Statements, Opinions; Feelings ?

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Heir Presumptive
Jan 7, 2003
It would be cool if some of you would take a few minutes and post their thoughts on the following.
Just complete the sentences the way you want....!!!

Thanx in advance.....I'm just curious...

Stephanie might be happy if .....

The best thing about Caroline is........

The best thing about Stephanie is.......

Albert and Stephanies relatinship seems to me ......

Louis, Pauline and Camille are lucky / unlucky because ......

Andrea and Pierre are going to ........

Albert will hopefully ............

Rainier is a satisefied man because ..........

If you could ask Stephanie a question ..... it would be :

Have fun....thanx...Michelle
Stephanie might be happy if...
I wouldn't say she's unhappy. She doesn't seem to have a great relationship with her father but other than that she's doing what she wants to do.

The best thing about Caroline is she had three beautiful children and seems to be the glue of the family.

The best thing about Stephanie is that she lives her life the way she wants to.

don't know anything about Albert and Stephanie's relationship.

Stephanie's kids will probably be like all kids and be the complete opposite of their mom and wanna be more like their aunt Caroline.

Andrea will marry a French actress and Pierre will become a scientist and marry some boring Belgian banker.

Albert will hopefully come out as the first openly homosexual heir apparent and the Monegasques will appreciate his honesty. Seriously, he should've had at least a sham marriage by now and pumped out some kids just to please the family. That's a big part of the royal duties, isn't it?

I don't think Prince Rainier has been happy since Grace died.

I would ask Stephanie why she doesn't wear clothes that make her look more feminine. She could be an attractive girl but she may have low self-esteem.

Whew! That's a lot of questions and this was my first post. I'm bored at work...
Originally posted by American Chai@Nov 3rd, 2003 - 5:16 pm

Albert will hopefully come out as the first openly homosexual heir apparent and the Monegasques will appreciate his honesty.  Seriously, he should've had at least a sham marriage by now and pumped out some kids just to please the family.  That's a big part of the royal duties, isn't it?

:flower: Finally, someone who agrees with me about Prince Albert's homosexuality.
I've been of that opinion for years. I think he will make an excellent ruler. He seems very competent and intelligent. :heart:
Okay, when I ask you to answer these questions or's only fair if I do so as well:

Stephanie might be happy if everything stays the way it is. She has a man she loves and who loves her, three healthy, nice kids and a fullfilling job (beeing Monacos princess)

The best thing about Caroline is her elegance and her intelligence. Plus she seems to be a wonderful mother, sister,aunt, daughter etc.

The best thing about Stephanie is her warm, loving, passioned, wild and good heart. She's definetly a great person and wonderful mom, sister, frioend, aunt, daughter etc.

Alberts and Stephanies relationship seems to me like real love, siblings love. He's the protecting big brother .... she's his best friend and vice versa.

Louis, Pauline and Camille are lucky because they have a caring family and know what really counts in life because they were taught these things: friendship, love and family....

Andrea and Pierre are going to be nice, responsable, loving men

Albert will hopefully find his love soon and built a family.

Rainier is a satisfied man because he created an impressive country.. with everything around....and he can be proud of this and of his family.

If I could ask Stephanie (another) question it would be: Where is my black camera? Where did you put it?

Stephanie might be happy if .....
Her family accepted her for who she is.

The best thing about Caroline is.....
Her intelligence and social grace.

The best thing about Stephanie is.....
Her compassion and kindness.

Albert and Stephanies relationship seems to me .....
Is filled with warmth, tolerance, and respect.

Louis, Pauline, and Camille are lucky / unlucky because.....
Are lucky to have such a caring mother who devotes her entire life to them.

Andrea and Pierre are going to.....
Modern day casanovas.

Albert will hopefully.....
Marry when the time is right for him.

Rainier is a satisfied man because ......
His children seem to be content with themselves.

If you could ask Stephanie a question ..... it would be:
How come you never visit America anymore?
:) Hey, maybe some of you who didn't contribute in this could pick it up now and write something ....That would be cool...thanx...Love
Stephanie might be happy if ..... the press left her alone.

The best thing about Caroline is........she seems devoted to her children

The best thing about Stephanie is.......she is true to herself and not afraid to let others see she is not like many others in her station in life by dating men that are seen as socially beneath her. She is a woman that is an individual and trying to find love and happiness. The difference between her and us is the press follows her and the worst is reported.

Albert and Stephanie's relationship seems to me be very loving, and giving one I wish I had with my older brother.

Louis, Pauline and Camille are lucky / unlucky because ......Are lucky they have a mother that loves them.

Andrea and Pierre are going to response

Albert will hopefully ............announce he is in love she is one of the most beautiful woman he has ever known and he looks forward to spending the rest of his life with her at his side.

Rainier is a satisfied man because ..........He had a loving wife, raised a son devoted to him, the family and the position he was born into. Two beautiful daughters and grandchildren. A fulfilling life.

If you could ask Stephanie a question ..... it would be: what can I do today to help make this one brighter for you?

I am curious myself have a question. If you could choose between Royal Highness or Serene Highness which title would it be? And why?
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QUOTE: I am curious myself have a question. If you could choose between Royal Highness or Serene Highness which title would it be? And why?

Well obviously HRH has more prestige to it and is higher up in the ladder but i would choose HSH because it seems less intimidating.
Stephanie might be happy if .....

The best thing about Caroline is........

The best thing about Stephanie is.......

Albert and Stephanies relatinship seems to me ......

Louis, Pauline and Camille are lucky / unlucky because ......

Andrea and Pierre are going to ........ start taking their roles seriously soon (well ANdrea is)

Albert will hopefully ............ marry a moviestar or singer who is respectable.

Rainier is a satisefied man because ..........he is filthy rich

If you could ask Stephanie a question ..... it would be : Why dont you re launch your singing career?
Stephanie might be happy if .....
and she finally confronts her past and deal with unresolved issues. I think that has alot to deal with her behavior and the choices she makes.

The best thing about Caroline is........
her ability to look really good in Chanel. I couldn't think of much else.

The best thing about Stephanie is.......
she seems really dedicated to her children and her work with Anti-AIDS &HIV organizations.

Albert and Stephanies relatinship seems to me ......
Ok. Albert himself has not settled down so he really isn't a role model for Stephanie.

Louis, Pauline and Camille are lucky / unlucky because ......
They are lucky because they are priviledged to be wealthy.

Andrea and Pierre are going to ........
be really handsome men.

Albert will hopefully ............
marry a beautiful and classy American woman that can help to restore some class to the Princely House.

Rainier is a satisefied man because ..........
he has done his best for Monaco.

If you could ask Stephanie a question ..... it would be :
Are you really happy?

I think that only some life experience or wordly wisdom coming with age are able to give the right answer to all these questions :)

Alisa said:
Stephanie might be happy if .....and she finally confronts her past and deal with unresolved issues. I think that has alot to deal with her behavior and the choices she makes...
She could be happy if she could not be THIS Stephanie. Her internal strife, fears and contradictions are underlying of her Fate now and forever and I don't see a possibility for the better changes. She just need to be herself and try to be in peace with herself and that's enough.

The best thing about Caroline is........
her ability to look really good in Chanel. I couldn't think of much else.
No comments...I have never been very interested in her personality, though her husband choice says a lot of her.

The best thing about Stephanie is.......
she seems really dedicated to her children and her work with Anti-AIDS &HIV organizations.
She is not so hopeless as she seems sometimes...

Albert and Stephanies relatinship seems to me ......
Ok. Albert himself has not settled down so he really isn't a role model for Stephanie.
They seems understanding and very loyal to each other weaknesses.

Louis, Pauline and Camille are lucky / unlucky because ......
They are lucky because they are priviledged to be wealthy.

Andrea and Pierre are going to ........
be really handsome men...with a numerous romances and scandal stories ;)

Albert will hopefully ............
marry a beautiful and classy American woman that can help to restore some class to the Princely House.
That's really funny :) He is not so primitive so that to be looking for his wife just by the world map, otherwise he could do it twenty years ago. Any American hot movie star would be OK then, but not every "beautiful and classy woman" is able (or will want) to stand the detonating mixture of shady Grimaldi' reputation, "black (or dark blue?)linen" of Albert himself, rumors about the medieval family curse and so on...Too many "black clouds" are around. (If to imagine such situation for a moment (thanks goodness, impossible in reality - I am beyond reach ;)) and in spite of the fact that he looks very exeptional person, that without "Monaco' burden" could attract my immediate attention, I would not dare to do such doubtful step with dreadful consequences...never and in no any case)...

Rainier is a satisefied man because ..........
he has done his best for Monaco.
I am afraid NOW he does not feel satisfaction at all and the word "bitterness" is much more appropriate for his soul today. Yes, he has done a lot for his country, and so what? if his best expectations, cherished hopes and secret dreams remained unfulfilled. I feel that he expected to meet these days with another results...I feel...

If you could ask Stephanie a question ..... it would be :
Are you really happy?
No questions...I have my eyes&intuition - they give me any answer...

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Stephanie might be happy if .....she took up yoga and studied Buddhism to seek some inner peace and balance in life? hahaha

The best thing about Caroline is........her children especially her son Pierre hahaha

The best thing about Stephanie is.......her individuality! You go girl! ^___^

Albert and Stephanies relatinship seems to me ......abnormal, are you sure they're siblings?

Louis, Pauline and Camille are lucky because ......they have all the best in life and a wacky mum at that ^___^ come on they're rich, kind of royal and cute!!! that'll take you far in life ^__^

Andrea and Pierre are going to live happily ever after because Andrea will marry some nice girl while Pierre will remain happily married for the rest of his life with me hahahaha ^________________^

Albert will hopefully ............realise that he should become a monk.

Rainier is a satisefied man because ..........he has one hell of a good looking grand son - Pierre =D

If you could ask Stephanie a question ..... it would be : So...who's the fourth husband going to be?
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Albert and Stephanies relatinship seems to me ......abnormal, are you sure they're siblings?

What do you mean by that?
michelle said:
Albert and Stephanies relatinship seems to me ......abnormal, are you sure they're siblings?

What do you mean by that?

I think I know what was meant. I always thought Albert and Stephanie are sometimes kind of too close. I mean they seem to be close not only in a brother-sister-way but also in some kind of man-woman-lovers-way.

He is always so tender with her , and the way he always looks at her. Maybe Al is in love with his little sister and that's why he doesn't appear to want a wife or another woman. Maybe all he wants is Steph. Just a guess. I know it sounds crazy, but still.

Yes, my dear, it does sound a little crazy, (although, I respect your opinion).

Their relationship may seem oddly close to an outsider, however if you were in their situation you might find yourself a little closer with your siblings too. I say this because in their situation, I'm sure they crave relationships where they can truly trust one another, that exist not because one party has a hidden agenda; and where both parties truly understand the situation in which they exist.

When children lose a parent I think they often either tend to grow apart or together. I think in this situation, it was the latter.

Lastly, I think to see such a loving, trusting, and caring relationship is wonderful. While it may seem odd to some, it should still be revered.
Ehmmm...wait. well, I think they're just close. they always were. idon't think there's any sexual tention between them.
My opinion is there is nothing odd between them. Albert is protective over both his sister's.

Larry King Live interview Albert's own words.

PRINCE ALBERT: Yeah. Caroline is a year older than me.

KING: Forty-one. And Stephanie?

PRINCE ALBERT: And Stephanie is seven years younger.

KING: Are you close?
PRINCE ALBERT: Yeah, yeah. You know, sometimes the press says, oh, I'm closer to Stephanie because I'm closer in age, or that I spend more time with her. But I'm equally close to Caroline as I am to Stephanie. As an older brother, I felt as though I had to keep a closer eye on her and had to take care of her more. And it turned out that I didn't have to take care of her.

KING: How did they deal with their mother's death?

PRINCE ALBERT: You know, in different ways. They have different characters, but they were both equally shattered. Obviously, Stephanie was in the accident with mom, so...

KING: Recovered completely, right?

PRINCE ALBERT: Yeah. But, you know, I don't think the mental scars will ever completely heal for her.

KING: Was Stephanie conscious when her mother died?


KING: Do you know what that might have done to her?

PRINCE ALBERT: I can't even begin to imagine. You know, we have talked about it a little bit, but it was hard for her to talk about it in the beginning, and it will probably, you know -- It's such an incredible tragic moment that it's hard for us to fathom it.

Since it is Hallow Even (Eve) referring to the fact that is occurs the evening before All Saints' Day, which in England was formerly called All Hallows or Hallowmas known as Halloween an occasion of fun for children. Who believes in witches and curses? The ancient Celts believed that Saman lord of the dead called forth many evil spirits on October 31. To ward off these supernatural creatures of darkness the druids made great bonfires.

Everyone is suppose to dress up on Halloween I shall be Cinderella go to the ball and drop my shoe on the steps of the Palace in Monaco after all a King is present and there is a Prince in need of a wife. Heads up its an 8 wide I'm into comfort not style. Don't tell Albert I am flat footed I'll just let him think he caught me because he is a fast runner. Hey girls that's it a net to catch him Jesus said he would teach his disciples how to be fishers of men. Be sure when you throw a cast net you let go with your teeth you might not stay looking at the water. Words of wisdom throw yourself into what you are doing.

KING: True or false? That back 700 years ago, one of your forefathers dropped some girl and he was supposed to be with her and he wasn't, and she put the Grimaldi curse on this, and bad things have happened ever since? Explain the story to someone who is not sure he knows what he's talking about.
PRINCE ALBERT: Well, I'm not sure of the story myself, because I've always tried to -- I guess my family has, too. We've always tried to play down this, and people bring it up every once in a while that there is a curse. But I've never really studied it.

KING: Your father ever talk about it?




KING: Do they teach it in the history books in Monaco. PRINCE ALBERT: No.

KING: No. So people don't go around saying, if something bad happens, and bad things have happened, "Grimaldi's at it again?"

PRINCE ALBERT: No. It's just -- I mean, when anything tragic happens to us, like my mother's death, obviously that came up and, "Oh, this is the curse of the Grimaldis, and they can never be a happy family, and there's always going to be something wrong." And I just laugh at it.

A curse doesn't that sound like fun to take on? Are curses real? How do you break a curse? They say to break a witches curse you need another witch to cast a spell however witches won't touch other witches curses.
Well....i just hope that this is a joke and this curse i´ll be just superstition...continuing...

Stephanie might be happy if she just settle down and wait for the right person

The best thing about Caroline is that she is compreesive and kind

The best thing about Stephanie is that she is a lovely person

Albert and Stephanies relatinship seems to me nice

Louis, Pauline and Camille are lucky coz they have a great mother

Andrea and Pierre are going to: Andrea will be the Prince of Monaco and marry a famous South American singer and Pierre will be a casanova and will live as a playboy...

Albert will hopefully find happiness

Rainier is a satisefied man because he had the opportunity to see his children and grandchildren grow nice and, i hop, happy

If you could ask Stephanie a question ..... it would be : Why can´t you be more girlish? You are such a beaultiful women.......
michelle said:
Albert and Stephanies relatinship seems to me ......abnormal, are you sure they're siblings?

What do you mean by that?
mhuahahahaha what i meant was they don't seem as close albert and caroline well that's my opinion haha...i hope you weren't thinking something weird hahaha
I don´t know Hillary...but, i thing that Andrea is a guy that will be like this for a certain period of time......and, when he will be, like 26, he´ll stop and try to find someone....bu,t i think that the media is paying to much atention on Pierre.......and he´ll be more famous than Andrea (if Andrea don´t be the Prince of Monaco) know...girls...hehehe.....wait and see...
hillary_nugent said:
mhuahahahaha what i meant was they don't seem as close albert and caroline well that's my opinion haha...i hope you weren't thinking something weird hahaha

Hmmm, yes I guess I exaggerated a bit. Maybe I interpretd my feelings towards Stephnie ( smile) into Alberts behaviour. I hope you're not too confused about me. What i said was just a thought that I had, But you're right: Thinking that Abert is sexually atracted to his sister is a bit odd.
simon said:
I think I know what was meant. I always thought Albert and Stephanie are sometimes kind of too close. I mean they seem to be close not only in a brother-sister-way but also in some kind of man-woman-lovers-way.

He is always so tender with her , and the way he always looks at her. Maybe Al is in love with his little sister and that's why he doesn't appear to want a wife or another woman. Maybe all he wants is Steph. Just a guess. I know it sounds crazy, but still.

Simon, did I understand you correctly here. Are you saying Albert wants Stephanie? :confused:
michelle said:
Simon, did I understand you correctly here. Are you saying Albert wants Stephanie? :confused:

No, I mean yes for a moment I thought that, but as I said in the post above yours. I went too far. I was .... I don't know a little confused. There was a rumour going round that Albert and Stephanie have more than a brother-sister relation - but that's wierd ! Sorry that I let myself go to make such a stupid comment. :(:)
simon said:
No, I mean yes for a moment I thought that, but as I said in the post above yours. I went too far. I was .... I don't know a little confused. There was a rumour going round that Albert and Stephanie have more than a brother-sister relation - but that's wierd ! Sorry that I let myself go to make such a stupid comment. :(:)

Oh, it's ok Simon...
I've heard of that rumour as used to come up again and again :confused:
michelle said:
Oh, it's ok Simon...
I've heard of that rumour as used to come up again and again :confused:
Oh my god, what a terrible rumour, I've never heard of that yet.
That's so unfair! Everyone who has a brother or sister can imagine
how much that rumour hurts... :mad:
iceflower said:
Oh my god, what a terrible rumour, I've never heard of that yet.
That's so unfair! Everyone who has a brother or sister can imagine
how much that rumour hurts... :mad:

Yes that's true....and I'm sorry that I spread it around or helped to do so :eek::(
I had never heard that horrible humor also. The one who invented it is sick.
Look you guys.............I´´m going to say something....I think that sometimes, the relation between Steph and Albert is very weird...I know that they´re pretty close to each other and I think it´s really cool!!! But, it´s weird...some pics i´ve seen..............but, we don´t know nothing....but, it´s a TERRIBLE RUMOR!!
Nathalian said:
Look you guys.............I´´m going to say something....I think that sometimes, the relation between Steph and Albert is very weird...I know that they´re pretty close to each other and I think it´s really cool!!! But, it´s weird...some pics i´ve seen..............but, we don´t know nothing....but, it´s a TERRIBLE RUMOR!!

What do you really want to say with that Nathalian ????
I mean , if you make a comment then please make it clear. What's so weird about Alberts and Stephs relation and what do you see on some photos :confused:?
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