكر أن زهاء مليونين من افراد الشعب الشركسي المسلم طردوا من بلادهم الواقعة بين البحرين الاسود وقزوين في أواخر القرن التاسع عشر وذلك على يد الامبراطورية الروسية ابان حملات التوسع جنوبا. واليوم يرشح القليل من المعلومات عن حياة الشركس, الذين كانوا يوما جيرانا للشيشان, حتى في داخل الاردن حيث يصل عدد المتحدرين منهم نحو 100 ألف نسمة, في دولة يقدر عدد سكانها ب 5.4 ملايين نسمة. وتقول ماجدة المفتي, ابنة رئيس وزراء الاردن الاسبق سعيد المفتي, عندما أعلن أن اصولي شركسية, يتساءل الناس للتو هل هذا يعني أنك روسية؟ فأجيبهم بالنفي على الفور. وتؤكد ماجدة اننا نريد استعادة الحق في تقرير مصيرنا, والتمكن من العودة الى بلادنا متى أردنا ذلك دون تأشيرات. وأصر الامير علي, الذي نشأ بين رفاق اردنيين من اصول شركسية وقد مارس الفروسية منذ صغره, على أن الرحلة بعيدة عن الاعتبارات السياسية بالرغم من تأخير موعد انطلاقها بسبب شروط أمنية روسية داخلية. وقال نجل الملك حسين انا لست سياسيا, أنا أمير. وقد نشأت لديه فكرة القيام بهذه الرحلة قبل سنتين, بعد ان قام 40 فارسا شركسيا برحلة رمزية, على خطى أجدادهم عندما أخرجوا من ديارهم قبل قرن, باتجاه دول عربية في الشرق الاوسط احتضنتهم وآوتهم.

وقال الامير علي للصحافيين قبل الانطلاق لقد نظرت الى ذلك الامر من زاوية ثقافية (فالشركس) بحاجة الى بعض المساعدة لكي يضحوا معروفين أمام العالم حتى لا تضيع هذه الثقافة الجميلة والتاريخ والتقاليد. وذكّر بأن الشعب الشركسي مر بمعاناة طويلة في تاريخه وواجه الكثير من الامور السيئة لكن أشياء جيدة نتجت عنها في المقابل. وأشاد في هذا السياق بمساهمة الاقلية الشركسية في بناء الاردن الحديث. ويلعب الشركس دورا كبيرا في الحياة السياسية والاقتصادية الاردنية ويشكل ابناؤهم قسما من الحرس الملكي الخاص. وقد شارك نحو 200 شركسي في وداع الرحالة بقيادة الامير علي, أحد انجال الملك حسين الخمسة. وفي اشارة الى الامير علي قال محمد أشرف هو واحد منا. ويقطن أشرف (18 عاما) في وادي السير وهي بلدة صغيرة الى الغرب من عمان استوطن فيها الشركس في بواكير هجرتهم الى الاردن. وأكد أشرف أننا نعتبره شركسيا فهو يحضر أعراسنا وحفلاتنا ويتقن الشركسية حديثا حكي وكتابة. وقد برع الامير الشاب, الذي يقول أنه ما زالت لديه مشاكل في لفظ اللغة الشركسية القديمة, في الرقص الفلوكلوري الشركسي بحركاته السريعة والمناورة على صهوات الجياد. وبرغم أن ضيق الوقت فرض القيام بأجزاء من الرحلة بالسيارات, أكد الامير علي تفضيله لمرحلة ركوب الخيل مشيرا الى انها أجمل بكثير من ركوب السيارة مع أنها اصعب قليلا. وامتدح الامير علي البزة التقليدية البيضاء التي يرتديها مع القبعة والسيف والخنجر مشيرا الى أنها جميلة وراقية وكانت عملية في ميادين القتال في القوقاز لدرجة ان الجيش الروسي اعتمدها. لكن بالرغم من أنه بدا منغمسا في التقاليد الشركسية أصر الامير علي انه من المستبعد عودته من رحلته بعد شهر ونصف والى جانبه عروس شركسية. وقال الامير الشاب لا اعتقد انني سأحضر معي عروسا شركسية ليس الان. وتشير التقديرات الى وجود نحو اربعة ملايين شركسي في أنحاء العالم, من الولايات المتحدة الى كوسوفو مرورا بالشرق الاوسط, وفي
موطنهم الاصلي الذي ما زال بعضهم يعيش فيه.

This is an intrveiw with PA before his trip to Caucasus
He was 22 years old ,, I just wants to translate a part of it which is under line, you will see how the circassians people love PA , It says , that there was more that 200 people participated in the good bye ceremony, one of his friends Mohammad Moshruf said that PA is one of us , Ashraf lives in Wadi Al_Seer which is the place that the circassians lived in when they first came to Jordan , and he is 18 years old, he said that we consider PA as a cricassian he comes to our weddings and parties , and he speake and write our language.and PA is very skilled cricassian dancer and he can do all the moves that require to be good and fast too, and he is very good on the horse dancing, he has a little problem in the spelling of the old cricasian language .
PA said, that we had to drive by the car but I liked the horse stage more , its tougher but more interesting.He commend the traditional cricassian uniform and said that it's very beautiful.The important question was if he will get back from the trip with a cricassian bride?He insists that this is very far, and said: I don't think that I will get back with a cricassian bride. not now
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Below, in an interview by Maher Attoum of Sigma News Agency and was published in the Jordan Times Newspaper on Tuesday November 3rd 1998, the Prince explains the motives behind the trip, his interest in the Circassian culture - a culture that he is keen to preserve - and provides some insight into his relationship with his father, His Majesty King Hussein.

Question: Your Royal Highness, today you are defending the cultural rights of the Circassian mountaineers. Could you tell us who the Circassians are and why are you interested in this issue?
Answer: According to legend, when God was creating the earth He carried all the mountains in a bag in order to distribute them across the land. The devil seeing his chance slit a hole in the bottom of the bag and all the mountains fell in one area between the Black Sea and the Caspian. So God made that land the one place in the world where the devil would not be able to penetrate and make its people evil, since life would be hard enough for them as it is.

The North Caucasuses is described by many visitors as Eden itself, with warm rich lowlands followed by majestic forests and alpine pastures, abandoned rivers and lakes, superimposed by eternally snow-capped peaks. These are the Frosty Caucasus of which Shakespeare sang, and which dwarf the Alps. Mount Elbrus, the tallest mountain in Europe, where legend has it, between its two peaks the Ark rested on its way to Ararat. Kazbek, where Prometheus was chained, known in ancient Greek legend as the Land Of The Golden Fleece, the land of fables and dreams, from which Tolstoy, Lermontov and Pushkin drew their inspiration.

The Circassians are an ancient race, composed of twelve tribes, who have been dwelling in the mountains of the North Caucasus and along the Black Sea coast since time immemorial. Many would-be invaders had found them a terrible foe, Roman Legions, Attila, Gengis Khan, Arabs, Temirlane and the Persians, who called the Caucasus `Sedi Iskender,' or the barrier of Alexander. The mighty conqueror had set out to possess the world and met his first check here. Having never been conquered, the Circassians have managed to preserve their ancient culture without outside influences up until the time of the Russian invasion, that began in the late 18th century and which flamed into a terrible war, which lasted over a hundred years.

The Circassians, freedom-loving and bold, fought desperately and fiercely, earning themselves legendary status and respect throughout Europe and the Middle East. For one hundred years they held all the might of the Czar's armies at bay, preventing them from colonial expansion and the long-cherished Russian dream of an over-land route to India. It was said that one Circassian is worth ten of anyone else, and their struggle is best described by the great Russian poet Mikhail Lermonotov, who wrote in the times of the Russo-Caucasus wars: “Circassian treasure rueful dreams, Circassian hearth is their supreme, but freedom, freedom for the man is more than peace and motherland.”

The war lasted until 1864 resulting in the death of over half of the entire Circassian population, and the two great powers of the time, Russia and Turkey, collaborated to cause the forced migration of over half the entire remaining population to the Ottoman Empire. Russia wanted the Circassian land for its emancipated peasants, and Turkey needed fresh blood for its armies in the Balkans. The Circassian expulsion was the largest mass exodus in modern times and another third of them perished along the way from disease and starvation.

It is estimated that if not for the war, Circassians today would number over 25 millions or more, instead of less than six millions spread out in countries all over the world.

Yet, wherever the Circassians went they contributed tremendously to the countries that they now live in. They were the first people to settle in revived modern Amman. When Prince, later King Abdullah, arrived in Trans-Jordan, they welcomed him, and during a rebellion in the early days of the Emirate they camped around his palace to protect him and were then given the honour of being the King's personal guards. Nowadays, they can still be seen guarding the palaces and the Royal Court in their fabulous and romantic costumes. The Circassians have served in every government and military office, and are well-known for their honesty and loyalty. Today there are roughly one hundred thousand Circassians in Jordan, five million in Turkey, 700 hundred thousand in the Caucasus and smaller communities in Israel, Syria, and U.S. and Western Europe.

The Circassians practised civilised behaviour at a time when Europeans were still cave-dwellers. Their culture is extremely rich in poetry, myth, legend, song, dance and music. Their social structure is governed by the “Adygha Khabza,” or Circassian etiquette, a set of unwritten rules which emphasise perfect manners, hospitality, honesty, chivalry and respect for elders. They esteem their women and grant them full public freedom and they never practice polygamy or marry anyone even distantly related to them, as all Circassian relatives and neighbours are considered brothers and sisters. Indeed the Circassian's greatest achievement has been the perfection of their own culture.

Nevertheless, due to the fact that they have been separated for nearly one hundred and thirty years, Circassians are finding it increasingly difficult to preserve their language, cultural heritage and are at risk of large scale assimilation, that threatens their very existence as a people.

My interest, therefore, comes from a want to reverse this process and give the Circassians the basic human rights, granted to all peoples of the world; to live together in peace and happiness, practising their own culture, speaking their own language and respected and known by the rest of the world we live in.

Q: What are you expecting from your campaign?

A: This campaign is a symbolic beginning of the work to come. The horse-ride is in essence a reverse of the mass exodus that brought the Circassians to Jordan and the diaspora. Circassians of the Caucasus and the diaspora are part of a single ethnic and cultural entity, and uniting these parts is a naturalhuman right. My goals are, therefore, to open the door for any Circassians wishing to return to their homeland, to be able to do so freely, without the complications and problems that they are presently facing due to lack of organisation and barriers posed by people who wish to prevent the spiritual and physical unity of the Circassian nation. In addition, I hope to bring the Circassian issue to the world's attention, so that they can no longer be used as pawns in a chess game, and future bloodshed in the Caucasus, caused by ignorance and neglect, can be avoided.

Q: Are you involved in charity and social work for the Circassian issue?

A: I am president of the Jeel Club for Circassian Culture and Folklore in Jordan, and I am in the process of setting up a Circassian Culture Fund with branches in Israel, Turkey, the United States and the Caucasus, in order to work on and achieve international recognition for Circassians as displaced people and to implement their rights under international law to automatic citizenship in their homeland, as well as the preservation and revival of the Circassian language and to research and write the common and entire history of the Circassian nation.

I also hope to live in the Caucasus for a year, beginning in January to further study the languages and cultures of the Caucasus and to see that our goals are implemented in the homeland.

Q: How was the reaction of the Circassian mountaineers when you were crossing their villages on horseback with the traditional costumes?

A: It was immensely spiritual and emotional, and their reaction seemed mostly to be of shock and disbelief especially among the elder people, with tears in their eyes as they never dreamt that such a thing could really happen. There was always tremendous joy and pride among the younger generation and the children and much celebration. All of it was immensely satisfying and gave me a sense of euphoria and inner peace. What was really most touching was when members of our team met their relatives and families, whom they had never seen or knew existed, in villages and cities along the way.
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Q: Were there any complications or problems building up to the horse-ride or along the route itself?

A: For two years myself and the horse group, who are all Circassian volunteers from Jordan, had been ready to make the journey, but we were faced with continual barriers and obstacles set up by people both in Russia and in Jordan, who did not want the ride and tried their hardest not to make it happen. In fact, we were not granted a visa to enter Russia up until we reached Samsun on the Black Sea coast. There was also security concerns: nearing the time of our departure across the Black Sea, we started receiving calls from people telling us that something bad was going to happen and that there would be an attempt on my life. There is also a lot of people who try to portray the Circassians as dangerous people or bandits, something which I know is not true. They are a wonderful hospitable people. Of course I always bear in mind the fact that someone may try an attempt on my life in order to blame it on the Circassians. In any case, we took all the precautions we could and the rest we left up to God and in the end we triumphed, and made the journey the way we wanted, regardless of the people who tried to stop us; that in itself is satisfaction enough. I sincerely believe that when you stand on the side of right and your intentions are good, no one can stop you.

Q: How is your relationship with your father, His Majesty King Hussein? Did he give you any advice, and what was his impression about this trip?

A: If there is such a thing as a Saint in this day and age we live in, it would be my father. He is the wisest, bravest, kindest and most intelligent leader in the world today. But most of all he is the greatest father. He has taken so much care of his children and has tried to give us all that he didn't have in his childhood. But what I cherish most in my life is his advise and his wishes. My father has always encouraged his children to go out, see the world and work on something that we believe in, not to simply be reliant on him, but to try and make something for ourselves, and I am trying to do just that through my work for the Circassians.

During the trip, when I encountered problems I turned to my father for advice, and he has kept a close eye on everything even while he was undergoing treatment. My loyalty in life is solely to my father and none other, and in the future I will always serve him to the utmost of my ability in whatever form it may be. But till then, he has given me the freedom and the encouragement to make my own mark and follow my own path, and in the end, God willing, I hope to repay my father with the greatest gift I can offer, pride in his son.

Q: How close are you to your sister Princess Haya? Are you a family person?

A: My sister Haya is my pride and joy. She is a living memory of my late mother Queen Alia, through her actions, her character and her beauty. Haya is also someone I admire, for her unfathomable courage, willpower, and desire to realise her dream in the field of show jumping.

Every person has faults and mine are that I'm secretive, not very good at expressing my emotions, and I can never ask for help, so I'm not the best family person. In the past few years, I haven't seen my brothers and sisters, all of whom I love, as much as I would have liked, but they are always in my dreams and prayers, and I constantly look forward to the moments when we are together.

Q: How do you see your future as a king's son and do you feel any responsibility?

A: There are no certainties in life, and fate often has its wicked way with us, but I continue to follow the signs and paths that will eventually lead me to my final destiny whatever it may be. The hardest path is always to follow one's dreams and try to realise them, but at the same time it is the only way to live without regret and at peace with oneself. I'm not a conformist, and I never do what I'm expected to do, rather I always do what I feel is the right thing, to the despair of many.

I feel tremendous responsibility in bearing the Hashemite name, but at the same time I know that it is not the name that makes a person but rather ones work and ones actions.

In Jordan I keep a low profile, and I have tried to stay away from appearing too much in front of cameras, unless it has to do with work, because I believe the average person cares more about feeding his or her family than the fact that prince or princess so and so went here, or opened this or did that. I'm a dreamer, and I have principles that I won't break for anyone. I've found a path to work on for the near future. I have a dream, and I pray to God to give me the courage and perseverance to realise my goal so that I may prove that I am worthy of bearing the title, prince.
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Thanks for posting this again, Lil Monkey. By him saying he keeps a low profile only proves that he is a rather private person, but then many of us had already come to that conclusion pretty much before hand. Which makes me wonder if we will be seeing any photos of PJ anytime soon.
In Jordan I keep a low profile, and I have tried to stay away from appearing too much in front of cameras, unless it has to do with work, because I believe the average person cares more about feeding his or her family than the fact that prince or princess so and so went here, or opened this or did that. I'm a dreamer, and I have principles that I won't break for anyone. I've found a path to work on for the near future. I have a dream, and I pray to God to give me the courage and perseverance to realise my goal so that I may prove that I am worthy of bearing the title, prince.

Excellent interview, thank you for posting. I was particularly taken with this last paragraph. It shows me, at least, he has a real grasp on the feelings of the people of Jordan and is very much in tune with their needs and concerns. I really respect him for that.
Sounds like Prince Ali has a good head on his shoulders! He seems to balance his personal life well with his business life. Plus, it shows he's not conceited and cares more for his family.
I never paid much attention to Ali, but after reading that article, I respect him so much - especially what he said about keeping a low profile and normal families. He seems like a very normal, intelligent man.
maryshawn said:
Excellent interview, thank you for posting. I was particularly taken with this last paragraph. It shows me, at least, he has a real grasp on the feelings of the people of Jordan and is very much in tune with their needs and concerns. I really respect him for that.
He is too close to Jordanian people, and this is what’s make him very special member in the JRF, his humanity makes you feel that he is one of us not a prince, he works now hardly as a bodyguard and I don't think that any one would accept that, well he wants to be normal, to work and act and live as a normal person, and he proved that he can be good at any position he attends

I admire his personality, and how honest he is :)

Every person has faults and mine are that I'm secretive, not very good at expressing my emotions, and I can never ask for help, so I'm not the best family person. In the past few years, I haven't seen my brothers and sisters, all of whom I love, as much as I would have liked, but they are always in my dreams and prayers, and I constantly look forward to the moments when we are together.

this was before six years, he is now a family person , i wonder what would he say if the question was now :rolleyes:
he is so sensitive , and i think what he said shows that he was lonely ,
now for sure has Rym and Jalilah and he is the greatest father for sure ;)
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suria said:
He is too close to Jordanian people, and this is what’s make him very special member in the JRF, his humanity makes you feel that he is one of us not a prince, he works now hardly as a bodyguard and I don't think that any one would accept that, well he wants to be normal, to work and act and live as a normal person, and he proved that he can be good at any position he attends.
I admire his personality, and how honest he is :)

I think Prince Ali has alot of the characteristics of his mother. QA was a very giving and loving person who felt the pain of not only the Jordanian people but of all people. May Allah rest her soul.

Can anyone give me some history/background about this trip? When did it take place? How long did it last? What was the objective? Was it supposed to symbolize the return of the Sharkas to their home land? Are there any video clips other than the one on YouTube?
i remember there was big interview many years ago about it in internet. u can look in internet.i dont remember after trip or before, it was big. but i dont think it matter now becous it was long time ago and now i think PA has his life with his own people, sharkas are not really his people u know what i mean. i havnt seen any youtube clips just some photografy from turkey or jordan. it was long time ago.
Can anyone give me some history/background about this trip? When did it take place? How long did it last? What was the objective? Was it supposed to symbolize the return of the Sharkas to their home land? Are there any video clips other than the one on YouTube?

you can find here an execlusive interview with prince Ali about his trip to Kavkaz, it was on November 1998 two months after queen Ali'a father death and three months before king Hussein death.

i think this interview covers all your questions

enjoy :flowers:

*The Prince and the 'Noble People' of the Caucasus*

i remember there was big interview many years ago about it in internet. u can look in internet.i dont remember after trip or before, it was big. but i dont think it matter now becous it was long time ago and now i think PA has his life with his own people, sharkas are not really his people u know what i mean. i havnt seen any youtube clips just some photografy from turkey or jordan. it was long time ago.

most of prince Ali's friends are sharkas .. all Jordanian are prince Ali's people whether they were Jordanian Palestinian or Sharkas.
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ok i was not lieng. may be i dont know who are friends but you cant know for real too when he didnt tell you, but even look in internet now all pictures with sharkas are old sooooo? i didnt say he descriminate, i know he like everybody,but may be not with them in open anymore like long time ago. soooo?
ok i was not lieng. may be i dont know who are friends but you cant know for real too when he didnt tell you, but even look in internet now all pictures with sharkas are old sooooo? i didnt say he descriminate, i know he like everybody,but may be not with them in open anymore like long time ago. soooo?

i am not sure of this as at his wedding Rym wore Sharakas dress and this indictaes that he is still very close to them .. from my side i think Ali is getting close to all levels his position at the football federation makes him close to all.
but wedding was long time ago. and i just now type in internet, wedding is may be last sharkas thing. may be there was small news that is not in internet, i dont know but still what i see.
you can find here an execlusive interview with prince Ali about his trip to Kavkaz, it was on November 1998 two months after queen Ali'a father death and three months before king Hussein death.

i think this interview covers all your questions

enjoy :flowers:

*The Prince and the 'Noble People' of the Caucasus*

Thank you so much Suria, so it was after all a symbolic return of Circassians to their homeland.
...sharkas are not really his people u know what i mean...

I hope you are not Jordanian by origin Sporty. Because Jordanians don't think like that. Many Jordanians have different origins and even different religions. There are original Jordanians, these are mostly the bedouins, there are Christians in all denominations and there are Moslems, Sunnis and Shiites, there are Assyrians, Turkman, Kurds, Circassians, Armenians. Of course there are also Palestinians, Lebanese, and most recently Iraqis. To me, they represent the many BEAUTIFUL faces of Jordan.
i dont know if you at all understand what i say.
you say that i descriminate, i dont decriminate!
if as you say all "faces beutiful" why P Ali never helped kurds or palestinians like that? no trip for them? they are also in problem and his mather is palestinian!
so P Ali WAS not equal but now he is! I am glad that he merryed P Rym not that wild local sharkas girl from many years ago. he would descriminate now too. she is wise and international and she learned him that all have to be equal. is it bad?
I'm sure we're all capable of disagreeing with each other in a more civil manner.
Let's refrain from personal insults and get back to the topic of this thread.

Jordanian Forum Moderator
it is my first post here and maybe last, i am not with royalty but i am very interested in Circassia, and i was very happy to find a link that brought me in this forum because people talk about us even here! thank to Prince Ali.

first, i want to say that sporty, i think you are wrong. of course it is clear that charkes people are special for Prince Ali, but it is not because he thinks they are better then palestinians or kurds. I am sure he has his reasons that maybe we dont know about, but as a prince in Jordan he probably love all his other nations too. I heard that circassian people are most personal for him, not because it is best nation.

also i heard from my friends that they heard that in Jordan Prince Ali and his friends want to start work on a movie about this trip, to make it video-memories and finish in 2008, in 10 year after trip! We think it is right to do because when that trip happen, we were young and we dont remember about it much. Also, in 1998 it was written in many newspapers, but now, they are old newspapers and magazines. we have some in our center, it talks about the trip and the master who made swords and knifes. very interesting, but it is old and many young charkes people dont know about it a lot.

I think that making this documantary Prince Ali and his friends wanted to finish the trip now in 10 years and make it last for many generations, it is romantic too and a symbol. I agree with them, movie is not like a article in newspaper or photo, it is like Titanic than many people will watch like it happened month ago, and learn history lessons, to hope more and remember better, not do some reading in old newspapers that people throw away long time ago. I am sure they have better video materials too, who show people happy, and maybe interview from them or Prince Ali with copying rights. I hope it come soon because I am and my friends also want to know more about this trip and see why it happened, how it started and finish, because until now we only heard about it and saw short youtube and photos. We are glad that what Prince Ali did for us will not dessapears in old newspaper and just memory of some older people who saw it. I hope to see it in DVD or youtube or google video in 2008. it is next year! not long.

also i know there are some talk and clip about this trip in a new film from Kafkaz about history of Charkes people. My bf received it from his kafkaz friends just 2 months ago. it is new. i could not underdtand the language and i dont know what exactly it says about symbol, but it is good movie with some actors and real people. i will ask him to send it in youtube if he can soon. though Prince Ali help Jordan charkes, but we all, in turkey and kafkas love him like our charkes prince.

salam to Prince Ali fans from charkes of Price Ali.
it is my first post here and maybe last, i am not with royalty but i am very interested in Circassia, and i was very happy to find a link that brought me in this forum because people talk about us even here! thank to Prince Ali.

first, i want to say that sporty, i think you are wrong. of course it is clear that charkes people are special for Prince Ali, but it is not because he thinks they are better then palestinians or kurds. I am sure he has his reasons that maybe we dont know about, but as a prince in Jordan he probably love all his other nations too. I heard that circassian people are most personal for him, not because it is best nation.

also i heard from my friends that they heard that in Jordan Prince Ali and his friends want to start work on a movie about this trip, to make it video-memories and finish in 2008, in 10 year after trip! We think it is right to do because when that trip happen, we were young and we dont remember about it much. Also, in 1998 it was written in many newspapers, but now, they are old newspapers and magazines. we have some in our center, it talks about the trip and the master who made swords and knifes. very interesting, but it is old and many young charkes people dont know about it a lot.

I think that making this documantary Prince Ali and his friends wanted to finish the trip now in 10 years and make it last for many generations, it is romantic too and a symbol. I agree with them, movie is not like a article in newspaper or photo, it is like Titanic than many people will watch like it happened month ago, and learn history lessons, to hope more and remember better, not do some reading in old newspapers that people throw away long time ago. I am sure they have better video materials too, who show people happy, and maybe interview from them or Prince Ali with copying rights. I hope it come soon because I am and my friends also want to know more about this trip and see why it happened, how it started and finish, because until now we only heard about it and saw short youtube and photos. We are glad that what Prince Ali did for us will not dessapears in old newspaper and just memory of some older people who saw it. I hope to see it in DVD or youtube or google video in 2008. it is next year! not long.

also i know there are some talk and clip about this trip in a new film from Kafkaz about history of Charkes people. My bf received it from his kafkaz friends just 2 months ago. it is new. i could not underdtand the language and i dont know what exactly it says about symbol, but it is good movie with some actors and real people. i will ask him to send it in youtube if he can soon. though Prince Ali help Jordan charkes, but we all, in turkey and kafkas love him like our charkes prince.

salam to Prince Ali fans from charkes of Price Ali.

amazing i was really touched.. and hope to see that movie soon .. i am not circassian but so effected of what Prince Ali did and i believe that he can do more and more to his people here in Jordan if they give him the chance, he is not only influencing Charkas but all Jordanian and Palestinian here in Jordan he is the closest one to us to the camps and poor people he is doing a lot and without getting out with Cameras.
hello again
i log again to say for people who are interested in charkes about this film from our Kafkaz and you can find some thing in the end about Prince Ali too
YouTube - Черкесия (Circassia)- part 5
but there is no english. this film tells about our history and what we do now.

salam all
This is an old thread, but perfect. I m very interested in his trip to Caucassia.I was a teenager when I watched the documentary about this trip on CNN. I can clearly remember how it really touched me and my parents as circassians far from our homeland. I was sitting in our living room in our summer house in Istanbul. Even my father burst into tears, which shocked me as he is a very strong person and a diplomatic type ;) This is a wonderful forum full of surprises.
When I First Read This In The News Paper They Said Circassian Bride then when i read it in arabic i couldn't understand the difference is it a bride to marry or a companion ?
because he said in the interview not the one mentioned below but other one that he is going to marry a caucasian girl so my point in this is that i didn't get the kind of bride or arous as you call it he wanted ? companion or a wife?:ermm:

I asked , he never said that, even the wrong idea we had that he did this for a Circasian girl was wrong!

i dont think i understood your post can you explain further?

You mentioned something about Prince Ali saying he wanted to marry a Circasian Bride, he didn't actually say that, or at least from what I heard, that the rumors that were goin around back then saying that Prince Ali went on a trip to Kavkaz was because of a girl he loved and wanted to marry is NOT TRUE.
He prepared for more than a year for this trip and it took the whole team extensive training and preparing.
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Great interview!
I'm having so much respect for prince Ali after reading it,
I did not know much about him before
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