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  1. H

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    The Duke is just going to have to accept that he will get no justice in this case.
  2. H

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    Ultimately, if you want to blame anyone for the constant focus on TRH The Sussexes, blame the media, especially the British media, and the people who consume it. I say especially the British media because they uniquely prey on the British citizens who feel bitter about TRH The Sussexes' being...
  3. H

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    It seems like the Nigerian trip has been a roaring success for TRH The Sussexes. Hopefully they’ll be able to plan similar trips to other countries in the future!
  4. H

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    One thing I've loved seeing about this visit is how much it meant to the Nigerians TRH The Sussexes interacted with. Many of the wounded Nigerian veterans seemed inspired and validated by having HRH The Duke of Sussex there, and many of the Nigerians actually seemed to feel a connection to HRH...
  5. H

    Titles and Styles of the Sussex Family 1

    It should have been made clear in the original communication that their HRH shouldn’t be used by anyone and not just TRH The Sussexes themselves, and it’s neither TRH The Sussexes’ nor their hosts’ fault. Where in the original statement does it say that no one can use TRH The Sussexes HRH other...
  6. H

    Titles and Styles of the Sussex Family 1

    Thank you for providing the exact quote. As it clearly states, TRH The Sussexes themselves will not use the HRH. And they haven't since they've left the BRF as working members. If other people want to refer to them as HRH, they're not wrong to do so. Although the HRH does signify that they are...
  7. H

    Titles and Styles of the Sussex Family 1

    The original announcement about TRH The Sussexes’ HRH was that they still retain it, but they have agreed not to use it (which they haven’t). It doesn’t say anything about other people using their HRH when addressing them, only that TRH The Sussexes couldn’t use it.
  8. H

    The Duchess of Sussex's Fashion and Style Part 1: November 2023 -

    The black-and-white stripped dress that HRH The Duchess of Sussex wore today was gorgeous. I like the little peak of skin in the middle.
  9. H

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    Thank you for the article, MonacoRoyalFan. This was a great read. After some growing pains, it seems as though TRH The Sussexes are finding a balance in what they want to do with their lives. They get to focus on their philanthropic efforts, build their commercial interests, and maintain...
  10. H

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    I really appreciate how in HRH The Duke of Sussex's speech at the school, he said that it's okay not to be okay. I truly believe that the long-held belief that expressing your emotions, especially negative ones, is a weakness or a burden to others, is why there is so much poor mental health in...
  11. H

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    It's good to see that during their Nigerian visit, TRH The Sussexes are able to highlight causes that are important to them: mental health for everyone in general and veterans in particular, physical health for veterans, and female empowerment.
  12. H

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    HRH The Duke of Sussex visits Scotty's Little Soldiers while he was in London: Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex Brings Smiles and Support to Bereaved Military Children Supported by Scotty’s Little Soldiers | Scotty's Little Soldiers Admiral Rob Bauer, Chair of the NATO Military Committee's...
  13. H

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    I've never said that people couldn't hold them accountable for they've said, nor that TRH The Sussexes' actions now reflect any change of feelings for the BRF. There have been many people pointing fingers fingers at TRH The Sussexes for perpetuating the discord between themselves and the BRF. I...
  14. H

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    In case others have forgotten, HRH The Duke of Sussex graciously accepted that his father's day was too filled to see him. It's the media that played up the "snubbed" story, even though many would have known HM The King's calendar better than most people and known that wasn't the case. Whatever...
  15. H

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    Extraordinary that such a statement had to be made at all rather than being universally understood.
  16. H

    British Royal Family Current Events 11: Sep 2022 -

    Good to see all of the support HM The King is getting as he jumps back into the swing of things.
  17. H

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    It's always cool to see how close HRH The Duke of Sussex is to his Spencer relatives. I was surprised that Britain's Minister of State for Veterans' Affairs and the Prime Minister's wife were there as shows how much of an impact Invictus has had on wounded British veterans. It looks...
  18. H

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    HRH The Duke of Sussex hasn't said anything negative about his family members since Spare, which was released in January 2023. HRH The Duchess of Sussex hasn't said anything at all about anybody in the British Royal Family since late 2022. For the past year/year and a half they've have been...
  19. H

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    Do TRH The Sussexes need to forgive any of their relatives? Do HM The King, HM The Queen, TRH Wales, or the rest of the BRF need to forgive TRH The Sussexes? IMHO, I say no to both. Sometimes, family is just toxic. There's hurt and anger and distrust whenever you try to interact with them. I...
  20. H

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    Perhaps the continued distance between TRH The Sussexes and the rest of the BRF is due to the latter's commitment to their constituents. The things that TRH The Sussexes have said were probably hurtful to the individual family members, but were really hurtful to the people whom they represent...
  21. H

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    Moderators, I apologize if this is off-topic. HRH The Duchess of Sussex herself is 43% Nigerian, with the other 57% being from other places. Presumably, all 43% comes from her mother's side of the family, but some of it could also have come from her father's side as well (many White Americans...
  22. H

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    100% agree. For as long as TRH Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet of Sussex live they will know about their British heritage. Their grandfather is a king, they carry British titles, many countries including their home one were former British colonies and celebrate independence from Great Britain...
  23. H

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    I'm really excited about the Nigerian visit. I hope TRH Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet of Sussex get to come along, even if they're not at any of the public events. Since they're 21.5% Nigerian, it would be nice for them to see their ancestral country.
  24. H

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    Who knows? Similar to the boost in sales to the jams made in Highgrove, maybe TRH The Sussexes visit to Nigeria will strengthen relations between Nigeria and the United Kingdom. Now, I'm not saying that their relationship needs strengthening or that the BRF would ever need TRH The Sussexes help...
  25. H

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Family, News and Events 9: August 2023 -

    Yeah, I wonder why HRH The Duchess of Sussex wouldn’t want to step foot in a country where she has an approval rating in the negative tens for stuff she said 1.5+ years ago. The suspense is killing me. TRH The Sussexes have not been supported by the British people in four years. How Nigeria...
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